CDT Brackets announced

image: 29zqew

After a massive amount of debate we have come to an agreement that United Kingdomrazz is dropping out of the draft cup due to disagreements between him and other captains, his replacement is none other than upcomming german star:GermanystRay, we selected him due to his leadership abilities and willingness to bring together the team. stRays team will consist of practically the same line-up as before. Below is the bracket for the draft cup, some interesting matches are sure to come that will be casted by United Kingdomowzo, owzo is sure to create some excitement, be sure to tune in for an exciting night of matches. I hope all the controversy is behind us and only exciting matches are to come.

image: 29v0387

-Teams pick one map each in the first round, the second round map choice cannot be the same as the first round choice, however the maps in the final can be any map from the pool.

-The decider map is chosen via traditional elimination from remaining maps in the pool.

image: footer2

team stray? :o

e: haha not even started and already a joke :P
no, but razz is tho
more clown, mind and kevin
rules shall be rules, blame this kevj guy for not wanting to play smg
mid or afk
cu 2nd round man
gl team-stray
gl team-stRay
nice, looking forward to it!
gl team-stRay :DD

what a joke
Team an7ho vs Team nait
Wat a joke
So Team #8 has gone from:

Scotland rAzZ(c) Germany kresti Netherlands perfo Estonia mant Netherlands xperia Germany kiwi
Germany stRay(c) Germany kresti Netherlands perfo Estonia mant Germany kevji Germany kiwi

fireball or karnaj will replace kevji
So why are fireball or karnaj allowed and I wasn't?
because there is now a space to be filled as razz dropped out.
cause its only possible fair solution now
ye and its filled by stray, whats the problem now?
because kevji is no longer available
I know the whole cup is :<
I'm not longer available? Nice 2 know oO
stray pm'd me and said i should tell you that i don't want to play smg :D But nvm it's just fine now :)
well lets try and move on, sorry for the misunderstanding mate :<
it's np. Like i said, was just wondering where u got that information from :) Let them get a new 6th so i can do some other stuff :)
i'd like to see you play.
No thx, not rly in the mood anymore. Just check my post below, stray needs some skilled smg to carry him again :) seems like im just to shit :)
better solution would be to let mant play smg and you rifle. dont see the problem here anyway oO.
mant said he cant play smg due to laptop + shit mouse :(
nice lies bro
Hope u arent serious with that o.O quite funny, werent u the guy who pmd me just in the second i logged into irc and told me to pm fumble that i dont want to play smg? Never expected such a bullshit from you, but hey gl at getting carried again :)
could make the log from facebook global here ;)
hahaha u don't have friends here!
so how come they werent allowd fumble? i would have stayed captain if i got scrazy or stray or eujen i said that
cause there is no other solution now after u ragequit.
why dont you get it? you have a backup so you SHOULD use him and not outside the draft...
ofc kevji refuses now because you didn't want him to play at first..."yeaah razz left now i can play :)))"
in all fairness, if kevji doesnt want to play, what do u expect razz to do?
razz has a backup player: kevji
razz doesnt want to play with kevji
razz wants to take a player outside the draft
razz gets mad because admins wont let him break the rules
razz leaves team razz

now there is a spot for kevji, kevji doesnt want to play anymore because he wasnt wanted at first. i wouldnt play either
razz gets replaced by stray and some1

just to make sure you understand what was/is going on

so who was wrong in your opinion?
why dont u fuck off u dont even no shit
razz has a backup player: kevji
razz doesnt want to play with kevji kevji only wanted to play rifle or not
razz wants to take a player outside the draft
An admin comes up with two selected engineers: chry or ross
razz said: no, i don't think that's fair
how scarzy got involved into this is unknown for me at this point
mind and clown flame admin for allowing razz to take a player that isn't the back-up
admin under fire by team captains: kill the tournament or adapt to their like.
razz gets mad because the admins don't know kevji didn't want to play something else beside rifle.
razz starts his flame
admins decide what to do to solve this issue (incl razz flame)
razz leaves team razz
stray volunteers as captain.

more problems occur.




