BFB 2 Wild Card Sunday

image: headrzr

Sunday Night Entertainment

There is one game left in lower bracket round 2 with PDEG facing Belgian Fraternity in a game that should provide top entertainment. A lot of experience players are coming out to play in a game where aim and teamplay should be fairly equal, although preparation for the tournament may be key - who is practicing the most? The winner of this game will go on to face surprise package team a.ToOn in the next lower bracket round. Both teams will no doubt be disappointed with a loss at this stage. but only one can prgoess!
image: s_head

Germany Team.PDEG
France An7ho
Germany Bl4d3
Moldova eujen
Germany gr0ss
Germany stRay
image: game32522Belgium Belgian Fraternity
Belgium Gifted
Belgium AL1
Belgium Sup3r
Belgium chizz6l
Belgium uNDEAD
Belgium Jere

Quote by PDEG-stRayThis game will be a nice one to watch. We practised bF last week and there they did not that good. But I'm sure they had a bad day or whatever. On paper we have the better aimer. But on the other side we all know that they have an awesome teamplay which will be a big point in that match. I'm sure this match will end in an 4-2, depending on the maps and on the daily performances for which side. The winner of this game will face un unexpected aToOn! I'm hoping for 2 wins out of these 2 matches!

Quote by bF`GiftedHonestly, I highly doubt we will win! We barely play & when we do we pretty much suck. I give us 10 % chance to win this so I dont really see us going further in this tournament.. Their line up is strong, aimers with good team play. On LAN they could do well this time!

image: s_head

Battle for Berlin II brackets

Updated map schedule[/h3]]Tuesday 10th April – WB Round 1 (Adlernest + Loser's choice)
Thursday 12th April – LB Round 1 (Bremen_b3 + Loser's choice)
Tuesday 17th April - WB Round 2 (Bremen_b3 + Loser's choice)
Thursday 19th April - LB Round 2 (Supply+ Loser's choice )
Tuesday 24th April - WB Round 3 (Supply + Loser's choice)
Thursday 26th April - LB Round 3 (Goldrush + Loser's choice)
Tuesday 1st May – WB Final(Free Choice) and LB Round 4(Radar + Loser's choice)
Thursday 3rd May – LB Round 5(free choice) and LB Final(free choice)
Sunday 6th May – Grand Final(free choice)

image: footrzr
should be a really good game
I have to play Germans in a tournament called "Battle for BERLIN" ???

HOW IS THAT FAIR :S they have lost 2 world wars already, they will not let Berlin fall without a struggle:S

This isn't just a game :S this is politics!!!!

image: Angela-Merkel-en-Elio-Di-Rupo
this is a game of thrones :)
saw undead praccing on nexus the other day. PDEG will get raped
Should be an awesome game but I predict not as many viewers due to NC final.
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