A new map on the horizon?

image: etSome might have noticed the recent late night journals about searching players to test a new map called Library - if not then the narration of "cf nerd" doesnt fit you but that`s not the point of this newspost. I just want to introduce this new map to our beloved Enemy Territory community and to give an overview on the main objectives so that you won`t get lost by watching the upcoming showmatch.

Some basic facts before we start: As you already know the map is named Library and currently in beta testing. Austria BlAcky started to build his first brush round about the late August 2009 with his GtkRadiant and he established the whole map from scratch. As on nearly every other map the allies side is attacking and the axis force have to prevent them from doing their objectives. The spawntimes are easy to remember - 20 for allies and 30 for their opponent side. The maplayout is mainly made for 6v6 but the gameplay fits as well to a smaller format e.g. 5v5 or 3v3. All Supply- and Goldrush lovers will like the fact that this is another three stage map - so you can`t blame the map itself in case of a too fast defeat.
image: s_head

image: s_news
Let`s start: The allies side is starting on a higher level with three ways to capture the first flag. One way with a small drop down to the axis spawn, a main road to the flaghouse and main courtyard and a third way giving another route to the main courtyard (some players named the last way just "pipe barrel" - atleast thats the translation I got from my dictionary :p). image: s_border_short

image: flag_small
image: s_foot
The axis side can establish a pretty solid defence on the main courtyard with a medic watching the spawn drop down, an engineer building up a wooden barrier (destroyable with satchel) which prevents the allies side from a fast paced flag rush and the remaining team shared on the whole courtyard.

As soon as the allies side toke over the flag they have to blow up the main door with a dynamite. A lucky covert ops can take an uniform and open both the main- and a smaller door located right at the first axis spawn. After the wall is blown the described doors are open and the allies can push forward either to the tank or the neutral command post. The axis can build a tank barrier as well as the cp slowing down the attacking forces.The last matches brought an intense fight for the cp area with some nice pf and rifle actions and some already said they are looking forward to upcoming fragmovie scenes featuring that part of the map.
image: s_head

image: s_news
If the allies were able to escort the tank through a small archway it will stop and destroy a generator which will guarantee access to the last part called Library. That part of the map reminds me a bit of Goldrush and Braundorf. The allies can use their forward cp spawn and push to the library to grab and transmit the documents.image: s_border_short

image: tank_small
image: s_foot
This time the axis do have two spawnpoints - one of them giving a fast way to the docs and the other spawnpoint to the transmitter room to ensure a very last objective returned frag.

Although most of you haven`t played the map yet you should be able roll the dice in your mind and be prepared for the upcoming showmatch between two more or less equally skilled and known dream teams. The date is scheduled for this Wednesday but we will announce more details as soon as possible. Additionally I would like to let you know that the map is still in private beta testing but we will release a first official version short before the showmatch!
image: s_head
And to round this post off I gathered some quotes from known gamers:

QuoteAfter playing the map a couple of times I can assure that it's absolutely suited for competition gameplay offering a variety of strategic possibilities ranging from agressive dynamic tactics to full set back positions. With its multiple stages and several different objectives it surely promises great action packed gameplay reminding you of the glory days and epic battles of ET. The first of the four dynamic stages offers multiple ways to attack from different angles and clutch points. The following stage lets you chose from two strategic options, either driving the tank directly through or taking control of CP first to get a better hold of the area. After the tank destroyed the generator you are again offered with a variety of ways to attack and defend the main objective. Either agressive trying to recover the CP or fully set back directly in the library. Once the documents are stolen they have to be taken back to the transmitter near the second Axis spawn. Their way either leads through a short but dangerous way right through the mentioned Axis spawn or they can chose the secure long way through their CP. - Germany Urtier

QuoteAlthough I have not tested the map as much as many others, I would like to say that it can be a very exciting map. The feeling of the map takes me to a mix between goldrush and village, with a small portion of radar.The map offers: short range firefights; more long range firefights; alot of open space; a few chokepoints but with alternative ways; dynamic stages; doc runs; a medium-time tank escort, which has potential to see much action; a pretty much unique first stage, which I hope will work in competition, important covertops action+ a baby submarine :] All in all, I think the map offers alot of variation in tactics, it is a map that allows you to make some mistakes without forfeiting it. Good in my book. - Sweden slajdan

QuoteLibrary has big potential as a 6on6 competition map. It has multiple very balanced stages that are really fun to play. The Covert comes into play with a real job to do. I loved sneaking behind peoples backs and stab them, so it even has public potential ;) The second stage is rather hard to attack if a team is not pushing together. We will see how people enjoy the map and what updates can be made to further improve it for the Enemy Territory mappool. - Germany eiM

