BFB - LB Round 2 Results

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Loser Bracket Round 2 results!

The second round of the Loser Bracket in the Battle For Berlin is now over. Below you can find full match results, short match summary's and comments from each of the winning sides.

The winners of tonight's games will advance to the next round on the Loser Bracket which will take place next Sunday. The losers will unfortunately be bowing out of the tournament.

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Game #1

Seed 8 vs. Seed 10

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Russia disQonnect

Russia humM3l
Russia Jago
Russia freezer
Russia jOKE
Germany Kevji
Germany boNg
Germany predi
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Finland Turboapinat

Finland crittie
Finland Juuti
Finland kapaa
Finland vokki
Finland walle
Finland Metsuri
Finland Jewe
Finland OldeNsAn
image: s_foot

Russia disQonnect needed a decider to beat Finland Turboapinat and progress into the later stages of the competition. The Finns were plagued with terrible connection issues throughout the entire game and will undoubtedly feel that on another day they would've been able to give a much better performance. Not one for excuses, star-player Finland chmpp was leading the charge with over 17k damage - impressive, sure, but 1 man does not make a team, especially when that team contains their favourite backup player Finland swani. With that said and under the circumstances, they pushed Russia disQonnect every step of the way. The Russian/German mix will be hoping that their rifle Germany kevji can maintain his highly impressive run of performances so far this tournament as they progress to the later rounds - he will need to if his side are to stand a chance at breaking into the top 4.

Russia disQonnect advance to the next round of the loser bracket where they will face Poland b2k. The losers of tonight's game, Finland Turboapinat, are now out of the Battle For Berlin.

Quote by disQonnect.humm3lWell it was hard today because we didn't pracc much, Turboapinat played well vs Queens and took radar home there as well. After the 0-2 on radar we were not really disappointed as we know that we can lose the map. After that, bong played some Mexican music on comms and everything went well and we went home with a 4-2 victory - like always. At the moment we only lose against g2p, Anexis or queens.

Quote by Turbo.vokkiOur best damage dealer, (after walle ofc), crittie had unexpected issues with his internet and our backups weren't available so we had to take our old hated teammate Swanidius to merc for us. What you can you expect when you have to play with Swani, he crashes on a crucial moment on decider map and we lose the game.

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Game #2

Seed 12 vs. Seed 6

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Europe Splendid - encrypt

Germany mental
United Kingdom hvK
Croatia danL
Croatia diablos
Sweden cupcaKe
Slovenia m1ke
Finland Scarce
United Kingdom hsTe
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Poland b2k

Poland l4z
Poland Abject
Poland w1lko
Poland WuT
Poland syriusZ
Poland mag
France kartez
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Poland b2k knocked Europe Splendid out of the Battle For Berlin in a match that lasted little over 30 minutes. The Poles set and defended a time of 6 minutes on radar and were led by the increasingly impressive Poland Abject who managed to rake up almost 6k damage in the short round time. Europe Splendid took adlernest as their home map and as we all know, a slice of luck can win you this map in an instant. Poland b2k set a time of just under 6 minutes, which in adlernest terms is quite slow. No doubt their opponents would've been pleased with this defence but as it turns out they didn't need half the time. Europe Splendid took a minute or so to progress to the document stage and made a quick break to secure an unlikely map victory.

The elimination process gave us Missile as our decider map and the Poles started on the Allied side. Poland Abject again was in fine form, scoring 600% more frags than some of his team-mates in an attack of 5:05. Europe Splendid therefore, had just over 5 minutes to keep their Battle For Berlin competition dreams alive. Despite taking the first stage relatively quickly, they left themselves too little time to attack and the clock expired as they tried to progress past the second gate.

We will see Poland b2k take on Russia disQonnect in the next round of the loser bracket next Sunday and we say goodbye to Europe Splendid.

Quote by b2k.l4zI would like to thank Splendid again - encrypt for allowing us to play with merc, it's a big plus for them. As for the game, on the first map radar in the first stage we had small trouble with west objective but we made the map in about 7 min so it's not so bad. Our defense were much better without biggest problems we fullhold them. The second map adlernest was one of the biggest lotto maps, it was a very close game but at last they had more luck. On the last map missile, our defense played very well and they had no chances of breaking it. One more time thanks and good game to Splendid - encrypt and good luck in the future.

Quote by Splendid.hvKI feel we could of done better on radar if I wasn't lagging and had the change to play it, I'm not saying we would of won but I feel we would of stood more of a chance, and then looked to adler as a decider. We made too many mistakes on missile for it to even be considered a close game, common sense just went straight out of the window.

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Game #3

Seed 11 vs. Seed 5

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Europe Zero Empathy

Czech Republic denton
Czech Republic Green_Clon
Czech Republic malfoy
Czech Republic milhAus
Czech Republic jalo
Czech Republic loocko
Netherlands L4mpje
Poland ridji
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Estonia k1ck eSports

Estonia mant
Estonia rAUL
Estonia subb
Estonia bff
Estonia JyrkZ
Canada monkey
France StrAf
Netherlands ZaK
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Estonia k1ck ensured that the top 5 seeds all remain in the Battle For Berlin as they defeated Czech Republic Zero Empathy over 3 maps. The Estonian's won a tightly contested radar before they were pegged back to 2:2 on their opponent's home map, bremen. In stark contrast to the opening map, Czech Republic Zero Emapthy, led by everyone's favourite lagger Czech Republic Green_Clon showed that they were certainly no push-overs. Elimination gave us goldrush as a decider and Estonia k1ck knew they couldn't let Finland walle down, so they pulled up their socks and put on their gamerface and won the map quite convincingly. Up until the final moments the game had been contested evenly and you would be hard pressed to acknowledge the 6 place gap in seedings between the two sides.

