BFB - WB + LB Finals results

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Loser Bracket Round 5 results!

image: 2b9xys

Tonight we saw the Winner Bracket Final followed by the Loser Bracket Final in the Battle For Berlin. The winner of he winner of the WB final advanced to the Grand Final - for which the date has not yet been decided. The loser of tonight's first game dropped to the Loser Bracket Final to play against Europe Queens. The loser of the LB final will be out of the competition and will finish in place. Below are the full results from tonight's action, including match reports and statements from each of the competing teams.

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WB Final

Seed 1 vs. Seed 2

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United Kingdom R0SS
Estonia Night
Finland Squall
United Kingdom sqzz
Belgium mAus
Italy XyLoS

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Europe G2P

Belgium Chry
Belgium Jere
United Kingdom griim
Germany Bl4d3
Germany kReSti
Germany sTOWNAGE
image: s_foot


Europe Anexis begun on the Axis side on their home map and they started in fine style. Belgium Jere was on fire, scoring 10 frags before anyone else on the server had 2, but it wasn't enough to advance his side anywhere near the flag. It was a good 7 minutes before Europe G2P made any progress, and in those 7 minutes Estonia Night was schooling the Allies with his rifle grenade. Europe Anexis were unable to set up much of a CP defence but managed to hold the depot gate for quite a lot longer. Some effective spam from Italy XyLoS & Belgium mAus kept the Allies at bay and it wasn't until Germany Bl4d3 scored himself a 3 man frag that Europe G2P were able to plant. Italy XyLoS responded with a 3 man frag of his own but was out-done by a 4-man from Germany kReSti. Europe G2P had 3 minutes left once the depot gate was blown and the clock ticked down without incident. Estonia Night ended with almost 2k damage more than anyone else by the end of that round. Fullhold.

Europe Anexis attacked excellently, securing a plant on the first attack. United Kingdom sqzz scored a clutch grenade onto the defusing Belgium Jere and the first stage was over in under a minute. Belgium chry landed a 3 man artillery to halt the Allies push towards the command post, but it merely delayed the inevitable as the command post, main gate and East wall were all blown with over 12 minutes left on the clock. Europe Anexis had little trouble in advancing with their attack, forcing the Axis upstairs with 8 minutes left. The crane controls were built and the truck strolled out of the main gate to set a dominating time, to take an effortless 2:0 lead.


Europe G2P, ofcourse, selected missile as their map. They begun on the Allied side and secured a quick flag cap to give them the momentum they needed after a supply round to forget. Estonia Night and United Kingdom griim traded kills at the CP, but Europe G2P had the better medic work and the Allies took control. Europe Anexis managed to hold the power supply stage for a few minutes before Germany sTOWNAGE made an epic doc run under-fire to secure the objective and open up the last stage. An awful TK rifle from Italy XyLoS opened the door for Europe G2P to set a lightning fast time but the respawning Axis were able to shut it down. With only 5.30 gone in the round, Belgium Jere (who was suffering from constant 999) built the controls and under a minute later the Allies secured the objective to set a highly competitive time of 6:24

Belgium chry opened the round with a 4 man panzerfaust, asserting his side's authority on this little played map. It was not to be, however, as despite scoring very few frags, the Allies took the flag inside the first minute. Europe G2P were unable to defend the CP for long, even with Belgium Jere scoring 4 rifle frags onto the rushing Allies, and when he went 999 for the fifth time it was a cue for the teams to trade insults, with United Kingdom R0SS breaking rank by giving the opposing Belgians a bit of smacktalk. Europe G2P looked incredibly organised at the power supply defence and with only 2 minutes left the Allies secured the objective. The Axis defence paniced and crumbled with 90 seconds remaining, allowing Italy XyLoS to build the final objective and it would have been over but for a clutch 4 man from Belgium chry. The round was all but ended with this action and GGs were called, taking us to a deciding map.


Europe Anexis started on the Allied side on our deciding map and attacked straight towards the side entrance. They got an early plant and sent all their reinforcements in that direction. They would have had an early CP build if it wasn't for an important 3 man smg frag by Germany sTOWNAGE. In the mean time, the Allies capped the bunker and blew main, but they continued to attack side as a priority. Star player Belgium Jere landed a 5 man at side to shut down another attack. With 7 minutes left, Europe Anexis finally blew and built the CP, and soon afterwards captured the East parts. Europe G2P fell back to a West defence and chaos ensued. Eventually, United Kingdom R0SS and Belgium mAus made away with the crucial West parts, unopposed, to set a time of 8.24

Europe G2P attacked the main gate and Belgium chry planted it on the first rush. The Axis were able to clear the truck area but there was no engineer in sight and the bunker was lost inside the first minute. The Allies switched their attack to side but were constantly repelled by a full Axis defence. Europe G2P were forced to resort to predictable main rushes and they were shut down. However, Belgium chry was able to sneak through and hide behind the West parts. His team-mates pushed through the main gate in an attempt the clear the path and when he decided to make a run with the parts he was obliterated by Estonia Night's support fire and as the two teams exchanged frags, the parts were left laying on the road and Europe Anexis were able to reclaim them. Europe G2P blew and built the CP and Germany Bl4d3 secured East with 1 minute remaining. The clock ticked down as the Axis fell back behind West, but the Allies left themselves too little time and the round ended, 4:2 to Europe Anexis.

Europe Anexis advance to the Grand Final.

