#ET is alive

Have you ever dreamt of having an IRC channel on Quakenet for everything related with our beloved game - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory? We were always wondering why channel like this has never existed...

image: etbanner

Almost every ET-Player uses IRC or has used it, or leave their offline BNC there till the next time they return. Most of us have our favorite channels that we join each time we connect to QuakeNet, but has there ever been this one channel to unite the community? That focus everyone in one place! Active players, members of the community no longer playing, moviemakers, simple Crossfire/GamesTV users, Public scene from all mods and so on.

We all usually create our teams' IRC channels with ".et" at the end. So why shouldn't we have a main channel for W:ET, welcoming all in our community?

What could be the benefits of joining this channel?
  • The entire ET community would be in one place.
  • If you have an issue to some player, you don't need to struggle with finding him over IRC anymore because you can easily find him on this channel.
  • You are new in Enemy Territory world and need some tips from other more experienced players? Don't hesitate and just ask!
  • You need piece of advice about Enemy Territory? For example about running a clan, a tournament or just need some tips about ET gameplay? You can just ask for a help on a main channel.
  • You are struggling with some problem concerning installation of ET or some cfg problems or whatever? You can just ask now.
  • You are in a middle of the game and you need a merc because somebody had to leave? It's no problem now because you have everyone in one place and you can just ask for a merc on a main channel.
  • We’re going to host some sort of cups (ODC in both 3v3/6v6, longer cups etc)

    We could go on and on for hours as these are just few examples of the benefit of this channel, because we think we can add anything related to ET to that list!

Also we want to highlight right now, that we will not try to replace any of #XonX.et channels, because they will always be the main channels for Enemy Territory, especially #6on6.et as it's the main format of this game.
It is not our intention to replace them with one channel (like few guys have already tried), our main goal with this channel is to focus whole community in one place. It might be a great idea, especially now when the community is smaller than ever.

We are also planning to release a new version of ET Pack 2013 and it should be available soon.

The main admins of this channel so far will be:

Upcoming event

We are currently working on hosting some high quality tournament for our beloved Enemy Territory community. We still need to improve and discuss some things about the idea so an official announcement will be posted soon, stay tuned and remember to idle #et !

Banner created by Poland samAel


Awesome idea, cool title there
Fuck yeah!
[23:38:39] <PDEG|stRay> cab i haz voize?
[23:38:44] <@YCN`Marcus> PDEG|stRay, WHY?
[23:38:50] <@lewcins> no PDEG|stRay, you cannot
[23:39:12] * PDEG|stRay ([email protected]) has left #et
you copied it wrong dude!
Best of luck.
why im not admin too ?
well, why not
best of luck
its not and gl :)
gl with that :=)
Ummm, what are #crossfire and #6on6.et then?
admin na takim czanelu to +105 do ego!!
Robert admin ? no thx
QuoteIf you have an issue to some player, you don't need to struggle with finding him over IRC anymore because you can easily find him on this channel.

haha, this one perfectly describes the essence of ET scene
Awesome idea
great idea but i really don't believe Jaymod/pub server players use IRC :).




nice try

why not goku as admin??
noone is trying to hide anything, this is just the nick I'm going around under these days
bitch please fagociek :l
Gonna apply! :B
Keep up bulding this community, but don't be CS/COD/LOL wannabe's, its obviously a different level (based on amount of players, money, lans, etc...) and you can't solve things like they do, you don't have as much and as strong sources as they do. This dying trash needs real leaders who work instead of sitting on their asses. Best of Luck

e: - pm Gamer Magazines to add W:ET as a free game (your 2013 install file). Some years ago .hu GS asked me to host tournaments, my goal was to make this happen, but it didnt happen since all of us (cs,cod,et,fifa,etc admins) quitted the project. (yes, i ve been hosting hungarian tournaments like random 6on6 cups, allstar/regional cup...)

