Dirty Bomb, no more

The upcoming title known as 'Dirty Bomb' has had a few weeks of silence leading many to think that the game had possibly been cancelled. Fear not! the game was merely undergoing a name change, reasons unknown, and will hence forth be known as 'Extraction'.

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The game is to be showcased and playable at next weekends PAX event and will hopefully give us who have yet to play it a bigger insight into the game.

There have also been a few promotional screenshots released on the Extraction Facebook page showing some maps, player models and other parts of the game, a nice map overview screenshot below but all can be viewed HERE.

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It has also been announced that NEXON USA will be publishing the title in North America, Europe and parts of Oceania as well as hosting the new release of the titles website. Release dates are unconfirmed but there are predictions of a Q1/Q2 2014 release with the game being free-to-play.

Can't wait for a stable release :)
any hope for next esports fps game is.......gone
here comes the cash shop with guns to buy, stupid levels and room...
If only it was so easy to determine what will turn into an esports title. They have already said that you cannot purchase clear advantage so the shop will probably work just like other successful FTP titles in that it is mainly visuals etc.
same thing came to mind when i saw NEXON
dont get too excited, its gonna be shit
atleast we get to try for free
This was pretty much ET's reception on release too.
what about
yup all were hated on release and all were failures within the major esports scene. Game support from a scene can go a long way though, just look at ET - only Wolfenstein was in a worst state upon release out of the games mentioned so far but not by much.
I still don't get what was so bad in wolfenstein.. better than qw and had a bit more ET vibs than any other game. I actually enjoyed the leaked beta version!
se vitun leaked beta oli varsinainen peli. se oli ihan kamalaa paskaa :D
muutamat patchit siihe ja se ois ollu aivan jees :)
Let's swap to Extraction
Why would they change the title? Dirty Bomb sounds much more interesting than Extraction...
Clearly they have extracted the dirty bomb.
ı lold onlıne xd
i lold offline
i lold brbline
i lold hotline
what happenes with those who bought early beta for dirty bomb /:D
thinking the same :D
like, i guess early acces isnt enough for the ammount of money paid for dirty bomb and since extraction aint going to be a pay2win there is close to nothing they can offer but a refund

Dirty Bomb was originally free to play anyway, nothing will change. Those who got early access still have it.
Like they said, nothing will change when it comes to SD having full control of the development. :)
Thank you for putting this in main news post.ill remove my journal.
Now, if they make this open source asap and get it going, perhaps it can be something nice.

Let's start off with: A decent anti-cheat, hitboxes and I can already guess that we'll have to nerf the amount of explosives for competitive playing and rebalance the whole thing.

But when it comes to that, I'll give it a go. (I'll still give it a go, just like new cod/bf/cs, start game->win round->win round( yes even I as average ET skilled player slay those pubbing guys there, let's not even begin to think what mAus would do around there.. ) ->quit game->regret buying->buy new game->start game->... )
open source

ET kick this game in ass and another games :)
We need chaplja to do anticheat for this game
Nexon USA ??? OH FUCK NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no thank you.
I hope they wont fuck this up by making it possible to be better player by paying them, like weapon upgrades that make the weapon overpowered etc...
What have they done
No Pay-to-Win

It’s important to note that this partnership does not change our vision for the game, and Extraction will not be pay-to-win and Splash Damage will retain complete creative control. We’ve always believed that multiplayer battles should be won through superior skill, and not the amount of money spent. You need to always be able to understand why you won or lost, with a welcoming community helping you improve your game and become a better player. That’s what Extraction is for us, and Nexon is backing this vision all the way.

I want to believe
it will never become pay2win as said
J'ai un projet de team Dirty Bomb avec une multigaming, on est 3 déjà avec des mecs de BF3, tu me dis si ça t'interesse, on en parlera en Septembre.
Ouep :) ils m'ont dis que t’étais intéressé aussi ^^

