Fervent Sunday ET Games!

image: coverage
Sunday evening treats us to what will hopefully be some high quality Enemy Territory action as the first lower round of the 6v6 ESL Winter League playoffs gets underway and the 2v2 winner bracket continues. Kicking things off early are the ambitious Germans Germany credibilis who take on the all French lineup Belgium Wolf Crazy Killers. Although this is a 2v2 game and some might say that`s not what Enemy Territory is about I would still keep an eye on it since we can see some nice aiming machines trying to get their two versus two trophy.

Clashing at roughly two hours later are Finland CodeLust and Europe Zero Empathy, the "new" home of inteRaction. Both teams claimed defeats in the upper playoffs and they really have to establish a superb performance - the one to be a bit under the weather will get no mercy and consequently leave the most attractive competition at the moment.
image: s_head

image: s_news

Germany credibilis

Germany s1LENT
Germany gr0ss

image: s_news

Belgium WcK

France kartez

image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 19:00 CET
Maps: TBA, TBA
League: image: etESL Winter Leagueimage: game31214
image: s_foot
image: s_head

image: s_news

Finland CodeLust

Finland Squall
Finland Jewe
Finland Kolibri
Finland Altsi
Finland Sample
Finland Salaneuvos

image: s_news

Europe Zero Empathy

Czech Republic denton
Netherlands testi
Czech Republic malfoy
Czech Republic ShiSha
Czech Republic milhAus
Czech Republic Green_Clon

image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: TBA, TBA
League: image: etESL Winter Leagueimage: game31225
image: s_foot
And again: to round this newspost off I gathered some predictions from known gamers and community contributors -
QuoteI think Codelust will win 4-0 with the mixture of experience and talent they have, although zeroE are a good up and coming side, especially on Radar. cre. vs. WcK: I think the aim of credibilis will take them to a 4-0 win. - United Kingdom R0SS

QuoteI believe the game between Zero Empathy and Codelust is in Codelusts favour with some of their very strong finish players but I dont think they should go into this game thinking they've won it from the start, the players in Zero Empathy have played together for quite some time and their teamplay is really good. So in my opinion this game can go either way if Zero Empathy manage to get their teamwork up and play well as 'underdogs'.
This 2on2 match has to be worth watching its two strong teams with really good aimers! I think credibilis will be taking this win tho because silent and gr0ss have been playing together for a long time and have shown that they are a strong 2on2 team when they play together, not saying that Wolf Crazy Killer aint but they'll really have to play up to their best to go home with a victory here. - Denmark fiskEn

Quote6v6 ESL Lower Bracket Codelust vs. zeroE: This should be an interesting match and hopefully (finally) close one with possible decider. Although zeroE is known for their teamplay, they have to deal with some recent lineup changes and can mess them up a bit. On the other side, we have codelust whom I personally dont know very well, but with help of former EC winrar Sample and magic aim of Altsi, I would say they have an upper hand in this one. My prediction is 4:2 for codelust (I bet my pants on zeroE picking radar as their map and winning it with west parts being secured before east ones after successfull main rush :P ).
2v2 ESL Playoffs Credibilis vs. WcK: Its hard to pick a winner from this one, I find 2on2 to be pretty random at some point since there is no place for errors/mistakes. I predict less amount of mistakes on side of german duo, so either 4:2 or 4:0 for credibilis. - Slovakia FiLuS

Quote6v6: I think Codelust are favorites for this match up and will take the win, but I would not be surprised if ZeroE took a map as they have a good bunch of players who have played a bit with each other. I will go for a 4-2 Codelust victory. 2v2: Assuming scoring works the same as 6v6, I think this game will be a win for the credibilis team as the quality should be that much higher, although wck guys have no doubt played together quite a bit, this will mainly be on how active & fresh gr0ss is and how he performs. no pressure! 4-2 credibilis win. - United Kingdom MerlinatoR

QuoteI think Codelust will take it allthough not that easly. zeroE always had a nice teamwork but they will get likely outaimed by the fins. 4:2 for Codelust if they won't do something really stupid or throw the game away. 2nd game I have no idea, no interest in 2on2/3on3 at all :p - Poland krein

QuoteI'd say codelust is gonna take it without that much trouble. however with denton/jalo being there they might secure one map, at first I'd say 4-0 (for codelust), 4-2 if codelust gets jalo'd. 2v2: It's quite obvious that gross and silent are going to take that one. - Netherlands xPERiA
Thanks to the guy who made the background of that banner and for all predicitons ;)
Quote I would still keep an eye on it since we can see some nice aiming machines trying to get their two versus two trophy.


nice self-esteem u got there bro
It's quite obvious i'm not a good aimer and prolly will never be.
QuoteSunday evening treats us to what will hopefully be some high quality Enemy Territory action

Not really agreeing on this one (:
the 6v6 game isnt promising enough for you? i mean we do see ec/nc players and good teams known for their teamplay... ;) looking forward to it!
Not really exciting match tho, izi for the fins!

but still, nicely done :)
it's actually gonna be a close game
It will be a nice game SPU9 It's trying to give ET as much coverage as he can it's good that someone has started doing weekly right ups and if this is best game of the sunday there for be It. JUST BE GRATEFUL YOU DICK
Nicely done SPU9!
fervently is the incorrect ord?

nice post though
you mean it is wrong due to the fact that the games are not that fervent?
or is something wrong with my spelling 0o?
noo i think fervently doesnt ork in this context

it should be like 'x admired y fervently', not 'sunday is fervently'

fervid is the right derivitive to use here afaik
is your 'w' broken?
yus, and the s, but i have s on paste :DDDDDDDDDDD
should be fervent not fervently
nice spu9!
And Controlled-gaming vs Business District! cant miss that
gungy is gonna roll your shits

14:56 @Thomm • SPU9, you forgot this from your match-post
14:56 @Thomm • http://www.gamestv.org/event/31199-controlled-gaming-warteam-vs-business-district/
"most attractive competition" einmal kurz gelacht!
twidi gets angry when you put his name like Twidi
Quotewe can see some nice aiming machines


Can't get positive stats on ETPub...
2on2 in news? da fuck
must be high +.+
stupid comments in news? da fuck
Better received than your cup newsposts :)
simoon amazing aimrar
I guess he didn't add your match because of your name showing up there :<
cre vs. wck 1:3 - unexpected and all predictions wrong ;D
nice coverage!
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