Little surprise (2 days early)

So, we announced our "prize" breakdown today. The reaction which followed surprised me. Sure I expected disappointment, some level of flame and a small minority of loud voices. I wasn't aware of the reaction as I was out at the time. Had a couple messages from people on Facebook, Skype and also by SMS. Got home and read the comments, it hit hard.

I was actually waiting to announce this on Thursday night during the little opening night that WZZRD have planned for us all, as I wanted to give the community something to be happy about - a nice surprise. However, since I now fear for my delicate body and pretty face, I guess I should tell you all now... the breakdown we released earlier is nonsense.

The real breakdown for the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory tournament is as follows;

1st £2,100
2nd £1,200
3rd £600
4th £300

The SteelSeries prizes remain the same as in the initial post, btw.

But hey, thanks for ruining my nice surprise, fought so hard to keep it a secret for just myself until then :(


image: tumblr_mbzs7jKb8H1qcokc4o1_500
I wanted it to be a surprise, too. Genuinely wanted to see the reaction on everybody's face when I announced it in person.

Right now, I'm just waiting for you to say: 'Oh no wait, it's actually the lesser prizemoney that's the real one!', and everybody will be like: 'Oh you Sean!'. Then you'll be like: 'I'm sorry guys, sadface'. BUT at the award ceremony you'll be like: 'DOUBLE SURPRISE BITCHES!!', and everybody will get the prizes you just announced and we all live happily ever after. That is ofcourse, after you've had your beatings for trolling everyone in the first place!
you know its not the money what would make me happy sean ;D
+ 1 game come on :D
:( me so mad
lol sean owner
i dont get it. what exactly is surprising about it? is it more than the usual prizepool? if yes, why did you get flamed?
Did you see the orginal prizepool?
The original prize pool was announced at £2,000 for 16 teams. We got 12 teams and announced a prize pool of £1,020. Shitstorm ensued.
you went Jesus on the money or what? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE :D
nice nice
awesome :-)
Btw, you're still free to do what you were going to do RE: onepoundfish party. Will text you why ;)
I'm also counting on that!
Oeh, tell me why aswell! Im superduperexcited Seanbro! CU Friday! :)
We'll donne Seanza! great job :)! Really keeping it interesting mate
Awesome work Sean!
can you come on mirc sean?
Sure sure, flame incoming-> fix it fast and tell people it was a surprise, well played sir!
This x9000
Id like to see QL prizepool now, -1000 pound xDDD
Nah, started low as well, wait till he comes with the surprise for the QL prizepool, new ferraris for everyone
aww your so sad :(
lol what tree your money grows?
Wow way to ruin the surprise assholes.
all those flamers ; got rolled
dunno which troll was better this or "no ETTV"....
avi for lan qry
/q please come play with us thanks
nice one but wouldnt it be better that u actually announced prizepot around 2k and then 1 night before lan you announce it's actually doubled? i mean 1k overall pot doesnt even sound like a good troll

anyways good job and gl
last LAN ended up with the prize pool being reduced to 1500€ with 13 teams (originally 3000€ for 16 teams) so 1020£ with 12 teams (originally 2000£ for 16 teams) was pretty far from an obvious troll imo

anyway awesome that you managed to get such a great prize pool this time, gj Seanza!
yep that was bad...kinda sad that winner couldnt even get trip expenses back...if they came from some country with more expensive flight...
but yea, 1k pounds is terrible and so was 1500€ last lan
not sure if honest or trying to save face
Don't actually believe in this thing that it was going to be surprise. As i'm quite sure players might have been a lot more interested getting in LAN knowing the prizepool being this high as it is atm. Otherwise good job seanza! good luck to all teams. Shame i decided not to go :( might have been a blast!
I'm not sure but I think that we can asume that Sean didn't know since the announcement of the lan how big the price pool was going to be since undersure about attendees,partnerships with wzzrd(wolff) and Steelseries.

on a side note dissapointed that only 1 Finn will show up? salaneuvos only? last lan we had 10 , fin6 squalli mind thomm tomi.

Too expensive and to be honest cba to go :[
Too expensive like OLBAA said :(

I had a team for the LAN planned last month, but that collapsed for a couple of reasons. After that I couldn't be bothered to look for a new team seeing that the prize pool was only max. 2k£ and sign ups weren't looking good.

If I had a couple extra hundreds to spend or would've known about this prize pool in advance it would most likely be another story as I would've really loved to go!
Quotemight have been a blast!

hahah :D

not much besides finishing my studies in about 14 days :D

since when is ET this serious bu$ine$$
Don't know who you think you're fooling, quite obvious that if their wasn't an uproar about the prizemoney, you would have kept it that low, only cause their were alot of complaints and threats about boycotting the bar etc did you raise it then claim you were "trolling". Good job nonetheless.
Oh Sean, such a goot troll menzzz
You are gay
cuz dodge. potty wont be replying as he is in the car, driving to enschede atm, getting his cock sucked by hsTE
I don't see any reason why you would make a surprise out of this. Being all professional and stuff with everything else :)
Like the time when we released a buggy config by mistake, and then we said it was just a surprise and we released the fixed config 2 days later, right eiM8? :p
we ever did that? :D
One day should be in United Kingdom
well done. Cu there
Just used my pre-workout as Im about to go to the gym AND IM EVEN MORE EXCITED NOW!
image: tumblr_mbzsx78KPN1rue7q5
Now it would have actually make sense to go to lan to when I would actually get some money back! But little bit too late :p But gl to everyone!
Good Job man :) hf
Where did the extra funds come from? Or is this the initial buy-ins of everyone?
When I win the lottery imma put on a £50k tournament. Your thing is good too though.
Good guy Dave :)
you should have done that waaay earlier, so more teams would have signed up because of bigger prizes .. B-)
These kind of comments are so fucking gay...

Playing 9,i repeat,NINE years old game for money.. Bunch of faggots
I play online tournaments for fun. When I have to spend moneys from my own pocket for an offline tournament, then yes it is about money.
IT IS 9YEARS OLD and it is still ALIVE with LAN tournament for gods sake...

This just show,how stupid these PRO are..

Pfff,if there would be more money,i would be there aswell,your badluck..
dafyq did I just read?
i quite didn't get it, but it's alright, everyone can have his own opinion
It's not about 'playing for money' but for me when there's higher prizepool, there are better teams and better competition.. so more fun. and ofc it's nice to get some travel expenses back.
at the begin 3k were announced, not enough?
That's simply amazing, but if you announced it earlier, it would've been a nice 16(+) teams LAN. The previous sentence could lead to the conclusion that you only increased the prices because of the flame on CF. Fortunately i'm an optimist and don't believe this.
what kind of sorcery is that? :D
bit late! cu next lan!
there won't be next one
next one will be at my house, no entrance fee 10k price money.

Just sold my company for 3mil

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