TZAC 2.1 Released

image: tzac

TZAC 2.1 has been released

Unfortunately you are required to download the new installer, but you may install it over the existing installation.

Please do NOT use the old TZAC shortcut, it will not work. Instead, find appropriate shortcuts in the start menu folder for each game:[/u]

1) Click Start
2) Click All Programs
3) Look for TZAC2 ANTICHEAT and open it
4) Click TZAC- ET or copy the shortcut to wherever you like.
With pictures: CLICK

Start the game button and command line options are back. You HAVE TO use the Start the game button, TZAC does *NOT* detect a running game automatically. If you want to create a shortcut or pass your server browser/game launcher to TZAC.exe, this is how you should construct the shortcut:

"C:\path\to\TZAC.exe" <game id> <command line options>

Game IDs are the following:
ET - 0
COD 4 - 3
COD 2 - 4

So, if you wish TZAC to start ET and take command line options to connect to an IP, it would look like this:

"C:\path\to\TZAC.exe" 0 +connect IP

Please report problems, I will be working actively on fixing them! Missing ac_* commands and "UNKNOWN" status (missing in match IDs) should be fixed with this update. If you're still having this problem, please report!

If you're having a DRIVER ERROR, please do the following steps:

1) Run command prompt (cmd.exe) as administrator
2) Execute command 'sc stop tizeqdrv'
3) Execute command 'sc delete tizeqdrv'
4) Reboot

Windows client (all games)

Windows client for all supported games with auto-update functionality.
Download: Setup.exe

Please report the problems on TZAC Website.
Not this shit again.
+1 indeed...
no download linkz?
i didn't use the command line at all. I only selected ET_exe to module. works just fine :))
`what the fucking fuck
doesnt work..
Posted by Gokusan on 19 May 2012 05:39:06

Still get the error: Server IP mismatch when I vid_restart on ET
this again
inb4 2000 tzac not working journals...
"login", "password" and "Game info" everytime?
what has to be done in my case
since i have, Program Files path. and it wont let me connect
"The driver seems to be loaded fine..." HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! CANT PLAY THIS GAME WITHOUT TROUBLES WITH THIS SHIT STUFF ??!!!?!?!?!
It's just because of the /!\ :s
bullshiting. Not banned anymore. Only this fucking triangle :F
Working for me :)
how do i start et with etpro again whats cmd?
+set fs_game etpro ?
GTFO and make a normal update, I dont want to go to a shitty website to download a shitty AC every week.

If this AC can't be updated on a normal way by dumb users it will never be a succes!

And removing the best feature from the new TZAC FAIL!!!!

I thought playing ET should be made easier... not harder...
And when you have to play vs cheater then you go again "OMFG stupid AC doesnt work that shit omg omg omg stupid AC omg! Make proper AC ffs omg omg!"

LOL just let them do their job and you do yours. And btw its for free so if you dont like it then GTFO yourself.

Every update is a blessing.

You probably play against cheaters daily if you play pubs with tzac.. the cheaters will only get banned 6 months after they have cheated. Great AC I call that....

And when I read about this update it sounds like a downgrade to me... removing functions which made the last version better should not be called an update but a downgrade...
actually since 2012 there are new banlists every 2 weeks or so
I'm just telling how I feel about this very bad update (in my eyes). TZAC has an auto update function, it should be used to update the application.

It's just a sign of bad programming skills and it makes me doubt even more about the creator of this AC. Doesnt he want it to be a succes? Even old shortcuts stop working after updating...

Wasnt the 2.0 update to make it easier to use? Now with 2.1 it's back to the stone age again where it all started.

I enjoyed 2.0, just auto start it with windows on boot and nothing to worry about when starting a game. Now it's like the first slac agan :(
go trip elsewhere tripi!
wtf mirqli
nice job! it takes like 30s to upgrade your tzac so no need to whine :D

btw sup with tzac screenshots, when they will be enabled again?
guess he focuses on killing all bsod problems, screenshots will go after that
wtf now it doesnt work you fucking nerd
Great job, chaplja! Doesnt lag and vid_restart works fine!
that sucks, the automatic detection was fucking awesome..
Yes, it was, but unfortunately it wasn't compatible with some antiviruses/systems. I had to bring it back because some people couldn't play matches.
Good Job Thx
Good job chaplja, thanks for making the community clean
hopefully this is not lägging
and again wild errors
Seriously, wtf is this:

image: mini_649793SHITZAC
Right click on the .exe file
Send to desktop
Go to desktop and right click on "TZAC - Shortcut"
Where it says "C:\..\TZAC2\TZAC.exe", add a '0' to the end
Mine looks like "C:\Program Files (x86)\TZAC2\TZAC.exe" 0

