Rockit With A New ET Team!

Today I am proud to present to you the new Team Rockit image: et Enemy Territory team which will attend the upcoming ICL 16. The team is made of highly experienced and well known names within the ET community and they will try to achieve at least the same position our last squad gained nearly one year ago @ the Adroits Lan 2012.

image: rockit_2013

Without further ado here is the full lineup:

image: et rockit.ET:

  • Belgium chry
  • United Kingdom koop
  • Estonia Night
  • Iceland phyZiC
  • United Kingdom R0SS
  • United Kingdom razz
  • United Kingdom sqzz

image: brand
image: trenn

As you can see the original Europe Queens roster is joining the ranks of Germany Team Rockit and in case you want to watch their first official match head over to the site and check the schedule. Night and co will wear the new rockit tag on the coming Thursday right at 21.00 CET against erAse and just for the record phyzic will help the team in all upcoming tournaments but he will not attend the Hungarian lan!

I caught up with koop for a fairly informative statement of his feelings surrounding the team in general and about the team`s future:

QuoteWell after the Hungary LAN had been announced, myself, R0SS and rAzZ started to talk about whether we are interested in going.
All 3 of us were up for it, so all we had to do is try and get a full lineup that were interested too! This wasn't too hard as everyone we asked were up for it (sqZz, chry, Nait), leading us to combine the forces from OnePoundFish and Rockit.

SPU asked me if I was interested in going to the LAN and the answer was a simple yes. Having sponsored Rockit for the last LAN, I know SPU very well and the offer he proposed was too good to refuse. Rockit have always been successful and done good things for ET, and wearing the Rockit tag again is something I cannot wait for.

Due to this The Queens name will be changed to Rockit for the upcoming EC and future ODC's, tournaments and ofcourse the ICL LAN in Hungary! All 6 of us are highly motivated and eager to win all competitions we participate in! I would like to say a thank you to SPU and everyone who will support our progress through all the competitions.
See you guys at Hungary! - United Kingdom koop

With this team I am more than confident that the rockit name will finally reach the very top position after having more than enough silver medals won @ grand finals!

Feel free to check our Facebook-page for some photos from the last events and previous teams.
I am looking forward to a great event, exciting EuroCup season, thrilled Crossfire tournament and best of luck and much fun to all other attendees and participating teams.

image: facebook_logo_small1 and #rockit
Let's hope u guys get some competition too!
Good luck, nice to see Rockit back in action.
Hoping to see Nait stepping up his game even more and bringing some painful teamfulls ^^
didn't R0SS quit ET?
So many people have tried to quit ET.
i did... nothing special tbh
i like :) cheers guys
what a waste of 2 brilliant players - gl&hf
hopefully we can all have another nice LAN, lets see some more signups and make it a good one :)
thanks for taking us spu9
cu at lan sqzz
hahahahahaha :DDDDDDDDD
didn't R0SS quit ET ?

Gl guys! But...This team or This team???
i heard ross quit ET, nice joke

he lasted like 3 days, i mean i've said the same a few times and even i can last around half a year or something but 3 days :DD
your pro though.
BREAKING NEWS: Chry has joined bF to once again fight side by side with his belgian comrades and become victorious.
BREAKING NEWS: chry got raped in the anus by every single bf-player in reallife, which made him /kill
lol why oh why
et needs you kamz to defeat ross!
et can suck me, too many nerds with no life or educations playing in competitive scene and i dont belong there
Nice! Good luck !
gogo rockit rangers
Prepare for trouble! - Make it double
To protect to world from devastation - To Unite all people within our nation
To denounce the evil of truth and love - To extend our reach to the stars above..
Team rocket blasts of at the speed of light!
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Meowth thats right! Le!?
Im coming to see my idol.
+ my doggy koop
Two weeks.
seriously liek seriously fuck you frop
Come at me, breau.
cool, nice to see SPU9 and Rockit still sponsoring ET teams :)

gl guys
just read it.

phyZic fucking online only..

new marv :XD
wanna buy a 700 euro plain ticket for me?
be my guest
Well last year we did go to Iceland for 100€...
doesnt change the fact that the cheapest plain ticket to budapest is almost 700 euros
youre watching it via browser?
delete cookies n check it again, it shouldbe cheaper
and to enschede? ;))))
was pretty expensive also, i remember trying to help him find a flight and all the options to NL were mega expensive. the cheapest option for an icelandic player imo would be to go to london (around 100e, each way) and then fly out to X destination (NL sometimes was expensive as fuck).
Or fly to England and hop in Potty's car!
that too, requires a g5 ticket and phyzic takes up 2 seats :\
how much did your flight cost? :D I know anim's flight to AEM was cheaper than any of phyzic's options (there weren't even spots in potty's car afaik).
~£550. We were on the same flight, I guess it would be more expensive because of population density.
If you can manage to travel to Göteborg (it's in Sweden, I know it's not that close, but by some form of transportation I'm sure you can get there in not much money), then you have a flight with Wizz air for "929.00 ISK = 6.01644 EUR" :) I'm quite sure that getting to Göteborg won't cost you 694 euros , thus it wont be 700 euro in total :)
phyzic online only!
April Fools' Day part 2?

