First CB EC Qualifier tonight!

The first prized Crossfire ET-Cup is over, the Clanbase NationsCup is fully underway and the signups for the great Crossfire tournament is closed and before you think that`s enough action for image: et Enemy Territory right now I am here to inform you about an other exciting event starting this week. The Clanbase EuroCup XXVII is straining at the leash and with the first Qualifier game between Europe erAse and Belgium Belgian Fraternity tonight I thought it would be nice to have a short match preview
image: spu22

The CB Eurocup was announced last Sunday and due to the published invitations and qualifiers the comment section was laced with controversial opinions about the full list but I think the admin team has done a good job - What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

Now let us take a deeper look on tonight`s first Qualifier. We have the European mix of Europe erAse facint the reunion of Belgium Belgian Fraternity. The first mentioned team is quite active. They have just won against Lost Soldiers in a ladder official and a winning spree in the 6v6 ladder of 4 games secured them a good second place there. Just two lost games against sick6 is staining their clean record. Tonight will show if they can transform their good and strong ladder performance to other tournaments as well. The all-Belgian team of bF will give them a good fight and the boys will try hard to avoid losing by all means. As usually Gifted, Sup3r and AL1 are back just in time. The guys are forming just before big events and their fans can just cross their fingers that they got enough time to get back in shape. Tune in tight at 21.30 CET to see a hopefully close and interesting first EuroCup Qualifier game played on Radar and Supply!

Europe #erAse
  • Finland dTEC7
  • United Kingdom Element
  • Netherlands esSe
  • United Kingdom Nips
  • Finland toNi
  • Netherlands vANQ

Time: 21.30 CET
Maps: Radar and Supply

image: game39651

Belgium Belgian Fraternity
  • Belgium AL1
  • Belgium chizz6l
  • Belgium Gifted
  • Belgium crook
  • Belgium Sup3r
  • Belgium uNDEAd

To round this newspost off I gathered some player opinions:
QuoteThis match should go in favour of belgians in my opinion. Eventhough they have been inactive for quite some time they gathered once again with a lineup they have played quite muche in the past. On the other side I havent played erase and I cant rly say they cant stand up to beat belgians. I guess that uNDEAd`s aim and Sup3r`s revives should bring victory for bF. 4:0 for bF - Poland lesti

QuoteBelgian Fraternity came back from a long break but I am sure they have still got that teamplay they had some years ago. But then again, erAse plays together for a long time as well so it is quite hard to predict... I think it`s gonna be close, 4-2 for one of them. - Netherlands PHOTO

QuoteCompletely depends on how active bF have been sine their "comeback" I think that erAse will push them, having played together for so long and staying active as long as they have. But bF to win this 4-2 - England gnome

QuoteAlthough the odds at GamesTV favor bF, the match could be really close with erase being one of the most active clans in the scene. It's hard to predict anything other than a 4-2 either way. Will the Belgian friends perform as they did in the past, or will the "new" faces bring it trough with their strong teamplay and a new addition to the team. - Slovenia m1ke

QuoteIt is nice to see the Belgians coming back in action. They had great times in their past and are used to each other same goes for erAse - the core have played for long time together and vANQ is a superb key player. I expect a 4:2 for erAse just because they are more active! - Italy vj7o
PHOTO giving predictions, et is dead
and what a prediction : so it is quite hard to predict...
stop talkin and prac hard ! u gonna win EC !
not without the mafia boss as said already on gtv
first for players in eA lineup are new talents?
Yes, we started playing 3 months ago
TL|Nips was probably playing when u was in nappies :)
this could be a nice match to watch :) gl both teams
nice work spu9 ;)
gl belgen!
Gl bot teams
needs shoutcasting!
gl both!
Nice write-up SPU9, really enjoy reading these.

Good luck to bF! :o)
oh spu... y u do this
nice :)
At least 50% of the people there have a cheating history.
What ET has come to in recent years ....
I play EC, you?
Gz finally being able to achieve what you couldn't all those years ago.
It's not their first season, you?
I haven't been busted for playing with wallhack or aimbot.
And pigs can fly.
And pigs can fly.
i play EC, you?
Gz finally being able to achieve what you couldn't all those years ago.
I play EC, you?
Gz finally being able to achieve what you couldn't all those years ago.
I play EC, you?
Gz finally being able to achieve what you couldn't all those years ago.
I play EC, you?
Gz finally being able to achieve what you couldn't all those years ago.
They all play EC, you?
They all play EC, you?
They all play EC, you?
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