TZAC on the Rocks?

image: tzac

It has come to light that the future for TZAC and what has become a cleaner gaming experience for most Enemy Territory players could be hitting some bad times after it was revealed unless TZAC creator Tomislav 'chaplja' Zubcic finds a suitable business partner the project may well have to be shut down.

QuoteThere is too much work and time involved and if I don't find a way to generate some half-normal revenue from the site and the whole project, I am going to close it. There were a few offers that would secure some monthly income, but so far nobody was serious enough to make a clear offer on what they want, expect and give back.

TZAC has expanded into other popular titles like Call of Duty 4 and Call of Duty 2 and it seems a large portion of the online FPS community now rely on the anti-cheat. TZAC 2.0 is currently in production but with the future of the project blurred, it may not see the light of day.

Crossfire Journal Discussion
If you left Tzac as it is today, what are the ongoing hosting costs/associations? Might be able to help there to keep the product stable and online though that doesn't solve your requirement for support coders.
as far as i know it's not about servers or something it's more about chaplja's refund. He wants to earn money for his work.
Ah ok - I do have an idea for an Ad Funded model that might help him (I dont know to what extent, would need to know his metrics). Chapjla drop me a message when/if you read this.
Servers and hosting is not the issue.

This is the kind of product that needs constant updating in order to try and stay ahead of hacks. Without those updates it's just a matter of (a very short) time before hacks are available to bypass TZAC.
to stay ahead of hacks?i doubt anyone bothers with making cheats for et this days
you have no idea..
indeed, wallhackers all over the place in 3on3s..
don't know about that, my last game was like 2months ago.. :)
Yup - had a chat with chapjla about the commercials, am going to try to help
Nice move :)
awesome :)
I proposed that too in the journal but I don't even get a reply D:
thats so fucking nice from u :*
big thx^^
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haha yea I pasted a link to a pm.

could have been a lot worse :p
It's sad news, but lack of sponsors is not really surprising tbh.
Let this game die in peace
Shoutout to chaplja for everything he has done.
Investors where are you!?
1) Get Punkbuster back


2) Stop organizing competitions and let this game die
PB dropped ET support. It won't be updated anymore, it won't respond to key requests or anything... Not a valid idea.
just give an overvieuw of costs then or something ... i'm sure some people can figure something out
I think alot of people are mistaken, as its not the costs that is causing the problem rather than chaplja wanting to earn money from Tzac

QuoteThere is too much work and time involved and if I don't find a way to generate some half-normal revenue from the site and the whole project, I am going to close it.
earning money on a free game, he can better start coding cheats again if he wants money.
Well for the amount of work hes doing, something to make it worth while I would imagine.
Then you probably don't know majority of TZAC's userbase are COD players which has large cash tournaments.
why dont you charge every player 0,25euro per month. 30k users= 90.000euros per year.
every player payes 3 euro per year. that is not much for most of the players.
I think 3 euro is enough. dont be greedy => if you are for that kind of money i know many ppl who would happily code an anticheat.
And remember you have 50k+ registered players. Say thanks for the idea
are you serious :D
nobody is going to pay that shit :D
Ok than, lets find a new anticheat, or lets hope the cheaters wont cheat anymore, or lets go back to shitmod :D
Alot of people have more then 1-2 account we dont know but alot of cheaters have a second or third account.
all this financial stuff aside, shouldnt it in itself be worth quite a bit on your resume? I mean you more or less have monopoly on a "foolproof" anticheat software, am I right?
yes, but it's not worth all the time involved
its more money lost - consider the coding expertise and the money it could earn elsewhere? I think what he had done is good, just giving us a fair warning and maybe who knows, something could come of it.
Don't take me wrong, we all appreciate what he did
still this way, there are good money to make and not at a expensive cost for the players. I think with my method he can cover his costs and make a decent profit.
I wasnt replying to you :P but yea I agree - also better off to do one charge for a year then monthly I guess.
and if you do the math 90.000e means 7.500e per month minus the cost, lets say 2500e(which is much) you still have 5000e/month . That very good even for a skilled proggramer(At least in Central and Eastern Europe)
sry i was typing. didnt saw your comment :). Edit: pressed the wrong replay button :D
I agree with you tbh ;p
Best bet would be to appeal to the CoD community, bigger orga's and more at stake in keeping the game clean and of good quality. Hope someone steps up, would be a shame to see all that work go to waste.
until he find an organisation to support him,if this will ever happen,those who afford should send something ,no matter if he says he dont need donations,is all about diplomacy,but it s also to have some common sense,and i mean common sense for us the ppl using his tool.
you like commas dont ya?
2) Stop organizing competitions and let this game die
payment system for each who wants to play this game = problem solved
not sure if serious, or just..
Let's pay for anti-cheat while the game itself is free! Bad idea...
thats is why we should make the not for free - i didnt mean we have to pay for the anticheat but for the game itself - so the money can be used to higher pricepools/lans/anticheat/servers - and all these can bring more players to our lovely game
TZAC dead = ET dead

