Library_b1 - Showmatch Team R0ss won: 4-0


image: s_head

image: s_news

Europe Team R0SS

United Kingdom R0SS
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqzz
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany kReSti
Germany butchji

image: s_news

Finland Team Twidi

Finland Twidi
Finland Matias
Finland Iron
Finland Stuka
Finland Squall
Finland Vanhaomena

image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 21.00 CET
Maps: Library_b1, Library_b1
League: image: etShowmatchimage: game31075
image: s_foot

Tonight we've got two top teams taking it up on a brand new map. Library will be the battlefield for twelve of the most skilled players the Enemy Territory community can afford at the moment and with several testgames already played I am more than sure it will become a hell of an event! We had a lot of good and constructive feedback in the past few days and with your help AustriaBlAcky was able to release a new beta version just one hour ago. This new version will be used for the upcoming showmatch so be sure to check the map objectives and don`t miss the download link.

Public Testserver: and; password library

Due to the nature of the 'showgame', we are very interested in peoples's reaction post-game, i.e, after you have watched the match on ETTV. Just join our #Library channel for discussions and feedback. Both teams will play the map atleast twice and in case of a decider you even will have another round on the new map. Ref of tonight will be Netherlands SimonKinsler!

After the formality we can now keep an eye on the mentioned top teams. On the one side we got an allstar lineup consisting of some GermanyAnexis members including United KingdomR0SS and United KingdomsqZz as well as three of the finest GermanyGerman players in the form of GermanykReSti, GermanyButchji and GermanyFLoPJEHZ. United KingdomRazz will join forces and try to shot as many bullets as possible. Their opposing side will be an all FinlandFinish lineup which needs no other description than pure power. FinlandTwidi, FinlandMatias, FinlandIron, FinlandStuka, FinlandJewe and the sniper king himself FinlandVanhaomena will pracc hard to keep them under pressure.

QuoteAfter putting together this all star lineup and Flopjehz, we look forward to playing Library as it looks like it has extreme potential. Playing against the Finnish powerhouse mix should provide a good game for all the spectators and we hope that it enables some constructive feedback for the mapper! - United Kingdom R0SS

image: lib
thanks to Polandchickita for the banner, Portugalag0n for the screenshots,Netherlands SimonKinsler for his help and Sweden miraya and Germany SPU9 for the public server! and a special thanks to all the players and Netherlandsh3ll from the ETTV crew!
easy for fins. butchji cannot into iron spam :<
Going to be awesome. both teams already played the map and will know exactly what to do so don't expect them to run around like headless chickens
"both teams already played the map" :D
some guy claiming he is twidi with the nickname jussi was on the server the other day making tactics, damn nameclaimers those days.

Oke I might have gone a bit to far with both teams already played the map but I saw most players walking around the map already.
doing tactics =/= playing

I think Vanhaomena said that he has played the map out, but otherwise we haven't played it yet. Made good tactics with Matias yesterday tho so will be interesting to see how it'll turn out!
didnt expect those players
gl fins+butch
For the people that think highskilled players don't want new map and just want to stick to old maps(not saying you are) I can happily say that alot of the top tier of ET played serval testmatches today and gave feedback including : EstoniaNight ,Swedentornis , GermanyUrtier and more.
i was there when night played it for the 1st time and he said it was bad, but of course, hasty conclusion when u only played the map once
Played again, map changed a bit had a few suggestions. Can't speak for him but he seems more positive will try to get a statement from some top players tomorrow ;)
errr it goes tornis, night, then urtier. tornis = allstar, night = star, urtier = half a star
urtier is one of the biggest stars in ET
I see what you did there, but still tornis > ALL
wasnt meant in that way

urtier > tornis easy

Night and urtier nice giuz but r n00bs compared to tornis :)
omg tornis omg <3
was* one of the biggest

QuoteAfter putting together this all star lineup and Flopjehz

Played it today, can say that its not a competition map at all, gl trying to make it into one
use ur mind this map is good for competion. a mix like Bremen and grush.
nowhere close, lol.

its way too big, too many ways to everywhere, no proper way to even call ways on comms etc etc, its prolly good map to play on pub but its not any good for a competition
that map has 2-3ways like all maps. Do u want a One way map?
then play pacman or super Mario forever...
I wish HeX|Fate could make a comeptition map, I've asked him a few time but he refuses to make one. :( He is probably the best mapper in ET if you have seen Refinery or his newest map distillery
That still doesnt mean he can do a good map. He might not understand what a fragging map actually require
Fate playd since 2003. And he has been playing some fragging also. He knows how to setup a competition map. And if you have seen his trickjump map you wouldve known that he could make a VERY good competition map. His 2 maps are insanly made and I just can't understand how orginized and how well he actually did it. Its amazing tbh
You dont have to tell me who he is cuz i was in HeX back in 2005, still i bt he barely watch or play any fragging game
Yeah thats true, but he is a genius at mapping. Its just insane his last map and the design... just wow.
i agree, i have no idea where he gets his ideas from but hes a genius
Looking forward to this map / showmatch!

