Crossfire Community Awards 2011 - eSports Awards

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The second category in this year's Crossfire Community Awards is "eSports". Our cosy community has reached a point where most of the userbase have ventured into other games next to Enemy Territory and with the new Crossfire 4.0 just around the corner, it's only logical to set our sights on the bigger scope of the world of eSports. The following awards are meant to define exactly what is hot in eSports right now accoring to the Crossfire community. The first of our eSports awards is probably the easiest one, the game that made the best impression on our community - bar ET of course. The event of the year gives credit to the best organized, most hyped or most important LAN of the year, spanning all games played competitively. Moment of the year is especially about those highlights that stuck with you, be it ragequits, impressive wins or news that shook the eSports world. To conclude we give praise to the best movie the eSports scene has put forward this year. It doesn't matter what game it is, the idea is to award the movie that has managed to thrill even gamers that never seen the game before.

Full Crossfire Community Awards Schedule][/b]
  • December 15th : First category nominees.
  • December 16th : Second category nominees.
  • December 17th : Third category nominees.
  • December 18th : Fourth category nominees.
  • December 20th : Voting begins.
  • December 31st : Midnight, polls close for all awards.
  • January 8th : Announcement of the Winners for the first category.
  • January 9th : Announcement of the Winners for the second category.
  • January 10th : Announcement of the Winners for the third category.
  • January 11th : Announcement of the Winners for the fourth category.
I should be in one of those
no ET movie selection or is it coming?

Can't wait to vote for samAel :P
December 17th : Third category nominees.
December 18th : Fourth category nominees.
alright, yeah I though it would be included at this nominee :D
Fnatic won final of s1 was just epic
e: LoL game of the year
[SC2] - MLG Columbus - IdrA ragequits without knowing he'd won the game vs. MMA

Idra just being Idra.... not so epic :D
mSx movie is SO FUCKING CLASS!!!!!!!!! but I just can't get enough of PEKKÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ :)
its pekka is awesome
god damnit thats a nice movie indeed
idra didnt had the game won, he was just in a rly good position tbh*

1) SC2
2) DHWinter
3) HuK
4) Its Pekka
lol'd @ Starcraft and WoW movies
I don't really like WoW competitive-arena movies, but Reckful 3 is by far the most viewed/popular eSports movie of the year.

As for the SC2 movie, I think it was damned good!
popularity doesn't mean it's is good..
its just good coz these 2 guys are the best players on the world.. :/ reaching 3k is like not reachable , they did it :)

The movie is nothing special ^^
They are not the best players in the game. Of cause they are awesome PvP players, but they are not one of the top PvE players. The fact is that World of Warcraft is a PvE based game and the current progress race is better than PvP. :/ Anyway Dream Paragon will win this.
Baggiez... Twilight?... :D
Not only is it the most popular (by a long way, though, it's no guarantee of quality), it has a rating of 4.98 / 5 on and it has 23 awards.
last part says more yes ^_^

10mil+ players

while ET has probably not more than 1k players (probably even less)

even if i can understand that it's about esport and other shit, but still
QuoteEsport Movie of the Year 2011

Cooller 2010

mind is blown
Uploaded by TornProductions on 28 Mar 2011
"The Dota 2 Invitational was funded entirely by the developers and offered a cool $1,000,000."
get the numbers right :F
you nominate a shitty WoW Movie with awful music and bad graphics instead of Dorftrottel by KOS?

I nominated the most popular WoW movie :x
so you say popularity means that its also good?
What I say is that I don't follow the WoW scene and I don't have hours to watch hundreds of movies to decide which I feel is reflective of the best that the WoW scene has to offer. Not only is it the most popular (by a long way, though, it's no guarantee of quality), it has a rating of 4.98 / 5 on and it has 23 awards.

