CB ET EuroCup XXVII: Invitations

We are proud to present the invitations for the ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVII!

image: cbecxxvii_big

Team captains: Please join #ETECXXVII - the private IRC channel for this EC season. Ask an admin on IRC for the password.

The announcement will proceed as follows:
  • Cup Format
  • Map List
  • Direct Invites
  • Qualifiers

Cup Format

The 27th edition of the ET EuroCup will have the same format as last season with 4 direct invites and 16 qualifiers.

The Groupstage will feature a total of 16 teams divided into 4 groups of 4 teams each. Two teams from each group will advance to the Playoffs to compete with each other in a double-elimination style bracket.

Qualifier teams will be placed in pools. Each group will consist of one team from each pool.

The 4 directly invited teams will be placed in Pool 1.

The 16 qualifier teams will be split up into 8 pairs for the first round of matches, producing 8 winning teams and 8 losing teams.

The 8 winners will be split up into 4 pairs for another round of matches. The 4 winners of these matches will proceed to Pool 2 while the 4 losers proceed to Pool 3.

The remaining 8 teams who initially lost the first matches will be split up into 4 pairs as well for their second round of matches. The 4 winners will proceed to Pool 4, and the 4 losers will drop out of the EuroCup and join the Premier League of the ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2013.

Map List

  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

Direct Invites

As previously stated, this EuroCup will feature 16 teams. Of these 16 teams, 4 will be direct invites. The remaining 12 teams will be decided by qualification matches.

The 4 direct invites are ordered alphabetically by their team names as they appear on ClanBase. We've also included the expected lineups for each team.


The first round qualifier games must be played by Friday 12th. Unscheduled matches will be forced on Tuesday for Thursday. Maps: radar & supply

The second round qualifier games must be played by Tuesday 16th. Unscheduled matches will be forced on Friday for Sunday. Maps: bremen_b3 & sw_goldrush_te

Groups will be published on Wednesday 17th.

NOTE: We have replaced Netherlands c 4 L eSports with Poland head-hunters and Germany bSTURZ with Czech Republic inteRaction.

Good luck to each and every team!

Cup Page - Qualifiers - Roster

lowest EC ever
how's that? ur not playin
flame on :)))))))))
rumour says if someone else would be playing in that team, you wouldnt be part of it

guess who
ye i beg teams to take me, noone ever pmed me
team pl too low for the invite :x

gl to all!
what scatman said
bF :)))))) <3
maybe add lu's of the other teams aswell, with the hide tag.
I have two questions:
archers.pl - who? line up please

3on3 OC
UB @ 2nd division. haaha. I know they dont really win against the stongerst opponents, but they played premier before and they own one of the most stable lineups, playing together for long time (anyway if gtv is full of "omg we dont pracc we gonna lose" bs.)... so why arent they playing premier? I think they are more worthy compared to some of the premier l. participants.

I always belived reliable and skilled teams are meant to play top/premier divisions, not trash who registed two months ago. You break my little dream.

man archers famous clan 2nd ec last season (almost)
you mean that weird devilry lineup, right?
half of that weird devilry lineup + stars.et !
I have no idea about ET-TOP since 2010/11 :( only s1LENT is known for me and some other I saw in this season's team-poland... Didnt want to flame the remaining players, guess you are better than the most if you recived quali
Poland Abject, Poland Czarek, Poland olas, Germany s1LENT, Poland Voodoo, Poland WuT

wasn't sure about UB's 3on3 lineup at first but I'll adjust the groups accordingly now

no hate intended towards the HUN guys!
Guess its same as 8bits, varadi sebi powy
e: Didn't think you hate them or anyone else. I was curious..
on what grounds do royalblood and encrypt deserve a qualifier and not supski?
encrypt even get a lineup sorted? They only had 2 players last week :D
ye last I heard hvk was building a lineup with m1ke and royal blood seem to get an invite every season and end up either dropping out or getting a mix :D ... Wanna play mc?
No way brother. Getting ready for WRESTLEMANIA
:O enjoy it!
PM stream pls! :(
so fucking true actually :-D
dropping out?
royal blood had me and potty playing last ec thats why
names, its all about names like always ^^ u should know that allready
On what grounds do supski royalblood and encrypt deserve a qualifier?
because we good! nah but seriously we would have played some offis to prove ourself if we could have, so I guess it's only fair!
both teams deserved a qualifier last season and deserve one this season as well

Royalblood has a far more stable lineup than supski does

either way, if a team drops out then we will certainly consider giving supski an EC quali
encrypt has 3 players as of last week... How is that "deserved"?
please explain why you feel supski deserves an invite so much, besides the fact that you're friends with them
I am sorry, but at what point did I say they deserved one?
so you're simply arguing for the sake of arguing then?
I am simply saying that how on earth you can justify giving a team a qualifier who only last week had 3 members left to fill in their main lineup.

