Crossfight signups open

image: fight

Soon season 2 of the koth competition will start, dressed in new clothes! Under the new name Crossfight and an altered/improved format, we hope to see some very nice games over the coming weeks and months.

I would like to confirm now that we will be running the competition in 6v6. We will use the Crossfight 6v6 Online config, a download can be found here.

To find the starting teams, we will be running a short 'cup' on Wednesday 8th November. The signup limit is 20 teams, with 5 groups of 4 teams giving 2 qualifiers from each group. This results in 10 Crossfight teams plus United Kingdom cdap oddjob who have already qualified. While these teams will begin in Crossfight, their places are open to be taken by outside clans who challenge them. More details about this can be found in the rules.

If your clan wishes to take part in Crossfight, please click here and include your clanname as it appears on Crossfire. If your clan is not registered already, please go to the register page. Signups are first come, first serve. Please only apply if you are realistically Opencup Premier skill or higher. Don't worry if I don't reply!

I mentioned that the format has changed. Crossfight is now fully integrated into Crossfire 3 and uses an easy-to-use user interface to schedule matches and manage your Crossfight agenda. This will become apparent when the section goes live after the conclusion of this cup. A list of all the rules and format details can be seen on the rules page (live soon). A cup page will be updated with signups and a bracket, you can find it here (starting cup page).

Signups are now closed, thank you!
gl all ;D
now its 6on6?

what are you guys doing
we said all along that the testgame was nothing to do with this :)
We would have won 6v6!11111!!!!!111
Didn't you say you wanted to make both? 5v5 and 6v6?

1on1 pes with bugged servers > 5on6
6on6 wow.. I had to read it twice just to make sure I wasn't seeing things... Nice
With EC, NC & OC coming up, you should really follow ClanBase move and use 5o5.

On the other hand, one of the main reason CB did the move is the CPC #2, which was announced to be hosted in a 5v5 format. Since it takes roots on Crossfire, I assume everybody here thought you would host your cup in the 5v5 format either...

Pretty weird decision, hope you will react :/
when did we say CPC #2 is going to be using the 5v5 format?

We didn't, no formal announcement on cpc#2 team sizes has been made
Pretty lame saying that fusen.

Everybody here can quote TosspoT and the majority of xfire crew arguing on the fact that "a LAN is easier to host in a 5v5 format" "cybers are made for 5o5 or smaller, a change in the ET format would make it easier" etc ... I'm not saying you stated it clearly, just that you left many clues saying that the LAN will be a 5v5 one.

You can call me Lolita if the news that TosspoT made right after the CPC #1 (assuming 2 days after it) didn't include the 5v5 format argument.
perhaps they have a crossfight inside admin staff
Quote by sAcredOn the other hand, one of the main reason CB did the move is the CPC #2, which was announced to be hosted in a 5v5 format

Pretty weird decision, hope you will react :/

I think you're the one making some pretty weird assumptions here!
I'm confused. :x
n1 changein back to 6on6 only becuz of idles backpath

lololol hahahahaha

that's the funniest conspiracy story I've seen for quite a while
[Disclaimer - this is an attempt at humour and not a statement of intent]
I will have this changed to 5on5 so that zP win.
nice choice with the 6on6.
nice decision, will make many people happy (while the whiners now came up for 5o5)

rocks :D

<3 foonr
yeaaaahhhhhh, 6on6 :)

keep up the good work
If you will not introduce the same team size for every important event ET will really die.. it will be even more dead than it has been 3 years ago already :(
Admins of the most important leagues (cb, wl, esl, cf) should talk about it together and then stick to one game format.. either 5on5 or 6on6
to the admins: don't only think about the profit for your own league. like a few did when they switched back from 5on5 to 6on6 etc etc.
if u want to get a good reputation for et as a game you should not change that many things so that clans die.. et already has a bad publicity from all those 2 weekers (+cheaters too)
Should I point out that this guy got a brain ?
no need it's obvious...
so true, now change this event to 5on5 xD
hahahaha uuh no -_-''
try /list

looks like ET is under the top 10, drect after cod2 + cs :)
6o6 > 5o5

(c) flame
u totally confused me with ur comment, as I found NO FUCKING SENSE IN IT
Theres this problem when you do actually try to do what you said, his name is Donex.
Done pissing off ESL, he turns on CB \o/
switched back?
we (and other leagues/cups) did not follow allmighty CB with a rule we do not like and accept.
thats a BIG difference.
actually it was pretty obvious that esl tried to use the hype about 5on5/6on6 to get more players for their league (although warleagues hasnt been asked by cb for 5on5 or smth)
actually it was pretty obvious that cb tried to fuck everybody up (and they did that) by switching to 5on5
RLY RLY nice.. congrats... 6v6 ftw
All this mess due to CB... Why don't CB comeback with their decision? Why do they always are "right"?

Humans fail but they also can recognize the error and "fix" it.. They just have to fight against the pride/ego
But still, what the fuck was reason to switch to 5on5 on CB side? I still don't get it. Everything worked fine.

I will be loling if the CPC2 will be 5on5, this stuff 6on6, cb tards 5on5, ESL 6on6. Fuck it.

