Polish Allstars 2012

Since the activity within Polish community is up it's time to revive the most glorious event of them all - the Polish Allstars! This event will start off series of tournaments, a series that will only have one purpose - to keep the activity up until the next LAN in Krakow, which we hope will happen in ~6 months. Of course every team from any country is welcome to participate, but possible LAN teams will be our priority. But more on that later, time for some stars.

image: 37105788930256317733

image: polska1

As always for this type of events, we divided our country into 4 parts: North, South, West and last but least:East. We also assigned each part a captain to pick a lineup of his choice to fight for honour of each part. From many, many choices we managed to find 4 guys, and let me tell you, it was not an easy task. Now we are ready to finally announce the lucky 4!

Coming from the North is PolandLockheed, Allstars veteran who's coming back again to fight for his part, this time as a captain. Will he be able to hold to his from last year or even win the ? Only time will tell.

From the defending champion South we have Polandw1lko, returning back2kill player, who got the toughest task of them all:keeping the for South, won last year by Polanddnl and his team. He will be probably the most motivated captain of them all.

Representing West is a true Polish legend, one of the most known players around - PolandWrobel, who made an astonishing comeback for CGS LAN, proving that he still got it. Once a Team Poland captain, where he reached , now he will try his luck in Allstars.

And finally for East we have a small surprise. Long-time East captain Polanddialer has decided not to pick up the spot this year, giving space to other promising player, who promised to finally lead East to long awaited and removing the shame caused by last year's bad performance, leaving this side with last place. The one to do the job this year will be one and only PolandCzarek.

The players picked up by the Captains will be announced on Thursday, with games being played on Sunday, starting at 19:00 CET. The formula of the tournament will be same as last year - BO1 group games between all participants, with #1 and #2 going to the Grand Final and #3 and #4 fighting for . The maps for the groups will be forced and for playoffs games it's free pick. The mappool used will be the same as for CGS LAN with standard pool supply, sw_goldrush_te, adlernest, radar and bremen_b3 joined by frostbite. Some of the games will be casted by PolandKOKIA, who showed of his shoutcasting skills at CGS LAN and will be picking games to cast on his own.

All the games will be broadcasted@GamesTV and I do hope to see last year's activity peaks broken. Long live ET.

half of those captains is a bad joke :.D
Powodzenia Wrobel. Mlucka!
No offence, but can those captains really compete with the currently strongest polish players?
allstars =/= allstrongest
And who are the currently strongest polish players?
stars are not necessarily the best at anything
how philosophical. your workers gone already? wanna play sth?
they were already gone at 7:15
pizza in ze oven and then coming to ts
good luck ;)
wszyscy zainteresowani gra dla wschodu prosze o kontakt przez irc nick Czarek lub Czarek`off
Long live ET.
avi north
avi south
first have a shower Robert,then post a journal :X
been there, done that
unhitstars 2012
what was the top 3 of cgs? lineups too plz
CGSW/tMoe- dialer FS lesti Lukey blk fanatic
nVm- Pius Voodoo Palemki th0rdis Turki grzesiek
devilry- boski errol abject mag miks dolar
robert saving polish ET
at least poles have enough active players left to set up 4 teams with 6/7 players, uk and most other nations cant :)
maybe cause other nations have something to do with their life ? :)
some things dont have to be named directly to be expressed ^_^
hah excuses :D just admit that you are jealous because we can get few well-ballanced teams containing good players and you can hardly get 6 decent players for national team xD
bullshit. would say that there are enough nerds in countries like UK/FR/BE who have no life at all. morre likely those 'other nations' decided to play even more nerdy games like WoW/LoL and stuff.