I was aware that they were still searching for 6 players, but I'm also aware that there are a few other teams without 6 yet

if a team won't play then they will be replaced, simple as that
Therefore how do you explain where they earnt their right for their "deserved" EC quali?
not sure what kind of answer you're looking for

just felt they were a better option than the alternatives
replace with enhanced imo. if timbolina can play EC, so can embarrassed.
No offence but last season rB proved they were not EC worthy at all, gentlemen is also not really worh it yet and I doubt encrypt got a lineup sorted yet nor they have the skill for it
how exactly did RoyalBlood prove that?

which teams would you replace those 3 teams with?
Loosing every single match 4-0 and not even one map at least a little close

Probably sticked, lost, mysterious monkeys/inspiron as replacements
so losing 4-0 to teams like Decerto, TAG, and Loca means they are "not EC worthy at all"?

lost was given an EC quali in case you didn't notice, sticked requested OC and hasn't played for months, inSpiron also hasn't played for a while

just because it's not possible to write a 3-page essay with reasons for a team deserving an EC quali does not mean there are better teams to replace them with
They are oc premium worthy (at best) and quite the whole community except you kinda knows that, encrypt members have been rather inactive than the inspiron ones, before both teams went inactive in 6on6 this was the outcome: http://www.gamestv.org/event/35596-inspiron-vs-encrypt/ , sticked was always rather based on a great teamplay than on indivual skills, I doubt they lost that + last autumn/winter they also played a decent EC season (so why don't you talk to them? where is the point in placing EC worthy teams in OC). The last match between Mysterious Monkeys and a team of the qualifier teams was quite close: http://www.gamestv.org/event/38400-mysterious-monkeys-vs-erase-et-runo-3/ but in the meantime erase slightly improved and mysterious monkeys improved a lot and both got stable lineups. And why did you choose to directly invite atoon? They're nothing but a mix team and turboapinat or tMoe show stability and the skill for a direct invitation. And have you ever seen greejtsjot playing a 6on6 with their actual lineup? All the do is playing 3on3 all day long and a few cup 6on6s with high skilled mercs
cause sticked all stopped ET for like 6 months, and they just want to play it for fun. And it's not the same lineup than before even tho Provok still doing sneaky actions all the time
sorry, next season we'll let you decide the invites & qualifiers
haha :) u knew there wud be much whine after u posted this ;) anyways gj
why are we a "mix?" every new team is should be called a mix then :D
You don't practice, your lineup is a lot different than last season
why you say we dont practice? :D you know nothing btw :P

and ofc lu is a lot different :)
You said it yourself that it'll be an offi only team
it isnt :)
Well, then I've got nothing to say against your direct invitation :p
Well... Can you really consider rznje and xAe as high skilled mercs ? That's a question I have never found an answer to yet.

By the fact that we've played a few 6o6s cups and praccs during the last month, it makes us more active than any other teams (except for this erase guys, nerds :SsS). For the teams you ask as replacements, they are either inactive comebacks or a new formed team (lost for exemple), therefore they are nowhere as good as they used to be once, just sayin' ;)

BOOM, Buzzer, from his open space office!
Wow you are almost as annoying as I am. Shut the fuck up already.
No offence but I really wouldn't call erase even with mysterious monkeys, 13k more damage playing with a merc and setting a 1:48 time in Missile isn't really even imo. We're so shit at Supply :<
They played surprisingly well and jester was 999 most of the time, don't judge what you don't see
cant be serious mM are worth replacement !
we're able to beat 3 or 4 teams there who are currently in the quali
Don't think so, otherwise you would get that invite.
like you were posting some older match, here you go http://www.gamestv.org/event/37292-mysterious-monkeys-vs-alliancze-red-team/

You improved past months, but still not EC worthy
That lineup just came togheter back then, now we are used to each other and refined our teamplay
royalBlood/UB/gentlemen are beatable for us, erase, effectus and lost are quite even. Who are disposable actually going to play with btw?
A secret lineup which rates themselves 5 and gets an EC invitation, great just great
Nah but i think its going to be the guys who played NC, not sure
Including you?
they didn't rate themselves anything because they signed up late and were added manually

you literally have no clue what you're talking about :P
How do you know rB are beatable? :D I don't recall playing you lately, i can be wrong though.
true, thats why we (gentlemen) didnt even want to have a qualifer :) but ok, now we got 1 so we'll try to do our best.
talked to timbolina and he was fine with it :P
hmm ok :) thought we said something else as team, but he is the captain !! :)
QuoteRoyalblood has a far more stable lineup than supski does

You can't possibly believe in that.
they've been competing in NC with the same 6-7 players for weeks and always show up for their games :)
I don't mean to hate, but I simply believe that there might be some teams who probably deserve it more (don't ask me which as I can't tell them by memory, I just recall seeing better teams but yet again, I might be wrong).
Anyways, congratulations on organizing everything almost alone. Despite of some disagreements between which teams should or shouldn't be in EC, you did a great job mate =)
fair enough, you are certainly free to believe whatever you'd like

thanks for the support, but I had some help from others as well!
And what would you know about that either?

