BFB 2 Teams Overview IV

image: headrzr

Overview: Part IV

What has been an amazing series and all the great feedback we’ve had thus far, makes it for us - the coverage crew - all worth while. We can’t help but wrap this up with Germany Anexis eSports, Finland Finlantic 6, Europe NBS, and Germany Team.PDEG. Stay tuned to hear more about us! Same Crossfire-time, same Crossfire-channel!
image: s_head

Anexis eSports

Germany Anexis eSports is an Enemy Territory team that was formed in October 2011. However their team leader United Kingdom R0SS has been leading them for almost 2 years. It all started under Impact Gaming tag with R0SS, sqzz and XyLoS. In addition of Meez and hayaa they took second place on Antwerp e-Sports Festival 2010. After that, mAus has joined a team instead of Meez and we could see his amazing skills in his first official game with that team in EuroCup XXI LB Final. In the same composition, already under Anexis tag they won SAGE LAN 2011 without losing any game. Shortly after this event hayaa decided to quit ET and we switched back to 6on6 format so the team needed two new players. Since dignitas was inactive, the team decided to get into roster two former dignitas players - Night and Squall - which makes new Anexis lineup looks perfect. In that team they had participated in previous edition of Battle For Berlin, but sadly they couldn’t manage to schedule the final game versus Queens what means they lost it by forfeit. It’s the only loss that they experienced, because Anexis with this roster hasn’t lost any other official game yet. With seeing this line-up, one can only imagine which team can take a victory over them..

  • SAGE ET LAN 2011
  • SAGE Seeding Tournament
  • JeeSports Challenge 2011
  • Excello ZOWIE ET Challenge 2011
  • CB EuroCup XXI 2010
  • CB EuroCup XXII 2010
  • Dignitas Invite Cup 2010
  • Crossfire Battle For Berlin 2011
  • Antwerp eSports Festival LAN 2010
  • ESL Major Series VII 2010
Some games worth mentioning:Current lineup:
  • United Kingdom R0SS
  • United Kingdom sqzz
  • Belgium mAus
  • Italy XyLoS
  • Estonia Night
  • Finland squall
Interview with Belgium mAus[/b]]
You are not that active recently, how can you explain that to your fans that you are being semi-active?
Well after so many years of the same game, it gets a bit boring, not the game itself, but well let's face it, et was/is pretty dead, thanks to Tosspot and others for still putting effort for trying to make the game like it used to be.

You, as Anexis, are the biggest favorite for the final victory in BFB2. Do you practise anything, or you are confident that you can take it without any prac?
We're praccing again but still not like the old times, we personally all need to get back in shape, not only myself, hello sucky italian Xylos! <3

BFB2 is the only online tournament in which you are participating. What is the reason that you don't take part in any other ET cups (for example CB EuroCup)? Lack of time, no prizes or maybe something else?
I guess for players that have played the game for years and won online cups etc it isn't interesting anymore to play a cup just to put the award on your profile.

Of course you are going to play on ET Masters LAN in June. Everyone hopes to see mAus at LAN in the best shape, any special preparations before this event?
Well we will play some praccs and believe it or not, but the best way for me (not for the team) to get in shape is playing public. Why? I put some music on, not too loud so i can still hear people walking ingame etc and i'm farming these frags brainafk, just to get my aim to a 100%. Do this one week straight every single day before lan for an hour, and you will rock.

Going back to BFB2 and your last game vs STAR which you won, it was an easy game right? Do you think any of participated teams is able to push you to lower bracket?
Well it was kinda easy, but I guess they aren't in shape either. We are going to have a hard time with some of the teams in this cup, atleast if we don't step up our game soon enough. Let's hope for the best!

Which team will battle it out in the final? And where do you see your own team ending?
I have no idea about the teams, the only team that jumps in my mind is chry's team! This guy has grown from being a noob public player to a player that everyone should look out for, and he is still not on his maximum potential. When i look at him I see myself 4 years ago, good, but not finding the thing yet that makes him one of the best. Talking about butchji, mystic in their glory days. Anyway I guess the final would be anexis vs Queens.

