Adroits ET Masters - Interested?

So another summer LAN was announced, something that most would say ET needed and was ready for - but so far since the announcement a whole 14 days ago the response has been disappointing to say the least.

So far there have been 7 (yes seven) teams show interest in the event, with two already having dropped out. After CDT II last night I talked to a couple of players, teams and scene members and there are a number of teams who have yet to announce their interest in attending. Last night saw Finland Finlantic6 put themselves down on the list and other teams need to follow suite and fast. With just 3 months until the LAN itself, unless players and teams get organised we could have yet another LAN opportunity being missed.

My Team is interested - what should I do?

Private message myself here on crossfire with a team name and lineup and you will be added to the Adroits teams and recruitment thread where you can make a comment, if you prefer, to be added as a team. I will be contacting teams myself as well and hopefully by Sunday the list will be a bit bigger. If you are currently a player who wants to attend and do not have a team, there are plenty of players looking for teams so maybe form one? there are some teams needing players so maybe join one?

If you recall the SAGE event, where ET signups were not so fast and furious and when compared to the 120+ signups that CoD4 had it looked even worse. As an organiser, you will feel much more motivated in competition organisation if you have 20-30 teams signup quickly knowing 10-15 will drop out then 5-6 signing up not knowing if you'll get the 10 or so needed.

Another LAN is now in the ET scenes hands, there are the teams and players for this to be a very enjoyable event so lets not drop the ball! Get proactive if you wish to attend.

added after this post:

- Finland Matias, Finland twidi, Finland Iron, Finland jewe, Finland salaneuvos and Finland TBA

- Czech Republic denton, Czech Republic Green_Clon, Czech Republic malfoy, Czech Republic milhAus,Czech Republic ShiSha and Netherlands Testi

business district]
- Germany gungy, Europe TBA, Europe TBA, Europe TBA, Europe TBA and Europe TBA

- NetherlandsCarlos, United KingdomSuiy, GermanyFelix, NetherlandsPHOTO, Turkeybanaan and EuropeTBA

- United Kingdom razz, Belgium chry, Netherlands perfo, EuropeTBA, EuropeTBA and EuropeTBA

- France SIMOON, France talG, France Snake, France jau , Europe TBA, Europe TBA

- Belgium plAyer, Belgium FostruM, Estonia Sinnu, Estonia yEnch, Europe TBA and Europe TBA

Anexis eSports]
- United Kingdom R0SS, United Kingdom sqZz, Italy XyLoS, Belgium mAus, Estonia Night and Finland Squall

- Germany stray, France An7ho, Turkey FireBall, Moldova eujen, Germany Bl4d3 and Europe TBA

- Netherlands saKen, Europe TBA, Europe TBA, Europe TBA, Europe TBA and Europe TBA]
- Germany ZeYos,GermanyWhiteSide,NetherlandsFoxis,EuropeTBA,EuropeTBA and EuropeTBA

(Now 15 teams total)
gl to all teams!

I think many interested teams just didnt PM
WHICH TEAMS? Need a LoL team bro? NBS GIFTED
NBS.ET for example :D

+ heared more rumors of other teams

And yes we need a LoL team, if you are interested contact me or Wooooo (nbs-owners), xarqi (e-sport/teams) or balu (nbs-LoL) on #NBS :)
ur prlly not even ranked bro
and you are? :D
dont bro me dog. :D
k sorry nigger
Finlantic6 :O
the entries were made by private message the last time?
I guess the problem for some LAN team is, that the ESL Season is still running, so they can't look for LAN players and stuff. I guess there will be enough teams for this LAN's :) Already know around 4 teams which will go.
by when though? everyday that passes tickets and hotels will get slowly more expensive.
yea ofc, but seems like they want to end thier esl games :D

I guess in 1 Month all teams which are playing ESL and wants to attend the LAN will sign up
its like 3months 2 days to lan :D cant cut things so fine, imo. can show interest now and change lineup / mind later - doing nothing motivates and inspires nothing. :D
Can understand you, maybe they'll sign up also :D not sure :P I'd say if there would be 1 month to go I would set the pressure :P
last year, we confirmed to come 1 month before and the prices for hotels were a joke. ofc it was not near amsterdam last time..
yep, problem you will have with amsterdam is that prices may not rise as much - but perhaps all local hotels are booked out... youll have to catch bus / train / drive to LAN and for some people they will not have planned / hoped for this :D
Available as a player :-)
sure u aint available as mAus or chry?
chry is a noob, mAus is too good ^^ so oplayer is good :p
RIP is at same weekend, otherwise i would be tehre :/
nbs et will go 2
pm me details of team - lineup etc.
I'd definitely be there if I wanted
Haha merlinator you made a mistake
so please remove him from there
well im avi to play (90%) but cant search for a team yet, because i havnt time to pracc yet

in about 2-3 weeks it will be easier to plan for the lan
ill just join Europe Queens then, sign me up razz
needs more top-teams :|
anexis&oxid will join, no worry
+ team NL :)


yes, wnbpro = PRO LEAVE ME ALLONE
ey hör auf über uns zu reden! :D
ihr geht oder?
keine ahnung. im moment will so wirklich keiner warum. wenn du fährst, nimmste mich mit? :)
:SS oxid...pls