Perhaps your idea of a 'shitty WoW movie' is different to the other 2.6 million that have watched it, but I stand by it as a universal representative of WoW at an eSports level.
So what, I saw a porn on where an old granny gets fucked by a 15 year old, that porn had a rating of 5/5 by 312 users, was most horrible porn I've ever seen. Your point is that ppl like it, actually almost all of them are wow players meanwhile Dorftrottel has been loved by players of all games, including me, who has never enjoyed a Quake Movie before seeing Dorftrottel. Got my point now?
Yes, I get your point. Your point is that you dislike the movie, therefore it is bad and not worthy. Nevermind the other 2.6 million people that watched it, they're all morons who don't know what they're talking about.

I haven't seen Dorftrottel. I'm sure it's a great movie, but it's not here. I'm sure that to some people that feel that there are better SC movies, or better CoD movies, but these are the ones that the panel chose, and these are the ones that you have the option to vote for.
So you were looking for popular movies but didnt see Dorftrottel? D: And no, my point isnt that I dislike the movie, its just that you just cant edit movies like LoL or WoW as you just have that boring 2d view onto the whole battlefield. Also I dont think these 2.6 million people are morons, I just think that the panelists are retards, but thats not a secret I think.
I was looking for a popular WoW movie and I found one. We wanted a certain amount of diversity in the selection and by doing this, we have given the voters that.

Quoteits just that you just cant edit movies like LoL or WoW as you just have that boring 2d view onto the whole battlefield.

For starters, WoW isn't 2D. Secondly, the fact that you find it boring does not reflect the opinions of millions of others. The vote will reflect what users consider to be the best and if the majority think that there is a glaring omission then perhaps a mistake was made.

To be honest with you, I think the fact that you think the panelists are retarded is a pretty good reason for me to think you are, in fact, massively retarded. Newsposts like this one take weeks of work to get in a position to publish and writing the newspost itself took Krosan and I the entire afternoon. If all you see in this 2,500 words+ of BB code is that the "panelists are retarded because they didn't put in the movie I like and instead they put in the most popular WoW movie of the year", then yeah, you basically are retarded.
Alright I'll skip the Movie part since it will be useless to discuss about "tastes".

About that panelists thing. First off, congratulations on spending so much time on that newsposts. I never said they are retarded cause about the movies, watching the nominees of the last years makes me think some of you arent really thinking about who they nominate, e.g. sqzz (?) was nominated last year for Most Overrated and Most Underrated player, doesn't really make sense to me. Also it looks like you mostly nominate the most recent stuff, not the good things from 3/4 year ago.
I think you mean United Kingdom R0SS was nominated for both, and I don't see a problem with that at all. Some people think that he is overrated and others think that he is underrated. He received enough votes in both categories to justify his inclusion.

As for nominating recent stuff, that's true to an extent and it's human nature. The more recent things are freshest in our memories and therefore stand out more. We try to keep a selection from the year-round and I think that we've done a pretty good job of it.
yea it was ross, but I meant smth completely anyway, as I have understood this already, seems like its getting late for me :S. I was actually wondering about that all of the nominees of Player You'D like to see come back award, where almost all of them were actually still playing ET? :S And why do you nominate admins for the Community Member of the year award? Admins will always win this as they are allowed to write supercool news posts and have the site in their hands. On a sidenote: Is Kamz still panelist?
oh and pls reply to my PM :)
I had nothing to do with the Awards last year.

Panelists are free to nominate anyone they like and it's not surprising that they vote for admins as (some) admins are volunteers who contribute a great deal. Anyone can submit news, articles, columns, journals, forum topics, movies - not only admins.

Kamz is not a panelist.

Your pm deserves no reply.
Noone had to do with the awards last year.

If admins are Members, why do they have special rights then? I cant submit Main News, and the news is the reason why most of the "members" are nominated imo. Casual members should be nominated there, not admins.

At least one good point.

Admins admin the site. They delete spam, pictures of dicks, etc.