Hope that works :)
Thanks, but it doens't work (I probably did something wrong). I'll check this later..

e: okay i found out the problem, working now. As a big noob as I'm, I created a shortcut with the file Setup.exe.. :D
Thanks for your help!
Worked for me. But I don't expect beginners to know that...
That's why there are predefined shortcuts!
that worked a treat for me, thanks for that
Works fine for me

edit: read above for my method
Just follow garin's example and it will work.
Fail anticheat is fail because I still didn't get busted !
everytime there are problems with every update
Seems to work well till the point I use vid_restart which causes kick because of server ip mismatch.
this is shit seriosuly...
Thanks really much,sometimes it has an error,but just close it and start it again..

Thanks :-)

btw. Screenshots? :D
thanks chap
I love the community support. seriously anytime I have a problem with any program like e.g. some moviemaking tools I don't make a fucking journal complaining about how shit it is, I PM the guy who created it (eg. ag0n and hannes made most of the ones I use) and tell them the problem. when someone creates a program for you there is no expectation for it to have errors, but still 90% of them do unless they're sat and tested by a group of people for a years straight like videogames.

the way people complain is as though you think he is doing this on purpose.

khaplja does an awesome job!
in this case rather then pming chap who is busy with constant updates they should just go to #tzac and state the problem

40% of people=journal
40% of people=/j #tzac OMG I HAVE PROB WITH TZAC
20% got no problem at all
1/ Try to fix problem by yourself
2/ Post on (get no answer)
3/ /j #tzac (ignored by chaplja)
4/ Post on crossfire (still not working)
5/ Rage very hard

Story of my life but it's now fixed with "play" button and works like a charm :)
as for 3/ you don't necessairly need reply from chaplja, other people might help aswell
cant get permanent argument +set fs_game etpro... Goes away everytime i restart TZAC!
had the same in the last version, I just simply used to Mods in ET's Main menu before connecting to server.
yea true! i remember that it wasn't a problem on tzac 1. so maybe chaplja can fix it!
Edit the shortcut. Right click on the shortcut -> properties -> go to the target line and edit it to look like this: "...\TZAC.exe" 0 +set fs_game etpro
works like a charm, thx
working perfectly fine, thanks chaplja
looks way to hard, fuck this shit
EDIT: aint so hard after all xD
gl new players
Posted by chaplja on 19 May 2012 11:05:53

I don't mind you (or anyone else) having opinion of TZAC being shitty, but if that's all you have to write, I'll start removing posting rights on the site. If you want help, ASK A QUESTION and provide information about your problem. Any further post that provides no information will get its author's posting rights removed.

great attitude that guy has, he knows how to get support from the community xD
Yes, posts only saying "omg tzac is shit" with no actual information about the problems are sure going to get things fixed!
Lovely, works fine and a programmable commandline is what everyone was waiting for! Thanks Chaplja
i didnt download it yet, but when i've readed it, i just thought "meh its getting more complicated from update to update"
:) that's how he rolls
kinda sad imo, i dont know what he is working at, but people whining about fps drops and stuff is annoying me more than this "small shizzle" i dont got these lags by myself but its sad about these excuses all the time :/
all drops fixed?
works fine for me,thanks for bringing game button back :)
And yeh had to mention this pb disabled again thank you Chaplja <3
Linux and Mac will be ignored forever, I still dont understand how this can be the official AC for tournaments if it doesnt even support 2/3 of the avaible ET clients.
But doesn't it support 99% of actually used clients?
working fine, great job :)
Added guidelines how to find the working shortcuts so now even the dummies should get it to work.
Good work chaplja works fine for me, as usual
Vid_Restart causes insta kick

Plz fix this
when I click on "Browse" @ Game Info TZAC just crashes..
you have to show some pics how to make an coppy from tzac and then put it on destop and then put this "0" for playing et would help a lot of people i think
i've to admit this one is nice. Just missing the auto log and it would be perfect
... can't say anything else?
no, commented randomly ^^
atleast you thought it was funny...
don't you? :D I fooled you!
sad part is, you even think you did :( such a low reply, from you... im am dissapoint
how to make 1 icon to launch both ( tzac+et ) pls
You have to use an external software like zadd's one (check his post above) or a game server browser and configure it properly; eg: QTracker.
I'm using both combinated, just edited the batch file a bit and it works perfectly.
works fine, even CoD4 which didnt work before.
ac in tzac stands for anticheat. stupid banner :(
in my last job place the name was smth like: blabla high-tech technology :DD
Lolling out loud
high tech technology

image: annoyed-are-you-fucking-kidding-me-son
Yeah, wtf the fuck were they thinking XD
tomislav zubcic anticheat anticheat

double power!
it took me 30 s to got it working :p good job :)
blew my computer and burned my house down..
kurwa znowu?
erm, the selected game executable is not compatible with tzac? help? ET btw

