Battle for Berlin - Seeds

image: head

The big names are here!

As mentioned in yesterdays news, the Crossfire Council has chosen the seeds for the upcoming Battle for Berlin tournament. We will soon release the full bracket for Thursdays matches but as we are following standard tournament bracket placement you can pretty much guess who will play vs who! Here are the seeds and the rationale behind it.


1. Anexis - Ross, Night, Squall, Sqzz, mAus, Xylos, Flopjehz
2. Gaming2Perfection - chry, Jere, Griim, Bl4d3, Kresti, sTOWNAGE, Tele
3. Queens - clown, razz, mind, lepari, nuggan, winghaven, kot, perfo
4. Mousecontrol - joshua saken squid an7ho karnaj zMk spho rizzk
5. k1ck - mant, raul, subb, bff, monkey, jyrkz, straf, zak
6. onemove - dialer, fanatic, hunter, ska, krein, hassaN
7. TAG - Lightning, Aphesia, Filus, Urtier, Scarzy, Hope, Meez
8. disQonnect - humm3l, jago, freezer, joke, dunz, kevji, boNg, predi
9. oxid - stRay, kiwi, snoop, gr0ss, silent, brandon, statti
10. Turboapinat - crittie, juuti, kapaa, swanidius, vokki, walle, oldensan, metsuri
11. inteRaction - denton, green_clon, l4mpje, milhAus, malfoy, ridji, jalo, loocko
12. b2k - l4z, abject, w1lko, WuT, syriusZ, mag
13. Epic - beck, Keeji, talG, violy, dAy, beasty, menth, espion
14. glitz - x3nja, doppler, artifexx, caej, violy, promen, gnome, metsuri
15. bSTURZ - fuchs, fizz, speula, testi, turki, bitzz, wezep, ercan
16. Lost Soldiers - laNgo, catcher, eujen, valar, qwik, mKs, VJTO rs

Each council member voted on each team by points for placing, the top points scorers made the top 16.

Council Statement
16 out of 23 teams. It was a tough decision in some cases but we are confident
that we found the best possible teams to participate in the Battle for Berlin.

Unfortunately we could not provide a spot for everyone signed up. Please do not get upset about this. There will be other cups to participate in and you should get your chance in one of these.

October 13th Signups Close
October 16th Brackets Announced
October 20th WB R1
October 23rd LB R1
October 27th WB R2
October 30th LB R2
November 3rd WB R3
November 6th LB R3
November 10th WB Final
November 13th LB R4 & R5
November 15th Grand Final

image: foot
Well done on the win, Anexis!
looking forward to a great tournament!
A little empty, reveals the players maybe ?..

Good job, No Francefrogs no show
France frogz cant play on too much schedule
I wonder what the TAG lineup will be now clown is playing for Queens. But still looking good.
we will accept the challenge to go into the competition from place 16 ;D

gl&hf @ all
We'll fight for this position! :D
Means you'll face anexis first, no time like the present to beat them!
lost > anexis! you underestimate the german powerhouse ;)
We let queens win yesterday right ?
What where's Synergy? we sign up in time....
Guess you should have signed up then, instead of singing. Though I did hear privately that they thought you had a wonderful voice, and should pursue a record deal!
"16 out of 23 teams"

so all[/u] the other teams are better than your team and our :P
But we're the best bro, what the fuck : S?
seems like we're not :-(

cu thursday
They obviously couldn't give a fuck about you and your shitty team.
i'm pretty sorry, but i'm casek and your comment is irrelevant
i'm pretty sorry, but i'm spider-man and and i don't give a fuck about your comments.
Since you're black.... you must be like venom and not like Spiderman so, your comment it's not valid
When I wear my costume my color is irrelevant.
avi as Backup /q
available for this
mousecontrol so fuckin overrated...

seems nice though, gl with this
Team that's not on the list and better than mCon?
teams that are lower on the list are better
would be cool if the team names were clickable and showing their players when you press it :]

