Team Switzerland takes on the Nations Cup

image: team-switzerland-small

Dejavu? NO

It's been about nine months since anubis a.k.a LoyalPrincess a.k.a roude a.k.a hannes a.k.a tlitch wrote a news post about probably the best NC-Team there has ever been. No, we are not talking about Russia, we are talking about Switzerland Switzerland! Last time Switzerland we had some bad luck against Germany Team-Germania, which I'm confident won't happen again.


After nearly winning the WorldCup in football we thought about winning it in ET, once more.
Not much changed since the last time, and I'm happy to present you some new, talented, fresh players as sadly ElEcTrO-bOy anubis prefers going to discos this days (<3) and GuNnEr has gone AWOL. Although some things never change, we still have the best cheese (Switzerland>Netherlands), the best chocolate (Switzerland>Belgium),the best knives(no doubt), the best watches (obviously) and are the richest! (Switzerland>Norway)

Anyway, I don't want to bother any longer, here is the Switzerland Swiss Enemy Territory Lineup!:

Main Lineup:

Switzerland gifty
Switzerland wck (Manager)
Switzerland vEg
Switzerland vegi
Switzerland DabSter
Switzerland Rapt6rr (150 ping, nP)

Switzerland Melkor
Switzerland ReavEr
Switzerland arrow
So better watch out, the cows are back!

Website: (currently offline)
it was written by Gifty btw, so don't start thinking I'm from Switzerland ;x
start changing ur flag to switzerland
And so the NC lineup spam starts !
And so the NC lineup spam whine starts!
i am switzerland fan, but the chocolate u never bate!
i will enjoy this NC @ ettv. gl to all teams
QuoteAfter nearly winning the WorldCup in football

1st manage to win against fuckin lowskillers like the .at football team

/random flame off ;P

hf & cya @ nc eidgenossen :>
gl... go gitfy go!
Interestingly the definetion of chocolate was an issue in the 1992 Maastricht Treaty of the European Union. :-)
pffft, personally I'm not a fan of dark chocolate and that is the majority of what switzerland produce
I agree. Though recently I did swap from milkchocolate ´hageslag´ to dark ´hagelslag´. But as for chocolate that does not go on bread, it better not be dark.
rip anubis :(
thanks fusen :P
GoGo Reaver! :D
bah gl arrow
You need the almighty DJ-Bobo @ Main-Lineup, otherwise no wai (yes, with "i") to win any match.

go vegi <3 my favourite fag!
must be confusing vegi and vEg :x

GL arrow my <3 and the rest too but team ger will take it this time :)
gl ReavEr & Dabster <3
u need cMg to win
wheres Mbudget?
Your from Switzerland arent u? u play :P
yes I will play for sua xD
gl Melkor and chibi
arrow <3
gl arrow !
gl arrow dabster <3
gl arrow. :)
gl rapt6rr ;>
wenigstens einer dabei der was kann (melkor) :pp, aber auf das deutsche team bin ich noch mehr gespannt :D
die werden ohne euch so versagen ^^
wieso ohne die ?wer verlässt et den ?
einige haben kein bock 5on5 zu spielen imo :)
ich hoffe ja noch das du den job in die hand nimmst sonst sehe ich rot
cheese-> France>Switzerland
AGREED BY FAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!
OFC!! this news is teh lei §§
RussiaRussiaRussiaRussiaRussia WHAT ?
wish u gl Melkor gifty -_- i enjoyed last game vs swi
bad luck m8t :D
You got no clue what you are talking about, i ping 200 my friend :) (west coast nigga>all!)
my url's arent working anymore :<
For the best cheese we should obviously compete with france, and we would take it :)
You wouldn't.
Le camenbert ca pue :p
Le fromage francais ne se limite pas au camember. D'ailleurs moi je trouve ca dégueulasse :)
Bon, on va dire que le gryere>conte mais que le brie c'est excellent. Comme ca tout le monde est conent, on va pas en faire un fromage non plus? (omg je suis drole)
On plutôt dire que le fromage des régions montagneuses au sud des vosges, que ce soit en suisse ou en france, > EuropeAll.

Et là je pars voir un berger suisse allemand dans le tessin pendant une semaine :)

<3 Gifty,Melkor,vEg and Rapt6rr
"and are the richest!"

we all know norwegians are the richest.. and of corse we have the most pretty girls..
Bonne chance Rapt6r :)
Merci mon ami!
De rien ma puce j'te kiffe kikoo kiss :* wesh bien ?
C'est un test pour voir si je capte?
haha ok test approuvé :)

Hop hop suisse!
xD Merci de ton support
GL Anonymous guys;) cya @ nations cup.

Its gonna be a blast;)
Gl & HF imo.
gl gifty and rap my bitch :>
I'm waiting for Team-Finland to come up with another funny lineup announcment
add actual teams plz ;)
hi gifty and vegi
gl swiss :)
You will never beat the chocolate tbh. :)
Belgian chocolate? never heard me some famous brands plz (export). So i can taste it!

hf guys
Jacques Jacques, Chocolade chocolade JACQUES!!.

only 1 I no -.-
greetz & best whishes to team-switzerland :)
huhu vEg :)
huhu Melkor :)
team russia will pwn y00
gl vegi & dabster <3
gl melkor gifty and rapt666r.
gL teamSwitzerland :)

<3 gifty & melkor :)
Wo is cMg? cMg for team ch!!1
Don't see Thunder in the lineup :(
played against dabster earlier tonight, raped him nP gL
Shame that you wont get to play him again with the UK team :P
GL vegitables and giftpilz!
I did it just for you! :(
gl vegi and the rest^^
gl arrow & dabster <3
gl gifty :)
dabster xDD
Where is donuts btw ? :s
NP gifty
gl Melkor & gifty!
GL WNB CanadaRapt6rr ;)
Good Luck =)
belgium chocolate > swiss
GL reaver ;) gogogo wck
best watches agree
gl gifty rap >)
The best cheese thing is a big lie
su cheesemaster wnb from the cheesiest cheesecastle in Cheeseylvania!
i just watched Van Cheesling so i came up with our homeland Cheeseylvania!
gl vs iceland and malta!
Your cheese might be better, but our weed > all!
Gl Dabster,Wck & Reaver :]
<3 schnipo vegi! and rappy

btw rename to team schnipo :<
viel glück christoph
gl gifty chuju
gogo vegi <3
bullcrap be > swiss
Fusen could never be swiss, hes tight fisted!
<3 xll hagelslag <3 switzerland
best of luck =]
gl guys :)
BE chocolate is THE best
Good luck.
gl vEg!
oscypki > swiss cheese
what i have learned is there is good sking in this place therfore you must let them win or they will not store your jew gold when the next world war comes around
btw gonna get deleted so screen shot it fast boys and girls and frame it on your wall
nice team... GL
vell spass jungs
gl rapt6rr m8 :]
reaver <3 <3 <3
gl guys
pretty strong ehh
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