and write some fucking topics on big sites like SK, and not only gaming sites. This could be a good job for shoutcaster (i mean for people who can write/talk exciting/interesting, not just basic game introduction shit that nobody will read..) Including fragmovies and pictures about sexy schnee, and if i remember well lady was hot also. :)

our beloved exies in the legion (Winghaven, RELOAd, etc) should represent ET aswell. Tho all the nerds will say stfu cheaters :)

Thats nice you have dedicated admins, but you won't be able to make "quality tournaments" without "quality teams" and players. No doubt in admins, but in the community... GL'S!!!
You forgot about Christa!! Most beautifull woman I've seen on this site I think!
Im keeping the channel alive.
c=300:12c=3 * You were kicked from #et by YCN`Marcus (fake logs)

Always first.
" horrible cunt " as said lewcins
hopefully not one of the same "NEW CHANNELS" where nothing is done and its just another waste :D
Love this idea, if needed, im glad to help out =)
Glad 2 see that someone is trying something for the game in this hard times.
Best of luck mate!
hope unforgiven won't be allowed there
I hope he will be. Everytime he is on irc, theres conversations going on and on
whats the point? #crossfire is ET
hope ppl will accept this idea, but im afraid that ( like someone here said it) without money this game will stay dead ..:/
also our comunity its a mostly grup of haters ( u know what i mean)
bad mood wont help in anything ..
but rly I appreciate your efforts ..
I can safely say that you were one of those people who really wanted to do sth, change, tryed to wake up ppl.
QuoteYou are new in Enemy Territory world and need some tips from other more experienced players? Don't hesitate and just ask!

You need piece of advice about Enemy Territory? For example about running a clan, a tournament or just need some tips about ET gameplay? You can just ask for a help on a main channel.

Are you high?
are you going to implement cwelfilter ?
#crossfire ????
This is fucking useless
QuoteYou are new in Enemy Territory world and need some tips from other more experienced players? Don't hesitate and just ask!

You need piece of advice about Enemy Territory? For example about running a clan, a tournament or just need some tips about ET gameplay? You can just ask for a help on a main channel.

Who the fuck is going to answer this?
idd more like
-ask question and get shitloads of flame as answer
I don't see this happening.
Anyone who sees the question and is willing to answer. I mean what kind of a question is that? Not all of us are dickheads eventhough we're on the internet.
no real point creating such a channel, it's just you guys trying to copycat other games'communities. w/e, will be as dead as other irc channels no matter what. Will spam there though
Contact the jaymod players.
Daar wordt toch geen gehoor aan gegeven
Zo jammer, er spelen zoveel gasten op jaymod.

Kun je die contacten brengt dat ET wel weer tot leven
Ja, is al eerder voor gesteld. Maar dan wordt je reply verwijderd.
Did you post this on other public communities?
it's gone Jack.
gl guys! :)
Hello!! sup with ET? =) noone can handle it together anymore?
kasn NC ..kaj je ze to? ;)
useless shit
more admins needed
btw I have seen this banner in 2006 without this avesome logo ET 8D
maybe do something new instand being in the same shit, tbh players from jaymods dont know what IRC is.
best result would be to have 1-2 admins from each of these key organisations in ET

and wherever else. I don't know about the other admins but I just hope for a closer community in order to maintain what is already here, then to build up on whatever we can (rather than things continuing to drop). #rtcw.wars is a good example of a close community. they have a max of like 100 or so active players but they have activity levels competing quite close to ET these days.. :z in no way will #et take the place of existing channels (those mentioned above + warchannels) but in the near future I'm sure it will serve a purpose for the community :)

but I agree some more admins/representatives could be good for things
think he was being sarcastic with the "more admins needed"
Sarcasting is not a verb is it?
sarcasting=being sarcastic. don't you know it?

nah, thanks for spotting, still a bit asleep. now stop licking asses
Drink a beer or two in order to wake up :B
he edited his comment ;/ even if it's sarcastic I think it's useful to have people who represent each key etpro organisation/website/community :z
I think you should get your arse on IRC.
One of the hirntot admins is idling there already, you could get in touch with him in order to organize smth for their members to get them to idle there or whatever
#et.wars ;D
wrong, its my screenshot :)
Fumble employs Admin's, he's the boss.
You are new in Enemy Territory world and need some tips from other more experienced players? Don't hesitate and just ask!