If you won Battle For Berlin II, you would be happy about getting new "mAus" from Razer? Or you would stay with your current one?
Ofcourse I would be happy, but I wouldn't use it, I used it in the past and I made it die so often, maybe slapping it to the wall and stuff could be the cause. Anyway it is a great mouse to play with, but I prefer the Steelseries Xai. What I am looking forward to is the headset! Seems the bomb!

Did you use some of Razer products in the past? What do you think about this brand?
Over the years I've tested different mousepads headsets and mice, so yes I did had my share of razer products, it's a great brand if you want to play at a serious level of gaming.

Anexis eSports predicted the following outcome of BFB2 sponsored by Razer:
  • Anexis/Queens
image: s_head

Finlantic 6

Finland Finlantic 6 is a recently formed team by Finland Matias. As the clan name suggests, the team has been created especially for the upcoming LAN party. The team consists of some of the finest players from Finland. They’ve been playing in almost the same composition as in the current NationsCup. However we can see some newcomers in the roster that improved a lot the latest months. Mix of old dogs like olBaa, Iron, twidi in addition of some young guns such as Jewe and Salaneuvos is a perfect combination that has everything to go far. They’ve already shown that they have some awesome teamplay and they are able to play on the highest level. Next to Anexis eSports they are the main candidate to win Battle For Berlin II. WIll they have enough power to beat the almighty R0SS & co?

  • #et.tourney 6v6 1st League
Some games worth mentioning:Current lineup:
  • Finland Iron
  • Finland Jewe
  • Finland Matias
  • Finland olBaa
  • Finland Salaneuvos
  • Finland twidi
Finlantic 6 has already played against Finland who was their first round opponent. F6 did not give any chances to jari and easily won 4:0. Their next enemy on Tuesday will be Europe NBS players. This is going to be third clash between these teams in 20 days! So far Finns was able to won over NBS two times. Third time lucky, as people say, right NBS?

Interview with Finland twidi[/b]]
Your team is one of the favorites to win BFB2. Do you practise often? How do you guys perform in pracs?
We’re practicing quite a lot (4-5 days a week), but the quality of our practices varies a lot. Usually when we start to practice we have a couple guys showing up late, having just woke up or something similar. So I’d say that we have been performing way under our full potential in praccs and that’s something I’d want to get changed.

What are your expectations for upcoming tournaments? Except BFB2 you are going to participate in EuroCup. You see yourselves as a favorites of these tournaments?
As for BFB2 Anexis is the clear favourite, but I’d say that we belong to the highest challenger category along with Queens and mPG. In EuroCup there’s no Anexis so the chances to win are obviously higher. I’m expecting us to finish in top3 on both tournaments and I think that it should be pretty realistic. Getting into the finals of BFB2 and winning EC should be possible, but requires almost perfect performance from us as the level of competition is really high this season.

I've also seen that you are going to play in Weesp on ET Masters LAN. Can you tell me something more about it, any special preparations? Did you find any MGC/sponsor? Have you found your 6th player, or olBaa is your 6th for lan as well?
olBaa isn’t coming to the LAN with us so we’re still without a 6th player. Problem is that we’re pretty much out of possibilities when it comes to Finnish players and we wouldn’t want to sacrifice our excellent comms by taking in a non-Finnish player. There’s not too much time left though so we have to make the decisions soon. I can’t really say anything about the MGC/sponsor part yet as many things are still unclear.

Are you happy about your team seeded as 2nd? What do you think about other seeds?
Obviously I’m really happy we got ranked as the 2nd best team, but that’s just something on the paper and we have a lot games to win to prove that we’re worth the seed. I think that the seeds are good in general. Some of the newly formed teams are pretty hard to rank as you haven’t seen them play so you might argue a bit about some of the seeds, but there’s no major mistakes, which is the most important thing.

You’ve already won your first game versus Was it easy? Everything went as expected?
It was pretty easy and expected as well. plays great as a team and they should be able to challenge most of the teams in the loser’s bracket, but their individual skills aren’t quite good enough to beat the top teams. Would be great to see them win some of the better teams and prove that they would’ve deserved an EC qualifier spot.

Your next opponent will be either NBS or bF. Who do you think will win in 1st round and face you? Against who would you prefer to play?
It’s a very tough call actually as NBS has been very active for a longer period already and bF players were inactive for quite a while. If bF was on their top form I’d be sure of them to win, but I think that they’re still pretty far from it. I don’t really mind which team we’re going to face, but we’ve already played NBS so many times that perhaps facing bF would be fun for a change :)

Which team will battle it out in the final? And where do you see your own team ending?
I think that the final is going to be played between Anexis and us or Queens, though you can’t leave mPG out of the picture by any means. Our team should place in top3.