now click on this fumble :
xD we should make more fumblepics
Later I'll tell my children how I enjoyed my evenings photoshopping fumble while being on ts3, delightful days !
let's play again without tzac, nopb configs, secret directories still on my hdd
in my usb here, safe :D
brb downloading rivatuner
Welcome back cheaters sad
I hate to see tzac die & big thx to Chaplja!!

Wasn't ESL busy with some anticheat on their own?
ESL Wire . Ill talk with the rest of the guys and see what we can do
Ok, I heard right.. Good luck!
great news ;)
QuoteTZAC 2.0 is currently in production but with the future of the project blurred, it may not see the light of day.

It's not true, though it doesnt change much if it won't be constantly updated.

QuoteTZAC 2.0 testers will be needed relatively soon and TZAC 2.0 will be released, that is for sure. The question is for how long it will stay online.
I was stating it as a truth, that is why I sight may not :) which it still may not.
I think i would pay nowadays faster for a good anti-cheat then for a good game without decent anti-cheat :(
Can't crossfire take over this project: as said 10euro p/j and with the money besides giving a decent amount to the coders. Use the money for LAN-events. More LAN's = less people who cheat (at least on the higher level). As TZAC's database contains COD4 and ET players, LAN for those games would be nice i guess!:) Therefor aliens Crossfire.
let's all promise not to cheat
Promise isn't enough..
Let's just pay! That way, the game isnt really free anymore! (well the game is, but the anti-cheat aint), and that way we can tell big sponsors like: hey! we play a non-free game and its really awesome! Come check us out! And that way ET gets big sponsors, and they tell friends of theirs. Then ET gets more players, so ET will never die!

I can't charge users.
But you can charge tournaments using your AC.
lol charching tournaments = competions/onedaycups bubuy

and cb is death already

where else will teams play?
on Nbs 1 day cup =))))))))))))))))))))))
Killerboy where are you?
Killerboy has nothing to do with tzac
Killerboy where are you?
How much money do you need per month?
Killerboy where are you?
Killerboy where are you?
durf ik niet vermelden

e: gigidy gigidy, nice time
zit in men bloed :) en neeeeee ik zalt u over 2 weke pme!
Killerboy where are you?
image: 6iQCx

hey guys i'm here, big brother is here.
Sort this shit out please!
good bye et
You have 3 choices:
1)Do what Bani/ETpro team did at 2006 -> quitted from developing duo no free time
2)Talk with Obama/Steam/Gaming communities..
3)Make it free time project->New relase in every year.
good news.

regards from poland
so i can buy cheats again
hello bimbot :D
ESL could save us with ESL Wire in case chaplja decides to shut his services down. Maybe they could work something out toghether... ESL is a big company :)
Time for VAC/ Wire
fucking put a donate button on the site already
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