QuoteThis is a map who will fit aimers as well as spammers. There will for sure be some nice and fast actions in the first stage, when it`s all about running for the flag as an allies, whilst the axis need to do everything they can to stop the down strafing enemy! In the second stage its all about teamplay from both sides. Allies need to help their engis who are going for the tank and barrier. The axis need to structure up a nice crossfire and use as much spam as they can to get the enemy down and gibbed, if they suceed they will be able to put up an offensive defence with spawnkilling nades and strikes. The last stage is the most exciting one... Here allies needs to make a run for the docs and use their medics to revive each other and stay alive while they are running their asses off!
The axis side need to have some guys putting up some nice crossfire in the doc room and with some help by a good rifler who stop and gibs everything in his way they can hold allies if not the whole map,for a very long time (Axis could also use one guy as a hunter(adlernest style) - I can already hear the shoutcaster screaming loud when the allies side go for the transmitter with a bunch of axis hunting them from behind. - Sweden tornis

QuoteFirst of all, I think it was a good idea to test the map itself during the week so players (not only highskillers) could play this map. This map is original, with good objectives (plants, doc-run, cp, etc), no trickjumps...By playing it couple of times already (more then 2 times) I think this map has a big potential and is really fun to play. BlAcky did an amazing job building the map and Scatman in getting feedbacks and in advertising the map.
I'm really looking forward to play this map in the future ladders/cups and gl to BlAcky and ScaTmaN. - Canada rito

Austria BlAcky , Germany ScaTmaN_ ,Germany crush3r, Germany mKs , Germany urtier , Germany eiM, Germany stray , Netherlands SimonKinsler , Germany mental , Germany Team-AoW , the guys on #Library, the whole CB & ESL crew and the guys who played the testmatches with us and gave feedback!
played the map several times already in mixed wars. Its some kind of bremen/goldrush-mix. You can fullhold on every stage, but also finish the map in like 5 minutes.

Looking forward to play it in officials :)
rito quote loled

Thx to me for finding "bugs"
You wasnt online :(
u cant throw nades over that house near the balcony (from axis spawn in direction to allies spawn 1st stage)
Show match is going to be great! Hopefully a bit less supply or even better this as the new supply I'm sure I can handle playing this for a year everyday ;)
ye, was bored of sd/grush all the time thus i made this post to get it a bit hyped ;)
im bored of supply since 4 years
I'm new school and already bored,
At least ur not one of those guys who cry about new map
Played it, liked it!
no link to dl? wouldn't mind looking at it.

also this should be an article! :D
download will be released probably tomorrow
Good stuff! :)
Good stuff! :)
Quotesome players named the last way just "pipe barrel"

its called House, but ... :D
So what i understand is, 1 fullspawn, unlucky or unskilled you lose the map?
u havent even tried it, seen it, u don't know sh*t and u're allready trying to criticise.
yet you dont proof me wrong
You have to blow a main gate, repair a tank, escort it, take documents and transmit them; now how the fuck can you lose this with one fullspawn.
dunno dont really cared, saw some pics, comments and posted.

this is crossfire you know.
just boredddddddddd
Go outside!eade!!
and then what? you make no sense :(
Outside world isn't boring :S
at a random hour you want me to go outside and suddenly i am not bored? I love crossfaya logic
You'd definitely be less bored than online :-)
VERY, VERY nice map....
So much details on the map. Everyone can see that this map was builded with love and time.
Great gameplay!
<3 to play that map 6vs6.
Never had so much fun on a map since Goldrush.

Fantastic job, well done blacky!!
seems very nice.. just make 3-4 more maps and we are all set ;)

good job
you'd be surprised at the effort it takes to make a shit map, let alone a good one :D but 4?! the fuck
3-4? it took the guy over 2 years to get to b1 we see now with just 1 map. get real rat :D
why dont you create 3-4 maps? :')
I hv got a few maps... after the release of library ill start to finish the others...
I think that these maps have the potential to become competitionmaps too ;-)
awesome and gl
Sounds great you might get the finest price of all... me returning to et!
yea get real...... and su
Su danish turd
Played yesterday was fun only a bit rambo map :p
as much as I appreciate the effort, what are the odds of this map actually being played? I mean erdenberg got screwed over, missile is basically played only when forced. people are lazy and just want to play gold/supply over and over with small addition of radar and adler :/

erdenberg sux ass
I think the people will play it cause it makes really fun to play it
people are not lazy, erdenberg and missile are awful maps and should be killed with fire and then peed on
but when u pee on it, what will happen to the lovely fire :O?
e: oh and besides the last stage missile is a nice map :-)
Quotepeople are not lazy and just want to play proper maps

first of all erdenberg is a shit map ... first stage hard to get for allies imo bla bla dont even wanna talk about the map coz it makes me sick when i see the first stage :'D

missle wasnt just played when forced ... played it in couple of mixes and i actually can remember that teams even chose the map like g2p in ec etc ...