Finlantic6 predicted the following outcome of BFB2 sponsored by Razer:
  • Anexis
  • Finlantic6/Queens
  • Finlantic6/Queens

image: s_head


Europe NBS-Gaming is becoming more and more known in our beloved community. Their Enemy Territory squad have been around for a solid 4 months now with the core of the team remaining intact. Grabbing up victories & maps versus respectively none other than Netherlands Team Netherlands and Finland Finlantic 6, it surely makes them a worthy foe for many teams. The search for a stable 6th however has been a long one and yet unfinished. With having to practice for both the upcoming ET Master LAN and BFB 2, only time will tell if they’ll battle for the prizes in this tournament!

  • #et.tourney 6v6 1st League
Some games worth mentioning:Current lineup:
  • Belgium PlAyer
  • Belgium fostruM
  • Estonia Sinnu
  • Estonia yEnch
  • Netherlands MOTiF
  • Canada bN
  • Sweden slajdan
Interview with Estonia Sinnu [/b]]
In BFB2 you are seeded as a number 10 team. Are you happy about that or you expected some other seed? What do you think about other seeds?
I think we should be quite happy with that. We're still missing our final puzzle piece, which is a stable 6th who can attend to the LAN with us as well. I think the seeds are nicely done and should be quite accurate and fair.

Your first game of the tournament is supposed to be versus Belgium Belgian Fraternity. How do you see this match-up ending and how do you stand towards them not being able to play at the forced date?
Well, I'm hoping that we win this 1st game. It will give us more confidence and boost the morale. Sadly, we cannot play on the forced date, but I think it shouldn't change anything, at least, not the result. Hopefully a win.

Do you have any plans on attending the upcoming ET Master LAN hosted by Adroits?
Yes. We're fully attending the LAN, just have to pay the Entrance Fee. Plane tickets have allready been booked. Sadly our Canadian fellow bN_ can't come to the LAN, since it will cost him too damn much.We're still missing a stable skilled 6th for the LAN though. Just hoping that we find someone decent enough soon !

And final, where do you see your own team ending?
Well, im hoping that we could end in the top 6. We have played against all of the teams and they're all good teams. Can't really say the exact spot that we'll finish on, but we're hoping for top 6 :)

NBS predicted the following outcome of BFB2 sponsored by Razer:
  • Anexis
  • Queens
  • Finlantic 6
image: s_head


GermanyTeam.PDEG or better known as team oxid is not a new face on the scene. With players with the likes of powerhouse Turkey FiREBALL dating back to the ancient days of RTCW, you can be rest assured the bullets will come flying at you. Germany stRay surrounded himself with a practically full German-speaking line-up Germany Bl4d3, Germany gr0ss, Turkey FiREBALL & Moldova eujen. Whether the French-speaking rifle France An7ho will cause any communication problems is yet to be seen. Picking up all-star Germany sNoOp as their back-up alongside with Sweden Ti+es almost guarantees spectacle!

  • 5th - SAGE LAN 2011
    5th - CB EuroCup XXIV
Some games worth mentioning:Current lineup:
  • Germany stRay
  • Germany Bl4d3
  • Germany gr0ss
  • Turkey FiREBALL
  • Moldova eujen
  • France An7ho
  • Germany sNoOp
  • Sweden Ti+es
Interview with France An7ho[/b]]
In BFB2 you are seeded as a number 9 team. Are you happy about that or you expected some other seed? What do you think about other seeds?
For this tournament, I think that our seed is more or less logical. Indeed, after having surprised a lot of people during the SAGE LAN with our beautiful fifth place, we came back to our respective teams for a while. Then we just met to prepare for the next LAN. Our seed is thus logical according to me. I am especially surprised by the presence of teams like Germany or Finland jari.

Your first game of the tournament just finished vs. Poland Polagz. How do you think everything will fare this matchup?
Our first match was against Poland Polagz. We prepared this match for a couple of days, with Fireball. However, I stayed confident in the quality of game of Germany sNoOp to replace him. It was a rather interesting match of an internal point of view in the game. This match allowed us to adjust some changes of strategy and positions.

