CB EuroCup XXV: Deciding Games!

image: coverage

It is time for the 3rd (and the last) Matchweek in ClanBase EuroCup XXV. Of courseimage: cbecxxv
this preview will not be only about third week, because there are few games from previous weeks that have to be finished in the upcoming days! It's the crucial moment of this tournament, these games are the most important for everyone and they will decide about the final look of the groups. You just can't miss them!
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Group A

1. Germany Team.PDEG 2/0 8:2
2. Europe WinFakt! 2/0 8:2
3. Europe NBS Gaming 0/2 4:8
4. Germany Lost Soldiers 0/2 0:8

In Group A we already know two teams that will proceed to the playoff stage. Queens that recently joined a well known organization Europe WinFakt and former teamoxid Germany Team.PDEG will fight for the first place on this Sunday! Their lineups have changed a bit in latest days. PDEG replaced France An7ho with Germany kReSti who started his journey in this EuroCup under Europe TAG name, whereas polish superstar Poland Frag"Stealer has joined to the opposite team to compete in EuroCup and Adroits LAN. Both teams won their first games against Europe NBS Gaming and Germany Lost Soldiers who will play against each other also on this Sunday to get their first victory in this tournament! NBS also had some problems with a stable lineup but it looks like they've finally settled down after Germany FLoPJEHZ and Netherlands Hope joined them. Canada bN will finish this EuroCup with them, but sadly he can't afford the LAN journey and NBS's new 6th will be Netherlands L4mpje.
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Germany Team.PDEG

Germany Bl4d3
Moldova eujen
Germany gr0ss
Germany kReSti
Germany stray

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Europe WinFakt!

Poland Frag'Stealer!
United Kingdom raZz
Belgium chry
Netherlands xPERiA
Poland wiaderko
Germany butchji

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Date: 13.05.2012
Time: 22:00 CEST
Maps: Adlernest & Supply
League: image: etCB ET EuroCup XXVimage: game33033
image: s_foot

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Europe NBS Gaming

Germany FLoPJEHZ
Estonia yEnch
Estonia Sinnu
Netherlands Hope
Canada bN
Belgium PlAyer

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Germany Lost Soldiers

Germany laNgo
Belgium Buzzer
Germany caTchEr
Netherlands Artifexx
Italy vj7o
Netherlands vANQ

image: s_border_short

Date: 13.05.2012
Time: 21:00 CEST
Maps: Adlernest & Supply
League: image: etCB ET EuroCup XXVimage: game33040
image: s_foot
Group B

1. Finland Finlantic 6 1/0 4:0
2. Germany aToOn 1/0 4:2
3. Finland jari.et 0/2 2:8
4. Belgium Belgian Fraternity

Unfortunately we had one drop out in Group B - Belgium Belgian Fraternity. Because of that we also know the teams here which will advance to the next stage. But the first place is still unknown and last game will decide whether finnish superstars Finland Finlantic 6 or european mix Germany aToOn will take it. aToOn have found a new 6th after fanatic and upload couldn't continue, now it's time for another Pole - Poland lesti - who will have his debut under aToOn's tag on this Sunday.
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Finland Finlantic 6

Finland Iron
Finland Jewe
Finland Matias
Finland OLBAA
Finland Salaneuvos
Finland twidi

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Germany aToOn

United Kingdom Artstar
France kartez
Belgium kaze
Poland lesti
Sweden tornis
Belgium xAv

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Date: 13.05.2012
Time: 22:00 CEST
Maps: Missile_b3 & Radar
League: image: etCB ET EuroCup XXVimage: game32973
image: s_foot
Group C

1. Europe miNd's Pro Gamers club 1/0 4:0
2. Poland to Make odds even 1/1 4:4
3. France Pharaons 1/1 4:6
4. Czech Republic Zero Empathy 0/1 2:4

Everything can still happen in Group C. Three matches have to be played and they will decide who will advance to the next phase. Of course the biggest chances has Europe miNd's Pro Gamers club who is the favorite of this group. They have already won against seeded #2 team Poland to Make odds even and they should win their two remaining games as well. Poles have to play against former inteRaction team Czech Republic Zero Empathy in their last game and if they win this match, they will most likely advance to the playoffs. But like I said everything is possible here, because if France Pharaons won versus miNd's team in 3rd Matchweek game, they would have 2 victories which give them a big chance for 2nd place in the group.
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Czech Republic Zero Empathy

Germany mental
Czech Republic denton
Czech Republic malfoy
Netherlands Testi
Czech Republic Green_Clon
Czech Republic milhAus

