Crossfire Draft Tournament II

image: 29zqew

The second edition of the Crossfire Draft Tournament kicks off in a little under two hours time, where 8 teams will battle it out in a double elimination bracket! 7 new captains have come into the fold with the sole aim of dislodging Captain Clown off his thrown as he tries to defend the title as current CDT Champion.

The teams were decided by the captains of each team who had to pick one player each in turn until everyone had 6 in their lineup. The player poule was based on who signed up being available. Below you can see the first round of games as well as each teams lineup.

Grand Final

Finland Iron
Finland Jewe
Finland Matias
Finland Salaneuvos
Finland Squall
Finland twidi
image: game31481Team-xPERiA
Germany gr0ss
Netherlands L4mpje
Finland miNd
Estonia Night
Estonia subbi
Netherlands xPERiA

Losers Bracket Final


Latvia Clown
Belgium dAv1d
Poland Elviss
Netherlands joshua
Slovakia filuS
Poland zMk
image: game31478Team-xPERiA
Germany gr0ss
Netherlands L4mpje
Finland miNd
Estonia Night
Estonia subbi
Netherlands xPERiA

Losers Bracket Semi Final


Canada anim
Poland dialer
Germany Kevji
Poland Krein
Iceland phyZiC
United Kingdom sqZz
image: game31475Team-xPERiA
Germany gr0ss
Netherlands L4mpje
Finland miNd
Estonia Night
Estonia subbi
Netherlands xPERiA

Winners Bracket Final


Latvia Clown
Belgium dAv1d
Poland Elviss
Netherlands joshua
France kartez
Poland zMk
image: game31473Team-Matias
Finland Iron
Finland Jewe
Finland Matias
Finland Salaneuvos
Finland Squall
Finland twidi

Losers Bracket Second Round


Netherlands aphesia
United Kingdom Baggiez
United Kingdom griim
Germany kiwi
Spain Winghaven
image: game31471Team-dialer
Canada anim
Poland dialer
Germany Kevji
Poland Krein
Iceland phyZic
United Kingdom sqZz

image: s_head

Belgium chry
Estonia frEeze
Belgium Jere
Finland lettu
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Netherlands ZaK
image: game31472Team-xPERiA
Germany gr0ss
Netherlands L4mpje
Finland miNd
Estonia Night
Estonia subbi
Netherlands xPERiA

Winners stay in with a chance of winning, losers will pack their bags and go home!

Winners Bracket Semi Finals


Latvia Clown
Belgium dAv1d
Poland Elviss
Netherlands joshua
France kartez
Poland zMk
image: game31469Team-chry
Belgium chry
Estonia frEeze
Belgium Jere
Finland lettu
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Netherlands ZaK

image: s_head

Finland Iron
Finland Jewe
Finland Matias
Finland Salaneuvos
Finland Squall
Finland twidi
image: game31464Team-griim
Netherlands aphesia
United Kingdom Baggiez
United Kingdom griim
Germany kiwi
Spain Winghaven

Losers Bracket First Round


Canada anim
Poland dialer
Germany Kevji
Poland Krein
Iceland phyZiC
United Kingdom sqZz
image: game31468Team-kReSti
Poland BloOdje
Germany humM3L
Germany kReSti
Poland fanatic
Poland palemki
Poland stexx

image: s_head

Finland Altsi
United Kingdom rAzZ
Germany s1LENT
United Kingdom koop
Sweden tornis
Finland Vanhaomena
image: game31463Team-xPERiA
Germany gr0ss
Netherlands L4mpje
Finland miNd
Estonia Night
Estonia subbi
Netherlands xPERiA

Winners stay in with a chance of winning, losers will pack their bags and go home!

Winners Bracket Quarter Finals


Latvia Clown
Belgium dAv1d
Poland Elviss
Netherlands joshua
France kartez
Poland zMk
image: game31454Team-kReSti
Poland BloOdje
Germany humM3L
Germany kReSti
Poland miks
Poland palemki
Poland stexx

Latvia Clown comes into this as defending champion and quite like last time he has surrounded himself with a group of players being a little bit he does know from the past and a little bit he does not. France kARn4J and Belgium dAv1d having played with the Latvian before, if only briefly for the Frenchman, he will have a good idea of what they can do and are capable of. So enter Netherlands joshua, Poland Elviss and Poland zMk who hope to round off a successful lineup. Team Clown are one of the top teams to win the tournament judging by the recent crossfire poll and with someone with the experience and leadership that their captain has, Victory is quite possible.