dem games that people are dying in their house playing coz they forgot to eat food. fuck I hate that shit.
thats mostly asians so far tho :P
mostly indeed but not entirely. it's just these games that require your whole life in order for you to be talented. it's actually unbelievable how much time people spend on these games while ET is completely different, you can play ET everyday for 7 years and not be higher than med/+ skill, Quake is a good example. it actually requires _specific_ practice to certain areas of your game. LoL, WoW and all of these just require you to play, play, play until you reach your highest elo or w/e. :D
wow how fucking retarded can you be? Playing in online tournament proofs that our nation has nothing to do in real life. Officially you're the dumbest person on this site
or they 2 busy praccing 24/7 for serious cups :D?
Actually, poles havn't got enough money to buy a new games.
That might be the reason why they all still paying ET
that english bro
at first get proper english piece of shit, im in france every year for vacations fucking your poor girls begin me for money so watch ya self fag
rifle avi north
avi west Rafal !
how were captains chosen? I'm pretty sure there are more available captains for each place, maybe who are also more 'in contact' with the other top players.. :D

anyone wanna write to me here some top players from north/east/south/west?

I know that according to prev. PL Allstars tournaments North got some good players but surely there's more than this: lock + boski.ght/lesti/Lukey/kot/numeric/wiesiek/zMk
he played in that PL Allstars in some previous year(s) :\

anyway, according to the previous PL Allstars (2009-2011) these players are still around I guess:

lock (c)


Czarek (c)


w1lko (c)




obviously there are lots more considering the amount who played @ CGS who aint listed here, but these are just the guys who played before. ones with '?' idk if they are playing anymore :z
acutally i wanted to make south team with 5-6 players u listed above, but robaciek told me that he wants to make it this weekend (sunday) cause "its vacation time and its hard to pick a right date" :XD and im @ vacation atm, I'll be back sunday evening etc ;P whatever
to w czym problem jak jestes back w niedziele ? :D
nie wiem o ktorej godzinie bede szczerze mowiac, bo wracam z festiwalu ktory tam do niedzieli trwa, wiec moge byc pozno. nie chce sie wystawic w razie czego, ale myslalem, ze to bedzie nieco pozniej niz 3 dni po ogloszeniu turnieju :XD
w sumie to tez nie wiem czy sie wyrobie, poza tym myslalem ze sie nie zglosiles po prostu. Jak sprawa tak wyglada to pierdole taki biznes niech graja sobie bez prawdziwych gwiazd south :D
Masz na pocieszenie film rezyserii lamka
hahaha jak ogladam te filmiki to az sie chce pograc znowu:D cos pieknego! :P a Ty w bielsku na te wakacje tak jak gadales?
no, po obejrzeniu calej kolekcji to nawet klejfa bym mogl na szostego wziac i ruszac :D Atm w bielsku ale nie wiem czy sie nie zwine do krk niedlugo
z klejfem Cie ponioslo, honika mam wlasnego XD
walcze ze soba czy to diablo kupic, bylem teraz u ziomka z lodzi co gra i jednak lekka kara odchodzi, a w ET tez bym pogral jakby winq zmniejszyl osmiopaki do powiedzmy czteropakow
kurwa ja nie a siadl by xD
Diablo nie jest zle ale jak nie wprowadza pvp to troche nie ma po co grac, lvl max wbijasz szybko farmisz w miare sprzet i nie ma za bardzo motywacji do dalszego farmienia.
Wrocisz to sie pyknie jakies trojeczki moze wyciagniemy winqa na odwyk :XD

masz gdzies ten filmik z tym jak tanczyli na srodku pt "do mycia zapraszam" czy jakos tak :D?
sucks that it's not convenient for ya :[ hope it's not the same story for those other guys, would suck anal.

did you go to that CGS lan?
nah I missed that one, eventho it took its place @ my city (cracow), i dont have that amount of time to play et anymore and wasnt rly motivated to spent money there, just to play 3 games and then go back to home ;P I could do that if my old team, high5, made some comeback, I could also find some more time for playing tbh ;P but it doesnt look like its gonna happen
there's supposedly another PL LAN in 2013 (february?) in case you make that decision to play again. :P

for me ET is only fun until my mates quit, if my friends all quit online gaming then I'd probably stop playing ET 8)
yeah same for me, me and lamek (core of our team) were playing together for 7 years, syriusz and winq joined us later but still played with us for 3 years i guess? then riseye (jebany low) pwned noobs with us for another 1 or 1,5 year:P so 5 of us were playing for very long time together:P when we split i just lost motivation to play tbh. maaaybe ill ask them if they're insterested in that 2013 project (i also asked about last one but the date, holiday time, were bad for most of us), we will see. i still remember all tactics and positions for all of the maps ;D
I've been thinking about rebuilding an old team of mine for the CB Fall :) I didn't really enjoy playing EC this season, dunno why. maybe it's because I was in a new lineup of people I never really played with before, after 2-3 weeks of being active for BFB we went quite inactive coz of having unstable 6th.