Rest looks nice !
guess we are 2 late #true-destination
wait.. what? :D
hf all ;X
2. Gaming2Perfection

line-up please
Lineups (according to the sign-ups):

1. Anexis - Ross, Night, Squall, Sqzz, mAus, Xlyos, Flopjehz
2. Gaming2Perfection - chry, Jere, Griim, Bl4d3, Kresti, sTOWNAGE, Tele
3. Queens - clown, razz, mind, lepari, nuggan, winghaven, kot, perfo
4. Mousecontrol - joshua saken squid an7ho karnaj zMk spho rizzk
5. k1ck - mant, raul, subb, bff, monkey, jyrkz, straf, zak
6. onemove - dialer, fanatic, hunter, ska, krein, hassaN
7. TAG - Lightning, Aphesia, Filus, Urtier, Scarzy, Hope, Meez
8. disQonnect - humm3l, jago, freezer, joke, dunz, kevji, boNg, predi
9. oxid - stRay, kiwi, snoop, gr0ss, silent, brandon, statti
10. Turboapinat - crittie, juuti, kapaa, swanidius, vokki, walle, oldensan, metsuri
11. inteRaction - denton, green_clon, l4mpje, milhAus, malfoy, ridji, jalo, loocko
12. b2k - l4z, abject, w1lko, WuT, syriusZ, mag
13. Epic - beck, Keeji, talG, violy, dAy, beasty, menth, espion
14. glitz - x3nja, doppler, artifexx, caej, violy, promen, gnome, metsuri
15. bSTURZ - fuchs, fizz, speula, testi, turki, bitzz, wezep, ercan
16. Lost Soldiers - laNgo, catcher, eujen, valar, qwik, mKs, VJTO
I see a typo there hehehehhee
tag should be above onemove imo.
That's how the accumulated votes turned out and I personally think (regardless TAG's position) that the seeds are pretty fair and rank the teams correctly.
mousecon is TOTALLY based on lineup and not performance but other than that good job :)
would like to know the 17-23 rating's aswell :P
add freeze to our lineup too, i guess our manager forgot to add him :D
you can only have 8 players in your roster

that rule was already mentioned in the first newspost and council had nothing to do with it!!
i want my lawyer
nice backstabbing urtier !
metsuri playin' for two teams ?:oD
there is a mistake
i dont know why you missed to add Buzzer to our lu (Lost Soldiers) but plz add him before he gets mad and thinks i kicked him or something else :o
thank you! :)
i ask for flags and lineups :)
only queens could have a chance if they play with their best lineup
anexis is too strong for any team
no n811en no real competition ;)
nice lineups :)
you obviously checked the lineups well and noticed that some people appear in more than 1 clan

there are also things that you probably don't know such as some clans constantly searching for 6th and some near death

*khm khm* encrypt have 6+1 stable lineup
Some teams are already dead as i heard?

iR & onemove?
what the fuck?
we are out of EC but not dead,we are still active and ready fot this tournament
you were applying at our team because it died? talked to lampje and he said the same?

Well, i guess you decided to continue, GL then!
but dont pretend like im talking bullshit
nice to know hehee
and 1 day later its dead.
it's your fault
gl g2p :)
olol 2nd seed xd

kom QL nerdje :d
wa snapt gij ni aan, "ik kan alleen op zondag spelen"
haha why mad ? :D
chance dak mad ben
weeeeeeeeeejooo weeeeeeeeeeeeeeejooo

It really miss the big players on the scene today, to bring up the general level, like FinlandOLBAAA, NetherlandsteKoa, EstoniaRELOAd, Germanydrago or even people like United KingdomMztik, FinlandMatias.
There are more challenge for teams like Queens & Anexis, too bad for the show. :/
A little more motivation maybe ?
olbaa idk tekoa inactive reload bf3 drago left ET mztik left after fight vs uk ppls matias idk
I've used a shitty laptop since last november... tried to play ET for couple of weeks with anexis like 1 month before SAGE.. but it failed. actually my PC wasn't really the case but I was dating a girl at the same time so didn't have motivation to play much.