GL R0SS & Night
easy money is easy .lan team only so who cares ;)
they're online too. EC & CF cup.
night lost to ross at lan
joined anexis
night lost to ross at lan again
joins rockit with ross
phyzic too scrawny to go to LAN. weak ass niggah can't even bench the bar let alone outdrive me.
Thought Nait and R0SS hated eachother? :D

Well good luck though, lads, see you there ;-)
well night nearly punched razz in the face together with freeze if i and a few others hadn't stopped them. but they seem to have hugged that out aswell :D
what happened? :D
razz was drunk / stoned as fuck and made some insults towards the both of m and basically they just wanted to shut him up so after like 30min of babbling from razz they decided its time to pick a fight :d we stood in the middle and razz decided to lay down on the floor (outside) to sleep abit in his own puke
"its time to pick a fight" XD were the insults bad?
I can't even remember it wasn't really bad but mostly night just got annoyed and he said some shit about freeze's mom if i remember correct :D
i want just to ask since i know only nait from pictures..

how do razz & freeze look at pictures from Adroits? :XD

wanna see, if the fight would be interesting!
I'd guess freeze would take him since hes slightly bigger has a few kg on him and razz was completely out of his mind. freeze on the 2nd from right razz on the 3rd from right
Man I miss that LAN so much :D
Just because freeze is bigger than me doesnt meen he has shit on me, if i was sober i would have fucked him up if he tried anything, i admit i was aboslutely blazing and cant even remember anything, no offense but xperia your kinda big but ur like a teddybear if someone punched you, u would curl up n a ball someone who is "bigger" than someone doesnt meen shit, unless your like Alexl, or photo for example xD.

I am sorry about my behaviour but thats what happens when you drink so many shots, smoking joint after joint, and had no foop/sleep in the weekend pretty much
lol I'm just saying what I observed and trust me mate, if we didn't stop them you'd probably ended up with a black eye and you wouldn't even remember getting it, which was the basic reason we told them to fuck off because u had no clue what u were doing and you basically laughed at anything. I think even the barkeep would've liked to see you get a few hits straight in the face, oh man, you pissed him off majorly aswell. I don't give people there a reason to hit me anyway, I drank as much as anyone else but I manage to not throw shit at everyone i see :> I wouldn't even be able to tell what I'd do since it's been way too long since I've actually been in a 'serious' fight. But looking at my anger management history, I doubt it'd be any good.

tl;dr version: saved ur ass, saved your weed (you dropped it multiple times and didnt even notice) and got you multiple free drinks from that bartender!
Aye, i realisei was fucked up, and would of ended badly with me in that state. It was good i had some real friends there, i aprechaite it alot. :)
And xperia mate you were in your bed everynite at 10clock when me sqzz chry and ross where drinking!!!!! hahah :p
well not 10 obviously but 3 am or something was a good time for me to head to the hotel when I had my alarm on 8 am, then again, I did have to carry u guys! :D
Who's that lil Indian guy 3rd from left on ur pic bro
Ever heard of Koop ?
Heard if him yes, seen his pics no
Saved your life and you didn't even mention me?! Right thats it you scrawny prick. I am coming up to smoke all your fucking supply.
En die engelsen maar roepen dat ze zoveel drinken, wij nederlanders zijn er toch blijkbaar wat beter in ;D
engelsen kunnen ni zuppen
zo is 't maar net
Quote but xperia your kinda big but ur like a teddybear if someone punched you, u would curl up n a ball

XD pwnt
lol we eat little kids like u for breakfeast here :)
no offence, but you have absolutely zero muscle on your arms or whatever place id have to name.
your arguement is full of bshit about "fucking me up" :D
man.. not even lying .. but i'd knock everybody out in that rockit team with one punch
my money's on you m8
lol hf with Phyzic xDD
think hes talkin about the lan team
come at me bro
pretty sure a 12 year old girl could whoop your scrawny nerd ass let alone the pure genetic specimen known as phyZiC
getting flamed by fat kid dancing to soulja boy gg
gr8 guy xPERIA !
ROSS gonna sit on everyone and GG wp
is that right potty :D
You know its right because I was the one who pretty much got in front of you! :DDDDDD
:D and then you did one stap a side :p smoking bastard :D
Trying to get people to smoke and drink instead of all the hate! Was a good weekend dispite those crazy 10 minutes :D
thought you couldnt remember anything from that weekend

Can remember pretty much everything now leading up to and after the event now. Even the scottish randomness
gl guys, altough you wont need it :)
nice, gl [x
news title should be: spoiler: winners of hungary lan announced
sqzz badie
GL nait friend :D
sqzz the boss!
No Competition GG wp LAN winners , ya should start playin a new game :)
they'd never be #1 at another game so what's the point in that?
ignore him
he has down syndrome
he doesnt no wat hes saying
gl chry and the others ! Hopefully u'll get some competition, but dont think so :/
Have fun there :-)
razz, dont fight with night plz k thnx mate xo gl hf
so many cool stories
nerds, they just dont know when to stop
as if it would be any less nerdy to comment here
it is, I believe if you take few mins to think about it you will figure it out, gl
as if it would be any less nerdy to comment here
Haha driver du eller
Nait > everything
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