Do you believe having Turkey FiREBALL working hard, might cause some problems for the preparation for this tournament?
We knew from the beginning that Turkey FiREBALL wouldn't be available every day. But we have no choice if we want to prepare properly for the next LAN. This tournament is a test for us. I don't think that the addition of Germany sNoOp will cause big problems because he is also a top player.

Do you have any plans on attending the upcoming ET Master LAN hosted by Adroits?
We placed 5th at SAGE in 2011 with a "strange" LU, with some good aimers like Turkey FiREBALL or Germany Bl4d3, teamplayer like Moldova eujen. With the addition of Germany gr0ss, we can reach TOP5 once again in my opinion. It will depend on our teamplay during the LAN.

And final, where do you see your own team ending?
An online tournament is always more complicated because the TOP players who are not going to LAN will participate in these kind of competitions. Something having to look out for is more complicated then. But just as for our final goal for the next LAN, we aim to be in the TOP5 once again.

PDEG predicted the following outcome of BFB2 sponsored by Razer:
  • Anexis
  • Finlantic 6
  • Queens
image: s_head


Statements from known gamers about these teams:

Quote by AnexisI think Anexis is definitely the favourite to win the tournament. They have been playing together for a long time now and looking at the individual skills of the players, anything but 1st place would be fail.

Quote by Finlantic 6Only judging from their lineup they should get in the top 5, but then again I don't know Jewe or Salaneuvos, so I could be wrong here. Not a top3 team, but they should be a good competition for the top 5.

Quote by oldTeamoxidBy looking at the other teams that I would consider oxid to be on the same level with, they got a good chance to beat most of the teams. I would say they will end up on 7th or 8th place.

Quote by NBSThis team is the reason why making assumptions on who is going to win while not playing the game yourself pretty ridiculous. Since I checked gamestv and saw they won from mousecontrol I have no idea where to put this team on the list. Only judging by the lineup I would say they are in the same boat as oxid, but ye, anything could happen.

Quote by AnexisWow, what a team. Nights great leadership, combined with incredible aimers like mAus and squall, xylos to place the rifleshots, ross & sqzz to complete the incredible lineup. There is several very strong teams in BFB2, but Anexis deserves their nr 1 seeding. The only downpart that I can see, is that as far as I know, i havent seen them praccing very much. I think they are abit more relaxed and laidback, thinking their experience and skill will do the story for them. My prediction is that they will get beaten because of this. my prediction is that they will end up either as loosing finalist, or winning the bronze final. 2nd or 3rd place for Anexis.

Quote by Finlantic 6No shock that a tournament like this has a team full of Finnish firepower. 6 players who imo complete each other quite well can do very good. I am quite sure their teamplay will be among the best, like the history shows from other all-finnish teams true the ET history. Unfortunately, I dont think it will be enough to go all the way. I believe they will end up loosing the bronze-final. 4th place.

Quote by oldTeamoxidFireball’s aim will do good for team Oxid, and their mix of players seems quite good. The competition in BFB2 is very strong, so a 9th place seeding for Oxid is something I believe is quite fair. I can even see them getting an even better position when the tournament is done. My bet is that they will do better than both bF (ranked 7) and Polagz (ranked 8), but it stops there.

Quote by NBSI feel NBS has quite evenly strength as team Oxid. They can do very good and end up beating 2 or 3 of the higher seeded teams (like Oxid), but they can just as easely do worse than some of the lower seeded teams. How far they are able to go is very difficult to say imo.

Quote by AnexisStrong line up on the paper which showed some great ET moments back then, can't wait to see them performing once again.With one of the greatest rifle this game ever had, and Night and squall 2 former dignitas players that showed some on/offline great performances, maus is obviously one of the greatest player of ET, and the british pair which improved a lot lately, being active and terribly strong for example during this nations cup .
I'm a bit suspicious about their activity, meaning they wouldn't perform at their top. But still those guys play quite decently individualy aswell as a team. They'll be for sure in the top 3, to me they will be with F6 one of the top contender and expected winner of this tournament. GL to them.
Wasn't a real problem for them to beat STAR.ET, next opponent will probably be Polagz, this will be another history, even if they'll make it.

