CB EuroCup XXV: Playoffs Continuing!

image: cbecxxv_medium

Playoff stage of Clanbase EuroCup XXV is being played and only six teams with a chance
for the final victory left in this tournament.

Europe miNd's Pro Gamers club, who defeated polish team Poland to Make odds even in the Upper Bracket Final yesterday, has the greatest chance to take a golden pocal. They are already waiting in the Grand Final for their opponent who must to beat them twice to become a number one.
image: s_head

image: s_news

Europe mPG Club

Finland miNd
Netherlands perfo
United Kingdom Baggiez
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqzz
Sweden NuggaN

image: s_news

Poland tMoe

Poland hunter
Poland zMk
Poland dialer
Poland stexx
Poland fanatic
Poland grzesiek

image: s_border_short

Date: 18.06.2012
Time: 22:30 CET
Maps: Radar & Sw_Goldrush_Te
League: image: etCB ET EuroCup XXVimage: game33621
image: s_foot
Poland tMoe is now in a Lower Bracket waiting for other teams to finish their matches. Two next high quality games from Lower Bracket Round 2 will be played in upcoming days. Winners will stay in the fight whereas losers will have to say goodbye.

The first game is a clash between Finland Finlantic6, who recently placed second in ET Masters LAN, and an european mix Europe TAG. Although it looks like Taggers stabilize their lineup and they've been doing quite good recently, Finns are the favorite of this game.
image: s_head

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Finland Finlantic6

Finland twidi
Finland Matias
Finland Jewe
Finland olBaa
Finland Iron
Finland Salaneuvos

image: s_news

Europe TAG

Netherlands Lightning
Netherlands abort
United Kingdom med1xza
Poland Kirej
Germany stownage

image: s_border_short

Date: unscheduled
Time: unscheduled
Maps: TBA
League: image: etCB ET EuroCup XXVimage: game33686
image: s_foot
The second game at this stage is between Dutch team Netherlands OVERLOAd and Germany aToOn. The fact that aToOn has surprisingly reached a TOP6 of this season of EuroCup is undoubtedly an achievement for them. I am sure they are hungry for more and they will take up a challenge from an experienced team led by saKen.
image: s_head

image: s_news

Netherlands OVERLOAd

Netherlands saKen
Netherlands joshua
Netherlands L4mpje
United Kingdom koop
France An7ho

image: s_news

Germany aToOn

United Kingdom Artstar
France kartez
Belgium kaze
Sweden tornis
Poland upload
Belgium xAv

image: s_border_short

Date: unscheduled
Time: unscheduled
Maps: TBA
League: image: etCB ET EuroCup XXVimage: game33633
image: s_foot
Source: CB EuroCup XXV: UB Final - LB 2
CB EuroCup XXV: Playoffs
This game is as dead as a dead guy, true story.
this EC looks like this coz of teams like bF & Queens dropping/folding. :] blame yourself and not the entire game.
I blame the current state of the game for dropping/folding, not the game per se.
why blame the state of the game? xD atoon were able to prac actively for the whole of April without problems (until we had the multiple 6th changes). you dropped out because you lost motivation as a team, you can't blame ET activity because you were hardly attempting to prac everyday. :P
We lost motivation as a team because ET had gotten boring because of the same few teams competing in competitions and only a handful of teams 'praccing'. When searching for a war your possible opponents would most of the time be NBS/PDEG/FIN6/ANEXIS/MPG/ATOON and and with the large amount of officials that take place they often even play eachother in officials, which makes it harder to find a decent pracc.

ET has gotten way too predictable with ANEXIS ruling every competitions there is to rule. Queens was an interesting challenge but a team consisting solely of rambo's was also bound to fail. The prestige of every competition has declined enormously which resulted also resulted in a lack of motivation.

ET just isn't the same as it used to be, even with people trying to keep it alive nothing really changed.

You can always keep trying to revive a game over and over again until the game has reached rock bottom or you can let go when you've concluded that enough is enough and that's what bF did, we let go.
but you gave up long before the end. :) (not just this EC, long before the end of ET competition) yet you claim that _right now_ the game is dead. the fact that there were constant NC teams practicing each day and when BFB/EC came there were all of those teams praccing too, means this season is exactly the same as every other season. you can prac vs EC teams or OC teams, you've just raised your standards since your most active days. :)

"ET just isn't the same as it used to be, even with people trying to keep it alive nothing really changed."