Libary is an awesome map, i played it like 10 times already now and it makes alot of fun ...
i hope this map gets a shot in a competition.

Gj Blacky
well, imho people would say the same about supply first stage, if the map would come out nowadays....
Well imo this map is not even close to missile / erdenberg etc.. This map has potential, it brings a new feeling to the game.
possible, but people will look down on it
Thats the problem to much ignorant and negative ppl will comment about it when they actually know nothing.
welcome to ET. on the other hand many people get too positive (like e.g. goldocunt). it's a great effort and has huge chance to become a success but there's still a long way to go
where can i play it? testserver?
Join #library or wait for the release
BlAcky! Knew this map gonna be liked :->

<3333 xoxo
replace missile with this. why missile is in any map pool is beyond me
Great map! Looking forward to playing it again and hopefully in clanwars too!
download link ?
as written: will be released tomorrow!
diddent read it all ;)
Thx all who made this effort, looking forward to play it !!

im sorry but, where is this showmatch we are talking about?
Go read the text
its not like i did not read the text, more like scatman made a cf post yesterday where he mentioned to do a showmatch that eve..
MARKUS is the best ! :D
rly nice job Blacky :)
still not sure about the axis spawn points, but should play it more.
Avi for a showmatch ;o)
yep, the second axis spawn near the transmitter is my only concern ;D maybe it needs to be moved a bit back
yup, imo a covert can sneak every freaking spawn to CP so 1 allied guy has to camp it every time.... but I could be wrong
beta-tests and feedback will show it :)
I heard it won't happen because ET community is afraid of change.
3 years for blacky to work at this map is remarcable and a proof of his ambitious ,determination and passion for et, a thing to be admired by every1 and the determination of scatman to promote and test the map is absolutely remarcable.i salute you and looking forward to play this map as much as possible in wars
Great Read spu9 :) and a very Great Map!
ye its a nice map idd gj there blacky :)
would rather watch a showmatch instead of reading trough all this :D
I will add it on nxt OC - really really competitive map
it hasn't even been released yet and you are already saying it will be added? I think the mistery how missile got into mappool has been solved.. and what happened to karsiah? of all the new maps, it was 100% the best of them and it was actually fun to play
dubrovnik was fun :x
dubrovnik was retarded with the roofjumping
that was so much fun :D just retarded allies spawn+spawntime
I agree on the fun part but it wasn't a good competitive map. same goes for warbell
I think dubrovnik can be improved for competition, just with the allies spawn change, the roof thing ain't that bad, takes ages to get up there
i introduced karsiah_te2 same as this map - + i have done several showmatches/cups for it before karsiah got in the mappool ;)
ye, I remember and it worked, was nice to play it in EC, no idea why it got removed..
dont say shit plz lol im busy talking with scatman and blacky about to add the map on the next OC so let us doing what we need.
what "we" need?

"we" dont need any shitmaps into ET anymore
library is a great map
u saying its a great map doesnt still make it a proper map for competiton or to be added (forced) to be played on OC
did u already test it ? me yes and im not the only one and i will add it for sure on hte next OC and if you dont want to play the map, just dont play

play new map couple days -> add into competition

awesome. ur doing one helluva action as a admin.
you sir, need sarcasm-o-meter
are you an idiot? At this point the decision is not yours to be made, especially without the map being tested or even released to the community.
around 50 different players tested the map and almost everyone said it's a nice map. It will need some time anyway for the next opencup so relax :D There will be still some show matches and stuff
How is that relevant? A small group of players have tested the map while majority of the community hasn't even seen it and he's adding it to the next maplist already.
+ I've tested it too, though I played one SW round only and from what I saw during that 30 minutes, I didn't like it at all, there were a lot of things I saw that need to be changed. Everyone is saying that it's fun etc, but so is super goldrush. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's a great map for competition. Give it some more time, fix the map and then let's see again.
Mostly agreed, the map should be properly tested before adding into Opencup. Rather do few one day cups including that map and see how people react.