You need piece of advice about Enemy Territory? For example about running a clan, a tournament or just need some tips about ET gameplay? You can just ask for a help on a main channel

he will be kicked from any pracc and as a result of this retardness he will quit et because of 2 big tzac id.
This has to AND WILL CHANGE!
pointless, #q2nf.et ftw
Make the link for ETPACK download more visible from webchat.quakenet.org
Jaymod/NQ or occasional ETPro players dont use mIRC and go there through normal site..

inb4 every try to troll or starting the flame should be punished with the retards like unforgiven..
Et need Steam or some other shit...
steam wouldn't change the activity of the competition scene it would only help jaymod/etpub publics.
and that would be bad?

i startet from ETpub..
no but there are better games to play on publics all day
wow thats a great argumentation :D

i couldn't find any Game which was not bullshit in my eyes..
probably better to ignore D4ve's comments. he quit et already but he doesn't hesitate to dedicate every comment to mentioning that et is dead and that there are only 15 players playing anymore etcetc blabla. he's a waste of time.
Robafag admin? ET is dead so he wont kill it anyway ;p.
game on fag! :D
retarded banner, cant see T

if u want people to use irc create a downloadable IRC client with default channels in it

a teamspeak/vent channel is fucking far more productive
where u only give channels/attention to known people aka ur buddies, that obviously fucks the newcomers
Are you kidding? If I get what you're trying to say, I'd say that you're the only moron who uses teamspeak/ventrilo more than IRC -> Cuz, you're saying that players would rather stay on teamspeak/ventrilo for many hours than on IRC.

In what way is that more productive? I doubt that you're 24/7 online on ts with your earphones/headphones w/e, without doing other stuff (watching movies, series etc.).

I just don't get this comment.
QuoteAlmost every ET-Player uses IRC or has used it, or leave their offline BNC there till the next time they return.

You're wrong. There's a lot of etplayer that don't know anything about irc or etpro. I think of all those casual players on 2.55, jaymod, etpub or nitmod.

Your project look like a desperate attempt to wake up the community but i think it's aleady too late.

Maybe you should try to contact admins from 2.55 or jaymod community and tell them about your project so they can spread the message (but i'm not sure it's in their interest :D)

Anyway as every initiative is welcome i'll join your channel and i wish you will keep doing things for the few players left :D

except the 2.55 stuff (new ET download is .6b, no patch needed).

As I know for example best noquarter servers are already dead since 2 years I think the same is with other mods.
Admins changed servers to COD2/4 because lack of players.
To be honnest i don't really know the current state of the other mods but i just know that there's still a few players left on those servers :)
Don't forget about servers which are full bots.

channel won't work anyways
up for it?
territoire ennemi
robaciek took my voice

hope the channel dies bb
Few years too late :\
I expected a new ET pack as well. Why promote an outdated one?
where in the newspost is anyone promoting an outdated one? =d

the only mention of an ETPack is this comment, quite clear at that: "We are also planning to release a new version of ET Pack 2013 and it should be available soon."
In the fucking channel. Did I even mention the news post? No.
you didn't mention the channel either so calm down with your fucking fucks kid.
You're the one who jumped on me, so back off kid.
I didn't attack you. you weren't clear so I asked a question, you are getting angry here. :D
yea it's a link for people to download the latest version of ET with etpro. instead of this should I put there an url to WolfET.exe with nothing included in it?
It's fine but I was just expecting a new version as well with this kind of a project during its release.
because so many things have changed since the last et pack right? can't think about any other essential thing than new tzac setup. and it would be useless to create et pack now with tzac 2 while the 3.0 version is going to be released soon
Some new maps, better w7 integration. Don't care about tzac, just include a link to DL instead of putting it inside it.
alright, will keep that in mind! well i'm even more for the idea that "ET Pack" thing should include just WolfET.exe + directory with most common et maps in it and the rest should be necessary url's + .txt documents only with all the instruction. Would be easier to do updates more often for a pack like this than do a new installer all the time when something is updated :d
Easier way was to keep ET alive but too many people wait and now trying to raise the dead game.
how can you keep the same amount of players in a game that isn't getting any younger with each year that passes? explain to us the easy way to have kept ET "alive"
You get me wrong probably. And sorry for my english btw.