that kinda shit didn't really happen when I was in teams of friends. :) could always rely on those guys to actually tell me why they aint playing/why they aren't available. and they were definitely easier to convince! it's not easy to convince guys to your team when they don't have much experience of playing/talking with you. :D
avi medic west
Kirej will deliver
cheers to Robert since he's one of the last people who are actually trying to do something for this community. Sad thing that admins of this site killed this game making it 5on5 and now with this shit site
ale internetu i tak nie dostaniesz :D
admins of CF didn't make ET 5on5 :P tosspot selected 5on5 format for CiC7 and he would do this whether or not CB/ESL moved to 5on5.

blame ESL/CB admins for 5on5 decision if you want to get mad at someone!
wasnt it Krosan who was forcing it? as far as i know he's the admin over here
mm krosan + ET committee made some changes, but I wouldn't blame him for the whole occurrence. it was an overall decision afaik, between all of the admins at the time in all of the active leagues. I think ESL planned to be heavily included in CiC7 and so eiM was the one who made sure ESL switched to 5on5 (even in the middle of EMS I think. :D) and whoever the CB admins were at the time also agreed to the decision. someone of Killerboy/Homer/LION/GoldoraK/mUnduS. don't think there was anyone else involved in 'big' decisions back in 2009/2010.

but seriously they can't be blamed and nor can 5on5. :D maybe ET lost some specific faces, but they would have left anyway. CiC7 had a record signup number of 35 teams, 175 ET players (more than any other Crossfire LAN) and the OC season following the 5on5 change had ~9 divisions with like +150 teams or even closer to 200.

ET was very healthy until it went ~1 year without an ET LAN and top teams started boycotting CB tournaments. :) then some other things that had an effect on the lower level players, death of some public servers like Cybergames (3 servers always full = ~60 players on only these servers at all times) and many more server hosters stopped hosting these. then when ET switched from 5on5 to 6on6 it's like everyone went brain damaged and forgot that they already had 5on5 teams. all that most teams needed to do was add 1 player to the lineup and continue playing, but instead they all decided to mix together and this is truly what had the biggest effect on competition, 6on6 was a good move in terms of playinng, much more fun. but it was a little bit stupid since nobody seemed to put the small effort into making sure the teams of the previous season filled an extra player to their lineups.
you might be right but still i think switching it from 6on6 to 5on5 was the crucial moment, so many players including me quit this game, it lost all of the attributes like dynamics, spam, field ops have become a dead man walking ammo cabinet, ladders became completely dead. But my main point is that we not gonna turn it back again but can you explain why for sake they're making the same huge mistake by changing this site. You can clearly see that there's less comments, less journals, topics, interesting publications. Can't see even one positive thing in changing it, sorry
I can't explain to you much about CF4 ;p the guys at the top seem quite satisfied with it, I like the new site a lot but I also see some negative changes. they do actually make updates and fixes though so they're working on some of the complaints. :) the only genuine thing I believe they should change BACK right now, is the panels.. having a panel on both sides, main news on left with tutorials/articles/interviews/columns/events/albums etc, right side with recent topics, other news, journals, forums and fragmovies listed.