anyway I'm thinking of buying a new pc next month and surely will start playing ET AGAIN. and this time with stable 125fps <3, which I only had on lans before ;)

I will get olbaa back from getting STDs, steal lepari from Queens... after that gotta help sample out of drug addiction and find a way to get ensam out of army and then discuss who will be our 6th player!
I fucking like you
I miss United Kingdom Mzitk too.
gl to all :)
Weird to see g2p being seeded higher then queens and mCon rated that high other then that everything looks good and good luck to everyone hope we will have some great matches :>
we aren't rated high compared to the other lineups beneath us
The seeds should be based on performance not the quality of their lineups. And from what i've seen atleast k1ck should be rated higher then you. Without sounding like a dick towards you or your team.
On performance probably yes, since we only played 2 games and one of them we fucked up.
pretty sure g2p performs better than queens and that is what matters
where have you been the last few months?

g2p started playing together like 2 weeks ago and queens have been rollin everyone
this queens lineup playing since 2 months? And im pretty sure g2p plays longer than 2 weeks atleast 1 month & they are also rolling, anyway well see in the tournament^^
we are playing 2 weeks only so far tbh, but we have beaten Queens twice in pracs (probably whole different line-up then the one they're playing with here & pracs dont say too much tbh). conclusion: time will tell, but I was expecting rather a 3rd/4th seed than a 2nd one
dear god you just backstabbed me :[
I'm so good at backstabbing :>
i feel you, me too. :')
im always right ^^
my point wasn't that we couldn't become 2nd, but before the tourna, I expected a 3rd/4th seed as we're a totally new team

anyway gratz on predicting our pownage ^-^
You have € 15000 on eu g2p
You won € 37350
Germany violy can be removed from our lineup - Estonia glitz

other than that, great news, good luck everyone!
hf against queens
you're playing for epic, aren't you? if not you're more than welcome to play with us :D
Two Questions...

Is Battle for Berlin a LAN Tournament?

If the answer is yes, where and when is the LAN, in Berlin (:o) ?
No, it isnt.
Thank you Herr Buzzer!
Specula and not speula -.-
you mad? :o
i am ultra mad!!!!
Speula sounds pretty nice tbh
don't you rather sound like a disease than a freakin cookie?
you -.-
and yes I prefer specula the freaking cookie!!!!
valaRichschwör, voll der boss.
gl onemove & b2k !
Gonna be a close one against anexis!
Gonna roll mCon fosho ! Fab, hugo and franco sux !
gl b2k & anexis
Xlyos new talent
onemove dead, you can find a replacement for us.

on a side note, im avi for a nice team for this cup 8) pmme here
backstabbers got backstabbed
who got stabbed now?:D
no przynajmniej ci to na dobre wyszlo, kariera w b2k i tak dalej..
kariera mnie malo interesuje bardziej to zeby nie grac z pajacami i to tez osiagnalem. Widze ze owocnie sie gralo z krejnem :D
fajnie sie gralo, pajacow sie 4-0 skaralo
Are you serious about this? If so, we will surely find a replacement!
zeroE - encrypt / Aero is Avi and has a 6 man lineup!+ 2 active backups.
This cup is for high skilled teams..
I mean I know epic and stuff are in it, but I would prefer if they could find a mix of highskilled players to make a team no offence ofc ;)
Well actually I'd not say that we're a high skilled team, but I'd say everyone on our roster is motivated enough to play against better teams and I'm pretty sure we'll do a great game. So far we're doing really well and getting really exiting games on ETTV and I guess that is the main objective from this Cup ;)

But well the admins or let's better say the Crossfire Council now needs to choose a decent replacement. But as far as I know there are more than onemove who aren't going to play.
Whatever your skill is, you clearly deserve a chance.

Onemove out of BfB ? Who's really surprised ?
spielt ihr jetzt bei aero oder was?
Villeicht gibts da noch ein Newspost ;)
We will discuss this matter tonight and add the info to the newsposts.
Alright, thanks.
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