It's nice and easy to say something doesn't work, how about being nicer and come up with solutions?
ok that changes things, too bad razz wouldnt mind clear this all up.. ive seen only stories that razz was the fool here
a lack of good communication between every person involved is the reason we are in the situation with this cup now. We can keep pointing fingers but from what sounds most reasonable is that:
stray will become new team captain. razz will be playing still in the team as a player. Forgive everyone who insulted another. And HAPPY CROSSFIRE CUP is back on the menu for Thursday!
Razz didnt even ask me. He just pmd me on irc to idle some channel and that we might play later. And after i joined the channel razz started to talk about a replacement. He never asked me to take xperias spot.. And i just said, that i dont like to play smg so its fine for me to if he finds some replacement.
you are back-up, not a rifle only back up. Once you said you re available for this cup you knew you could end up playing a class you won't like. The one who decides what class you play is the captain. Deal with it or don't play the cup. It would be nice if razz and you both send the logs of this conversation to the admins. So they can decide fair.
I Asked stray to get kevji online and i heard from him that he only wanted to play rifle and wasnt interested in the smg.. and when i leave from the team stray went captain and kevji continued and karnaj etc were going to join.. so i had no idea that he wanted to play smg in the team, thoough everyone assumed i didnt want to play with Kevji, i was just mad that after we picked our players in the drafts Xperia notified me saying he couldnt play due to a family issue, then Owzo told me i could take Ross/Chry i no thats unfair so i asked for someone like Baggiez,eujen,scrazy, but ofcourse mind and clown are serious Quakeon mode and wouldnt allow anything, i think kevji is amazing but we still lost out player at the end of the day.
sounds like no captain award to stray either?
You are team captain it is your job to know what the fuck is going on with your team, why you got second hand information about your players is beyond me and certainly reflects on your ability to run a team.
15mins after he chose his players, xperia sent me a pm that he can't make it, razz isn't to blame for that.
I meant more about -

QuoteI Asked stray to get kevji online and i heard from him that he only wanted to play rifle and wasnt interested in the smg.. and when i leave from the team stray went captain and kevji continued and karnaj etc were going to join.. so i had no idea that he wanted to play smg in the team, thoough everyone assumed i didnt want to play with Kevji"
Dont get me wrong, it wouldve been no problem for me to play smg. But after i saw that journal of mind, i was like okay nice 2 know and im not even getting asked. My point was, why should i play smth i dont enjoy when im not getting asked? Whats the point of that? If he wouldve asked me if im fine with it, it would be no problem, but like i said i knew almost nothing. Probably it was my fault and i overreacted a bit., sorry for that.
Quote by razzI Asked stray to get kevji online and i heard from him that he only wanted to play rifle and wasnt interested in the smg..

so Stray kinda was the trigger in all this?
Looks like stray had some secret plan how to get into this cup!
Yo Kevji mate when i spoke with stray and stuff he said you were not interested in smg etc i told him to get you online, miNd just likes making people feel bad dont listen to him ever you should have learned that by now :) I admit i was mad i lost my 4th seed pick due to a problem like that and admins promising me a player etc, and when stray took captain they said they were removing you still, everything has just went round in circles and admins have made a fool of themselfs.

I never said i didnt want to play with Kevji, people assumed that
QuotemiNd just likes making people feel bad dont listen to him ever you should have learned that by now :)

want me to paste everything u have said today? calling other captains by names and what not?

do i really need?
you and clown and kevin are all dickheads you dont need to paste i write it hear :)
i never told u that. m8 :x

i allways told u to take mant as smg and kevji as rifle didnt i??
I'm not blaming you anyway, like i said i didn't really care about playing that cup and tbh i dont really care what mind is saying, I was just wondering why u didn't ask me, thats it. But as you said stray told ya some shit since he probably misunderstood me in a few points. :)
Quotestray volunteers as captain.

