CB Ladder Activity Challenge Winners

I am proud to present the winners of the first ever ClanBase Ladder Activity Challenge!

image: T5j3YZD

This challenge had teams competing with each other to see who could play the most matches on the ClanBase ET 6on6 Ladder during the month of April. As promised, the top three teams with the most ladder matches played will be awarded prizes.

Here are the winners!

1st place - Estonia Oufu - 120 euros (6 x 20) - 13 matches

2nd place - Germany Mysterious Monkeys - 60 euros (6 x 10) - 11 matches

3rd place - Europe erAse.et - 30 euros (6 x 5) - 10 matches

Prize money will be awarded via Paypal to the clanleader (the player whose name is in bold on the clan page) of each winning team. Each clanleader should send me a PM here or on IRC with the e-mail address registered to his Paypal account to receive his team's prize. It will then be left up to him to distribute the money (or not) as he pleases.

A total of 18 teams played 6on6 ladder matches last month, with 41 games counted in the challenge! Keep in mind that matches in which the rules were violated (noshows, draws, matches with too many mercs, etc.) did not count.

Estonia Oufu (13)
Germany Mysterious Monkeys (11)
Europe erAse.et (10)
Finland POLARBEERs (8)
Poland zeroskill (6)
Netherlands gentleMen (5)
Czech Republic alliancze blue-team exorcists (4)
Netherlands Effectus (4)
Belgium greejtsjot (3)
Germany Lost Soldiers (3)
Europe SixStar (3)
Hungary Unbreakable-gaming (3)
Europe #supski.et (2)
Europe Controlled Gaming (2)
Poland ORZEL 7 (2)
Europe monte power (1)
Portugal Royalblood (1)
Poland ten team to tragedia (1)

Thanks to all who participated and good luck in EC/OC! I might run this challenge a second time later this year, so stay tuned!

ClanBase ET 6on6 Ladder


Special thanks to Germany ScoOf for the banner and United States of America peaches for the prize money!
Gj mM :-)
also: nice effort CB, keep it up!
oh my dear :D
All that trouble for € 20...holy shitnuts.
free weed, i'd win this
you smoke weed?
no flowers only
i once remember some late night mix and there was someone who said that he needs to smoke weed and you were flaming him hardly why he does smoke it,if it helps him or what etc etc :D
Who were talking to you cuntface.
"Who were"

That can be so funny only for retard like you...
"for retard like you"

yes :D You shouldn't skip that many English lessons
so you want to tell us that snatix is a liar?
trouble? :P
You know...showing up, playing...too much trouble if you ask me :D
troll! most (ex-)ET players these days are sitting at their PC playing other games, imo that's more "trouble" than showing up for 11 matches in one month. :D
Everything seems to be too much trouble to me these days, dont even bother :D
lazy bastard
aye, unemployement does that! D:
peaches, are you rich?
clanleader, it's time for u to stab
I cant decide if its good or bad that no one was arsed to nerd really hard to win this prize :D
which prize? wouldn't even play 1 game to get 20euros therefor^^
like people care if you would play

wtf really
me neither but look how dead the game is if ppl dont want to play even when they get paid for it xD
as i said these 20 euros can't even motivate a fucking tramp out there^^
didnt you win the same at LAN?
erase time to pay me.
/q irc for bank account
awesome, have a nice party guys!
Time for backstabs to begin.
mM time to pay me
/q irc for bank account
These 2 matches aren't included, ramoz simply felt the need for nerding that day 8D
Sup with all the hate, we played togother alot and thought why not earn some money while we playing anyway. I can buy 5x24 beers for this prize money, so i think it is nice. :)
Not gonna give any money to ur mates? :D
Ofc i will, lol.
Poland MONTE power

pff, Jon - again this flag!
Finally the people without a life got awarded
Of course I don't have a life when I happen to have spare time and use it to play 6on6 offis couple times a week and happen to get rewarded for it. Fuck me right?
92 matches in 3months
i mean like whole team, but lullaby played in 90% of them

that's like offi per day, wtf
Yes and ? U jealous ?
no,you just have no freakin life
said guy commenting almost in every journal/news/forum thread/everywhere in crossfire.
dunno why but everytime i log on cf to see what changed I check random post and i see you talking shit. every fkin time.

it's probably first time i flame someone on this website, wow :D
Couldnt agree more.
Stop trying to act cool Bobika. You're shit, your English is shit and you are miterally full of shit.

Shut the fuck you dirty anal-taking cunt.
quick! edit before more people notice!
one offi per day = no life? get real rofl
Talking about having no life? You make me sick sometimes
that's a bold statement on this website.
You got awarded?!?!?!?!
No not yet man, I should be next though!
nice effort CB!

most likely we, Mysterious Monekys, will give our prize to the crew of ShoutcastCollective to say thank you for their great work and hopefully to see more great Streams in the future!
i say we pay Peaches for beying nice :D