This result means we will be seeing Estonia k1ck versus Germany oxid in the next round and Czech Republic Zero Empathy are out of the competition.

Quote by k1ck.subbiWell, everything went as we expected, except bremen. Big thanks to walle for watching over us. :)

Quote by Zero Empathy.Green_ClonWe should have won radar, unfortunately we made some mistakes and that cost us our favourite map. Next was bremen, where we did our best and rolled them pretty much, it gave us a little boost and hope for next map, which was goldrush. We screwed it there pretty much, nothing else to say.

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Game #4

Seed 7 vs. Seed 9

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Europe TAG

Netherlands Lightning
Netherlands aphesia
Netherlands Hope
Germany urtier
Finland twidi
Poland dialer
Poland Krein
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Germany oxid

Germany stRay
Germany kiwi
Germany sNoOp
Germany gr0ss
Germany s1LENT
Canada brandoN
Finland Statti
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Germany oxid won an exciting round of goldrush by less than 30 seconds to knock Europe TAG out of the competition, after an exhausting double-fullhold on radar. Germany urtier's comment below sums up this game perfectly, as both sides followed full-holds on radar with sub-7 minute defences on goldrush. On radar, instead of the 24 minutes of fantastic defence you might have been expecting, it was instead 24 minutes of awful Allied play, with disjointed attacks being the order of the day. Being a map on which teamplay and organisation is integral to success, it is little surprise that the rotating lineups of ET circa 2011 struggle to attack cohesively.

Goldrush however, was a different kettle of fish, as both sides ran riot through their opponents defences. Tank taken inside a minute, bank blown within 3, gold within 6 and escort in 7. In the end it was Germany oxid who stood tall as a typical Europe TAG collapse allowed the Germans to retain their place in the Battle For Berlin for another week at least. Though, had it not been for the terrible internet connection of Finland twidi and his unfortunate moments to lag out, we might well be looking at a different side progressing.

Germany oxid will play against Estonia k1ck in the next round. Unfortunately for Europe TAG, they now drop out of the tournament.

Quote by oxid.bNAfter a solid full-hold on radar things got a little shaky on offense as we couldn't manage to cap west. Our team tried but were shut down by TAG's crossfire and twidi's landmines; double full-hold. We then played goldrush where our defence was quite weak and we were overtaken quickly. Offence we managed to get a quick build on tank, kept it rolling and pulled off a miracle to cap with 30 seconds left.

Quote by TAG.urtierHorrible attack, solid defense - solid attack, horrible defense.

Full Schedule:[/u]
Thu October 20th
Sun October 23rd
Thu October 27th
Sun October 30th
Thu November 3rd
Sun November 6th
Thu November 10th
Sun November 13th
Tue November 15th

Winner's Bracket Round 1
Loser's Bracket Round 1
Winner's Bracket Quarter Finals
Loser's Bracket Round 2
Winner's Bracket Semi Finals
Loser's Bracket Round 3
Winner's Bracket Final
Loser's Bracket Round 4 & 5
Grand Final

Map #1: bremen_b3
Map #1: adler
Map #1: missile
Map #1: radar
Team's choice for both maps
Map #1: supply
Team's choice for both maps
Map #1: sw_goldrush_te
Team's choice for both maps

image: foot
urtier :D +1
QuoteThough, had it not been for the terrible internet connection of twidi and his unfortunate moments to lag out, we might well be looking at a different side progressing.

Quoteold hated teammate Swanidius to merc for us. What you can you expect when you have to play with Swani, he crashes on a crucial moment on decider map and we lose the game.

gg twidi mate
great text's like always ;)

hf in the cup - rest of the teams
hummel never lose only win
hummel always getting carried :-D
how can you still be this motivated baggiez?
maddiez doesn't quit stuff as early as you do Sanderm8 :D
you're one to talk
dunno what you on about?
I'm sure you do
green clon analysis couldnt be more wrong.
youre making it sound like we were shit and that we played our best , look i can do an analysis like you, "we won radar even though we made lot of mistakes, we should have won bremen but we did mistakes again, and we rolled them on goldrush"
hmm,you make it sound like you were just praccin, not caring about result. I could do the same, to say "well, we werent playing seriously, so it doesnt count"
radar is our strongest map, and yes, we lost only because of some mistakes (mostly mine I guess..)
I didnt say you are shit or anything, I just said it was close and our mistakes lost us map. I always look for own mistakes rather than "celebrating" skill of oppos.
so you are saying that you dont care about the result? cuz i just did the exact same thing as you
thanks, couldn't join in so this is lovely
QuoteThe second map adlernest was one of the biggest lotto maps, it was a very close game but at last they had more luck

We made 1:58 Min at adler, won't say luck :) anyway GG
nice coverage!
Quote by hummelAfter that, bong played some Mexican music on comms and everything went well

This guy is a fucking clown really :DDDDD please die.
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