da fuck
QuoteIt's nice and easy to say something doesn't work, how about being nicer and come up with solutions?
stray wasn't even in draft and suddenly he's on captain spot? makes no sense

he shouldn't be there at all tbh
yes, we now know stray's part in the story, once again: who will fit in his spot? how about razz again?
well someone from team razz should just take captain spot and for next cup simply add more players so teams can have 2 backups. random stuff happens to players (xperia case) + usually someone doesn't show up at last minute so always nice to have moar backups
you got the story wrong, so indeed razz should be re-elected as captain and surely pick someone he should do now? ;)
To be fair, the rules did not even hold after Razz rage quit, and with _STRAY_ as captain, its even more unfair now.
Team Ego players are always right. Remember this.
Jokes on everyone that voted Team RazZ in the poll. :D
1 game but was all worth it. next time every1 should be able to sign-up and captains just pick the players, no whines whatsoever
should have made someone else from the team captain and pick another player... :p (no offense stray)
most childish player ive seen
1 word. Prick.
Good luck everyone!
Fucking. Amazing.
gl squid
Am I the only one who's really curious on what the disagreements between razz and the other captains were all about?
yup. just nerds being nerds
popcorn time!
Some of us have seen logs
in a nutshell few players couldnt play so backups were called in but razz didnt want to use kevji, because he thought backups are like fans or something, not actual players so then razz went all drama queen and when things didnt go the way he wanted, he left the cup. but I think the main issue as razz pointed it out earlier is the fact that clown cannot into aim.
I dont no why everybody is flaming for, Bascially i choose xperia, and with him having issues cannot play anyday, if i knew this b4 the drafts picks were open i would not have picked him as my eng smg, and would have choose someone esle, I took Kevji as my 7th player because i like him and thought if mant wasnt here one day we could hop in and play for him knowing that he was a good rifle, so when i hear about xperia not going to be able to play, i asked admins if i could get a player along the lines of Stray, Eujen, Scrazy, Fanatic, Baggiez, which was fine for the admins but Mind and CLown went emo like normal, causing a 3 hour debate, Kevji didnt want to play SMG so he didnt wanna play pretty sad i loose my 4th choose due to this anyway, so whats wrong? i think u no what scared captains, its only a fun cup? for fuck sake. Now Stray got captain and Karnaj etc are allowd to play? because kevji wont play smg? wtf is this? :D gl with the compertition
good reply. now there actually are 2 sides to the argument. anyway, you could ultimately blame the admins for having too many rifles in the pool and doing the backup function poorly which would lead to imbalance in such a case but as we all know this was a fun test cup which would mean this is used to see how it plays out so the further ones could be run more efficiently. For the next one I'm quite sure the admins will have a better clue how to organize it.
Also more humbleness is required from the players participating because the guys arranging these things are mostly doing it for you. If they decide to use X way to run the cup, the players should agree with that. in this case the admins chose to ask the captains how would they have it handled, maybe next time they'll know themselves.
simply put many of you guys forgot this was fun test cup. meaning chill out, have a few games and laughs, give feedback and hope to do better next time in the more improved version of this cup.
wise words imo..

Its allmost sad how something that is supposed to be FUN and played as kind of showmatches, is turned out to be a flamewar between captains (and maybe some players?)

Hopefully, next edition, players and captains that are in the pool is fully aware of the meaning of the cup, and the dates they will play, and maybe even what classes they are picked out for, so that stuff like this doesnt happend again..
Hey razz.

im just curious about something..

Quote"Bascially i choose xperia, and with him having issues cannot play anyday, if i knew this b4 the drafts picks were open i would not have picked him as my eng smg, and would have choose someone esle"

Was all players in the playerspool contacted before they where added to it, to make sure they all could (and wanted) to play on the set matchday?
Yes they were (at least when I had asked all of the players I could before I was away for christmas / new years etc) this is a bit different due to it not being lack of organisation. Originally they could play but xpr and Luna both have commitments they can not get out of that they found out about about an hour after we actually finished the drafting :)
ahh, well, that explains alot indeed..

probably a reason why backups was part of the draft:) incase something like that happend..
my grandfather died just before they started picking people. not knowing the funeral was going to be on thursday 16:30. which means both me and Lunatic can't play. else we would've played ofcourse. ;)
Thanks for that, I didn't want to start throwing that out there without you saying it first! :D
heh appreciated ;)
I am sorry to hear that have my condolences.
sorry to hear that, all the best for you and your brother.
Other captains would not allow Razz to pick a new player who were deemed to be a similar level to xperia. After refusing to allow him, Razz then raged at most captains which then in the long run meant he dug his own grave. Other captains threatened the admins that if Razz did not use Kevji, then they would not play either. Basically the decision was made to force Razz to play with Kevji (even though he didnt want to play SMG from what i have heard) to keep the other whining captains happy which would mean that Razz wouldnt play.

