ICL 16 - summer LAN @ Hungary

Hello there everyone!
Exactly a month ago I've made a short thread about a possible LAN in Hungary Hungary. As the interest looked pretty huge, here I am announcing the LAN in it's full details (I'll keep this post updated, so make sure you follow it):

image: infinity_logo_hu

Time & place:

The LAN will be held from June 28th till June 30th, 3 days. There is a bootcamp possibility though on the 27th, for an additional fee.
The lan will take place in Vác, Hungary.
image: terkep
For bigger picture just click here!
Area: 5500 Square Meters.

Sign ups, payment and rules

Near this post, I'll open a thread and update it, where you can leave a comment with your team name and roster (make sure that you only give your name, when it's fix). However the real sign up procedure takes place on the event's website, linked above. You should register, create a team there, add every information it requires, and when you sign up, you'll recieve the account number and additional information about payment in e-mail. You should choose game: Enemy Territory, and there you go!

There are 2 periods of sign ups:

1st period: 8. April - 7. June: 4500 HUF / person ~ 15 EUR ---> 27 000 HUF / team ~ almost 91 EUR
2nd period:10. June -21. June: 5500 HUF / person ~ 18.5 EUR ---> 33 000 HUF / team ~ almost 111 EUR

In both cases, you should pay only 5000 HUF ~ 17 EUROs as a pre-payment, and pay the rest on the first day of the LAN.
There is a possibility to come as a spectator, the price of that is 1500 HUF for the 3 days ~ 5 EURO (it contains the free use of guitar hero, kinect and karaoke).

About the rules, the general rules will be translated into English within some days, I'll update the post with it. Same goes for the Enemy Territory specific rules. They'll be right here.

At the LAN there is a huge stock of rentable computers that is given by the sponsors, therefore any teams have the possibility to rent them (I'll update the fee later on). If, and only if the stock gets empty should you bring your own. This usually happens around the end of May. However at the moment we're discussing about getting computers that are rentable only for the ET players, for your satisfaction.

Accomodation and travel

Accomodation possibilities
If you go to the link above, you will see a wide range of options. From cheap, Worker hostel to the more expensive hotel rooms.
On the traveling part, Budapest Airport is only 60 kilometers away , so whoever comes by plane should get there fairly easy with train, bus or organised pick-ups.
If you decide to come by train or bus, you'll possibly have to go to Budapest first, then catch another bus / train going to Vác.

I'll update the traveling part later, when we see, from which countries do people come from etc.

During the LAN there will be a 0-24h Buffet available, so that none of you shall stay thirsty or hungry.

That's all I could think about now, if you still have unanswered questions, visit the site that is linked above (english version available , you should click on the UK flag, on the right-top of the banner), or feel free to write me a message here, IRC or at my email: [email protected] .

Thank you for the attention, and I hope to see a nice amount of attendants coming to Hungary Hungary!
Nice, I hope there will be many attendants :)

I might even pop-by!
lets make a team then
I will most probably not play :P
same here since i doubt it will even happen :D
Needs at least 6 teams in order to run
if 6teams pretty sure 90% of the teams will want their moneyz back :D
dont be so pessmistic! ET looks pretty alive this year, you can never know. :)
no it doesnt xD i hope it can happen :) since its prolly gonna be the last lan =) seems only fair to me i win the last et lan :D
sounds nice maybe i am avi for this. are u able to swim in the sea?!?
sea and hungary :)))
or maybe it's a river but look on the map, i don't mean a sea with a coast and stuff
yea its a pretty awesome river, but I'm afraid you can't swim in that legally :D
Really? Why is it illegal? :P
Ask the government... :D Too many suicides / accidents happened cause of swimming in there, but still many people do it though, but yea its not legal as far as I know. I'm not from Budapest though :)
which is the biggest / cheapest / nearest airport in hu ?
Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport / same / same
is Budapest Ferihegy another airport? do u know that?
its the same, just 'liszt ferenc' is its new name
ah ok thank you. then i will be on propable on lan :)
ye looking forward to see some "new" faces on lan :)
nimm mich mit :P
sry bist zu groß fürs gepäck :(
zu gross nicht, aber die stirn passt nicht rein
same river running through your own country. It also says "Duna" on the map and it's in Budapest; not that hard to figure. I bet it's very polluted as well:)
:D they lost access to sea in first WW
did they ever had a sea? but i used the word for a lake with also can be called sea
yep. got yugoslavia as Austro-Hungarian monarchy and probably some ports on Adriatic and Black sea in middle ages :P
Would reaaaally like to go, possible also as shoutcaster! Also never been to Hungary before so would be a nice trip besides ET, but I'm poor and probably won't be able to attend :( (SPONSOR ME !!! :D)
I have to say, that the country is lovely and the prices/prizes are there kinda cheap for everything

only problem is "traffic" in there :/
Yea I heard good stories, that's why I really want to go :P plus ET lan is always awesome
2nd problem si language...
Ki lehet beszélni ezt a nyelvet?
dont trust google translate..
its incorrect
Thats why I dont want to talk in your language.

I know only few words... Fekete, szard ki a szemed and ... fas....