I'd prefer to see a new anexis-lu, so there are like 2-3 teams with a somewhat equal chance of winning+there are still more than enough players left to form another decent team
Lacking kanker teams
Devastation is interested

idk who Netherlands Otyg got arranged already and stuff yo
We already are in the other post in the forum ;)
Wie.gaan er nu allemaal met ons mee vriend?
avi as a queen
nice photo
XyLoS is italian though
Belgium XyLos ----> Italy XyLos ?
Hmmmmmmm :)))))
low- merc avi if you will pay for meah
Would like to go again, don't see it happening though
no bf, no real lan :)
attend then?
Gifted army I think, others are playing LoL
Kom met ons :D
Tijd om illu en andy te bellen dan.
probably avi
gl with that
wp anexis
That Anexis lineup, so OP :(
R0SS, sqZz, XyLoS, mAus, Night and Squall

gonna rick'roll you all.
Finland KRP interested as usual.

according to our long discussions
Finland blindi
Finland mana
Finland tapsa
Finland taz
Finland crosby
Finland ensam
have expressed their interest but nothing is sure yet, most likely only 33/50 % of us will actually be there since KRP's promises about LAN attendances have usually been broken pretty well
ensam :D

nice troll mate :D
he's done with the army by then and is willing to do something different, want logs?
posted to Matias on irc, not gonna post em any further until Ive a confirmation about him coming with us
Good thing last night's chat led to something. I'm pretty damn sure nordic(last years lineup+1) is going to attend.
: ) Nice little post to make sure the event stays relevant within the community's minds.

There has been a slight hitch with the hotel and PC booking right now hence why the signups haven't been opened. Rest assured we're doing our best to iron out the creases!
set up a fund for people to donate for ET lans etc. I remember we got 10.000 € to send some noblets to the States. use the money and spread it out over the 4th => 10 th spot to encourage more people to come.
You are talking about the quakecon stuff right? I've heard about that could you tell me a little bit more about how it went?

there should have been a whole documentary about this. but sadly it was canceled.

there was a big sponsor behind the whole thing. iirc it was ati/amd. so it wasnt funded by the community alone.
this second video is so awefull haha, thanks a lot though!
megafast reply
tosspot set up a fund, they needed 20K to sponsor the team. The community got 10K and a mystery sponsor shipped in the other half. Nobody knew who they were. At Nvidia Quakecon the mystery sponsor turned out to be ATI. very sexy move on their part.
"The community got 10K" lol ... i find that very hard to believe.
Anexis has a beast roster!
gl R0SS!
avi for the lan :)
Available as Shoutcaster!
Mauritaniavelerion interested.
time to shine, gurrl!
GL Netherlands perfo :-D
anexis fan here but they really need to find some competition.
no worries, i'll be there !
Might be avi! :D
enLANced winning from dignitas as always.
IF anyone wants a player that doesnt want to pay entrance and cannot prac.. IM your man! :P
regel fif.
win lan
geld terug.
What is the point of teams even attending, Anexis is clearly going to spawnrape every other team.. Pointless really. Queens will be second too. Top 2 already decided...
Attending lan shouldnt just be about winning, some of my best and most memorable moments have come from lans where i didnt even get top 3.
YYT office all the way! Yeah body!
Yerrrr Boiiiii. Get ur ass back to playing and come to lan!
we will see :3
low- rifle avi for this, can't pay and need a taxi to get there pm me if you need me :p
might come to spectate
knowing ET-players i think its too early to tell for many, if they wanna go or not
get team :P
The rosters actually look decent for some teams. Mouse control Queens and Fintastic6 might actually put up a good match against Anexis
how can you know? all 3 of them doesn't got a full lineup :|
Just by team names :$
the plan is the same team as the one that is playing esl tonight?
nobody's playing ESL tonight and lan lineup is not out yet since people are waiting for exam dates and such
It was an gamestv earlier, I'm pretty sure was even planning to make news about it. anyway good luck with the team.
don't know why he added it for today but I think they can't play today and I'm not sure we can either, it's probably going to be on sunday either before or after EST / NL nationscup games.
game was forced and i was told to add it with forced time & date, even if we were going to reschedule it.
Where the fuck am I chry bitch ?
have you checked your ass rofpl?
I will only attend with Sup3r AL1 chizz6L chry & jere.
Nothing Anexis or Finlantic6 can't handle without vila there to carry y'all.
is dit wat ik denk dat het is?
ok hf met lol dan :)
same ^^ make it happen
Don't make me punch your fucking face.
Can't see Belgium EUNd in the list, but we will go for sure!
you guys are in the list here - the list in this post is only ones that were recently added, you guys have been on there for a while :) updated it though with your lineup that you pmed me.
oh ok :) thx !
gl to all teams :),i hope there'll be huge lan with atleast 32 teams :D
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