To cut the long story short there was a lot of bitching by certain captains which frankly was embarrassing, they should be ashamed. It wasnt all of Razz's fault like some ppl insist but he caused his own downfall. The cup is supposed to inspire some life and enjoyment back into the game with a little bit of a competitive streak. Frankly some of the captains are just childish and seem to want to do anything to win/make it harder for the admins.
I would say it was more about Razzs behaviour and stubborn insisting that he does not want to use kevji
More of his attitude towards the other captains with the flame rather than insisting he didnt want to play with Kevji. Its not like its a Lan Competition, or that money is on the line. Playing with 2 rifles in 1 team would surely have unbalanced his team so i could understand his frustration.

Thats not to say that he doesnt rate Kevji, but i can see his POV with the 2 rifle situation. Also it wasnt like Razz picked Kevji as backup because he thought he would need a rifle although rather irrelevant it still would have weakened his team. This competition is more for the community and ppl should put aside their ego and do what the admins suggest rather than threatening to boycott.
well, as I see it, it would have not happend if they didnt make this backup thing in first place, or at least didnt link one single backup with one team. If they did really want to have replacements, they should have left those players in pool and captains would just pick the one they need (rifle for rifle, smg for smg), simple as that and much less room to whine about anything
Ye completely agree and think its the only real positive thing to come out of this.
If I knew at the time they were asking me to take part in this cup that there will be backups, I would most likely reject. At least now they know that if they are about to host more of this kind of cups, they have to think differently. But after this, I wouldnt be surprised if they werent rly into orginizing anything atm :)
Typical community/players flame then admins ---> Lose Motivation ---> No more cups.

Im pretty sure if they hosted another they would disregard the backup option :P
well, in this case I dont think admins are the once to be flamed. I actually dont see many comments where admins are getting flamed, its more just judging somewhat retarded actions-reactions of razz and some captains.
I know this has nothing to do with it (and i apologie for this ! but i'm very curious and would like to know why anexis is inactive and not participating in any cups ? (esl cb etc) where's mAus btw ? Nobody wanted to play with him ?

greetings !
best wishes for 2012 !
We are still together and waiting for some new cups/tournaments to be announced and then we will be back. mAus is too busy with studies etc to play ET atm and who can blame him with all this shit going on :P

You will see us some part in 2012, and HNY to you too
That's certainly true, but I guess nobody saw this drama coming just because of the possibility to choose a back-up in a certain way :p
now they know it was wrong to do this way and will hopefully learn for next edition. But right after drafts there was one issue with backup already, but nothing this big.
ok this has gone from cool stuff to epic fail
you is my hero Robert
...german star stray...
My fav part ;)))
why just dont give the cap function to someone that is already in lineup (e.g perfo) and take 2 better players to replace razz and xperia instead of upcoming german star stray?xd

PS: been enjoying your football gifs
is he good these days? I have only seen him getting owned in ettv stats. is he a good player now?
stray? he's shit. he might win something when he is carried by kiwi
leadership ablilities
God has spoken
Was it really that hard to let crossfire pick captains and then let EVERYONE signup as a player and then captains draft players from the ones who signed up.

Real terror man
shit cup killing ET fuck off with team-stRay haha
shoutout to IceQ for the banner!
and footer
Did anyone even bother to contact some other backup players to fill that empty captain spot? I am sure that anyone from those players would be better than stray + it would be without getting someone outside "allowed" list. With this you could have let razz to have some other player who wasnt in draft lift, because this is practically the same (except for the fact you are weakening the team significantly...).
hit the nail on the head mate, the whole argument in the first place was that razz was not allowed to play a player that was not in the list, so when the admins pick stray who was not allowed in the first place, they contradict themselves and frankly make total idiots of each other, any one of them backups would of been a fine addition as captain ( or move a backup into a team and make a chose player a captain) , i come back to ET to find shite like this!, its a joke. Plus i can think of atleast 15 active players who could come in above stray, anyway nice reasoning.
And what else did I say? Maybe try to reread my post once again...
yea i did, dont think you quite understood what i meant, i was simply reiterating your comment, i agree with you, so i said if they are going to let none allowed players to play why not just let razz choose in the first place, ive had a few beers today so if i come across as retarded i apologise!
Well, it sounded a bit bitter, I guess it was beer talking :) This is "good" experience for organisators they can only learn from, I believe next edition will be better
yea i hope so, i think i better calm down on the poisen juice before i jump into an argument lol :)