Quotehow can you keep the same amount of players in a game that isn't getting any younger with each year that passes?

No fresh blood in our (etpro) community for a long time. But before was easier to keep some amount of players to play still when game wasn't so dead. Now its harder because amount of player is a lot less and other guys looking at this situation quiting also (why to play if there is no opo to play).

Quoteexplain to us the easy way to have kept ET "alive"

Just change smth? Game is same for years, nothing change. All the time same maps, same shit flame, same other things. There was so many journals back in time about how to keep et alive, how to bring new player to game. So many opinions from top pr0 players and n00bs also. And what? Nothing at all. TZ-AC help a little with competitions.
i have been here for a long time and I don't remember "so many journals" about how to keep et alive. et was being kept alive by admins and teams themselves, I don't understand why people try to imagine the past like it was all rainbows and flowers :D ET was more active 5 years ago, sure, but at that time it was 5 years younger. over those 5 years a million other games have come out and each one with 1000x better gfx than ET. I think you should stop complaining about how ET is dying and be impressed that ET has lasted this long.
I don't complaining about how ET is dying because its dead (and this is what I wrote in first comment) for me for 2-3 months ;).

Maybe not so many journals but few big enough to use some ideas inside them.
there were no "ideas for keeping et alive" journals. et isn't dead now either, it's not as active as years ago but there are still a lot of players so. just because you think et is dead doesn't make it fact. :D it's dying slowly, though.
There were. And if you want to we can talk about dead when only 1 guy left so he won't be able to play 1vs1 even :).
agreed then. ET will be dead when there's nothing left.
im not even playing this game anymore in competitive way for ages but when i read your comments i finally understand why this game is so dead, you're the only reason of it, game didn't change for years but your whine, flame and putting off any new, good idea to help out the community is just disgusting
im glad someone seeing it
Wow. Fantastic idea. I wish this idea was implemented 5 years ago... ET wouldn't have died in the first place if we had someone creative enough to think of something like this!!!!

Next step in the process of reviving ET: get new MGC's to give every etplayer a free puppy with their name (the mgc's name) tattooed on it for more advertisement


ps. i really hope the community will give this idea a shot... i tried this a couple of times in the past, but nobody ever supported me :( i hope the community has grown up since then (you can read my newsposts down below)

As a huge steven spielberg fan, I think this is a great idea. To dedicate your life in creating a channel of a movie that we can all say: 'changed peoples life'. People all over the world are still wondering if there is life outside this planet, we don't have any prove of that. But films like this can make us dream. So i think this channel is going to be a huge succes.


A fellow, ET, steven spielberg fan.
your comment inspires me :) i agree with most of it, especially with the "you dont always need to follow the meta"

bravo ;)
And knowing this movie is almost like what? 20? 25 years old? I am truely amazed by the support it still gets. There should be more people like this in the world. All hail the creator of this channel.
all hail the Creator indeed :) God is wonderful
lame channel, roba and gokutard talking all the time. no ET related at ALL! robahorseface so proud of being admin. gayest channel ever!

peace out
Cool idea. I'll start idling. :D
Get ET for steam even as free download( so all who buy a steam Game will have ET too). Do sum all in all package so you have for example 2.55+6+6b etc. And something like the server list in css that you can see from all mods all servers! So players will have already erpro and communty will grow up :>

yes bro! :D
QuoteIf you have an issue to some player, you don't need to struggle with finding him over IRC anymore because you can easily find him on this channel.

God bless you
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