JeeSports to launch ET section

image: ET-header-banner

Looking at the recent drama happening in ClanBase and quality of admins around in many one day cups it is time for a ground breaking change leading us to the roots and bringing a great thing for Enemy Territorys future: Next to Quake Live, League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth and Starcraft 2 it is Enemy Territory to deserve its spot at Jeesports.

In a first tournament it is on the ET community: Proof that we are worth it and deserve prize money distributed by one of the very few organisations that actually pays you out nearly immediantly with regular prize money cups spread over the entire year. The concept behind all this is to hold a monthly cup series called JeeET Series with finals for 4 teams qualified. For players and teams this cup will feature a regular tournament in the best quality you can currently get including experienced admins and a great platform to celebrate the game every week.

The first set of JeeET Series will feature a prize pool of 120.00€ up for grabs in the final tournament distributed to the winning team.

image: ET-footer-banner

The first tournament
Sign up to participate on Sunday, 16th October in the tournament. You and your team mates do need an account at After you signed up and confirmed your account please log in to find the "create your clan"-button in the right column of the website. In case you are a team member please tell the team owner to send the teams address to you to find the "join team"-button. Once you are all in a team you need to add your game account. Visit JeeLounge's favpage and add "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory". As nickname set your TZAC ID - This will be your game account so make sure it is correct.

For a step by step instruction visit the tournament website or view the video guide.

The first series will decide if we have further tournament series for ET held by Jeesports or not.

image: ET-footer-banner

Schedule JeeET Cup #1
  • Check in start: Sunday, 16th oct 15.00 CET
  • Tournament start: Sunday, 16th oct 16.00 CET
  • Slots: Up to 32 teams
  • Bracket: Single elimination
  • Match time: 1 hour each game
Schedule other cups
  • JeeET Cup #2: 23rd October 16.00 CET
  • JeeET Cup #3: 30th October 16.00 CET
  • JeeET Cup #4: 6th November 16.00 CET
  • Final tournament: 6th November 20.00 CET
At least one player from every team participating is requiered to join #JeeSports.ET in Quakenet and has to be available during the entire tournament.

Usually, each round will be played Best of 3. If too many teams participate (16+), we might change round 1 and round 2 to be played Best of 1 only.
In General, each player can only qualify once for the monthly final. If he joins another team he will not be allowed to play for his previous qualified team in the final tournament
Read the rules

image: ET-footer-banner

If our cup or schedule is clashing with the Battle for Berlin tournament, the Battle for Berlin tournament match is always more important. We will delay the tournament if a team participating in a later round has to play a BFB match. Though, still the tournament has to be played within one day.

Sign up and check in @ Quakenet
awesome and first
stop refreshing noob <3
2 times quake live?
QuoteNext to Quake Live, League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, Quake Live and Starcraft 2
that's how awesome quakelive is
exactly. definitely worth to be mentioned twice. :)
ok but why didn't you put it twice afther each other? than it would look even more awesome :)
This is excellent news, any and all ET teams should make an effort to play in this cup!
all ET teams?
i think there are more than 32 ET teams no?
if not ET is indeed in a bad shape
theres a difference between having 100+ teams in OC and getting 16+ teams to play in a one day cup
you're corect mister.
but why don't you make a league that is as big as cb, so we can stop with this shitty ec/oc thing.
that would be awesome.
neverless i like this news of you!
making such league takes quite an effort, site needs to be set up and shit. biggest issue is that ET players are lazy cunts, they all have CB accounts, just like most of them have accounts and shit. They don't feel like making effort and register on another site.
could be, but most of the et players are sick from cb failing.
I Think you have a big change now to get a lot of et player on your new site (f you are planing to make it). as long as its as easy as cb and not like ESL.
but i agree with you that this is a really big effort.
You have no rights to tell us what to do!
He said should, not must o_O
Like he is the one to tell us what is right and what is wrong
He is like a shepherd who's trying to lead his flock into better times.
Quote Next to Quake Live, League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, Quake Live and Starcraft 2 it is Enemy Territory to deserve its spot at Jeesports.