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Europe mPG

Finland miNd
Latvia Clown
Germany drago
Finland Vanhaomena
Netherlands perfo
Sweden NuggaN

image: s_border_short

Date: 13.05.2012
Time: 21:00 CEST
Maps: Missile_b3 & Radar
League: image: etCB ET EuroCup XXVimage: game32902
image: s_foot

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France Pharaons

France Jau
France KareN
United Kingdom mustee
France Bowler
Belgium aieuh
France didi

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Europe mPG

Finland miNd
Latvia Clown
Germany drago
Finland Vanhaomena
Netherlands perfo
Sweden NuggaN

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Date: 14.05.2012
Time: 21:00 CEST
Maps: Adlernest & Supply
League: image: etCB ET EuroCup XXVimage: game33041
image: s_foot

image: s_head

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Poland tMoe

Poland fanatic
Poland hunter
Poland Czarek
Poland syriusZ
Poland zMk
Poland WuT/dialer

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Czech Republic Zero Empathy

Germany mental
Czech Republic denton
Czech Republic malfoy
Netherlands Testi
Czech Republic Green_Clon
Czech Republic milhAus

image: s_border_short

Date: 15.05.2012
Time: 21:00 CEST
Maps: Adlernest & Supply
League: image: etCB ET EuroCup XXVimage: game33010
image: s_foot
Group D

1. Netherlands OVERLOAd 1/1 6:4
2. Europe TAG 1/0 4:2
3. Europe Sleeperz 1/1 4:4
4. Germany MYserious 0/1 0:4

Group D games are also going to be very exciting! We all thought that Europe TAG will drop out of the tournament after recent lineup issues. Fortunately they sorted out this problem and after beating Netherlands OVERLOAd in the 1st Matchweek they have the biggest chance to take the 1st place. All they have to do is to win their two remaining games against theoretically weaker than OVERLOAd teams and the first game is against Germany MYserious-gaming which is going to be played tonight! You can read about TAG's lineup changes here and here. The most crucial game in this group is probably going to be their Sunday's game against Europe Sleeperz. If zZz players win this game and TAG win their previous match against MYserious, they will both have 2 wins and 1 loss so the rounds will decide about the place. OVERLOAd will join to the "2 victories club" if they manage to beat Germany ScaTmaN's team on Sunday.
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Germany MYserious

Norway Snuble
Slovenia vERUNA
Belgium eden
Netherlands hybrAtek
Poland cymky
Germany ScaTmaN_/mKs

image: s_news

Europe TAG

Netherlands Lightning
Estonia Night
United Kingdom medixza
Belgium bobot
Germany stownage
Netherlands aphesia/abort

image: s_border_short

Date: 10.05.2012
Time: 22:00 CEST
Maps: Missile_b3 & Radar
League: image: etCB ET EuroCup XXVimage: game33038
image: s_foot

image: s_head

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Germany MYserious

Norway Snuble
Slovenia vERUNA
Belgium eden
Netherlands hybrAtek
Poland cymky
Germany ScaTmaN_/mKs

image: s_news

Netherlands OVERLOAd

Netherlands saKen
Netherlands joshua
Netherlands JALLA
United Kingdom koop
France An7ho
Netherlands L4mpje

image: s_border_short

Date: 13.05.2012
Time: 21:00 CEST
Maps: Adlernest & Supply
League: image: etCB ET EuroCup XXVimage: game33039
image: s_foot

image: s_head

image: s_news

Europe TAG

Netherlands Lightning
Estonia Night
United Kingdom medixza
Belgium bobot
Germany stownage
Netherlands aphesia/abort

image: s_news

Europe Sleeperz

Finland toNi
Denmark xcN
Germany znArk
Hungary Nonix
Iceland rNz
Germany violy

image: s_border_short

Date: 13.05.2012
Time: 21:00 CEST
Maps: Adlernest & Supply
League: image: etCB ET EuroCup XXVimage: game33042
image: s_foot
Source: ClanBase EuroCup XXV
good boy fanatic
missile, good map
a lot of switched lineups :)
only tag and a couple new 6th's =d
still think it is much :)
dat stray xd
who is bobot, im to newskool
oh ok thanks
whoes overdrive?
the guy that drives over

my work here is done
Fanatic best gaming admin ever
Have fun getting raped Testi
great writeup!
deciding games, yet all one-sided
welcome to group stage
strange, saken not whining about that here
bF such quitters:S
oh pls change my flag
bn dodging hard

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