2013, 10 years of ET and even inactive teams (compared to former times) get called nolifers...
sad community
never understood why people enjoy hating others all day
idd. if people knew how active teams were (even top teams) back like 5-6+ years ago they'd never attempt to call anyone a nerd nowadays. :D

a moment ago I saw BOBIKA flaming someone for playing 1x offi per day xD new players make me laf
yeah, 2-3 hours of practicing (6on6 games) 4-5 days a week used to be pretty standard back in the days

and when you add all the time spent playing public, 3on3s, 6on6 mixes, gathers etc. to that, you end up with pretty hardcore numbers :D
after going to quake-scene i've come to realise how absolutely horrible ET-scene was and is :8< it sucks so much it's tough to believe
how's QL going now? :) haven't browed ESR for a while!
Incredibly well tbh, loads of online stuff going on with relatively big prizes. A month back or so a 2500$ cup (killsen, avek, cypher, cooller, strenx playing), weekly 125$ faceit cups with studios and professional casters + great production all-in-all, monthly ~500$ cups and whatnot. Also daily duel and TDM/CA cups with money prizes! When it comes to LANs it's very quiet, probably Qcon and DHW or DHS coming + faceit/stermy/ugc-lan coming up but nothing's confirmed! The great community I mentioned keeping ql alive n kicking =p

By the looks of it, ET isn't doing too well :<
well QL has a lot ET has never had, we've hardly even had any casters since like 2007 =) can only think of Toss & owzo who were generally "liked" - Splodge, flyingdj, mashed etc stopped too long ago and nobody else has taken over c:

so yeah, looks like QL has a much more involved community. most of ET's community are now LoL players and I can't say I enjoy the attitude from them mostly :~>
More involved and more dedicated, they love the game much more than CFers love ET =p I like to think they're a lot smarter too whereas CFers are more or less casual 'scum' if you get what I mean, no offense D: A guy named zoot stepped in for the casting stuff since 2gd and ESL|joe and lvlup altogether quit doing their stuff and he's been doing contributing hugely just by himself.

Just imagine someone giving his everything to revive ET and being serious about it, how much he would be mocked and disrespected here :p Can't imagine doing one serious contribution to this community whereas in ESR and in quake-scene it works out real great and people appreciate what you've done.
aka dead as fuck
tbh ET has never been alive as QL is right now (and QL isn't close to alive as it was +2 years ago :D). fps in general is going downhill, it's nice that Quake has some dedicated folks.
sure ET hasnt even been close. The only reason for ql players keep playing is that they can play whenever they feel like and still be succesful, and also other point is that they've become too old to seriously learn any new games, unlike in ET ppl can still chance to other games

Maza's statement about "ql players loving the game more than et players" is absurd, only reason that these pros still play the game is that they have small competition where they still can be succesful with close to no real playtime, unlike back in the days, and they actually get some money out from the so called "hobby", als some of them are esports persons big time and its not money wise worth to quit playing aswell ( nothing to rly do with ql, just the game they happen to play, same would apply ET if that happened in ET )
I guess it's totally true about the topscene, none of them would be playing (loving D:) the game if there was no money/viewers for them, like in ET. but it's kinda true that the community @ ESR is a lot more supportive of contributors than the CF community is of people trying to contribute to ET. =)

just look at guys like ohurcool & such, actually putting quite a lot of time into the game and most people are just whining and shit about his decisions to follow rules correctly according to CB.

* also, if someone was to start posting regular interviews, articles etc people would later call them nerds for doing so. "lol u still care about game. get life." like there's really something bad about doing small things for an old dying game. d; ESR/QL isn't gonna be as dead as ET is right now for years to come, but when it happens I am a little curious to see how the community reacts.
Partially it's because people with low self esteem need something to compare themselves to in order to feel better (or superior). Or have the need to build up their self esteem in expense of others. This is not an accusation or anything like "I'm better than those guys". I know it from my own experience.

OR it could be also a means to acquire acceptance.
congrats to all the teams

dTEC gonna spend those 5e on porn and beer
How does one get any kind of porn for 5 euros and still have money left for a beer, LOL
1e for platinum access to porn and the rest for a cheap beer
tough to have a girlfriend in germany
wat? why do you always talk about my girlfriend? you really have no better topic to flame me with besides that? XD

sad nerd
erAse should get first price for winning the most of them :s fck logic!
That way Dtect can spent more money on porn and beer.
He already is sharing his porn with us, now we're waiting on the/his beer.
wow thats not a lot of games tbh.. great initiative by CB though and gz to the winners :)
metsuri made some $$$ while being drunk all the time XD
Why not making sure teams competing in an official competition - with money involved - wear a DECENT name? "Obey us fuck you won". I guess you could not put that in the news title. It just should not ve been possible to allow a team with such a name.
Wtf man? It was our name months before the challenge and it's not that inappropriate
Cmon :p it has to be a little more serious :D
DIdn't know you took part in it, played a lot of matches?
:D all the 6on6 matches for oufu this month I think
Nice effort ohurcool & gratz to winners
13 matches in one month?? is that really that much? lol... or is it just that u can't find many more matches in ET
it's just that the 6v6 ladder hasn't been active in many years, the 41 matches that were played in this month was probably more than half of 2012 :P

e: 3on3 ladder had 307 matches in the past month, and there's no prizes there =)
v56{ playing half of this matches :$
you're saying they have 150 matches? :D highly doubt that. besides the 3v3 ladder has been steady on 300-400 matches per month long before v56 even signed up there, so it hardly means a thing.
ahah it was a joke anyway, i'm a part of this team in 3v3 :P
will there be one for may? could be good in the build up to LAN :) teams might try to get what they can for the trip.
probably not, but a few months from now perhaps :P
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