Crossfire Facebook & Twitter are live

image: 4dlq8

Crossfire Twitter & Facebook are live!

Crossfire 4 is approaching and as part of the new site's functionality we will be looking to integrate both Facebook and Twitter accounts to Crossfire. Crossfire 4 will have greater degrees of social-network integration so we thought it best to get that side of the site up and running now. If this is not your preferred way of consuming news then none of these updates will have any effect on you what-so-ever. Newsposts will automatically posted to the Official Twitter feed and simultaneously posted to the wall of the Official Facebook page. The Official Facebook page will be linked to CF 4 and you will be able to share your own journals, newsposts, movies and more. We are aware that there is already a group on Facebook but this is an open group and is unmoderated, as you might have already noticed by the constant cheat spam. In preparation for the new site we would urge you to follow us on Twitter and Like the Facebook page so that together we can improve your experience on and help the community to grow. With the aid of the new site and the greater degree of functionality and accessibility that it brings we are sure that there is a bright future for both and Enemy Territory.

[list][*]Official Twitter Feed
[*]Official Facebook Page[/list]

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Sounds nice.
Show us the love yo!
15th liking this! Wooohwoow
We need new layout here!
Otherwise I call my mates togheter to start desinging a layout for CF.
We've got it covered, thanks ;)
Thank this newspost you can shoot with sniper rifle without
recoil effect.
- -
Anti-Recoil is not cheat
Who is in charge of the facebook updates?
Very important people!
Besides spamming my facebook with newsitems that I already see when I enter the page, what else will you put on there?
sneaky eiM discovered it early
Wow, was about time. I'm still missing the "like" buttons on
Quotethe Official Facebook page will be linked to CF 4 and you will be able to share your own journals, newsposts, movies and more.

forever a nerd :)
gaming linked with "real life"

Because it isn't you when you post on Crossfire? Not that I want to get into a huge 'online vs. offline' debate here, but it is rather hypocritical of you to say.
There is a difference between sharing real life in a gaming group and sharing gaming stuff into real life networks imo :p
Sure, and if you don't wish to share then there is no obligation to do so. But for a user of a gaming site to mock people for doing exactly that is very hypocritical.
yea I get you
what the french guy above me said
faggot still scared about what other ppl think about his gaming hobby
nothing close to be scared but when someone know you play game on internet, you are obviously seen as a geek, nerd :D
If you are living in a neighboorhood where the IQ is < 92, prolly yes.
better to be safe :p
Your friends don't know that you play computer games?
I prefer to not,

that doesnt sound good :d
doesn't look like English either
like lol
Not sure if this is smart move
Are you kidding? Whats this shit ?!
I do address this in the news post ...

"We are aware that there is already a group on Facebook but this is an open group and is unmoderated, as you might have already noticed by the constant cheat spam."

It's an open group, which can be seen as "a fan group". So while that group is fine, it's not in any way linked to Crossfire.

The Official page is linked to the website and to the Twitter feed and can be moderated. It's an extension of Crossfire and the upcoming CF 4.
Quoteyou will be able to share your own journals, newsposts, movies and more

119 days too early
Nice idea, but i don't think it will hold on for long :p
great work !
lol xD
following :)
nah thanks, i dont want my real life friends to see me trolling nerds with racist/sexual and violent content....i somehow do not actually think that would be beneficial to my social life

i want crossfire to stay a place where somebody makes a polak joke and everybody laughs, or where somebody makes a jew joke and everybody laughs, or where somebody makes a joke about kamz and everybody laughs
following :D
on my way
cheat spam? simply make the group approval only
They're both real, but the one in the news post will be integrated with CF 4 so the old one will become somewhat obsolete :)
Ok BaggieZ.
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD for the real nerds
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