Cracow GameSpot Winter LAN 2013: Info

I know that some of you are asking about CGS and there is no wide info about it. Well I will try to write some important infos about lan here.

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CGS2013 includes tournaments in Wolfenstein Enemy Territory and League of Legends. Tournament take place in Cracow (Pedagogical University) 2-3 march 2013.

Each game have 16 slots for teams.

ET Tournament:
In order for the tournament to happen we require 12 teams to pay till 7th February.
Prizepool for 12 teams = 5400 zł its about 1300 euro
Prizepool for 16 teams = 7200 zł its about 1800 euro

Entry fee: 450zł / ~110 euro

LoL Tournament:
In order for the tournament to happen we require 12 teams to pay till 7th February.
Prizepool for 12 teams = 3600 zł its about 880 euro
Prizepool for 16 teams = 4800 zł its about 1200 euro
There will be RP in prize pull but I will inform you about how much of them you will get later.

Entry fee: 300zł / ~75 euro

100% of your payments are going into prizepool.
In the upcoming weeks we will most likely announce additional tournament that will take place on CGS.

For now we don’t have much info about hotels, we are preparing the best offers for you. Whole info will be published on CGS official site in January.

Signups will be open within 1 month time. In order to sign up you will be ask to give your full name and nick in order to receive ID at LAN. Only players with ID badges will be allowed to enter tournament hall, while spects will have separate hall to watch games.

We are working on CGS to make it more comfortable for players and we will inform you about after hours attractions ;)

Thanks to PolandRobert for all the CGS related help and trolling around.
thanks Poland Robaciek
and how much is the entry fee?

looking forward to it!
great news, cu there
cu @ lan !
damn i cant w8 :x:d:x:d::xd
Cu there : ]
Cu ther :>
sounds good, hope that the event will attract some people who arent from poland!
image: img20121124164509

prawilnie przypominam
przez CH analfabeto sie pisze!
Quote by brAhiprzez CH analfabeto sie pisze!
cu there
seems like a nice place to die
cu there
Netherlands Effectus paid..

Cu there
LF couple GOOD players for LoL cup there /qme

jungle, support
mysle, ze jakies low+ -zapchaj dziura przydadza się na godzine 9 rano na meczyk otwierajacy , wiec i pewnie prove itki avi
chociaz będzie picie w dobrym towarzystwie :)
ale z laptopem nie można ":D"
przynajmniej nie robisz zludzenia, ze sie tym nie zajmujesz ^^
aczkolwiek Robercie nawet nie planowalam tym razem :)
Ja tylko hejtuję
no no , bo jeszcze Ci ktos w to uwierzy ,ze tylko xd
AVI for teams who want some one who can't speak Polish!
as far as polish is concerned, "kurwa" is all you need
"kurwa up" "kurwa main" "kurwa down" "kurwa east" "kurwa west" is basically all you need ingame
ET prizepool > LoL prizepool \o/
LanOut'mAre [Countdown]: diyel tz kurwo
No sory ty ale pierdolic ze mi dojebie a jak przyszlo co do czego to nie wiedzial czy reke podac, ale i tak nawet spoko koles :D
spoko mAre, jak szykuje sie jakis epicki pojedynek na piesci badz noze, to wpadam.
to przyjedz i powtorz to :*
walki walki, chyba jednak wpadne popatrzec
chce to zobaczyc.
Coming to pwn some noobs.
cya there nerds.
fuck poland.
flamethrower incoming
Iron dome incoming
dlaczego nie ma w cod4 ;//////?
Cu there most likely!
do zobaczenia przyjacielu
is this BYOC lan ?
byoc xD we arent german
cu there
Zrobcie tez w cod4:)
ja tez pisałem dawaj w cod4 tez może teamy się zgłoszą sam chętnie bym zagrał :D
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