(this way, you will get feedback from players and will have time to fix the bugs etc)

PS. map is looking nice :)
u played it one map and got rolled as far as i know
ET king got rolled? must be shit map
What difference does that make? And fyi, it was a double-fullhold(as I mentioned in my earlier post already, but apparently you're not as bright as I hoped people replying to me would be) on a supposed smooth 6-7min map.
Oh you expect an intelligent comment everytime someone is replying to you on crossfire? Expected that you dont like this map with such high expectations. Reffering to the comment of goldorak, you seem to be right on the one hand, that we should test the map more often, before we add it to the next Opencup. I guess the statement of Goldorak was more meant in an euphoric way to support this map evenmore. Nearly every player who tested the map was surprised in a positive way. Goldorak tried to convince some readers with his statement that this map has to be a good one. Everyone knows that new maps usually don't really get a chance by the community, because they dont like changings at all.

If there are so many things to change, then better make a step forward out of your arrogant corner and try to help the community with your "knowledge".
Who says I haven't stepped forward? I've reported some bugs so far only and haven't really completed my list of problems that the map has and I think there's no rush at this point. There will be a showmatch on Wednesday as I heard, just wait for that for more feedback. But seeing as the map creator only likes positive comments, all the feedback might not be useful after all.

I think this map might have more potential compared to other new maps that have come and gone but it's still far from perfect and some changes are needed for sure(not that I have any great solutions in my sleeve at the moment). Hopefully we'll be able to gather more ideas after the community gets to take a look at the map too.
QuoteBut seeing as the map creator only likes positive comments, all the feedback might not be useful after all.

I like positive AND negative feedback(!)/comments ... it would be nice if u can give me feedback (positive/negative)! cause you just played 1Round and disconnected without any statement or feedback.

So dont say that I dont like negative comments, because thats ABSOLUTLY WRONG.

"Who cares about 1 out of +60 Players? me not."
In my defense, it was 6am and I was forced to play. I will make some kind of a statement after I've seen/played that showmatch. Atm to me that map just feels more like a public map and the reason why people who like it so much is that it's "fun". That's the main argument so far.
would be nice if u - as player of the non-released beta - can give me your ideas and other stuff befor I release the map. So i could rework/change something to make the map better.
fix the spawnpoint for axis, they can't spawn back unless opening limbo all the time.
What's up with this tank? Why i have to stand against it to make it move? Why is this range changed?
Gun turret not working!
First stage the fights will be a lot close range, where the levels varies in height a lot: chaos situations.
From what i notice is that ever objective is at least reachable in 4 ways. Which is a lot, tho the long routes will make it like TC_base.

Last stage is secure docs in axis spawn? too close and too easy for any decent axis team. I guess a place near the "AoW statue" spot would be nice (between allied and axis spawn).

What about allied CP spawn? Will it be secured once the generator is blown? Or is it destroyable like on sw_goldrush_te?
cp is destroyable
Axis middle spawnpoint is too good for covert ops to destroy the cp in that case
axis spawn is moved further away
I like it since it has lot's of ways to get to the object of each stage but not in a bad way like impossible to defend. The map isn't lotto and can be played lot's of ways not a '1 or 2 tactic' map.and with that overcourse comes fun.
goldorak just told us that he will include this map in next oc. And he is serious. Since he has been calling the shots at cb its been even a bigger joke than previous years.

I havent seen the map nor played it, but i hate it already just because this fucktard goldorak is acting like a braindead again.
lol as said RazZaH im euphoric and i really like the map :) but who said that im right or serious ^^ only you not me but its a great oportunity to have fresh map instead of always supply or gr.
Now if u really dont like it just because I like it.....who's the retard here !! think its only you
Hello mate it was the first time I played it to, while we played it with some other guys. I was also sceptic back then but after giving it some more trys. I can honestly say that this could bring some "new" feeling to the game. It has a lot of potential and you could use various tactics. The problem is that it is to much negativity around and its sad cause if more "pros" start to do statements and comment about the map when they only played it like once, this will probably stop the process to get new maps into competitions.

