Matias takes the Gold!

image: 29zqew

The second edition of the Crossfire Draft Tournament has ended! Finland Matias took on Netherlands xPERiA in the Grand Final to eventually take home the trophy for best Draft Team. Previous CDT winner Latvia Clown placed 3rd after a steady looking journey through the playoffs, before being knocked down to the Losers Bracket and then out of the entire tournament by Team xPERiA. Sadly Clown's first pick France kARn4J wasn't available to play, originally he was replaced by France kartez until the Losers Bracket Final where fragmovie superstar Slovakia filuS filled in.
  • Finland Team Matias[/b]]
    Finland Iron
    Finland Jewe
    Finland Matias
    Finland Salaneuvos
    Finland Squall
    Finland twidi

  • Netherlands Team xPERiA[/b]]
    Germany gr0ss
    Netherlands L4mpje
    Finland miNd
    Estonia Night
    Estonia subbi
    Netherlands xPERiA

  • Latvia Team Clown[/b]]
    Latvia Clown
    Belgium dAv1d
    Poland Elviss
    Netherlands joshua
    Slovakia filuS / France kartez
    Poland zMk / Estonia mant

  • 4th Poland Team dialer[/b]]
    Canada anim
    Poland dialer
    Germany Kevji
    Poland Krein
    Iceland phyZiC / United Kingdom Scarzy
    United Kingdom sqZz
Following the usual drama, the cup pulled through in the end with complete success. We are happy with the outcome and hope for more individuals to make their own contributions to keep this game alive! With every tournament we learn new things for the next, so be prepared for another draft tournament in March! The date is undecided but you'll definitely be seeing it before the end of the month.

Feedback is welcome, preferably in pm.

Big thanks to all who helped in bringing you this tournament! United Kingdom fumble, United Kingdom MerlinatoR, Estonia Night, United Kingdom owzo, United Kingdom R0SS, Poland Robert, Europe Crossfire & GamesTV, Europe ET.TV Streams + all who participated, signed up, spectated and supported the tournament in general!

image: footer2
no anim as mvp? not gonna vote
Kresti , for picking the players :)
proud of my protégés jewe and sala, taught you well!
fu saying all the time that you taught United Kingdom Koop, Netherlands L4mpje, Finland Salaneuvos & Jewe, maybe the improved their skill themself and just are more brained than you?

look where you stand... at the bottom of this fucking game

you suck!
u mad cos i didnt take you under my wing?
"taught u well"

Haha, who taught who, and who took who under whose wings? ;) U guys would be still playing publics if we hadn't taken u guys from the saint public to play ETpro! :)
you'll spend your whole life sitting @ PC if you dont listen to my counseling about bear, sports and sex in vagina
haha a prototype virgin speaking
noname plz, come up with something original. actually you dont have to be in any contact with me before you've made yourself a name. you've not only failed in your real but also in e-life

Your mad comment prooves you are no virgin!

if I mention bAnga's deadly illness, Multiple Sclerosis syndrome, my comment will be removed
besides the fact that he has nothing to teach :DD
go organise another tourny, seems your best at that
thanks for the compliment!!
hope fins can make to the LAN

wp guys
The final was an astonishing match
indeed, good stuff to watch
Supply wasn't in my opinion.
fullhold on supply is rare in 6v6, they had all the time they wanted, they just took it easily
Was 100% sure that I'd be going like 4 days ago, but I got an apartment offer which I canno't decline. So I'm gonna move into a new apartment in 2 weeks, so we'll see how full of money my bank account will be in the next few months. hopefully full enough to go to the lan :)
1st round 18cet, final finished at 1am, 7 hours of gaming, i'm impressed
That is one reason why we are not going to stream final. Because rito don´t have time to spec full game.. It took too long!
4 hours of waiting, 3 hours of gaming

nice tournament though, I have no complaints!
Country: Norway?
Happens if you use Opera Internet on your smartphone (atleast for me)
same here! stupid opera..
Nordic fanatic

are you implying that some people use their phone to log into gaming sites during daytime?

image: live
What else you read when ur on the toilet for your 1time per 2 day shit?
donald duck-comics or something, that's what I did when I was a young boy :')

now that Im a grown man and Ive gone schools n shit Ive learned how to take a dump without it taking 20 minutes
lolol i also read donald-duck comics but my dumps still take 10mins atleast, got to be sure everything is squeeshed out
Im sure I can find my way back to toilet if something is attempting to come out after the first dispatch
Smartphones not so smart. Gamestv thinks I'm from the uk.
unlucky you didn't get to play :(
he actually did
fanatic replaced miks ;P
Was great to watch :)
So is this going to be held monthly?
monkeydance! :)
Nice tourney! enjoyed spectating, was really impressed by kReSti's team they put up a very strong show even though they had the worst team on paper. phyZiC & xPERiA played amazing, those guys should really be playing in EC unlike last season..