Afaik you were the mad one complaining and planning some sort of riot before this NC started. Why? You though we wouldn't show up and we would forfeit the very first game. Turns out you were wrong. 0 forfeits, made it to playoffs and lost at LB 2.

But since you seem to know alot, i recommend you to go check GTV/CB, EuroCup and NationsCup and see the lineups, the forfeits, etc. Doesn't require a monkey to take a brilliant conclusion.
Also on a side note, you know are are not 18 like most of "you". People have responsibilities, work, studies, which reduces our availability. But with patience everything can be done. I leave university lesson at 23.30 (tuesday, wednesday and thursday), arrive home at 24, and i can still show up for games.

QuoteAlso on a side note, you know are are not 18 like most of "you".

It does require a monkey to take a brilliant conclusion out of that since it made no sense whatsoever.
I did check GTV, and Team Portugal won one single game against Team Russia (talking about Team Portugal since it's pretty much the same lineup). Curious George (look, it's a monkey!) came to the following conclusion: Not EC worthy.
It's not like I care though, just giving out my opinion and I'm 99.9% sure rB won't make it through the qualifiers. In case you're wondering, that 0.01% is getting forfeits all around.

"Afaik you were the mad one complaining and planning some sort of riot before this NC started. Why? You though we wouldn't show up and we would forfeit the very first game. Turns out you were wrong. 0 forfeits, made it to playoffs and lost at LB 2."

What are you talking about man :D?
Click where it says "PARENT"! Or use a ruler.

It was a answer to Jorge :o
oh :D well, not quite overviewable anymore
gl but have to agree with fumble cuz of this royal blood thingy :D
actually looks pretty decent, good job!
Nice, can't wait! Will be a great season!! So excited!!
Good luck to all!
had no idea goldorak and fanatic were not admins of ec, wud have signed up otherwise
I am disgusted Jon, DISGUSTED.
good job so far - i heard bSTURZ is folding? any replacement? maybe supski so all the whine can stop! :D
looking into it :P
keep up the good work boy :)
nice work btw, i cant believe you cba doing all this for nothing, and still getting flamed at all times..
haha thanks :P it's not so bad though
c4L eSports, nice troll m8.
yeah right :sss stabber xperia :sss
ik dacht al "gaan we weer pwnen? :D"
ja wtf is dit zeker weer die kk jackie die dat heeft gedaan? ik ga niet spele hoor :d
kom ts, HolyPala is here and i'm ready to rape some skulls
xperia vriend, wil je nie terug in bF? xd ik zal enkel heale !! x
wa zou ge anders doen? xd probere iemand te kille? ROFL'ke xd:X/XD+d+DX/D=X=d:x:d=D+x=D
Interesting invites, gL!
looking good ohurcool m8

keep up the good work
bF lu? Trolls :D

wouldnt say its trolling or so
Serious comeback :o))
the usual BE guys :P

AL1, chizz6l, crook, Gifted, Sup3r, uNDEAd
disposable and c 4 L eSport lineups?
disposable = team Sweden

c4L was supposed to be BuLL, xPERiA, etc. but I guess they aren't playing
supposed to be? when? there has never been any talk about this at all, who signed us up, jackie.. or bull ?
BuLL signed the team up, and I figured it would be similar to team NL

it's really quite annoying for someone to sign up without actually intending to play (not blaming you, just saying)
mad BuLL trying to top his countless ec 4th places in 1950?? :Ö
drama \o/
Keep it up hopefully will be a smooth one
EC should be with 8 Teams...

max 5 Teams on the same level :/
GJ, altough i doubt group A of the qualifiers is any fair if you compare them to the rest. gonna be fucking impossible to get into ec this year:D
you dont deserve EC fucking lowfuck mongol mangol appelsin cock sucking horse dick. I hope you get assraped by all of those 3 possible teams. CU
I like you =)
thats actually quite nice :)
lol if tmoe plays with those lineup which is shown http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1304369 here then they r better than 3 of 4 invired teams...
wake up son
Droughts will be ended with the tears of thousands of nerds, keep up the good work.
NOTE: We have replaced Netherlands c 4 L eSports with Poland head-hunters.
Finals @ ICL 16
easy peasy for decerto
I agree :*
what scatman said and understand that et is dead !
lowest ec every walk in the park for queens
idd, queens will most likely win anyway. most just want to be in a team to have something to brag about afterwards
Germany bSTURZ has been replaced with Czech Republic inteRaction
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