This was looking pretty cool, but now people seem to be annoyed by this change and it's caused the usual atmosphere :(
welcome to ET
hey, ppl will learn from the mistakes. next cup will be awesome!
draftcup serious business
stRay ummh ok, this is normal if this guy totally unknown to me ?... bullshit
too many mad men GO ED LAD
Rising star? Really? Demented is more of a rising star than stray no offence xD and really, give the captain to some1 who sucks off all the admins? Give it too one of their current players and select a different better player than stray, EG spho.
How about giving it to mystic or redcross?
Why are you all still discussing on the point that stRay will replace razz? Who actually cares.. it's a one day cup anyway - one of hopefully 10 or even more. If a player doesn't want to play, then let him.. isn't it his own choice? .. Acting like this is just ridiculus and I guess the admins will think twice about a remake of this cup.

And no, I am not writing this because stRay is on my buddylist.
lol, stRay is on your buddylist
wow that was funny
go brush your teeth now

I miss times when having games on gtv was something, now any low can get it
yeah:) That was so great..

The excitement when you finally reached a level where you got gamestv matches, and you knew that there would be many people watching, because it wasnt 20 matches every day:)

good old times..
and people have been looking forward to games for days. now its kinda like "oh hey, there is a EuroCup Grand Final going on right now... nice!"
yeah.. it was more special back in history, but on the other hand, the way it is today makes gamestv available for lesser skilled players, and its nice for them to be able to play on gamestv to..

so there is + and - for both situations really.
gamestv became a server farm for fags that cannot into their own servers
I like razz! Fuck you all let him choose some other guy careeee

Cripled nerds :D
While i can understand razz's frustration its unbelivable for me that guys like mind and clown would cry bcoz their chances of winning a draft cup would be a bit lower...
stray as cpt does not need a comment :D
not night Clown,Kevin,miNd to be exact :)
yeye dunno why i wrote night xD
Posted by fumble

upcomming german star: stRay

image: facepalm
Quote his replacement is none other than upcomming german star: stRay

Well that counts one team out...

Should be some fun matches though
shit 1 day cup
posting in epic news like a boss
remove team 8 problem solved.
sommige mensen gaan er gewoon over
too many fat nerds arguing go outside and talk to girls you skinny faggots.
the fuck?
this is more dramatic and entertaining than big brother :D

looking forward to more news!
He made a bad pick, dunno what the big deal is?
Fun one day cup for the community

=> bunch of nerdy friends insulting each other
its all fun and games until internet fame can be acquired
reading all these comments, i am laughing at Clown, miNd, Kevin who actually complained about 6th ain't from the pool :O what's the big deal lol im curious what for example miNd would have done if he had lost sample/altsi/vanhaomena and had to replace him with Z3R0 :D haven't you all captains/admins writen that it's supposed do be fun cup to see how things going for further tournaments? And you all care so much about wining or dunno what is this all fuss about.

also I like one of filuS comments about not assigning backups to each team but to let them stay in one pool so the captain can choose one of them if needed. (then 8 backups should be like 2 rifles, 2 fops, 2 engis, 2 medics)

ah and btw it's not that the pool has got 40 best players in the game and the one who would be chosen by razz (outside pool) could be better by pool players :PpPp so about what were you affraid guys

