Lazio & Griim Fragmovie by Spankie

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QuoteIt's really hard to write something from the top of my head. Well, first of all, I'd really like to thank Portugal ag0n, Poland samAel and Israel drj3w for feedback and help with some things that I just couldn't figure out myself. I wanted to go a little bit further with this one - bring some of the CoD/CSS editing atmosphere here. Did I succeed? I'll let you decide yourself: ) Huge thanks for Lazio & Griim for providing me with such outstanding frags.

As always, I remind that I'm always here to help you and give tips on anything I put in any of my movies. You'll find my here on CF or at the channel @ Quakenet.
Poland Spankie

QuoteI am pleased that Griim and I managed to find such a dedicated and talented moviemaker.
After playing this game for several years together with Dave I thought that this way a nice way to recap the fun moments we had.
Huge thanks goes out to Spankie for making this possible. - Serbia Lazio

QuoteFragmovies for me are as much about entertainment as the encapsulation of memories over an era of gaming.
I'm glad this movie contains material for the multiple teams & names me & Lazio have played under. This reminds me of all those good times I've had playing ET.
I particularly enjoyed the subtleties in the editing of this movie and wish Spankie the best in his media career. - United Kingdom Griim


QuoteUnited Kingdom Kamz:
Some frags were very good. I'd like to have seen some hitsounds added for griim's frags but I guess it wasn't possible due to the very bassy song types. A handful of bad smg frags though, revive train frags, radar cp frags and too many three man rifles/nades by lazio although one on pro5 was nice. I got fragged a bit too much for my liking though :[ .. 8/10.

Config was crisp and the colours were nice for almost all maps but too much glow effect sometimes and goldrush was too pinkish. 8/10 here also.

Top notch editing and creativity. I can see the movie is made by somebody who thinks outside of the box and has some innovative ideas. I liked the fire effect that the rifle explosion produced (overlooking the logic behind flames exerting from a nade explosion:P). The effect when the lights would go brighter which was synchronised with the music was also clever (worked better on supply than radar cp though) and the iron-sight gun model looked good. Cams were decent enough, although there was a small bug on 0:40. Music isn't really my favourite type but the genre linked well with the style. Preferred second song more than the first.
Editing 8.5/10 and Creativity 9.5/10.

Some small negatives though.. repitition of the up down transition effect, would like to have seen you killed text there instead of having to look at the top of the screen to see who was fragged. Sometimes the frag text changes position? i.e. 1:40 and 2:50. The 3d text was nice to see but very overused.

All in all, a very well presented movie. It had a very unique feel to it and I'd say I couldn't find another ET movie with that kind of style. Fast-paced action is great but sometimes it's hard to keep up with everything going on. Overall 9/10. Best movie I seen since This is ET, keep up the good work!
And I wanted to add something: any moviemaker that can make lazio look good, has done a good job!

QuotePoland sN1e:
I don't really know what to think about this movie. It has awesome quality, nice frags and it's very smooth, you could think that is all what is needed but...
Amount of effects is a total overkill (some of them were pretty nice and some just shoddy). I'm afraid it reached the point where fragmovie wasn't about frags but eye candy editing.
Anyways this is a solid piece of work, better than most of recent movies, but it didn't have that *thing* which makes me want to play ET right after watching it.
Overall 7/10.

QuotePoland ska: Piece of shit. Good shit.

QuoteIsrael drj3w:
Well overall - awesome cams and effects - editing is brilliant but i would like to see more colors in the future - in order to be an editor[prof mmaker not just gaming] u should know how to create your own stuff - like settings and ideas[start of the film u used some of quaky ideas].
Mark - 8.5 - Reminds me of quaky films.

QuotePoland grzesiek:
[pl]Motyw z iron sightem za duzo razy uzyty (powinien byc raz przez cale movie). Ogolem nie chcialo mi sie wylaczac gdy to overused w chuj pendulum lecialo w tle. Procz antyaliasingu i iron sightu nic nie przeszkadza.
Jest swiezosc jak skurwysyn. [/pl]
Saw some guy crouched without moving, knew right away that was me getting fragged. At least it wasn't Lazio pistolling me, that would've been quite bad.