E: oops, forgot that i had that new master server ET.exe installed, but now i get the same error as before

image: clipboard_upped

??? :(
me too 0o wtf
Chill out retards,he's doing this for free,while you're just busy with whining and playing ET.
Please report problems, I will be working actively on fixing them! Missing ac_* commands and "UNKNOWN" status (missing in match IDs) should be fixed with this update. If you're still having this problem, please report!

Nothing is perfect, besides me of course,just report you're problems and give it some time,or don't use it and STFU.
For free? wat
He's not getting paid for this,isn't he?
By who? and why? I thought he's still looking for a buyer.
Not sure if I can answer those questions
Then don't make me ask them.
Far as I know he's not getting paid,else you can prove me Im wrong. :o)
I know you are wrong, that's a fact, you can not discuss a fact.
Saying that I'm wrong without any proofs from your own side wont do it,w/e..he's still doing this for those whinez0rz.
inb4 you saying "fact"
I'm right, you're wrong
I dont thinks so,and I dont care if you do,I never heard he's getting paid,only sherlocks like you knows about it.
he gets a few donations here and there
ant1y July 18, 2010 February 21, 2012 Donator
Zodiac July 19, 2010 May 13, 2012 Donator
zxdhg July 20, 2010 April 20, 2012 Donator
Koekjes July 21, 2010 May 6, 2012 Donator
toerag July 21, 2010 May 20, 2012 Donator
balu July 21, 2010 May 5, 2012 Donator
ChunkjEe July 22, 2010 May 5, 2012 Donator
JeyAem July 22, 2010 May 21, 2012 Donator
wiesel1337 July 24, 2010 May 18, 2012 Donator
potty July 24, 2010 August 19, 2011 Donator
FUCKCROSSFIRE July 26, 2010 May 14, 2012 Donator
hste July 28, 2010 August 20, 2011 Donator
Gokusan August 1, 2010 May 19, 2012 Donator
engee August 4, 2010 April 27, 2011 Donator
Kitt September 30, 2010 May 18, 2012 Donator
Woooooo October 8, 2010 March 9, 2012 Donator
bradock December 23, 2010 May 13, 2012 Donator
RdK March 3, 2011 August 19, 2011 Donator
kickerR June 22, 2011 April 10, 2012 Donator
S1mzooR June 23, 2011 May 5, 2012 Donator
fuerSt June 23, 2011 May 7, 2012 Donator
irreeL August 31, 2011 January 6, 2012 Donator
Well done, thank you <3
Nice to see that you also found a way to sponsor it with adds ;)
hmm sorry to say, but this new tzac is full of bugs,
i get kicked if i minimize, i get kicked if some1 talks to me in xfire in game, so i have to turen it off, it kicks me sometimes when map changes, ........
very very buggy
edit: forgot to say it also rebooted my pc twice, also when i closed et, tzac after a game then i couldn´t open any application..(example chrome..exe) it said its being use by "another application"....
also my antivirus says its a trojan
thats 6 ? bugs
taskkill /im xfire.exe /f
taskkill /im steam.exe /f
taskkill /im utorrent.exe /f
taskkill /im Dropbox.exe /f
taskkill /im Skydrive.exe /f
taskkill /im utorrent.exe /f
taskkill /im sqlservr.exe /f

start F:\EnemyTerritory\DInput.exe ET
start F:\TZACNEW\TZAC2\TZAC.exe 0

bat script problem?
niks gezeur met shortcuts
Haha zo kan het ook :-P
I have one only one thing to say, fuck you
Whats with the new installers every single time? o_O
Couldn't initialize libcurl, check your installation or report to the developer.

what this and i cant fix it.
i've got this to
This is the worst piece of software I have ever had the need to download to play a game.
I'd rather play against cheaters than have this crap ruin my pc.
on your own :D
can't connect to our Server (only our Server). Was on it one time. now it says TZAC Server: awaiting auth! - dunno how to fix it..
rly ... shit program
cant connect via hlsw gamebrowser :(
Same here :/ ...
ip mismatch O_O
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