And now razz's team instead of having one of the best players these days, got stray who can compete with z3ro for "the best" player award in this cup.
best comment!
omfg, never thought I would agree with you :)
what I find hilarious is that even now, when razz and xperia are out and I guess kevji doesnt want to play either, they arent asking other backup players to play. Razz took xperia as an engie, why dont they ask frozz to replace him for example. And I am pretty sure that palemki or hope would do also great job in any team. But now we have 2 players who originally werent meant to play in this playing and guys who signed up for this few weeks ago sitting it out because they didnt have any friend to actually pick them to main lineup. Thats really unfair towards them...
Problem with giving out backups to another team is that then those teams will lack a backup, which might result in big problems during the draft cup. Not very uncommon that someone is having connection issues or something similiar and needs to be replaced so it's great to have the backup there ready to play during the cup
I guess its pretty obvious that backups as they were intended (1 backup for 1 team) are already out of the question. Why not assign those 2 new players as backups to other teams then? If you didnt notice, Clown is already using his backup, Kevin does not have a backup, so whats the point of enforcing others to stick with their backup players so strictly. As I said earlier, make a pool from backup players, if some team need a replacement, they can actually choose an appropriate player for their needs. And in case every original backup player is in use, then they could take new players.
Yeah, it's a pretty challenging situation as all the solutions have their ups and downs. If teams could just pick any of the backups to replace one of their players it would take away the point of including backup players in the draft in first place. For example if some team managed to get the best backup player and then at last minute find out they need a backup, they'd prolly end up getting one of the worse backups as the best ones would already be taken. Unless you make it some sort of "backup lottery" where you'd get a random backup, but not sure if that would be a good solution either.

Now looking at this situation I guess it probably would've been best if every team had 2 backups and every player had promised they can play in the cup. Then it would've been highly unlikely that some team had 3 players who couldn't play and we wouldn't need to even consider using anyone from outside the original draft.
Right now it doesnt rly matter what they do, damage has been done and they wont satisfy everyone.
About assuring admins one can play cup, well, in lunas/xperias case, its unfortunate and couldnt been predicted. And If I knew there will be backups in this cup, I wouldnt sign up for this in first place eventhought I made it clear that I can play at given date. Some things happen and even 2 fixed backups could not be enough in all cases, thats why I suggested to make pool from backup (if they eliminate picking backups in next edition, there will be noone complaining about having better/worse/rifle backup anyway, they can pick anyone they see worthy of taking free spot)
That backup pool idea could be good for the next cup if a) backups won't be drafted as you said and b) all the players in this pool will be around the same skill level
unless we do draft cup with 4 teams only I doubt there will be a pool of players with all on +/- same level. Once we start differentiate players like this, all draft cups will be doomed under huge pile of whine/flame/hate/egoshit. Hopefully they will learn from this and make it better next time (if there will be next time)
agree with u and filus
didnt have time to read everything but im pretty sure when i'll wake up that im going to have a good laugh

No problem for Latvia Clown, best Cap in ET!
Great teamallstar from the day he was born night in first round :E
i have only one word for all of this...

i like comedy, but this is !!1!!...:)
man! :) good luck with all this shit
if that news wouldnt sound like an absolute troll (...none other than upcomming german star: stRay, we selected him due to his leadership abilities and willingness to bring together the team...) people would probably be more calm now

still im impressed that a few people still put a good amount of time/money into a community which aint thankful and mature enough in any single way. This is supposed to be a funcup and still indicates the highest amount of drama in the past few months. Just waiting for anyone starting to boycot the funcup :p
You guys are pathetic...

Razz did this and razz did that... who cares?

Cant you fkin see the main issue?

Admins picked tornis....



Your just jealous Jonas! Nu håller du dig lugn annars blir det inge team sweden för dig du som tjatat så mycket! ;)
no EnglandfumBl playing? Did beat shit out of ScotlandbabyfacerAzZ yesterday:ss
and yet the cup didnt even start
upcomming german star: stRay

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i made that post like 3 hours omfg?

+++ those pics wasnt offtopic at all!
I can't believe this shit. stray was begging to be a captain / in the player poule since the start and now this fucking leech actually got what he wanted, wonder if he realises that allstar-fame he craves is the total opposite of what he gets, just people laughing at someone who is an obvious sore thumb :)