Really good movie and some nice frags from the olden days when ET wasn't so death. Very enjoyable.
Nice movie! =)
i like this :)
I usually don't like fragmovies without hitsounds, but I have to admit this is some fucking exceptional good shit there!
9.5/10 from me.
Nice one. Some headsound are "useless" to be honest, but this is the only thing i can complain so.
By the way you use "my" music of the moment "I can't stop"
davegay:D and lazio:D movie :D
really cool movie...
actually i cant even see the need why someone would pick out tiny mistakes or think what to improve since i m sure, the viewer is perfectly entertained!
GJ and keep up your mediawork!
enjoyed watching!! well done! nice effects!
Nice effects. Some frags are shown in every fragmovie, which also includes this one. Though there are some nice kills.
Good movie, but weak to disable hitsounds when the frags aren't that good (headshots).
actually griim sent me a lot of his demos a while ago and they all were good headshots-wise. using hitsounds all of the time here just wouldn't have fit the soundtrack, probably why spankie didn't include it. :)
exactly! I tried to put as many of them as I could tho, specially in those headies-only actions
fucking sick movie!
I can't stooooooop..... watching this
This is Sleeperz... that is what I like in the game, though I didnt take part since 2010 ...

For the moviemaker: This is going to be the Movie of 2012, though I miss a little rock n roll.
once again spankie delivers
Sorry that I couldn't post. 1st day since I can even comment :(
Amazing movie, nice frags, great movie maker. it had a kinda fragarea feel to it :)
Like the quali, colours and also edit.
Music is also good - good dubstep choice for this game.


<3 3n19ma
Me gusta !
Liked it much :)

Well done :)
call the movie can't stop

add can't stop gay dubstep

dont add rhcp - can't stop

Well done! Seeing those frags from the good old days got me all sentimental and shit! :')
Liked it a lot. Finally someone that knows how to put the ingame commands to good use. I caught myself being a bit too distracted from the frags though. I was also a bit put off by the music, while I generally like a bit of dubstep and d'n'b, I didn't enjoy this all that much.
Well done griim...

funny how i played with you for years Lazio... and not once ive seen you do a multikill...

fake frags? i would very much think so... rly lame aleks :)
Nice :)
Sync could have been better in some cases, rest is cool.
Daif Alex fragmovie....My dream come true, this day can't get anymore perfect!
nice movie
deef gay
aleks gypsy
Excellent movie. Can't remember when I watched a movie to the end the last time but this one definitely made me to. Best movie in a while
Nice frags Dave and Aleks, shame about cheater shoutouts at the end
stfu already
no mr. cheaterlover
you're being a bitch about one shoutout for a guy who I know in real life and find really nice.

or let me shorten it for you,

you're being a bitch.
you're being a cheaterlover
I'm being a guy who's thankful for a lot of constructive feedback and feels like giving a shoutout to a mate. i dont even care about his cheating history, i busted him myself once, doesn't change the fact that he helped me alot with this
still a cheaterlover
dumbass. feel like continuing name calling ?
You're being a bitch
did I highlight you?

Oh no you didn't :D
You're being a bitch
featuring dave always 10/10
Cool movie, griim should consider gibbing tho.
Nice editing skills, flow is missing tho. No enough sync.
sick movie lazio and dave mate <333
yeah! really good movie my old mate.
first one i watched in a while, good editing, love the equalizer visualisation and syncing, frame cap could've been a bit higher qual but all in all a great collaboration ;)
Really enjoyed it alot! Liked the music, effects, quality, editing, actually everything :D Normally I enjoy hitsounds in a fragmovie, but because of the choice of music, it didnt bother me that you only used hitsounds a couple of times.

Great work spankie, hopefully you'll make more movies in the future.
dave, join my team dave. davemate?
You have some interesting editing abilities but a fragmovie without a single shoutcast is like a girl without pussy for me.
dont like et movies in general, but this one was really good! Nice job Spankie! and some great stuff from lazio and griim! (y) worth downloading!
i liked it, was fun to watch, good job
The beginning was excellent, I was really shocked because I didn't see any movie you made since a very long time and you really made a big progress spankie!

But after few minutes this movie gets boring for me. The editing was really great but I miss something that makes ET movies fucking epic. I mean this kind of music all those effects it just doesn't fit to the ET in my opinion.

I remember all those old ET movies with rock music and this 'climate'(if you know what i mean) and I honestly miss it.

Anyway, you are great, your editing skills are stunning and you have everything you need to be a great moviemaker so keep it up and you will definitely create or own style that make people's jaw drops!
wow... superbe movie. I can't share the opinion of wedeus. Too many movies with rock music. Its great the way you made it! And after all its a question of taste. If someone likes rock ofc he preferes also rock in the movie instead of electro.
Also the effects are great imo!
The only thing I've to object is that sometimes when freecam was used, it should have been recorded farer away like that the kills could have been seen better.
I just ejacalated over my keyboard oh btw nice movie m8s
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