Edit: Ofc its need to be tested more.. but im just saying it really has potential.
What a great idea to decide on adding the map to the mappool after testing it a couple times yourself! Perhaps you should calm down a little and wait on it being tested properly in competition (showmatches, one day cups etc.) first. I saw the map yesterday and I'm certainly hoping that it will work out well in competition and we'll get an additional map, but noone can say that for certain at this point.
if any other business took this strategy of public relations, they would be bankrupt before the days end.

maybe over in europe shitland business is conducted in this manner, WHICH IS WHY YOUR CONTINENT IS FUCKING FAILING. FUCK YOU ALL AND GO FUCK YOURSELVES FUCKERS.

why u care noob its oc :D
what "we" need is an English course

and by "we" I mean you
wtf? missile is a rly cool map and in esl players voted it as 6th map, can't be such a bad move by cb to add it then :|
If I were you, I would calm down a bit and wait until some final version is released. You might try to put a new map like that to SummerCup without a problem, but EC/OC season is not a good place for that. Besides, this map hasn't been widely presented for the community yet.
i know it was just first feedback after some online test :) if i was not admin nobody will react on it so honestly i care about the whine because the map is still on test.
Well being head admin on CB comes with certain responsibilities.
ya know, i cant say nothing anymore, even a personal feeling or all of the retards said right after that it was admin comment even it wasnt. but most of the whiner are busted cheater so personally i care
The most retarded admin ever. How the fuck can u say shit like this when the map has not even been published yet? I bet someone with brain will give you a polite answer on why u cant do shit like that. Leave the fucking internet.
Great map to play, really fun, but no shout out to me for the bug finding :<
I liked it very much! I wanna play it more now :D
Looks promising!
really nice map, would like to play it in leagues ! :)
If Night doesn't like the map you should never add the map to CB.

Yes, you might have to play radar supply and goldrush until 2023. huehuehue
You can add all the maps you want to CB when it's run by people like Goldrorak. I'm staying/have stayed as far as possible from those tournaments. And for your information, I don't like supply at all.
Who cares about 1 out of +60 Players? me not.
Hey, don't go too ego. As far as I can see from people's comments, you've created a nice map and credits for you for that job. But don't walk away from negative comments just because they're negative.
we had a lot negative feedback and we fixed a lot but thats the ET community , not open for good ideas / maps whatever... there wont be any good map come like gold or sd2... so the ET community must be open for new maps if they want changes :(
That's true you have to force a map to have it played. Just thinking, before that map should have a proper testing process -)
I think you failed to see what he did there
seems like i need to visit you guys more often :)
aber echt! :)
oh btw, justin bieber has milions of fans, does it make him good?
Gary please come back and save ET from cancer called goldo
Will be a nice next Opencup without an anticheat :[
Some more nice screenshots (ag0n) maybe? ;) Will test it soon.

EDIT: Wanna play tonight! Please open test server now :( Got free time from my gf :D
eheh hi!

As requested by SimonKinsler (and you), i took some screenshots, they are not that awesome actually, but it was just a fast thing (used my gr cfg / gr colors ).

59 screenshots here, full hd n stuff

(stylish screenshots)

image: Image1
image: Image3
thanks for your work :)
took me alot less than your work, so don't worry, your welcome!
Thanks a lot! :)
seems like i dont care

backing up Vaiko and Marko on this one.
i dont give a f*ck either :)
I'm gonna play LoL, same map always but it doesnt get boring :P
thx for shoutout :p

map is nice, you aren't!
why i am not ;(((?
no accented shoutout to myself :/
Awesome map!
pretty awesome map, np for helping so much :* :)

thx 4 the shoutout and you guys especially blacky and scati did an awesome job!
haha attentionwhore :D
Ich hätte deinen namen nicht schreiben sollen ... ;)
wo steht denn mein name ? :D

ah bei den shoutouts! comment edited!
ne, hättest du nicht. :)
fucking amazing map, n1 work blacky
I didn't test the map that much(just 2-3 wars) but my first feeling was: great pub map !
It still needs a lot of work to be competitive + huge fps drops in some parts of the map(hopefully fixed with next versions)...

Ah, and the last stage is very confusing for the Axis :D
i have to add that imo ur not the one to say if a map is good or not cause u dont have the experience to say such bullshit. important changes were done yesterday while urtier helped rly much to make this map more attractive. this map is totally ready for the competive scene.. ofc in this games many ran like on a public server but the guys who played it more than 10 times can say if this is ready... and im not talkin only about some lowskilled german guys...
I didn't play the new version, probably I will change my mind if I play the new version.
But the old version was not suitable for competitions, that should be clear.
with the fps thingy i agree with u but this got fixed!! u have to set basic tax and it works !
"lowskilled german guys..."

hey i helped a lot ! :D
this wasnt meant on this way, i just wanted to show that also some higher skilled players had his hands into this project^^
fps drops come on everywhere on the map i have 125fps np :)
Good luck, nice to see people still trying :)
eh another imba toss map to downvote

loled at whine
Last stage is too confusing for the Axis side, it's one hell of a mess, should be simpler to get out of the spawn to the direction you want
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