JeeSports to launch ET section
10 Oct 2011, 09:41
Looking at the recent drama happening in ClanBase and quality of admins around in many one day cups it is time for a ground breaking change leading us to the roots and bringing a great thing for Enemy Territorys future: Next to Quake Live, League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth and Starcraft 2 it is Enemy Territory to deserve its spot at Jeesports.
In a first tournament it is on the ET community: Proof that we are worth it and deserve prize money distributed by one of the very few organisations that actually pays you out nearly immediantly with regular prize money cups spread over the entire year. The concept behind all this is to hold a monthly cup series called JeeET Series with finals for 4 teams qualified. For players and teams this cup will feature a regular tournament in the best quality you can currently get including experienced admins and a great platform to celebrate the game every week.
The first set of JeeET Series will feature a prize pool of 120.00€ up for grabs in the final tournament distributed to the winning team.
The first tournament
Sign up to participate on Sunday, 16th October in the tournament. You and your team mates do need an account at After you signed up and confirmed your account please log in to find the "create your clan"-button in the right column of the website. In case you are a team member please tell the team owner to send the teams address to you to find the "join team"-button. Once you are all in a team you need to add your game account. Visit JeeLounge's favpage and add "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory". As nickname set your TZAC ID - This will be your game account so make sure it is correct.
For a step by step instruction visit the tournament website or view the video guide.
The first series will decide if we have further tournament series for ET held by Jeesports or not.
Schedule JeeET Cup #1
- Check in start: Sunday, 16th oct 15.00 CET
- Tournament start: Sunday, 16th oct 16.00 CET
- Slots: Up to 32 teams
- Bracket: Single elimination
- Match time: 1 hour each game
- JeeET Cup #2: 23rd October 16.00 CET
- JeeET Cup #3: 30th October 16.00 CET
- JeeET Cup #4: 6th November 16.00 CET
- Final tournament: 6th November 20.00 CET
At least one player from every team participating is requiered to join #JeeSports.ET in Quakenet and has to be available during the entire tournament.
Usually, each round will be played Best of 3. If too many teams participate (16+), we might change round 1 and round 2 to be played Best of 1 only.
In General, each player can only qualify once for the monthly final. If he joins another team he will not be allowed to play for his previous qualified team in the final tournament
Read the rules
If our cup or schedule is clashing with the Battle for Berlin tournament, the Battle for Berlin tournament match is always more important. We will delay the tournament if a team participating in a later round has to play a BFB match. Though, still the tournament has to be played within one day.
Sign up and check in @ Quakenet
i think there are more than 32 ET teams no?
if not ET is indeed in a bad shape
but why don't you make a league that is as big as cb, so we can stop with this shitty ec/oc thing.
that would be awesome.
neverless i like this news of you!
I Think you have a big change now to get a lot of et player on your new site (f you are planing to make it). as long as its as easy as cb and not like ESL.
but i agree with you that this is a really big effort.
Twice quakelive omg omg
e: fuck you frw
You just should be happy that a new (?) eSport org wants to show some support to this old game, you are a fucking cols fish and your comment is nothing but provoking...
hopefully we can get alot of highskilled teams playing this cup
there were like 5 teams who could have won this EC imo
So what is for granted and what depends on the popularity?
Nice work tho :)
we will surely loose the first game :DD