For those who missed my earlier message at other new:

59 screenshots here, full hd n stuff

(stylish screenshots)
Looks pretty decent, stuff i've noticed so far:

- Need more objective icons on the map (docs, doc cap point (radio) etc.)
- Distance/Time from Allied final spawn may be a little far for a 20sec re-spawn

Might get some aussie teams to play a mix or two on it, will post further feedback from that.
does this map contains any parts of existing maps, some parts seem familiar.
Actually I can't think of another map that has a big resemblence with this one.
Yeah also meant the parts. Nothing gets into my mind there but correct me if I forgot some :)
First part reminds me a bit of Karsiah with the flag inside the house, however Axis don't spawn right on it. If you played Wolfenstein (2) the whole first stage is pretty similar to a map called Bank (iirc), especially with the balcony you spawn at.

Second stage is a mixture between Caen (pretty old map) and Bremen with the CP being your main objective, however you could try without it.

Last stage is again like the Wolfenstein map, or maybe a bit like Goldrush/Ice, since you have a short way to secure the docs right through the Axis spawn or a more secure way up to your CP.

The very last stage (if there is any) certainly reminds you of the Adlernest transmitter battles, with the doc carrier most likely staying back and waiting for the call to go, while the Axis defend right at the transmitter.
Yeah gotta agree about the last part that reminds of adlernest
don't axis spawn above flag on karsiah?
Hm, yep :-D

Still inside the house though, on Library they spawn some meters next to it in another room.
is the link for library up yet? I'd like to see what's all the fuzz about it :D
oh science, I actually missed it.
also the dock part
thx for reminding me of the bank map from wolfenstein(2)... felt so home strafing out there every time :D
As long as there is ammo in this map :F
A little MP40 with 29 bullets is hidden on some table but that's about it. You got your Fops for ammo :-))
:( I always need moar ammo :|
While testing I haven't noticed the lack of ammo tbh.
make the spawnpoints autochange as allies, bit more comfort for the playerz!
I'm pretty sure it is.
i was on testserver today and it did not change on it's own, at least not for allies1
if allies build up the CP the spawn change automatic and allies spawn at the CP.
Axis cant spawn at the CP.
mh, why not just change it like bremen? you don't spawn at flag immediatly if you capture it. that is in my eyes biggest problem, on supply and bremen e.g. you do
I think it's in your config since I never have to change spawns as allies. I only change spawn as axis at start to spawnpoint for since it will make you spawn on the other side of the room-> more quickly out. Last stage has changed so you don't have to switch spawn anymore there.
If it is a great map, let's hope it will be played in competition more than a year...this time.
gl for tonight both teams.
btw BlAcky you have wrong wheels infront of the truck :P
awesome map, hf!
NAICE Map imo
just tested, decent map!

nice map! gj!
oh shiiiiiet.
gogo jewe
I could get Sweden to play a showmatch to, if you want and if another team is up for it!
ye, lets wait for tonights feedback and if blacky does some changes you can try the next beta ;D
5 hours left MUAHA! :D
can ask my mates if they are up for a revenge ;-)
yeah would be nice. who are they?
vs survive!
nice :D
i see what you did there
rename the zip file to .pk3

fuck some ppl are stupid
rename the zip file to .pk3

fuck some ppl are stupid
OH YEZ u got it, thanks
Bug: barrier cant be build after tank stopped for it (when destroyed, you cant rebuild it)
I could, weird do you prehaps have a demo or better explanations of the problem?
you are right
i think it happened because we tried to blow up the barrier with a dynamite from underneath the tank(didnt blow up)

after that we tried to blow it normally + rebuild, the rebuild didnt work
horrible map, sorry fanboys
krestiii again mg :D
all ettv down>?

Big thanks to Netherlandsh3ll for the great ETTV support!
I think it was pretty nice except the last stage which was awful :l
why awful? some explanations ;D i just came back and was able to watch the ettv demo of the first two rounds...looked very ballanced and exciting, maybe axis should try a more defensic tactic to hold some mins right inside the library...
ways to objective room are too narrow and especially the "transmitter" is circled by narrow corridors. at least I'd prefer if the ending would be more wide like in adlernest for example.
1st stage is nice.
2nd stage too many ways for that big courtyard.
last stage just weirrd
indeed, too many ways in 2nd and 3rd stage..
there are basically 3 ways (4 if you count the small door way to the submarine from mainwall as a way...) so i dont think it is too much. but as i heared there will be another showmatch lets write this done and ssee what the game will bring
last stage is indeed weird same as the transmitter.
map looks good, first stage can be really difficult for allies since axis only have to aim at small exits... great use of mg from the fins!
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