Team-kReSti is for most people a surprising lineup, There are some rumors that Germany kReSti wanted to play with as many players as possible he has yet to play with before and this approach should be applauded as CDT is not just about winning it is also about seeing some players that perhaps you wouldn't see normally. All of the lineup, Poland BloOdje, Germany humM3L, Poland miks, Poland palemki and Poland stexx, I don't think anyone thought they would see taking part and it could either be a big hit or a big miss in terms of on the field performance. They go up against a firm favorite in the first round though and will have a hard time overcoming such a talented lineup.

image: s_head

Belgium chry
Estonia frEeze
Belgium Jere
Finland lettu
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Netherlands ZaK
image: game31453Team-dialer
Canada anim
Poland dialer
Germany Kevji
Poland Krein
Iceland phyZiC
United Kingdom sqZz

Team-chry has hit some snags already with possible lineup issues, although after learning from issues in the last CDT surrounding this situation it has been snuffed out quickly. The lineup boasts talented players in every position with the captain Belgium chry himself one of the top smg engs in the game as well as rifle Belgium Jere being viewed as a top rifle these days it will be down to the other players to make sure this unit plays solidly. Fortunately Estonia frEeze, Finland lettu, Poland numeric and Netherlands ZaK all bring experience and aiming ability along with them and as long as all things click on the day, this team has every chance of taking home the title.

Poland dialer has gone for quite a well balanced team with aim heavy players Iceland phyZiC and United Kingdom sqZz as well as Canada anim, also going for objective minded players, like himself, in Poland Krein who he is part of team Poland with. Germany Kevji completes the lineup with his rifle and like most teams this lineup boasts a lot of experience and skill but what stands out a lot is the aforementioned balance between raw aim, team players and objective players - if the balance turns out to be good it could spell W-I-N for the lineup on the night.

image: s_head

Finland Iron
Finland Jewe
Finland Matias
Finland Salaneuvos
Finland Squall
Finland twidi
image: game31452Team-tornis
Finland Altsi
United Kingdom rAzZ
Germany s1LENT
Netherlands SQuid
Sweden tornis
Finland Vanhaomena

Finland Matias has gone for an all Finnish lineup, one step further then Team-miNd in the last CDT edition. All the players no doubt have good experience of playing together being from the same scene and this could help them in the early rounds. With the talent and experience of Finland Iron Finland Squall and Finland twidi here is hoping Finland Jewe and Finland Salaneuvos can fill the gaps on such a skilled mashup. They are seen currently as second favorites to win tonights competition and should if all things go to plan make it at least the top 4 teams.

Team-tornis is a real mixup of players with nearly all six players hailing from different nations. Sweden tornis has gone with another bunch of experienced players but sadly, even with United Kingdom rAzZ and Finland Vanhaomena in the lineup the team are seen as the least likely to win the competition by the current poll. It could well be down to the performances of Netherlands SQuid, Germany s1LENT and Finland Altsi on how well this team does tonight given the experience and quality of the other players.

image: s_head

Germany gr0ss
Netherlands L4mpje
Finland miNd
Estonia Night
Estonia subbi
Netherlands xPERiA
image: game31451Team-griim
Netherlands aphesia
United Kingdom Baggiez
United Kingdom griim
Germany kiwi
Spain Winghaven

Team-xPERiA are favorites to win tonight and this probably has a lot to do with the inclusion of Estonia Night in the team. Netherlands xPERiA himself has got back into form and is firing on all cylinders in recent weeks, with a rifle such as Finland miNd in the lineup also kills should not be a massive problem. Germany gr0ss, Netherlands L4mpje and Estonia subbi finish the lineup and their performances will be key to make sure this machine stays well oiled and fully functioning. They come up against a quality team in the first round but they will surely be disappointed with anything less then first place overall in the competition.

United Kingdom griim has picked up some nice picks and a lineup that boasts some nice aim in Netherlands aphesia and United Kingdom griim himself as well as United Kingdom Baggiez who also adds spam to the equation. Helping out with spam as well will be of course Spain Winghaven, lets hope he remembers how to throw an airstrike and shoot a panzer after recently making the push into BF3 competitive scene. Germany kiwi and surprise pick of the CDT France TOMOYO finish off the lineup which right now is not given much of a chance to win - but if all things slot into place the team has the experience and balance to cause even the most talented lineup problems.

IRC: #crossfire.cup
GTV: League Page
Bracket: Brackets
Would people prefer to listen to me do a shoutcast on my voice server?
Or would people prefer to watch and listen to these guys basically have a chat on stream and not do much shoutcasting on the match - #ET.TV

Reply or pm please! :)

I prefer shoutcasting personally, it is ok if you have a second guy on comms who gives a different insight now and then rather then articulating what is actually happening in the game. But just pure rambling etc is boring imo :D
if they(aiRen,moLy) wouldnt talk so much i would go for the stream .. their effort is nice but its hard to listen to these guys!
your shoutcast 4 sure
+1 to stray
Like I told the guys from, a chat like talking about ET and speaking about the games is great but I prefer shoutcasting during the game. After/before/in pauses/inbetween matches enough time to chat about everything ET related.

