Gaming2perfection to checkmate Queens?

image: cbecxxiv

XXIV EuroCup’s Winner Bracket Final

Gather round ladies and gentlemen, as it is time for another page in the history of Enemy Territory!

On this day will take place the Anonymous XXIV EuroCup’s Winner Bracket Final, featuring the same Europe Gaming2Perfection lineup that competed in the recent Battle For Berlin, still fighting under the name of G2P and for perhaps the last time. Their task will not be a simple one as will have to cope with a Europe Queens’ line-up, who took a forfeit in BFB, that sees the inclusion of forfeiters United Kingdom R0SS and United Kingdom sqzz.
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United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom sqzz
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Estonia Night
Sweden NuggaN
image: s_news
Europe G2P

Belgium Chry
Belgium Jere
United Kingdom griim
Germany Bl4d3
Germany kReSti
Germany sTOWNAGE
image: s_foot

This very promising game is expected to start at 21:00 CET on Sunday so tune in for an entertaining evening of Enemy Territory and give GTV the viewer-peak that this game deserves.

Gbooky odds are electing by plebiscite the Europe Queens side. The trend could actually be reversed since Queens are actually facing line-up changes due to Netherlands perfo not being able to play. The ET community evidently puts its confidence into the hands of what one can easily consider as the pick of the bunch in terms of aiming and strafing, United Kingdom Sqzz and Sweden NuggaN. If you enjoy by insane multikills or unbelievably quick moves then these two fellows are the ones to spec on the Europe Queens side.

Notwithstanding, be reminded that the Europe G2P line-up, if not known for being a monstrously aim based crew, already proved that a solid team-play work can outplay the best line-ups. The recent Battle For Berlin crossfire community cup proved this belief was not a wild dream. That’s how Europe g2p crushed a different Europe Queens' line-up 4-0 and were so close to causing an upheaval within the ET community, only to lose to Europe Anexis 4-2. If you are among those who get wet as soon as Belgium Jere’s amazing noobstick pierces the opponent’s attack line, make sure you are spectating him for the possibly best ET rifler of the moment will make everything not to be outdone.

~He jests at scars that never felt a wound, William Shakespeare

Belgium Jere :Queens are fielding a nice line-up, but they might lack a bit of teamplay as they are kind of a mixteam. We haven't pracced after our BFB loss but we all know our tasks so that shouldn't be a big problem. I'm gonna predict a 4-2 win for us, but it could go either way.

FinlandVanhaomena: Queens are harder gamers. I'll guess they'll take it.

FinlandsQUALL: Both teams have such an amazing lineup so will be really tight match but I would say g2p will win 4-2 just cos R0SS doesn't have me and Night carrying him to the victory. My players to spec would be nuggan and sqzz, both have amazing aim and movement.

United Kingdomrazz: I think tonight will be a very close game, R0SS and perfo both can't make it tonight which will make the line-up a mystery, if we can get some nice decent players to fill in for them I think we could take this 4-2. If we don't manage to find players and are stuck with miNd I think we'll lose 4-2.

GermanykReSti: Queens is a strong enemy and we once won and lost vs them, this will be tight even though we didn't play after the last offi where we lost against them, but I think they didn't either, I wish them best of luck, hopefully we can get decent matchup for the viewers.

Note: the loser of this match will face Netherlands MouseControl in the Loser Bracket Final, the Dutch based team having successfully defeated 4-0 Germany disQonnect in the Loser Bracket round 3 match.
5-3 for Queens
4-2 Queens
~He jests at scars that never felt a wound , William Shakespeare

SPOT THE SPACE, also lol @ literature quote in ET newspost
forfeit for g2p gg
your parents are dead gg
how did you know
I'm not playing (dunno who is)
~I'll pray a thousand prayers for thy death, William Shakespeare
~I dote on his very absence, William Shakespeare
~But men are men; the best sometimes forget, William Shakespeare
~All days are nights to see till I see thee, And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me, William Shakespeare
~I must be cruel, only to be kind: Thus bad begins and worse remains behind, William Shakespeare
~suck my dick, Ron Jeremy
~This is Sensational, Stuart Saw
~So fucking glad R0SS isnt playing, Gavin aka sqzz
Quotewith a Queens’ line-up, who were given a forfeit in BFB

afaik -perfo - ross +2
Gaming2Perfection n1 name n1
passionate gaming session incoming
Are you ready to own?
QuoteGaming2perfection to checkmate Queens?

Chess failure, you checkmate the king
Good morning RASHOMON, it was really lovely of you to delete your comment. When you deleted your comment, you may not have realised that you also deleted my comment, where i depicted Finland nicon as an angel. Therefore, i shall repost it below this one.
excuse me Frop, but how the fuck is that spam?
well to be honest its you who made an incorrect title, so take your 'ROFL ! good' and fuck off
It's not an incorrect title, it's a goddamn pun. I know the chess rules, what do you think -.-

If the team was called 'Kings' then it would be 'Gaming2perfection to checkmate Kings?' which works as a pun, because in chess, kings are checkmated. However, queens are not checkmated, so it doesn't make sense, it is just incorrect
Wow, THAT was narrowminded :D
A pun is always made to be incorrect, in a way...
no, a pun is factually correct, but a play on words
hmm, I understand what you mean, but still, I do believe you can consider my title as a joke, generally speaking. At least, don't believe I thought you actually could checkmate a queen ^^
All right man, all right :D
btw, what did you reply to me in the journal that got unfortunately deleted?
i said

Quote+1 RASHOMON, bro
Muhahahaha ;) Interesting match, jere ;P
gl nuggan mate
what the hell, news for EC?
Took the liberty to write something
well that's a liberty well taken, pretty nice layout there sir. with just this news you did better job than CB crew throughout whole EC
Thx. Yeah, I noticed that there was no coverage - at all, not even a simple informative newspost, just followed the tournament through gtv matches without knowing what match it could be : playoff, WB, LB, etc. :/
Who replace United KingdomR0SS?
going to be funny match ;) !
Your GBooky capital is below 100? you recieved 0.68000000000001? extra money. Good luck with it
people still play this game?
mind best gamer in ET, he will win :)
oh you!
but he will win thats for sure
~He jests at scars that never felt a wound, William Shakespeare

putain rash , srx
Je parie que t'as même pas compris
" il se moque des cicatrices alors qu'il n'a jamais eu de blessure"

déjà pas mal pour quelqu'un que n'a jamais fait de l'anglais :)
Quote by et's biggest nerdIf we don't manage to find players and are stuck with miNd I think we'll lose 4-2.

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