I do feel the pain of the CF admins though as this project took them a lot of work, and they're dealing with a community who dread change. not negative change, ALL change. :D there is no difference between positive and negative change with the CF community, the only way to deal with a community like this is to go slowly with changes. implement something new every couple weeks but CF4 went like full blast adding every feature they had in mind all at once, with all changes at that.

things will improve though and I'll still be here to see it. :) the admins know what they're doing, the site looks nice I just think most members aren't into the usability yet. it's not like CF4 had any effect on ET's activity. :D
"it's not like CF4 had any effect on ET's activity. :D"
:OOOO are you serious?

this is the main spot that people from this game actually talking to each other, posting fragmovies, journals, looking for players, wars, organising tournamets, making interviews and it doesnt have any effect on et activity? alright then
it could have an effect on the amount of people who sign up to tournaments. but no, since 2-3 weeks (the change happened) ET's activity has not changed. :)

and actually I and many others use IRC and TS/vent to speak to the people I want to play with. :D I can count on 1 hand the amount of times I sent a PM to someone to play with me instead of asking on IRC or TS.
yes tosspot killed ET to earn more money on his lans
nobody "killed" ET. shit hasn't changed since you left sweet hitsum8, maybe you can feel Quake declining, but ET will always have players and the same competitions. :P
Cmon Luke, initiated by tosspot change to 5on5, and then back to 6on6 didnt help to increase the playerbase :-)

its funny to see how ID fucks up quake in kinda similar fashion... after PP13 changes with voting and free maps dueling decreased a lot... both ET and QL are on a slope...

thx god i dont have much time to play anything atm, otherwise i would be frustrated
avi west
Jak na laniku, zrobimy mlucke :)
Jaki lu uzbierales?
Szpyrek taki, ktory da pewne zwyciestwo :)
Trzymam Cie za slowo :P
Jak nie będzie FF-Palemki to nie oglądam.
bo1? trochę szkoda, mniejsze show i trochę lotto, bo3 byłoby znacznie lepsze no ale komu by się chciało tyle grać, mimo wszystko dzięki za turniej Robercie, fajnie że coś się dzieje przynajmniej na polskiej scenie, cheaterów mniej, starzy wyjadacze wracają przynajmniej na jakiś czas, fajnie by było gdybyście zorganizowali jakąś ligę 1v1,3v3,6v6, z dobrą organizacją mogłoby to jeszcze bardziej ożywić scenę, nie łatwe zadanie i wiadomo że może nie wypalić ale ja osobiście chętnie bym zagrał w jakiejś oddzielnej lidze niż esl, polska scena potrzebuje własnej strony ze swoją ligą itp :) graczy nie ma tak wielu, więc nie byłoby to trudne w realizacji
moim zdaniem bo1 tez jest bezsensowne .. mozna byloby rozpoczac 30 min wczesniej zrobic bo3 z meczami o 18.30 , 19.45 i 21.00 a final i o 3 miejsce na 22.30 i tez w jeden dzien mozna to rozegrac. chyba glownie chodzi o to zeby sie pobawic bo to i tak mixy beda. jesli chodzi o mappol to jest w miare ok tylko wymienilbym bremen na jakas oldschool oasis albo chociaz oasis_te czy jaka tam wersja byla i na mecze grupowe polaczyc dluzsza mape typu sd gold oasis z docrun mapami adler frost radar wtedy w 1.15 h napewno mecz udaloby sie rozegrac.
w zeszłym roku nikt niby na bo1 nie marudził, ale zaraz usiądę i pomyślę
bo1 bezsens, zdecydowanie lepiej zrobic bo5 i nakurwiac w giereczki od rana do upadlego
decyzja bo1 vs bo3 zostanie podjęta jutro po przedyskutowaniu jej ze wszystkimi kapitanami, spamujcie o czymś innym

a tymczasem na GTV przecieki składów
chujowe te przecieki ja nie gram.
no przeciez gwiazdy na koniec trzeba zostawić nie?
ok ale mozesz mnie usunac ze skladu
ale w1lko mowi ze grasz :XD DOGADAC SIE TAM
nie zlapalem go na ircu wiec nie wie co gada, nie gram
jestes pizda kurwa mac tak tak :D
kolo godziny 16-17 podam sklad east na allstarzy
Kapitanie Czarku czy istenieje cien szansy na gre w Team East // turnieju " strzelanie z gwiazdami" ?
alez ty tajemniczy, nie wiem czy wytrzymam do tej godziny
czekalem tyle dni czekalem tyle lat
avi for south multticlass
avi south!!
co mi tam, avi south
Wolfenstein: terytorium wroga
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