Team.PDEG with ET

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After several weeks of searching an MGC, which wants to support an ET team, the former Germanyteamoxid found a new home. The team which placed 5th at SAGE in 2011 is back and stronger than ever, after picking up Germanygr0ss as their 6th player.

Without further ado, may I introduce you into the new TEAM.PDEG W:ET:

SwedenEkto (Manager)

GermanystRay (c)

SwedenTites (Backup)image: pdeg

With this promising lineup, we are aiming and praccing hard to get into the Top5 in the upcoming BFB II, Clanbase Eurocup and of course the the Adroits ET Masters in june.
Due to TurkeyFiREBALL having a really tight working schedule, we're happy that we have the german allstar Germany sNoOp helping for some matches in the Battle for Berlin II.
Interested people might wanna tune in to our first match under the new tag tonight, which is even shoutcastet by no one less than United KingdomTosspoT.

PDEG|Manager GermanyWaaaanz and Teamcaptain GermanystRay had the following to say:

Quote by PDEG|WaaaanzToday we're happy to welcome a new promising team in our lines. With Enemy Territory we're supporting a game with a long history, which is still being played. We didn't have to search for a long time, to find a top team representing us at the upcoming Adroits ET Masters. We are very confident that they will represent us well and we hope for a long partnership with these guys.

Quote by PDEG|stRayI'm happy that we actually found a Project which hopefully satisfies our requirements. I hope this will work out well and we will reach our goals. I have to thank the Management of GermanyTeam.PDEG alot, especially GermanyWaaaanz and GermanyDuality and of course the sponsors. Another big Thanks goes to GermanyJ3ag3r and GermanyZicke who helped us alot to make this happen. I hope the upcoming events will work out and we will see us all at the Adroits ET Masters.

nice, gl all and hope you stay together til next season too.
Jeager und Zicke ":D"

team pede
gl judzin mate
such a bad name :D
gl, great team!
nice team, gl !
:D! gr0ss sponsored lOl
blade appalaussssssssssssssssss
Good luck guys.
Platz der Einheit Gamer :DD
scheiß name, trotzdem good luck <3
googoooooooooooooooo gross
Platz der Einheit Gamer :DDDDDDDDDDDD

full support? :)

nice team :) i hope will you see again at lan ;)
Name's terrible :P

Good luck gr0ssman.
Quote... top team representing us ...

hmm, OK... anyway gl an7ho
btw, that name is plain awful, sounds offensively aggressive :)
u know what it means?
I didnt say it is offensively aggressive, it just sounds like that (quite frankly, everything in german sounds like that to me)
thx mate ;)
gl guys :D
What does the name mean?
place of the united gamers (maybe 1st word could have different meaning)
good luck team pedo
good luck guys
gl, a nice team =)
You're supposed to flame them why are you being nice!?!
Did that to CWG, some deserve a good gl aswell :DD:
lol dat name!
gl stray - antho boulette de merde
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