TAG presenting their new line up

image: taggers_eu

The recent announcement of Adroits ET masters, the upcoming Enemy Territory LAN gave an other breath of life into the activity of the high skilled teams. TAG is back into competive scene of ET. This June the Taggers are going to Weesp to compete with the other teams.

The line up will be:
  • Netherlands Lightning
  • Netherlands aphesia
  • Germany kReSti
  • Germany sTOWNAGE
  • Germany FLoPJEHZ
  • United Kingdom griim

As you can see the team is build up around SAGE's LAN Team:Nordic-eSport. EuropeTAG wanted to go to LAN again and NetherlandsLightning and GermanykReSti got it going and build up this team. As you can see the lineup features players that have attended multiple LANs before. Most of the players have been playing together in various line ups.

The classes:
NetherlandsLightning will take the rifle in his hands again. The dirty engi SMG work will be done by GermanyFLoPJEHZ. GermanykReSti will do most of the multiclassing and then we are left with NetherlandsAphesia, United KingdomGriim and GermanyStownage as medic

Last year the team ended up with the 4th place. This year they are planning for top 3 spot. And let's behonest with a line up like this they have a great chance of succeeding.

In the upcoming months EuropeTAG will start practicing and join the online competition. They are still searching for a sponsor that can offer support.

#TAG.et (Quakenet)
looks good!
gl guys
gl boys and cu there :)

thomaz :*
good luck guys :)
gl dafe
gl lads, nice lu
gl chaps, nice lads, good gents
Gl! nice lineup ;)
gl boys :)
Lightning will take the rifle in his hands again. The dirty engi SMG work will be done by FLoPJEHZ. kReSti will do most of the multiclassing and then we are left with Aphesia and Griim as medic

you forgot stownage
No I didn't look ;)
Looking forward to TAG.bbq!
u coming? :)))
rumors say he plays in a secret LAN winning team.
rumours say butch plays there, too
rumors also say that these "top secret lanwinner teams with mostly german allstars" fail hard at lan :p
or win like Epsilon!
they won because of abort & dialer, snoopy & co were the background for their unbelievable skills XD
fail incoming, its heritage that comes with name :)
gl boys :)

gl dave kresti & flop :)
nice team

gl mates
gl lads, nice lu
Nice.good luck @ lan
competitive, no?

gl for team tho.
nice to see krest, flop and stownage together! gl guys! :)
see u @lan
good luck
good to see some competition for ANEXIS
gl griim !
low+ max
gl simon
doesnt look like TAG to me. nice team tho
they will be playing in 'overdrive' höhö
omg griim!

gl guys, roll nerds.
gl guys hope you find a decent sponsor :)
only dafe bad
Aphesia busted bitch online only
gl griim
omg griim omg

looks good, well balanced lineup. 2 good aiming medics (aphesia, kresti) one of the best reviving medics (griim, stownage) that aim well, top rifle and good smg engi
Nice to see that someone had analyzed this lineup, thanks mate.
Miten analysoit mun pelipaikan tiimissä? ^^
nykyää oot hyödytön paska
etkä sä pelaa missää tiimissä
Tarkotinki menneisyyttä :)))
gl guyz! need it :)
nice team Gl! :)
gl Kresti, Flop & aph
gl hunting them rainbows dave
Looks quite good but I don't really understand why you have two pretty good rifles in one lineup. And yea I read flopjez gonna play engi but it's like wasting one for me. But gl! :)
One less good rifle in another teams!
I can see the reason now!
GL, nice line-up!
Gl krest & stown<3
Daif will drop the bass down on the opponents, np
/!\ aphesia

cheater in lineup :)

gg et is death
gl flop and griim
nice line up, good luck!
nice one
gl krest & flop!
gl overdrife
:/ med1xza overdrive meant tag for me :p
who is this griim fellow? TAG really letting no names join their teams nowadays, quite sad...
gl guys, except this aphesia guy :S

No wonder he is playing WoWoW

GL though gents, looks good!

I may be able to sort you guys out with a server that doesnt restart everyday/doesnt like horse shit, ill let you know.
I'll go to lan as cheerleader though!
You coming too?
ye he's coming as queerleader


Highly modified 64BIT XP for gayming.
Should be booking flights at the end of this month. Might have girlfriend meeting me in Amsterdam after the event too, so might be in NL for 1 week or so
only one third of tag l:
looks good :) good luck guys
good luck!:)
gl simon und thomaz ;)
looks decent, gl boys :)
no medixza + no overdrive = no TAG

this team = FAG
hay its me FAG
nothing new for dave
hahaha sick burn, i like it :)
Nice LU, gl guys :)
Nice to see TAG again
Good luck guys.
Gl boys.
nice line up, good luck !
Flop should probably be rifle!!! GL though guys see ya there! :)
gl aea, Flopj, griim

gl boys
GL dave!! and german and dutch boys aswell ofc :)
What is this faggotry?
lighting and flophjez ? who play rifle ?
try reading the news post to find your answer
Not 100% sure, but last night light said Flopjeh was going to play rifle?
yeah might be a though choice actually :D I'd rank Lightning as the better rifle, but not sure which way they get the best overall outcome
QuoteNetherlandsLightning will take the rifle in his hands again. The dirty engi SMG work will be done by GermanyFLoPJEHZ.

Rly so hard to read ? ;x
serious tag post = et is dead,
aphesia is a retard
gl kresti stownage flop:O)
gl and hope to see you at lan! :)
nice lineup, gl guys and krestinoob
nice LU, gl
GL TAG :) though somehow feels odd to see this lineup without mud and nerd bobot
So should I bring my BBQ at lan ?
TAG is kinda FAG. Except sPECULAm8
??? did I miss sth :DDD
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