Quote by Finlantic 6Basically team finland is together with anexis one of the top contenders for this bfb2 tournament. They're playing well and together for a long time already, nothing surprising there. They'll be ready to face anybody. Jewe bro best player ever.Facing the newcomers of the finnish scene jari, it will be a straight 4/0 but let's see if jari can surprise. Gl to them

Quote by oldTeamoxidDidn't have the chance to face them yet, but those guys might surprise us for the upcoming competitions, thanks to their hard work and their teamplay they might be able to make it through hopefuly for them. A few poweraimers such as Bl4d3 and Fireball in the roster added to a good objective player like stray or eujen looks like a perfect composition.Facing Polagz at the first round is really tough, they'll probably lose but let's see what they'll show us. Expecting them to be top 14. GL

Quote by NBSNBS is by far one the most active team lately, they showed some good online performances during the last ESL winter cup, and they're now ready to face the top.some realy good objective oriented players like bN or yEnch and the damage dealing house with sinnu fostrum and motif. Expecting them to perform well in the following matches. I actualy think this is one of the few teams which could beat the higher seeded teams like bF at this round. Expecting NBS to be top 12. GL to them!

Quote by AnexisAnexis: Anexis is going into this tournament as the big big favorite to take it all. Their lineup is one of the sickest that ever played this game, ranging from Mr.Strafe over to Mr.Aim and Mr.ET himself. If they just practise a little and do not let Squall take the documents they should take home Gold. No pressure guys!

Quote by Finlantic 6Fielding experience from some glory Finnish teams and young blood from KRP.Academy, they are another favorite for a Top3 spot. Their lineup looks well balanced in terms of classes, aim and playing styles.

Quote by oldTeamoxidA rather young lineup compared to those of Anexis or Finlantic6, however they should not be underestimated in terms of skill. As an element of surprise their tactics or gameplay might be a little different which could cause some trouble for the established teams. Even if they manage to win against PolagZ, they will face Anexis which will most likely end with a drop to the lower bracket. They will have a hard time reaching a Top8 placement.

Quote by NBSA multicultural lineup from all over the globe, having three players from central Europe, two Estonians, a Swede and even someone from Canada. According to a lot of people's comments they were seeded too high, now it's their chance to prove those wrong and show them what they are made of. You can't really fail with 2 Estonians, can you?

Quote by AnexisAnexis is an obvious favourite in this tournament. Less than top3 would be a huge suprise for me. However, there are teams that could possibly win against them as I haven't seen them playing lately (apart from random mixes). They might under perform and lose some games but in the end they still have Night who will magically carry for them with random bullshit nades/arties/whatever. People say names don't play, teams do. Well try playing against him smartasses.

Quote by Finlantic 6Yeah, fins again. The thing with fins is they perform way better online than offline. Some call it lag/luck/cheats. I think its just cause they are all relaxed cause they all have fucking saunas in their houses. With that said I honestly think they might win the whole tournament. Pretty much the most balanced team in my opinion, few objective minded players plus olbaa creeping around. Finlantic6 has an obvious advantage of being from one country so comms and teamplay should be really good. Anexis might have shat themselves when they saw them signing up.

Quote by oldTeamoxidI honestly have no idea how they will perform in this tournament. On one hand you can see some amazing players in their team, but then you have some worse ones as well. They might surprise or they might drop after 2 games. Would be a bit surprising but not so much. I think it will all depend on fireball and his ramboing. If he does it well, they can win some nice games. My guess would be them ending around their seed (which sounds bad depending on interpretation).

Quote by NBSNBS seems to always be having problem with their lineup. They got a different lan lineup aswell now. Sound bad but they keep on playing pretty damn well lately. Win against MCon is not really something many can brag about but they managed to do it. If Player manages to pull off some amazing shit they might get a bit over their seed but I'd be really suprised to see them anywhere near podium. I just hope to see them playing against Queens for the family drama and a bit of banter ;)
image: s_head

Posted by:

image: footrzr
True story about chry!

nice post
Imo chry is too dmg orientated for an eng smg
But he is great nevertheless!

Good overview once again

Nice read, like always

Keep it up for sure!
brb off to public.

ps: What kind of music/volume should I listen to?
very nice news coverage!
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