CB ET EuroCup XXVII & 6on6 OC: Groups Online

The groups for the ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVII & ClanBase ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2013 have been made and are now online! Fifty-two teams will compete in three leagues in this season's 6on6 OC, while sixteen teams face off in the EC. Two teams from each group will advance to the Playoffs. Both cups officially begin on Monday 22nd!

image: cbecxxvii_medium image: opencup

image: cb_text_big4

EuroCup XXVII Groups

Group A

  • Poland archers.pl
  • Belgium Belgian Fraternity
  • Netherlands Effectus
  • Germany rockit.ET

Group B

  • Germany aToOnSRV
  • Czech Republic inteRaction
  • France Loca
  • Poland to Make odds even

Group C

  • Europe erAse.et
  • Germany Lost Soldiers
  • Netherlands Team Decerto

Group D

  • Sweden disposable
  • Europe eastern europe style
  • Netherlands gentleMen
  • Europe Serious Incident Called Karma

6on6 OC Spring 2013 Groups

Premier League

Group A

  • Europe #PlixPlax
  • Poland head hunters
  • Europe PARTYHATS
  • Chile Synergy

Group B

  • Europe enhanced v2
  • Europe Obey us fuck you
  • Finland POLARBEERs
  • Hungary Unbreakable-gaming

Group C

  • Europe #supski.et
  • Europe muZE
  • United Kingdom Splendid Gaming - encrypt
  • France sticked

Group D

  • United Kingdom Fus
  • Europe inSpiron
  • Portugal Royalblood

Second League

Group A

  • Poland Brotherhood of Wolf
  • Romania Romania
  • Europe SixStar
  • Germany Team - Inst!nct

Group B

  • France hi to u
  • Europe mikehs low gamers
  • Europe Obsession-Esports
  • Poland zeroskill

Group C

  • Europe #ALMIGHTY.ET
  • Czech Republic alliancze blue-team exorcists
  • Europe monte power
  • Europe oneLine

Group D

  • Czech Republic bones-tankysti
  • Poland ORZEL 7
  • Poland skup butelek
  • Finland Z Salamapartio

Third League

Group A

  • Israel #Fidelity
  • Europe Controlled Gaming
  • Europe sKy.eSports
  • Europe The wild Paradise
  • Poland unique.clan

Group B

  • Slovenia eXecutors
  • Europe Final ENEMY Squad
  • Poland Hells Angels
  • Poland MISBEHAVE
  • Europe Quarkclan | $A$

Group C

  • Europe Cat In a Hat
  • Netherlands deDuivenMelkers
  • Europe insix sponsored by no1gaming
  • Netherlands national 0wners
  • Czech Republic TROLLS

Group D

  • Sweden addicted 2 id
  • Czech Republic Alliancze WHITE team
  • Poland play4FRAGS
  • United Kingdom Press play
  • Poland reviVed

General Information

- The first matchweek is from Monday 22nd to Monday 29th.

- In the Groupstage, maps are forced - the map list for this season can be found below.

- Each team has 1 wildcard which can only be used before a match.

- All OC scores must be reported in the Cup Forum - read more about reporting scores on the cup page.

Map List

  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

Swaps (OC)

As always, we will allow teams to swap with each other if requested. Please note that you may only swap from one league to another, not from group-to-group within the same league.

If you'd like to make a swap, first find another team with whom you could trade places. Both team captains must then provide us with links to each team and explain where you'd like to swap to and from. You may either leave a comment below or send me or t4Mj a PM here or on IRC with all information.

Swaps can be made until Sunday 21st at 23:59 CET.

Also, we may accept some late signups if any teams drop out. Please let us know if either your team will drop out or if you'd still like to sign up for the cup!

EC team captains: Please join #ETECXXVII - the private IRC channel for this EC season. Ask an admin on IRC for the password.

CB ET EuroCup XXVII: Cup Page - Groups - Roster

CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Spring 2013: Cup Page - Groups - Roster

Supski in the same group as splendid! :O)
nice work tho mate!
every group is group of death tbh :d
ye its a good ec!
Always bad groups for .pl teams! :D
mlg will roll
France sticked wants to swap from first to second league since we play this OC only for fun and we won't practise at all :)

pmme on #sticked.et if you're interested in a premier league spot !
I saw this coming........