Just play god damn 6on6 and get one config for everyone. Make community united, not fucked up like it's now.

this whine mostly is adressed to cb, but all leagues can go fuck themselves with their new configs
give 5on5 1 more month and a clear majority will play 5on5 give it 3 months and everyone will play 5on5
ye keep this split 1 month more and community will be happy :-)
fucking clanbase.......... you're destroying the whole game with your goddamn cancer 5on5.........

so useless to play 5on5 just for ec while all other competitions are 6on6
Nice u-turn crossfire admins xD decided there like et 6v6 instead of 5v5 gg anyway
just decide about the goddamn format.. so teams can prepare themselfs for the competitions, organize their lineups etc
no 5v5? :((
Make it 5on5.
Make it 5on5.
Keep it 6on6 and force CB to 6on6.
nice decision,6on6 <3 keep up the good work :)

(I play both but if u ask me what i like to play more i say 5on5)
Nice <3

Thanks for making this 6on6, the only league 5on5 now is still CB, the future of 6on6 keeps looking brighter every day
very nice decision !

6on6 ftw ! :D
its getting more and more rediculous, i am confused...
CB has to react if its like that and we had 3 month of very interesting discussions, polls, journals and threads
so what will be the next senseless discussion? forbid mp´s???
imo /forcecvar cg_crosshair 0 would be nice
6v6 > all
hope the cup isnt starting before 8:00 cet!
you must be OC premier skill, which is 5v5, yet you must play 6v6. seems odd
It's just a comparison o.O
im starting to love United Kingdom TosspoT (and his friends) again...
btw why is cdap oddjob already in? did i miss smth?
Yes, they won a Crevasse showgame a few weeks back -
thx :> didnt know that
your are forgiven
I do find it quite odd that a team could play a 5v5 match to qualify for a 6v6 event. Just seems to invalidate the pre-qualified team; as 5v5 and 6v6 are obviously alot different in style, strat, etc. and a 6v6 pre-qualifier could have shown different results (not that I know for sure, but from an uninformed point of view, it looks like an unfair entrance to the event).
Could u just possibly announce what team size CPC #2 will use? All this nonsense would end right there. Or is it that hard to decide it FFS? People are getting pissed..
Someone has been busy deleting stuff!
Deleted my comments
agree... we need clear statement about cpc #2...
cless eng/med avi :D

gl all
rly n1ce!! 6v6 ftw!!
There's no logic in announcing a team size until the location is confirmed.
there's no logic in switching forth and back
Crossfire has?
just say that crossfire is testing both 5on5 and 6on6 format and dont always say "WTF WE NEVER SAID THAT" plz :s
You actually reading the posts?

Nellie on 30/10/06, 23:12:36 Del | Edit | Nuke | Reply

CPC #2 hasn't ever been announced to be 5v5, there's been 1 news stating it might be 5v5 if that's what the location requires.

As it stands, CPC #2 could still be 5v5.
no i dont lol#s

but hey
if its much easier anyways to find a 5on5 location
why dont u announce it then?

and if u announce it now for january or february people can book flights to london pretty cheap!
why london? :>
Well i guess you're looking for a place that can hold an X number of people so you should already know the size.

For example if you would play 6on6 you would look for a place that could hold 12 people. (Remember is an example!)
And if it would be 5on5 you would look for , well you get it.

And if you really don't know yet then your organisation of a LAN is shit.
thx for 6on6, it was the right decision
so that means it could be that the lan is 5on5? :Y
i think lan will be 3on3 cos then u need just 6 computers
yeah 3on3 ftw :)
Now ESL, WL, ET-Cup, CF, uQ.Cup, 1Day-Cup, GET-Cup and L4F are using the 6v6-format. Pls CB move back to it,too.

Furthermore as many poeple already mentioned we need ONE Config for all cups and leagues not 5 different.

Maybe the admins of all leagues can found a kind of association in which questions like "5v5 or 6v6" are discussed in detail. So we have one direction the community goes.
Tosspot killed ET.
nabs if you dont agree with it dont play, instead of whining why dont you do somthing constructive with your time like set your own cup up or in some cases walk under a bus
they have easy choice: CB, go play your OC and EC and have fun
Nice 6v6, keep it up!
6on6, nice !
Xfire really has to step forward now and tell the world what format CPC#2 will be played because I think that this will be the deciding factor in the 5o5 vs 6o6 discusion. WIth the simple reason that the REAL top clans have the biggest motivation in et on the CPC, and when the top clans choose on format all together, the whole community will follow in a split secon.
SO PLS MT...ÖHM Xfire( ;) ) choose ur sides :D
If Crossfire announces that CPC2 will be played 6v6 also Clanbase will follow, I think. There you are right.

But if Crossfire will use 5v5 at CPC2 they just boost the process of splitting the community, because Clanbase has a reason to keep playing 5v5.
Na I think if cpc 2 will be 5o5 and the pro clans accept it, most smaller cups will follow there lead and when that is done, esl and wl cant reject the change anymore
Hmm, we'll see. I just hope ET won't die :S
you still think that you have to change a game because of 2 lans a year with a prize pot of 2500€ each?
yep sounds stupid, but the most fun is in these lans
=> they have the most power for changes
they wont make this decision so quickly, they fear it, cause they known it can be deciding argument in format case. they discuss it very intensively, i think.
Think u are right with that^^, but never the less they schould really hurry up :P
donex de puta
6on6 :)))))
5o5 !

potter/reload sux
Duh does this crossfight even have any meaning ? :/

and this 5on5/6on6 switching is really pissing me off. 6on6 > 5on5. But still I cant really care anymore if it is 5on5 or 6on6, just pick either one and stop this nonsense.
die blazen
Team Canada will qualify just so I can meet my lovers Marvel and Ste <3.
5on5 please
6on6 ftw!
splitting up the community is fun!
zeroPoint is playing crossfight 6on6?

and... where is idle? :<
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