(16:56:21) (SimonKinsler) Look this is how I see how it should be
(16:56:31) (SimonKinsler) ~15 min before the game starting to cast
(16:56:37) (SimonKinsler) speaking about players
(16:56:40) (SimonKinsler) prehaps upcoming maps
(16:56:43) (SimonKinsler) player to watch
(16:56:49) (SimonKinsler) kind of tactics you can do
(16:56:53) (SimonKinsler) and past games
(16:57:02) (SimonKinsler) during the game real shout casting
(16:57:12) (SimonKinsler) in the pauses/between rounds
(16:57:20) (SimonKinsler) you can chat around a bit and analyze
(16:57:25) (SimonKinsler) during the game shoutcasting again
(16:57:32) (SimonKinsler) after the game interviews with players
(16:57:37) (SimonKinsler) (prepared interview)
(16:57:46) (SimonKinsler) so you have to have your questions ready, already on paper
(16:57:56) (SimonKinsler) I'm not trying to tell you guys that you are doing bad
(16:58:07) (SimonKinsler) I actually think it's a great effort
(16:58:16) (SimonKinsler) but this would change it into something better
(16:58:18) (SimonKinsler) in my opinion
I'd prefer a shoutcast on your voice server. And cast xperia vs. griim! Thanks
owzo come to our irc channel we already decide :P
Owzo, stop be so ironic... We was trying all ways, dont worry. If you want, you can today shoutcast on us broadcast, np...
So stop saying something like: " have a chat on stream".. It was just a form of talking... Yes! We definitely not shoutcasting match and we dont want to do it, but i´ll be good if you will today shoutcast a some matches for us and we´ll see what is going on, what is better.
This is the main reason, why I want a community feedback. If you want to be ironic on us, feel free to pm me...

If you don´t know, it´s called: "Trial and Error"
I was just writing this because of what I have heard from other people I've spoken to! And also if people would prefer to join your stream or to just connect to a voice server I'm not saying you're doing a bad job :S
You wrote it very ironic. As if you were world champion and we are some shit or w/e...
That's what you are, aren't you? :P
Well he's better than you, that's just obvious. Don't you want to be at least as good as him?
I feel there is too much ego... I accept all streamers, all shoutcasters and all players... He must do it too.
that's btw what i meant... watch your english :/
your first stream was BAD , shoutcasting was SHUT UP already and get with the program, i already posted in your other thread...
Should really reintroduce Baggiez&perfo shoutcast about who's bad in ET while Meez is trying to 'shoutcast' a game.
image: orangearrow Listen to Meez Baggiez flaming Lazio
Language: English
you shoutcasting on et live stream :))

poles are funny

Lets give it a chance!

+ what stray said
Less talk, more action.
gj gona spec chry vs dialer!
I was scared that I missed something since I saw finals already!, but great quallity coverage.
you saw finals already? who won - need to make gtv money

also, got lottery numbers for this week? ;)
my bad, I read finals as in Winners Bracket Quarter Finals ;)
nice post merlin!
gl guys :D
streaming chry - dialer
spec lettu plz
nice effort there merlin mate
I never played with clown before? :o

Edit ; misunderstood :D
why chry pick player who cannot into ET??
clown 4-2 chry with 2 seconds remaining on adlernest
Nice coverage. keep up the good work guys! :)
such a nice cup, too bad team chry made us play 1st game for 1h45m... otherwise good initiative and hoping to see more of those soon ;)
+ fucking 1
do mycia

looking at the viewers peak it seems i was right after all artstar :)
Those Finns must be tired!
haha, as if
Finns don't get tired!
dat miNd, gayming 24/7 and still worse than Iron
haha, i've played shit final, happens, i prolly had only 1 or two good games in this cup, yet we made it to the final and i think we can be happy with it!

atleast im not a cunt like u who talks shit behind back about ppl he doesnt even know

We both know that u been talking bullshit lies about me behind my back to other ppl, that alone says about what kind of "admin" u are. Thats also the reason why noone will never take u seriously when its about being admin or making cups
what lies? :D
Quoteatleast im not a cunt like u who talks shit behind back about ppl he doesnt even know

:x ggs mind!
ggs nice cup!

I had pretty sick picks tbh! :) jewe and salaneuvos most underrated (4th and 5th picks), squall was sick as usual, twidi being awesome as smg engi and lets not forget iron who was clearly the best rifle of the tournament!
yea, next time you shouldn't be able to get Jewe and Salaneuvos that late in the draft :D

ggs and thanks to everyone involved in the cup (players, admins, shoutcasters, gtv people etc.). was a great tournament to participate in!
I have a really good strategy here, now people think that they are good and will pick them 1st, 2nd or 3rd round so I'll get all the best players next time as well! :D

I won CDT 3 already, I'm prolly one of the best psychological players in ET.
gg was a nice cup lets hope oldskoolers come back like this gg lettu
Thanks for picking me m8 xxx
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