But your language is ,.... aaaawwwww.
+1 am looking at the prices at the moment and it's not too bad, but am moving to a new flat in London soon so money is really tight. Better start saving what I can!
Where do you actually live?
I'm seriously considering of moving to London and I was wondering if it hard to get a job, find good accommodation, how every-day life is there, etc
I guess you have any idea as you're about to move there :P
I only live about 20 minutes away from central London at the moment, so I would imagine I am pretty well qualified!

Personally I love the place, interesting stuff everywhere and always fun things going on in the evenings. It is however an expensive city to live in, so unless you have a job lined up, or already have some savings to keep you going, money might be an issue.

As for accommodation, it all depends on how much you have to spend!

Everyday life is pretty good, very hustle and bustle most of the time but that's the kind of thing I really like.
What's the average salary in London? And yes, I realized it was expensive when I spend over a thousand euros in less than 4 days haha. How much do you spend on average? (if you have a normal style of life :P)
And I'm willing to spend just as much as I have to haha is gas/electricity/water etc expensive as well? Is co-living an usual thing there?

And I really love the city too, for the two times I've been there <3
No idea about the average salary to be honest! Same with spending, it all depends on what kind of lifestyle you want to live. I''ll be earning near-ish to £30k when I move there and that is a comfortable amount I reckon.

I would definitely recommend living with other people too, really helps knock down the cost of rent.
You don't live in Hertfordshire by any chance?
Surrey mate.
Watford Massive
WD24 represent
I grew up (as did Pansy) in HA4
Ah, good childhold memories at Ruislip Lido :PP
I've spent extensive time in most major western cities and if you get it right, London really is one of the best places to live. You can of course have a shit experience in London, but I think it really offers something for everyone.

Do it.
I want you to promise me that we'll meet up. That might help me decide!
I moved out to my first appartment a month ago, same story applies here :P
I will think about forming a .hu mix for this one, tho if I wont find 5 reliable players I need a team /q
e: BYOC - > FAIL

please add details about those PC's ppl can rent and how much do you want for them
Még mindig NewZoo csinálja ezt?
yeah well computers are limited as I said, but its not only BYOC ! I'll update the computer rent part as soon as it's totally fixed.

Igen NewZoo csinálja. :)
mmm seemed interested until the BYOC part
still plenty of computers left, but let's say if you sign up in late may or early june, then there will be none left surely.

EDiT: if there is interest, we'll grab computers that can only be rented for the ET players.
Whats plenty?
Shut up and come; let's drink sour shots in .HU:------D
BYOC really is an issue
read it again :)
I know you can rent computers, just don't wanna book all my stuff arrive and find out all the rentable pcs are gone, also PC specs would be nice.
yep will update them later through the week, dont worry! we're still talking with the sponsor about the numbers.
Alright, keep up the good work
gl nerds :)
kiwi online only? :3
Let me know if you need any coverage for the event, I'm sure myself and Voice would be able to provide a video cast of some of the big games, especially the quarters/semis/final.
Just get your ass over there!
I was about to PM you on IRC, but you're not there :p Sure we need shoutcasters, will talk to you later, when you're online at IRC
What do you think would be the total cost for someone going to this LAN?
Brussels -> Budapest is 80€ with Ryanair
it's really relative. depends which way of travel you choose, then add the 15 euro entrance fee, and also depends which alternative you choose for accomodation, and how much you plan to spend on alcohol :D in overall, as it's been said, prices are cheaper than let's say in NL.
Gaan we met EEF?
Angryhusband WhineHaxxor Rick**3400 HunteR Revenge TimbolinA
Going to the army on 1st of July, so not gonna happen for me :( other than that, hope a lot of ppl will attend! =)

IT WAS SCHEDULED BEFORE JULY SO YOU CAN COME but gotta reschedule it now, brb
Told you in the last thread allrdy! :((((((
nice dodge