J'peux pas rejouer avant début septembre moi !
Ouais ferox m'en a parler j'ai hate de voir ce que ca peut donner :)
j'suis chaud patate perso :D
oui je suis interessé vieux! mais no skill pour le moment (j'espère que vous aussi). du coup, si c'est le cas, on progressera ensemble :)
3,79 gb gameupdate 0o guess it is not just a simple namechange ;D havent touched the game for some weeks..will try it later - hopefully it ll be a bit more interesting than brink or the previous wolfenstein
hmm, is there any chance you could write some notes about it, such as how's the shooting, movement and how are the classes working etc.. a brief summary about the game is what I mean
well i would love to but i remind signing an super special secret agreement and even my statement above was nearly breaking this...so i am sorry, we are not allowed to give any gameinformation to the publicity
we should play when I move back to Germany from Australia later this year ;)
have you learned/experienced what an aussie "bogan" is yet?
no enlighten me :D But the wikipedia article on it give me an idea :P
haha yep wiki puts it nicely! search youtube for visuals you won't forget p:
lohnt es sich?
hab 5 wochen 24/7 gearbeitet und bin erst jetzt gerade mal wieder zuhause/am pc....hab es seit 8 wochen ned mehr angetestet..deshalb kann ich keine aussagekräftige meinung äußern ;(
lass dich mal wieder im ts blicken :)
I'm really looking forward to trying this, I hope big gaming organisers such as ESL and ESEA will pump some money into this so Extraction would get a good playerbase.
Lmfao the title scared me "Dirty Bomb, no more" making me assume the game is dead.. because I play closed alpha right now , however, the recent updates caused my fps to drop to 15 at lowest settings.. but the game is so much fun!
Your news title is misleading as said above me, please change it ^^
I assumed that he did it on purpose. :P
I'm fine with an attractive title, it has to convince us to read the content, but I disagree when it's a clear misinformation :/
it is a bait, and not misinformation - you just read it that way :)
No, it pretty much misled me as well.
Will be nothing like ET anyway so noone happy.
no airstrikes merl, you won't like it.
Looks interesting, is there any release date that every user will be able to test it, aka open beta?
Looks like the game has some passive health regen game like these casual CoD games...
medics ET + RTCW have passive regen also.
You know exactly what i mean...
it's more like ET than COD actually
Without leaking any info... No regen incoming?
indeed, medics have regen on constantly where as cod etc. you have to wait for some time before regening.
+ you got 3 different classes on rtcw with no regen (and need regen from a medic, which adds a totally different aspect which is not in the other games cases)
yup Ive played rtcw a few times =P
pub only i reckon..
So many people talking without knowing anything :]
Potty has nothing to say?
What do you want me to say? The game is getting better as time goes on? This partnership will only help the game? I am consued why I am the one to say something?

Oh wait, is it because I can play this game and you can't? mad?

Gives some more information. Also on the reasons behind the namechange.
It's all going downhill for DB. I'm very doubtful about this. Nexon...
fattar inte vad som händer ????
vad händer ;O?
Will be 60€ at release. Idiots buy. There'll be one cup in the start. Game dead.
except its free to play
QuoteIt’s important to note that this partnership does not change our vision for the game, and Extraction will not be pay-to-win and Splash Damage will retain complete creative control.
Fun fact: Extraction was Dirty Bomb’s original name and the reason we didn’t stick with it for the Closed Alpha was that we weren’t sure if we could secure the worldwide trademark for it.
game will suck cocks anyway :-D
so anyone wanna break their super secret contract and leak some infos? is it as bad as brink, as good as ET?
Never played it myself, but I would say somewhere inbetween there, judging from the few times I've seen it being streamed.
I believe it has potential, but in its current ever changing state, it is hard to say.

That is of course speculative information and I have no way of knowing this.
Gonna fail anyways.
EX merc avi pmme
QuoteIn short, the game's the same. Fun fact: Extraction was Dirty Bomb’s original name and the reason we didn’t stick with it for the Closed Alpha was that we weren’t sure if we could secure the worldwide trademark for it. We're confident we can achieve this with Nexon's help, so we’ve decided to go with the name we’ve always wanted for the game.

Leuke statement, snap alleen niet hoe Nexon ervoor kan zorgen dat ze trademark krijgen. Of ze het krijgen of niet is volgens mij niet afhankelijk van de publisher toch maar van andere mensen die misschien in landen al een trademark hebben onder die naam?
nice cant wait to try it!
They gonna fuck up the game and you will have to buy weapons and armor with real money.

GG, RIP Dirty Bomb
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