all in all it was a combination of bad (:D e-)sportsmanship, bad luck (xperia & lunatic finding out quite shortly after being chosen by captains that they couldn't make the cup) and bad organisation. everything happens for a reason though and now obvious mistakes can be avoided in futue :_)
I wouldnt say it was organisation problem, just that backups system was kinda wrong. Nothings perfect for the first time, and this isnt any different.
stray isn't in admin group, he isn't also in the group of players. he's just a friend of you guys, but he had known about a cup, probably about a players, captains etc before everyone else knew hmm. and then he jumped in as a captain, a role which originally was supposed to be for a few top players?, from nowhere.
And you're all still wondering why people saying that it's called yours/queens friends-cup:-)
fuck well i wrote a big ass reply went ingame hit send and your comment was gone :D rewrite: captains told friends e.g. kevin told eddo/oxy bout cup razz probably told stray, it was probably fumble who let stray be captain and i can tell you they are not friends, no matter who the admins were stray would be begging to be captain coz he thinks its a ticket to efame. any info he knew was not from me/owzo/fumble, as soon as we started inviting players he was begging us to let him in, I told fumble no (coz we already had enough germans) but he just wouldn't give up. + he aint my friend no idea why you would think that
ye sorry i made few edits there so i decided to delete it and write it once again without edits:p lol begging to be a part of a cup to which he would have no chance to get into its just sad, hes just sad :3 i wonder why these 5 players want to be lead by stray :{D
the team probably knew nothin about it :] I was busy yesterday and didn't know anything about this too (other than going on irc to see like 400 angry pm's). this just isn't how I planned things to go at all especially adding such a player as a captain, would have never agreed to that and told fumble to ignore stray's comments since the start. ;d
fumble did ask me to paly btw but i denied cause i thought the system would be a bit different

fumble did not ask you to play.
if u say so ;)

could give u exactly that line m8
do it then?
basically: originally we planned it to be a signup cup, stray was begging fumble on his knees to be a captain because he knew if he was just a signup nobody would take him into their team, that's what he means by "fumble asked me to play" - he was begging fumble to be a captain and fumble told him he can be a player on the signups list. fumble gave me the entire logs with stray and it's the most pathetic shit ever, never saw someone suck so much cock and lie so much just to get their name in a good team on gtv, so fucking sad.
stray must be mentally sick :DD can't see another explanation why he's so retarded :D
well everything happened so quick and I really couldn't be bothered any more, razz pmmd me saying that he is handing his captaincy over to stray ( baring in mind I was really tired at this point and had tonnes of work to do) so I just said ok because I couldn't be bothered with any more disagreements. Me and Artstar have put in so many hours into this cup and all we are getting at the moment is flame ( when the outcome is still probably going to be some really great, equal games).
u said you were giving it to stray your the admin
ok w/e , I cannot be bothered any more I'm trying to do something else for this 'shitty cup' :D
admins bending over backwards going back on shit
it was either that or no cup.
How is that when every admin accept kevin actually said i could have scarzy today afer all the fighting etc? The whole reason i left captain was because kevji didnt want to play and mant wanted to play rifle due to playing on a laptop, so when i leave stray gets captain? and suddenly fireball gets thrown in without any things being said? Wouldnt call yourself a admin
You flamed most captains and the majority where threatening to boycott because of it, I had to go on vent and persuade kevin to change his mind because of you. I agree you was in a really shit situation and that's due to lack of organization which is the admins fault. I also agree I'm a shit admin which is why I won't be doing anymore cups.
You could have atleast have been fair and given me my player and the cup would of ended up fine, bascally u lost me as a captain, in the other case you would lose kevin whos a captain, u picked and it was the wrong decision.

e. Its not a shit-cup its a shit-biased cup towards me, U will learn now in futher ones what not to do, hopefully but without me forsure

And you say Majority were in favour Flop was fine with it Jere wouldnt care Night wasnt bothered he agreed clown agreed for scarzy so did mind, fuck nos about an7to and kevin so baascially your wrong
team-mind, team-kevin, team-clown and team-an7ho were threatening to boycott. We had to do what we did or there would be no cup, I don't blame you or anything, you was stuck in a shitty situation because of bad admining. :(
So they were boycotting not letting me take ANY player and for kevji to play.

Now Stray has got Captain, its fine for him to take fireBall into him team? And Kevji wont play

Why didnt i just get my first player in the first place?
I can't answer that as I was not the person objecting to it, fireball has been added to the team because kevji didn't want to play any more after everything. I don't understand why you're mad at me i've done nothing wrong to you, apart from bad organization.
He has a point. Sometimes razz is a little kid n stuff, but he is 100% on this one. Not allowing 1 thing, but getting new captain and few players is okey? lold.
Quote by KevjiRazz didnt even ask me.