Also it is nice to see oldschoolers coming back and playing good :-) I hope to see Spain Winghaven, Finland lettu, Finland Matias, Finland Iron, Belgium dAv1d, Sweden tornis etc to come back.. I was impressed by all of those performances. They should play Eurocup and not skip it like last season ;-) is there any LANs coming up?

Androits by Seanza + I believe TosspoT is working on a LAN for later on in the year :) probably after summer to avoid losing signups who attended Androits :d
naice 1 mati m8
good cup , nice matches
Well done all!
nice cup nice players nice initiative from everybody that is a part from this cup lets hope like this the oldskoolers come back to ET
Nice performance.. NOT
nice, next tournament there should be some player/country restrictions.. not really a draft competition when team-finland wins it
That's the fault (In part) by the other captains for letting Matias pick all the Finns! If they were being really tactical, they would have clued and stopped it from happening.
That may be so, but I haven't killed ET on numerous occasions!
Wouldn't have even need to be that "tactical", getting players like Jewe and Salaneuvos on 4th/5th round was a robbery! Matias got a bit lucky with getting the first pick tho that allowed him to take Squall, which played a key part in forming the team. Iron and I perhaps weren't the most attractive picks on 2nd/3rd round, but someone could've prevented the formation of this team by taking in Iron on 1st/2nd round before Matias.
well I disagree about you and iron not being the most attractive picks. Iron clearly top rifle from the pool, and you one of the best engineers. Me and Jewe not getting picked 2nd/3rd round was no surprise, I don't think many of the captains even know who we are and I'm sure Matias knew that.
We had a well-balanced lineup and the scores speak for themselves!
You could be right! But I'd certainly agree with you and Salaneuvos about Iron.
every team would then have two and a quarter finns in them :%D
Clearly, Finns are wins!
I think every draft tournament things are looked at to improve the competition in the future, it will be looked at I am sure. :)
nice cup, great job :)
Really nice final, sorry I didn't manage to cast any other matches from the cup I'll try my best to be on in time for the next one! Haven't enjoyed a game of supply like that in a very long time! :)
Sounds like a great tournament, well done to all those involved.
was a good tournament! way to much et for me to play in a row, my ass cheeks felt like theyv been run over by a monster truck, some fun and good games though. and people from poland dont understand my accent which nearly made me break my desk in half.
you cant blame them can you :L
ye i know but i was sort of taking over the ingame leading roll and u call it not only once but about 6 times it can get very stressfull, they were all sound lads dont get me wrong but was just making a little joke out of it by saying it was lucky my desk was still standing on its four legs :D
yeah though isn't it odd? Nearly everyone speaks half-decent english but the only ones really hard to understand come from uk/ireland/na.
haha, imagine how it was for us! 7 hours in a fukin row man.. :D
you had it the worst probably.

Our games were quite short and we had one 1 hour break before wb final and one 2 hour break before the final!
roflmao that was hilarious you're like making calls and then you said "feels like i'm speaking welsh" or something lol
sqzz, you are becoming old son.
I bet you were like a tamato.
keep it up even if my team was pretty wierd this time :D

get new captains for next tournament but stay with the winner of this time (matias) / last time clown stayed

gg overall
why was your team weird?
you should have been in ts :D nothing more to say
Most the team didn't play positions or listen to any calls, was a strange experience being ignored when directly asking people stuff. So yea... kinda weird.
haha yep, half of my team wasn't saying a word either :P
no need to talk to noobs like you. :$
this is what you do next time:

A) Be a man and tell your teammates to talk.

B) Replace them with people who talk.
Get me in next time bro.
You're out of control.
i know that feel bro
-loserbracket. If you lose you're out & dont deserve to win.
+ some nation rule
hehe pocal

Played nearly 3 matchs, and already too much here :/
I read "mistakes of god" instead of "matias takes the gold". Weird.
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