CyberGamer With $750 Tournament

image: 2a4r9tc

Efforts to get activity back to our scene can not only be found here on Crossfire but also in the land down under, Australia! In a first attempt admin Australia biggz got a respactable number of 27 teams back to activity playing regular ladder matches. Now there has been a tournament established that even caused interest over here in Europe.

Maybe also known for recent cash prized tournaments within the CoD4 EU scene, it is the CyberGamer League that now put a total of $750 cash for Enemy Territory up for grabs. 12 teams battle in a Premier League as well as an Amateur League for the desirable jackpot.

Next to the best teams from Australia and New Zealand, European top team Netherlands Mouse Control couldn't refuse the opportunity and signed up for the competition. Also players from other continents like Canada anim or Japan Kirark can be found in the top teams. The draw of the two leagues looks like this:

Premier League
  • Australia Fast Five
  • Australia Horses
  • Australia xFx eSports
  • Netherlands Mouse Control
  • New Zealand Cook me sum fuckin eggs
  • Australia Team Elevate

Amateur League
  • Australia TOG Legends
  • Australia goodgamez
  • Australia Undying Passion
  • Australia altitude
  • Australia Resurrection
  • Australia Fickle Old Apathetic Dudes

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image: game28491

First matches are being played at the time and Mouse Control will face their first opponent tomorrow midday at 12:30 CET. The match can of course be followed on your ETTV screen. On a side note and already mentioned by biggz, CyberGamer could also be a new possible competition platform for ET in Europe.

No news about the cup anywhere?
avi for cup - need 70 euros of winnings pm
Nice nice nice :) gl!
Nice one, had no idea CG was involved in ET :)
aussie seen is CG only i recon. First time I see a EU team in their leagues
whoop whooop
avi for this, pm me sakenbro
Thanks for the coverage bo!

The main aim I had with these leagues was to attract new teams who could play for something without being scared off by players and teams that have been around for a long time. Warrant we didn't get the biggest response but it is a start!

Please keep in mind that ET is only active on the website at this stage and competing teams are restricted to Australian time zones, servers etc.

To get something going on the (Europe) website we will need support from that site (as they only actively support CoD4 at the moment).
I approached them about helping start something with ET but it seems they don't care about anything but CoD4.

Great work with this though, shame some Europeans have tried to hijack it a bit - what is your game coverage like? hopefully you have some Aussie shoutcaster tucked away somewhere ;)
We actually have a team of old shout casters playing in the Amateur league (GameStah Ej, Bob, EsKy) but they have not put their hand up as yet. Someone also mention Chrisis (famous for casting that mo* vs dodge game "Vindication") might be interested in casting a few games too but he hasn't contacted us yet.

If no one puts their hand up soon I might even embarrass myself but listeners will subjected some pretty boring and dulcet tones :p
hopefully for your sake, and perhaps everyone elses ;P, one of them step up :)

what are the rough times that games will go down CET? I guessed it would be something like 2pm or so?
Server time is currently +11 GMT so between 11AM CET and 1PM CET. Otherwise check GTV for times!

Sounds about right for though, maybe in a few months they will be more open to it. I'll have a quick word with one of the founders to get some more info.
alright thanks :) I 'applied' on there like 2months ago, limited time to do anything atm. maybe in the future though! =)
tried to hijack wat? we were asked to play and decided to give it a shot
either way it is a shame - but hopefully this is the first of many as the Aus et scene was one of the bigger ones outside EU.
You're a shame
gl everyone :)
Hopefully this competition can motivate some new and old teams back into future seasons & CG continues to support it. While the prize may not be huge money, it's still a motivating factor & thanks have to go to Biggz for trying to get some life back into what I think is still the best game around.

It's a shame Mouse Control & any other future international teams will suffer such a huge disadvantage with pings of 300+ but good on them for trying. We know what that's all about from past world cups etc.

xFx have to be favourites to take the league and they should win this one 4-0 with such a ping advantage and their recent good form.
Kudos to Australiabiggz for making this work!
Like myself who flew to Australia to work/study, I'm also happy to those that still find motivation for ET even in a new world region. My hopes are to increase the activity in Aus/NZ :)!
are u playing for one of those teams mate?
Yeah I'm in Team Elevate and fighting for the last place :P
Thank you sir.
so how is life over there? :)
would like to have a chat with u sometime soon!
Yes, of course, any time. It's 6h time difference.
It's a bit strange to adapt to the new life style. There are a few things but in general it feels like living in the 90's again. I'll look for you on IRC.
u ever tried League of Legends? maybe we can do a few games together :p
It's hella fun
don't use irc so much anymore
Nice work, any lans comming in west euro soon?
Good stuff! :)
massive shoutout to biggz for getting this going almost single-handedly.

gl to all teams!
good work bigggz :)
gw biggz. go horses, with their secret weapon, me.

gl to all though.
horses vs mcon
gl with this cup!
nice stuff, good luck everyone ^_^
Gl Kirark !
Good initiative Biggz, and gL aussies :p
Im avi for the winning team!
i wanna play with 300 ping!
gl millan and all other aussie mates &)
tack roligt att du skriver!
aussie dollars?
move mouse control to AMATEUR LEAGUE PLSSSSSSS are you serious, come on' ¬¬
real terror chilean
GG thats all wat i have TO SAY GG SAKEN GG
I'm avi if any teams needs someone to counter anim!
rofl @ mouse con, bunch of noobs
are u gonna play ET offi?
got clan to play?
don't play et anymore, haven't for a couple of months now
gl xFx eSports !

ps. nice cup!
Good stuff guys!
Nice to see ET being alive!
i want to play this!
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