You didn't realise that you could post news?
Why don't you delete my reported comments then? :)

I realised that I can post news, but normal members can't post MAIN news, as I already said..
The newspost goes main news if it's worth it
really? I ever thought you are able to write a main news if you are either admin or trusted contributor..
That's the kind of people that should be in the list, at least I don't argue when I'm obviously wrong
so for missing one movie im a retard? thanks.
no, you are cool guy
dorftrottel was chilled though
is that the HAL9000 from ET?
no, it's a russian
KOS is german afaik
LoL such a casual game lol
1) SC2... what else you expected :D
2) either MLG Providence or DH Winter... can't decide :(
3) IdrA ragequit without a doubt
4) Cooller 2010/2011 (his lg aim gave me a boner !)
Don't know what it is about the IdrA ragequit but I just keep coming back for more IdrA ragequit. It's just so good
Bulsh 1.6 stuff...
mSx movie?Nice joke...Low edit movie.
couldnt follow the sc2 or wow movie at all, only 1:45 - 1:55 on sc2 one was good. ;]
Competitive WoW movies are hard to follow unless you are the 0.001% of players that are actually good at competitive WoW.
guess never playing it past trial doesnt help either ¬_¬
They are a lot more competitive players in WoW. The game is pve based so the pvp community is not the biggest. But if you check wowprogress you can see a lot of top guilds and top players. and even semi hardcore raiders like me have a good experience and can rate such a movie..
And the guy with the biggest hype was Swifty this year.

What i want to say is that i would have enjoyed a pve movie or an awesome machinema like Tales of the past more.
Hard to make a decision, but the sc2 & cs movie/s were great.

e: Almost fell asleep watching the wow movie although I love rogue pvp, maybe because I only played this game until patch 3.5 :D
PvP is shit in WoW. Awesome guys are Swifty and Athene! :D
A pve movie would be better imo.
Athene is cool yes :D
I randomly played with him in 5v5 LoL ranked, but I already told you I think ;D
yes you did (:
cod4, dreamhack winter, cypher win, not sure
Won't vote, has nothing to do with my beloved ET :D
summaries are missing small details , needs improvement.
Esport Game of the Year 2011

-cod bops, what says esport better than bad fps played on console for millions of dollars

Esport Event of the Year 2011

- any MLG event that focused on HALO, real esport

Esport Moment of the Year 2011

- Riot announce $5,000,000 prizepool for Season 2, scrub pub game with huge marketing department so more scrubs can buy heroes and hats

Esport Movie of the Year 2011

- [WoW] - Reckful 3 , very popular game esport movie

these are my picks, 2011 good year for esport
crossfire tryhard esport community 2012

quite sad to read about such trash here, tho what to expect, twitters and facebooks are already here, more hits
I know right? How dare we try and increase page hits to keep the site alive!
Bitter much.
where is minecraft in that list?
how many of "Game of the year 2011" were actually released in 2011?
I think you're missing the point
"ET's players choice of 2011" would make more sense than "game of the year 2011"

I get the point but the name is just confusing
stupid move to put a wow movie in it, even if the guy is playing well and is pretty famous for his pvp ranks/ratings, no point to put it in such a community based around rtcw/et
You object to the WoW movie but you're ok with the CoD, CS, SC2, Quake, HoN & LoL?

Either way, these are eSports awards. Not everyone is interested in other games that aren't Enemy Territory, but some people are, so these awards are for them.
no I was just reading your comments above when you were talking about the 23 awards and other stuff

and i understand that this is esport related but wow doesnt have that much esport (even if its the most evoluated mmo in esport)

i might explained myself badly:

the game isnt as hard as the others you mentioned

thats why i called this stupid move
it is quite popular eSports title, and even big european orgs have had teams even if it is more popular elsewhere. ;)
no way

starcraft (for example) is much more popular in esport even if there is less players

when i was still in wow i was playing for rank 1 and got multiple glads and got no chance to get invites in big events because there was just no events, except for blizzcon and mlg iirc
I didnt say it was more popular then Sc2? mlg is pro circuit anything that gets there is a major eSport title at the time ...
I didn't say that you said this, I was just taking an example

and I'm pretty sure that there is no serious esport in wow
Wow that CoD4 Suspension of Disbelief was unbelievable. How did they do that?!
Destinys compilation is just epic.
Cod 4
DreamHack Winter 2011
DreamHack Winter 2011 – Cypher wins
Suspension of Disbelief ( best cod4 movie ever made by katha !! )
Well at least add ET even just a little..
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