Twice quakelive omg omg

e: fuck you frw
120 euro? really? thats what 20 euros per dude... well guess u can go out for a half night with that
Or it could be €120 towards a LAN ticket, hotel, travel? Let me ask, would you rather play for nothing?
U got 2000000 to give away? Should be happy theres a pricemoney...
gets you 40 beers in Poland :D
I like the way you think ;D
that's a weeks salary there too I hear, what an ass of a country :D
hahah. Good old Blindi :)
How did people get that mad at you? Please teach me your secrets.
simply share your opinion about anything you'd like, it has to be counter everyone else opinion. ofc nobody appreciates an own opinion on cf... silly me
This is not a fucking matter of opinion there, we all know 120 euros is not much money for an esport competition but it looks like you are some LoL player or any shit like this with thousands of dollars involved in competitions. You know this is about ET and you know this game is suffering from a lack of attractiveness.........
You just should be happy that a new (?) eSport org wants to show some support to this old game, you are a fucking cols fish and your comment is nothing but provoking...
it is a matter of opinion cuz thats what i think about it, i do also know about all the stuff you wrote down but i'd say if you do something either go all the way or dont go at all, 120 euros in this case is so low it is embarrasing, thats why i said that simple line of death. i'd actually prefer it to be free then do something for 10%. thats just how i think about it so dont say it isnt a matter of opinion
anyone with an albanian flag should refrain from having an opinion
I bet you clicked on his profile to see that he's albanian :-)
Yes cuz serbs wouldn't recognize the albanian flag. gg frog !
:DDD U dumb faggot :DDD
awesome news, well done!

hopefully we can get alot of highskilled teams playing this cup
ET only has 2 highskilled teams atm
thats the problem, dignaxis and queens, pretty sad to be honest
g2p, k1ck, mouse control, blackpoint, Limbo etc...
those arent highskilled teams for me, because they dont have any single chance vs dignaxis and queens
g2p are actually quite strong
they could surprise, thats right.
Tbh there's always been only 1-3 teams at the top, but that doesn't mean some teams after them aren't to be considered as high too, let's say anexis and queens are high+:p
in general you are eight, but take a look at this EC

there were like 5 teams who could have won this EC imo
True, but evolve still seemed to be pretty unbeatable at playoffs and this is 5 years in the past anyways, i doubt 5 of those teams would of had the chance to win it eventho there were many teams with big names.
yep you are right, i just wanted to say that the "high scene" was much bigger back than

Quoteexperienced admins

not you and its ok
would I be asking if it was me you silly polak?
So the prize for that first Qualifier is €120 or only for the final tournament? It's quite confusing as you stated it:

QuoteThe first set of JeeET Series will feature a prize pool of 120.00€ up for grabs in the final tournament distributed to the winning team.

QuoteIn case we do find 16 teams with 6 players each to participate in the tournament we will invite the winner of the cup for the first monthly final. This final will feature at least XXX € prize money that will be distributed to the overall winner.

QuoteTBC. Depends on popularity.

So what is for granted and what depends on the popularity?
Oki, JSET would sound and look nicer for my liking, btw ;)
Great news!
nice job , the name sounds stupid though :P
n811en are ready to roll
CB OC yesterday was big fun...
No chance to follow it :( n811enz too large for one server and ETTV could also not into server.
it was boring anyways...
sign up then
too early :(
single elemination ..... as long as this cup start at 16cet then it could run with double elemination.
Hopefully this " getting et alive" is not just a desperate try :[ But so far its going good:) Battle for berlin , this , CyberGamer cup... Good luck :)
rly nice news :D gj chosen :D (and the others involved :D)
I wear my sunglasses at night.
tiga is that you?
ET resurrecting, i hope :)
avi for this ;)
meh so early :< don't think I'll ever make it
Well done, will play for sure =P
nice gl :P
JeeSports to save ET!
well done chosen! nice setting this up, looking forward to playing this cup.
holy shit 120e i guess mCon will prac 24/7 for this
and still lose to low+ au team
too early i guess :x
finally kill CB!!!
nice chosen, this looks good!
Nice work :)
JeeET, how are we supposed to pronounce that? :s

Nice work tho :)
Jee - E - T :)
Haha allright :P
Didn't really read, but an ET cup? Can't be bad.
good news or ET, teams need to get into this :)
If you help stAR to fix he's computer, Synergy will join.
I already have been ;)
Awesome news, looking forward to playing.
nice nice nice :D
jeesports.ql owns anyway
Good stuff :D
fick ja, United Kingdompotty and Netherlandsme ready to roll
haha i bet dignitas players are mad now
im avi for this. pmme via crossfire or irc #:h
great news ;)
I see what you did there
so far 2 sign ups, eh - need more :) so not just pretend to do, actually do it! :)
looking forward to this
we will surely loose the first game :DD
so why did u need my pics ?
:c they didnt take them, dunno why :(((((
pls get more skilled teams
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