I've been mega active since ~2007 and shit hasn't changed for me. I still play wars almost everyday and don't have problems finding them unless it's ~2am (and even then I can find a 3on3 offi if needed).

sure some _NAMES_ are no longer around, doesn't mean there aren't good enough opponents for you to practice and have tough matches against. there's just as much to play for now as there was 5 years ago, only your attitude has changed.
stop telling fairy tales to yourself, this season was not the same as when we played our first EC for example. Check at the lan even, cant gather 16 teams anymore. When I last went in holland it were 35 teams =)

2006 CPC1: 8 teams
2007 CPC2: 16 teams
2007 CDC3: 21 teams
2008 CDC4: 16 teams
2008 CC5: 16 teams
2009 CC6: 21 teams
2010 CiC7: 35 teams

see the fluctuation in the number of attending teams? the main boost for CiC7 & AEF managing to break 30 teams was because of 5on5 and the closeness of skill between teams. nowadays there's anexis comprising of players who in the past would form around 3+ teams (R0SS/sqzz with unkind or just ross leading celsus at LAN + Clown had mAus and XyLoS in TLR/BB + Night & Squall in mamut/dignitas). then also this LAN didn't have majority of Belgian/Dutchies because of exams, LAN regulars (ALMIGHTY) Kamz/miXer weren't able to go for their own reasons but are planning to go to the LAN in october etcetc. each team makes a difference and considering a good online tournament is filled with only 16 teams, OC will have like 100 teams, it's just a decision made by people as to whether or not they go to LAN and this season not many wanted to.

but Fall 2011 / Spring 2012 don't really count since teams still haven't really formed. :) it's like everyone is realising it's back to 6on6 and every single topteam is a mix. hopefully next season people will actually make steady lineups and not guess-mixes like Queens that hope to beat anexis with aimpower.
Just to clear out - Ross didn't lead celsus, it was Wrobel.
do you mean ingame leading or he built the team? anyway I just meant he would definitely be part of some topteam attending the LAN, like he was for all of the ones before being in impact/anexis :3
Both (biulding with me though). Ross joined as the last player.
I see, well it's just a guess anyway. seemed logical since ross has that kind of teamleader attitude but maybe it's only since impact.


drop drop drop in numbers

drops in numbers compared to CDC3 :)

if you honestly see this as the end of days for ET then I won't argue with you because I can't argue with you. =] I was having these arguments with people in 2010 who said the game died in 2008, not gonna bother now.
not saying its the end, its just a shit state, not like cic7 times. tbh that 5on5 change was pretty awesome for w:et
I thought so too, but all of the newcomers during the 5v5 period were oh so curious about how 6v6 feels and tada, CB vote in 6v6 and now there are no teams, the 5v5 teams all folded and made mixes between each other.

5v5 to 6v6 is fine, you just drop 1 player, but 5v5 to 6v6 is harder (when I think about the teams who played in spring 2011)
Not that I care anyway, I quit competitive et after AEF anyway & havnt touched it in a long time now.
well you hardly quit competitive ET in summer 2010. :P maybe no teams as serious as P&P / bF in the most active days but you've hardly been skipping cups/officials (maybe backup spot, idk, but im sure I saw you playing on GTV many many times since AEF ;P).
was it awesome cause u finally got into "top" or why?

since we all know u guys never been good on 6o6
I only played 1 OC in 6on6 & won it. Then ET changed to 5On5, I was never really active in 6on6 besides cc6 & that OC cup. Lots of reasons I guess? Because we started getting better & did really well on the lans we attended.
cuz 6o6 is gay
Hmm oppinions differ but my guess is that you're still "high" on ET, enjoy it while it lasts.
no, I most enjoyed ET in 2008-2010. since then I've probably given more forfeit losses/noshows and taken competitions less seriously (stupid though) than I'd ever expected, because back when I was beginning in competitions I hated losing by forfeits and always forced my players to show up to offi's and so on. point is only your attitude has changed. :) maybe how you saw ET in 2009-2011 (glory days according to you) - those who were active in 2005-2007 probably laughed at you and just said ET is dead and you were "high" on ET and I guess it was true, you enjoyed it while it lasted and now you're just like every other person who quit since 2003. :)
I don't see how you can lose motivation before you're the best.
>implying only people who are the best at something lose motivation.
I was talking personally :D
you forgot about tmoe :'(
nice to see some oldschoolers! gl
take it atoon <3
tomoyo ec star
replacing my beloved & gone master

human defeat
Luton or Stansted?
afraid of trains?
ye they loud :(
Stansted is your only option then I'm afraid
koop in EC zlol gl bbz xoxo
ET is dead
/!\ you should be
not every cheater has to die.. :S

like me hehehe
why not? i would gief a shit about you :*
thats not very friendly pff

im awesome, you'd miss me
atoon Artstar kartez kaze tornis upload xAv

ec top6

L4mpje <3
Yo Lightning, if you need me just put my sign in the sky. I'll be there to clash with the finns.
Right as they saw my willingness to help out. Glad to be of help.
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