3 words = NOPE

GG's yesterday, was stoned as fuck tho :D
lol sinnu in army

record trickshots in rl, thanks
100euros for a team, is kinda huge but oke...
compared to any Adroits/CF LAN that is like half price :D
because its BYOC
will cost way less than crossfire lan if you rent a PC either I can tell that already
Cant see the prise wtf
You need to make it clearer about being BYOC
I read, it's like any BYOC LAN, renting a PC will just cost significantly more
will cost more but not significantly and if you look on the overall prices of hungarian stuff, it won't be expensive related to other lans :)
When you compare that with the prize pool, and the fact you'll pay like double ... then it's substantial
I didn't say anything about prize pool yet, how do you know it?
Then prove me wrong
how bout putting that significant price up somewhere? (of the computers ofc)
I will as soon as we've got the final list of computers & prices... it should be on during the week, don't know which day yet
wtf who organises lan in the middle of nowhere as a byoc, fuck this shit
Like you would even go.
Now stfu and let them do their thing.
i hate byoc events thats it
leave 2-3 big mac menus out till the LAN, and you have the money for a rented PC
sziget > lan
TEAM BICEPSONLY now recuriting
torm & stonerr avi
1st period: 8. April - 7. June: 4500 HUF / person ~ 15 EUR ---> 27 000 HUF / team ~ almost 91 EUR
2nd period:10. June -21. June: 5500 HUF / person ~ 18.5 EUR ---> 33 000 HUF / team ~ almost 111 EUR
yeah though its obvious, 6on6 :)
Maybe, did you get the tickets?
Tomorrow maybe, no f* time at all! ... gonna pm you if i ordered them
if i can't get xsize together would you please pick me up to your team?
thank you in advance
queens.lan interested :)
If you are genuinely going let me know mate, would probably be more up for doing it if there UK people in attendance. Could even perhaps travel together.
hey mate yeah i'm going 100% if it happens so we could sort something out pal
cu there drum8
cool bra :)
would go as spec if have some1 to go with :P(and if my exams would be passed).
Instead of your bullshit "players, tzac fail topics" make this once sticky, so people can see life in this deadgame
"give me winnings before i go and i might turn up" boom : D
Alot of hungry teams
bF is attending, need 1 more, pm me if interested
why its not stickied?
avi to go but not bringing my cpu
As long as you bring the other parts..
Night commenting on a LAN news.
Am I right to call you a Rockit.LAN member already ?
Team USA will be attending. Have Wal-Mart as a sponsor. Still looking for more. Serious inquiries only. We will be the best looking and hardest team at lan by far.
walmart cant sponsor us, im banned and have an upcoming court date with them lol
Looking for a sponsor willing to provide Transatlantic transportation. Message me here or IRC.
could you bring rito along with you?
in a garbage bag sure
already bought my tickets
avi :) for some drinks and games :P
avi for this :)
and how about fanboys? i would go just for fun and to get to know the etpro scene deeper, not to competite. is that a problem? :)
amúgy sok szerencsét a majdani magyar csapatoknak! :)
"There is a possibility to come as a spectator, the price of that is 1500 HUF for the 3 days ~ 5 EURO (it contains the free use of guitar hero, kinect and karaoke)."
10Q; haha, lol, im getting old, my memory isn't as good as it used to be, i've just readt that and forgot :D
u can meet me, 10€
it's totally worth for me! :D
gl having 0 teams outside hungary
none of them will go after all. and i even doubt this lan will happen at the end of the day. best of luck with it though

Hell, even KRP.ET is going, true story.
the lan will happen for 100% sure, it already did 13 times before. and i can hope the ET part will happen aswell :D
i like the true story part
we'll see :)
what you think which route would be the best with cruise control (brick version)? I know about Slovenia but what about Hungary which roads are most comfortable?
And how much does it cost if i go on 130 kmh limit about 160-190?
Take M7 (E71) till you reach Budapest.
How much does it cost on limit 130 km/h:till 165 km/h (~100 EUR), till 180 km/h (~150 EUR), till 195 km/h (200 EUR), till 210 km/h (300 EUR)...

Btw. your route plan is not correct, the destination is wrong. The correct one is: https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Kranj,+Slovenia&daddr=V%C3%A1c,+Szent+L%C3%A1szl%C3%B3+Way,+Hungary&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=47.552433,19.147797&spn=0.538498,0.883026&sll=47.105628,18.082334&sspn=2.17233,3.532104&geocode=FcGewQIdYBLbAClrvsK9Hbh6RzH0PbDdR7jD3Q%3BFUuk2AIdEhMkASmTlUOO1ypARzFPjdrtao5p0w&oq=Kranj&mra=ls&t=m&z=10
Waiting for you the change the time to a week earlier Sebi.....
gl waiting for it:D sebi has zero things to do with organizing it. he's just spreading the word and helping with ET stuff if I am correct.
Pretty cheap but the venue doesn't look too impressive:

So BYOC as in bring your own chair? :-)
haha nice one drago :p

the venue looks big-ish atleast though, bigger than the wzzrd venue possibly?
Considering the amount of games played I sure hope so :P
lets do a trick and name the ET section ICL 16 - Enemy Territory Crossfire Tournament :o
LAN Admin avi, AMA.
any update on the renting price?
the company didn't provide an email answer yet, the main organiser is calling them tonight. Anyways, it is expected to be around 20 euros for the 3 days + bootcamp.
Any discount for neighbours from Slovenia? ;)
the overall price is pretty cheap, I'm afraid we can't lower these prices :(
where do i have to signup?
are decerto and lost soldiers actually going to come again? :)
we're going yeah, no idea about ls
nice one i think this lan will be a great laugh cu there
yea should be good, just hope there will be some more signups
iam sure there will be. I heard rumours about atleast 1 more hun team, 1 pl team + not sure about nonix, cs4f1, fobje etc are gonna make a team or smth
goodluck finding a local dealer this LAN :")
yap im comming but dont know yet with who ;_D
80% of your current lineup will dodge for sure :D
WHY NOT ORGANIZING IN BUDAPEST? I love thermal baths :((
BYOC lan in hungary, loled hard, wasnt even worth posting
get your glasses on , and then check the sign ups :o)
204e was the cheapest flight I found, pretty cheap in my opinion
if you checked it via browser, delete your cookies and check it again, it should be cheaper
wizzair and ryanair are the cheapest options from Finland, both around 150€
gg oon messis
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