Quote by rAzZ_I Asked stray to get kevji online and i heard from him that he only wanted to play rifle and wasnt interested in the smg.

Quote by rAzZ_The whole reason i left captain was because kevji didnt want to play

Only one who is at fault here is you.
can't you see that razz didn't make that mistake? :D stray lied to razz and told him kevji only wanted to play rifle, because he knew razz would drop out if he had to play with 2 rifles, this was stray's plan because the whole time he was pming fumble to replace razz as captain.
Right but why wouldn't the captain of the team personally speak to his own draft picks instead of getting second hand information from somebody who wasn't even involved in the tournament...
because kevji wasn't online at the time and that's not something razz is in control of :p
brown nose is brown
Well.... Funny how ppl whine about ET is going to be extinct. Everyone complaining instead of making the best out of this opportunity and play. You got to the list, now enjoy yourself and play.

I don't get why all this fuss needs to be created. Just man up.
gl hf eveyone :)
everything was nice but then i read that "his replacement is none other than upcomming german star: stRay" and I lold hard :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
This has many similarities to the great GBooky scandal in which perfo was also involved. I want my vote back before this gets out of hand.

I had high hopes for 2012 too.
et missing you
fucking nerds
no, its not a friend cup
I am the best german ingame leader and probably the best of the world behind ross,
i dont play with newbs i am not a newb and i hate stray dunno why he get that spot he is unfuckingfassbar good these days.

I lead my team for place 4th in EC and 5th in BFB ! stRay was 8th on BFB and 6th in EC. Dont worry i am the greatest still, mental: stray das ist dumm man !

kevji as backup and now suspended for beeing a retard isnt the best decision, but at all why the allmighty legend mental isnt in a team for fuck sake !

Random Quote from LS|eujen: humM3L is probably the most intelligent player in ET right now he can stop full teams with his grenade spam, im more worse then him in everything, he is the best ing at the moment !
why so humble?
+ fucking 1
you are low+ max.
the majority if the community doesnt like you.

stray beats you in those things but i still believe that there are more suitable people out there.
you however are certainly not one of them.
has someone accountraped you?? ...
I demand my vote back on the poll since i voted for razz team.

Seriously stray?? any random med player would be more mature and skilled than him :D

At least now i can say that im better than 2 draft captains hihi
Should've had a pool of backups, so the captains would've had a more broad selection.
This is 2012
this is madness!
A great start of the year for ET! wooo
1st drama 2k12
what is the big problem about letting razz find a similar skilled player to replace his 4th draft, not like hes getting mAus or any1 that would heavily sway the odds in his favour, razz is a decent lad and i think hes fair too, why couldnt the retarded captains ( u know who you are) realise that replacing a decent medic with a rifle is not a fair move and therefore let him take a fair and decent replacement. and why the fuck stray is captain, im sure his players are thinking the same
they picked backups for a reason, kevji was avi to play and should have played, I don't hear other teams who have to use their backup complaining.
this was before the problem arose, why cant they just make an exception and learn for the future, i agree that kevji should of played and its not fair to him that this has came to light, its poorly managed but, in retrospect, problems like this should of been forseen . EDIT - the other captains havnt complained because their not in this situation
the only one that had an issue with kevji playing was razz afaik, also playing smg is not fucking rocket science and kevji plays 2on2/3on3 aswell so to say he can't play smg that's just fucking stupid
razz didnt have a problem with kevji tho, he simply didnt see why he couldnt replace his smg eng with a similar skilled guy and leave kevji as backup, i see the argument from both sides and its kinda retarded a decent solution couldnt be found and for this to move on, i see what u mean tho its not fair on kevji
because he picked a rifle as backup and not an smg player?
just goes to show that the backup side of things was flawed, i see comments about leaving them in the poule, this seems like a decent solution, good luck for the cup anyway ;)
he is a star
and nobody saw any of this coming? terrible idea right from the get-go
heh heh heh heheh :DDDDDDDDDd:d
mind once more showcasing his value to this community
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