gg esSe
<insert generic flame>
aha nice group :)
Gl all, gj ohurcool
inb4 tMoe 0:12 gg
nice work cb crew :)
more easy to do with less teams
y a des mots ou tu peux enlever "more" et ajouter "er" a la fin du mot, genre:
more easy = easier
more fast = faster
easy group is easy
tmoe and turbot shouldn't be in the same group, both teams should have had a spot in playoffs, dropping one of those for a way lesser skilled team doesn't seem right. Not to mention erase should have been given a chance for playoffs at least :(
what if decerto doesn't make it out of group yet again? DON'T BE SO BIASED
same thing applies?!?!

tmoe, turbot, bf, ees/loca(given their recent victory) all should have gotten a playoff spot, apart from the directly invited teams.
why fight for playoffs only? FIGHT FOR VICTORY
group A makes me wanna forfeit the match vs the portugeese guys :DD:D
u rly should, better play more game and go to playoffs than getting stomped 3 games and ggbb

edit: ow wait its photo, ur gonna get stomped aswell @ oc xdd nvm then
Nooo :D dont be a pussy :PP i rly dont want u in my group haha :D
if you already checked the groups when they were initially published and now notice that they are a bit different, it's because we edited them slightly in order to make it a tad more fair and fun for all
i see u changed ur mind when ppl started to cry about group B and C, imo u shouldnt
nooooooooooooooo! We wanted to knock out either tmoe or decerto (or both lol!) out :((((((
group b group of death now ;dd
true L O L wtf gr B ; o
so if people whine as much as saken and cupra (impossibru) you will change it again?
oc groups not even close to be even ....
What a shit EC, keep deleting and ill keep posting. It's my opinion.
all went downhill after cupper quit
looks like one of the more competitive ECs in a while, will actually be worth following =P keep us informed mr. cool
did u receive my pm ?
yes, we are keeping flags to nc nations to make it easier on ourselves.
Benelux gentleMen got this
We hope to meet you again soon. Real soon, very soon.
lowest EC ever
cyu final
EC Group B most promising group!
this is just retarded, little fags whining that they wont be able to reach playoffs so u change the groups? wtf u r the fucking admin its ur decission so they they should stfu and play this.

biggest shit i have ever seen... so why are they direct invited if they arent able to beat the other teams? make it sense to invite teams?

glad that bsturz isnt attending else i wouldnt play this shit

hf deleting this comment
wtf changing lost with tmoe? :s
Ye vokki complained that too hard group for turbot so they made it even harder now

i would pref to stay in group B

turbot = team finland?
Basically, yes.
There goes our chance of getting playoffs :D
please we don't have a chance to win a single match :D

But it'll be interesting i guess
Nigga pls, we be rolling on em all.
everything went better than expected :D looks like one hell of a strong EC after all :D
admins got no BALLS at all!!!! to be honest i say all teams should say we dont play if groups arent put back like it was wtf is this bullshit admins changing groups for some cry baby's
wat happened? :D pls someone explain :D
decerto , turbo , and tmoe was in one group i guess saken went to whine that his group is to hard so ohurcool changed the groups :D thats just pathetic when you are a direct invited team
yep, he whined, along with Cupra
haha :DD

e.good admin work :D
i don't see any reason for Saken to "whine" about this group-setup as tmoe is a pretty bad team and only turbo can challenge us for the first spot

in other words: I guess tmoe or turbo whined
ur actually wrong and right at the same time :s
Saken and Cupra whined most, tmoe doesn't care, no info on turbot
i didn't say anything about anyone's individual skill, but as a team you guys are playing pretty bad lately, no offense
still you cant change the groups cuz players are whining :DD(what an admin work is that plox :D?!)

and as my infos are right saken whined all the way long :D

nothing to do with skill or smth else :Z
I didn't say that did I.


u're dev, so u got the swag
OMG group A too hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz switch team rockit with another team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes, learn to be a better saken
I don't know why the groups changed, but if ohurcool had good reason I hope CB will post an explanation for it. Least they can do to stop this spam etcetera?
Oh Jon. I love you but if you seriously changed it because Cupra complained about the skill of his group...every team is too hard for Cupra so changing seems pointless. Shame on you, Jon. Shame on you.
well yesterday i said something like 'good work cb admins'

i think i have to cancel this sentence. i dont know if ohurcool just got no balls, or he got a good reason for shuffling groups. i hope there is an good explanation incomming, otherwise this is really bs
Well "our" or "eff" group looks 2eaz to be honest..
where is unbreakable with Testi? oh wait lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Who's gonna play in unique.et? oOO
Actually a very nice work, despite all the whine i could read, this EC/OC looks way more promising and interesting than the previous ones! keep it up, gl to everyone
back for action
lol take playing good teams as motivation your gonna have to play them in the playoffs anyway. Isnt saken a fat ass disgusting greasy nerd anyway?
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