Europe G2P dropped to the Loser Bracket Final against Europe Queens

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LB Final

Seed 3 vs. Seed 2

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United Kingdom razz
Latvia Clown
Poland kot
Finland miNd
Netherlands perfo
Sweden NuggaN

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Europe G2P

Belgium Chry
Belgium Jere
United Kingdom griim
Germany Bl4d3
Germany kReSti
Germany sTOWNAGE
image: s_foot


Europe Queens chose supply and begun on the Axis side. Their first stage defence was impressive as they held Europe G2P at the flag for over 8 minutes. United Kingdom razz as field ops and Finland miNd as rifle dished out the damage and with Netherlands perfo having a perfect round as reviving medic, the Axis were having their way with the Allied side. Belgium chry helped himself to a 2 man frag as he charged up the stairway and helped his side to secure the flag. The command post defence of Europe Queens didn't last so long but more effective spam delayed the main plant long enough to put the round beyond Europe G2P. The rest that Europe Queens enjoyed while Europe G2P battled with Europe Anexis seemed to pay off as Finland miNd was sitting pretty with stats of 31-7 after the first two stages.

With missile coming up next, the onus was on Europe Queens to beat the clock to give themselves the lead. Europe G2P defended the first stage well, milking 5 minutes off the clock before the Allies managed to push upstairs and cap the flag, simultaneously planting the bunker. The Allies CP attack was halted by a 4 man from Germany kReSti, who was camping atop the CP building. The CP was built by Europe Queens with 8 minutes remaining and it was time for them to begin their rock jumps outside the depot. The Axis were forced upstairs and it was left to Germany Bl4d3 to stop the incoming Allies - he took down Sweden NuggaN and then slapped Latvia clown in the face. He was killed by the reinforcements and Finland miNd built the controls with over 5 minutes remaining. The truck was escorted to set a time of 11.35. 2:0 to Europe Queens.


Europe G2P started on the Axis side and Belgium chry tried the same panzer that brought him a 4 man in their previous game. Unfortunately for him, it hit nobody. Fortunately for him, the rest of his team held strong and they managed a healthy 3 minute first stage defence. The Axis fell back to the CP and Belgium Jere was again effective on this stage, landing frag after frag on the rushing Allies. Finland miNd was pinging rifles on the static defence and this opened the door for Netherlands perfo to leap with the objective onto the door controls. Europe Queens caught the Axis on a bad spawn and they charged straight through to the last stage to end the last few stages very quickly and set a time of 7.24

Europe Queens had just under 7 and a half minutes to defend and book themselves a spot in the Grand Final and they had a stroke of good fortune when Finland miNd got a last second frag and flag reclaim, saving the first stage for his side. He followed it up with a 2 man frag and despite what haters may tell you, he was in inspired form tonight. The bunker was capped with 4 minutes remaining. As the Allies were attacking the CP, Germany Bl4d3 made a run with the power door objective and if it wasn't for United Kingdom razz he would've given his side a huge advantage going into the last stage. It wasn't to be and Europe G2P had 2 minutes left to finish the map or be knocked out of the competition. Germany Bl4d3 made a jump with the objective to set up a grand stand finish but with only 30 seconds left, there simply wasn't enough time. Europe Queens practice on the map paid off and they won 4:0.

Europe Queens advance to the Grand Final to play against Europe Anexis

Europe G2P are out of the tournament and finish in .

Quote by AnexisWe are happy with our performance. We expected them to take missile and it was always a map which we would struggle on. Fortunately we were strong enough on SD and Radar to take the victory and it was a good team performance. Take nothing away from g2p, they are a strong team and took us to a close finish so gl to them in the LB final, although I would like to play Queens in the Grand Final

Quote by QueensWhat can I say? Nerds got rolled, our 5 hour missile pracs finally paid off.

We beat the best team on missile, now we are the kings of missile. Nobody can touch us there. It was a good game, I think they were a bit down after losing to Anexis, and having to play us right away didn't help them. But it is what it is, best of luck to them in future cups.

Quote by G2PWe just had a bad day today with Jeres inet and our performance, Queens and Anexis both played well and deserve it to be in the Grand Final. We wish them the best of luck! Overall the cup had some great coverage and we were able to grab the 3rd place, looking forward for the next BFB tournament

Upcoming games:[/u]
Date TBA - Grand Final - Europe Anexis vs. Europe Queens

image: foot
1st as allways
ye, think about it.
Jere MVP with lagging out tactics and his k4000!
Missile was epic !
image: 2b9xys

nice prizes
damn tosspot didnt want to play my requested song -.-
why the hate? ;p
i would love to bitch slap you
waiting for grush from begginging
I should be playing this bad more often (:D)
nice prizes
nice write up , well played jere and mind
nice baggiez, u wrote comment by urself with nebu's account

he always does that
ggs was fun, nice write up
everything is so unexpected
tosspot's shoutcast was hissing as fuck (mic problems?), and his voice volume was quite low.

it will be a great final 5-3 for anexis.
So you take notes to remember the actions and the players?
no squall no win
Wish you could have done that when I said you were going to win in the last news post.... Mr Flikker obviously won this for Queens :)
QuoteBelgiumchry was able to sneak through and hide behind the West parts. His team-mates pushed through the main gate in an attempt the clear the path and when he decided to make a run with the parts he was obliterated by Estonia Night's support fire

Wasn't it United KingdomR0SS' mine?
I think he tripped a mine but it didn't kill him, then a support blew him up. Though, you may be right, a lot was going on!
I recall R0SS having a double mine kill there, might've killed someone else, a lot was going on indeed!
btw why none of the CB/EC/OC news is not on main page and everyone from BFB is? just curiuos
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