CB ET EuroCup XXVIII: UB Final

After a long delay due to the downtime and eventual shutdown of ClanBase, the CB ET EuroCup XXVIII is moving forward once again. Only three games are left, with the Upper Bracket Final being played this Sunday. Read more for a short preview, and don't forget to tune in!

image: SNXsSFf

On the 2nd of December, we saw Europe erAse.et and Finland TURBOAPINAT face off in the Upper Bracket Round 1. The Fins fought hard but were defeated 4-0 and dropped down to the Lower Bracket, while Europe erAse.et advanced to the UB Final.

image: game44829 image: game44838

Then, United Kingdom one.soldier and France phase were scheduled to meet for the first time in their UB Round 1 match on Sunday the 15th. However, due to lack of players, United Kingdom one.soldier was forced to forfeit and drop out of the cup. This meant that France phase advanced to the UB Final, while Finland TURBOAPINAT moved on to the LB Final.

image: eiKtUtG

This Sunday, we'll see the CB ET EuroCup XXVIII Upper Bracket Final featuring Europe erAse.et and France phase. These same two teams met each other less than a month ago in the CF ET Winter Cup 2013 Grand Final, where France phase managed to come out on top with a 4-0 win. However, Europe erAse.et had to play with a merc in the match due to a noshow from their Frenchman. Will the result of this final be any different, now that both teams have their normal lineups? The winner of this match will advance to the Grand Final, while the losing team will play versus Finland TURBOAPINAT in the Lower Bracket Final. Tune in at 21:00 CET!

Europe erAse

Finland dTEC7
Netherlands esSe
United Kingdom Nips
France Snatix
Finland toNi
Netherlands vANQ
image: game44960
Upper Bracket Final

France phase

Belgium chry
Latvia Clown
Slovakia filuS
United Kingdom jam
Iceland phyzic
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom sqzz

Quote by esSeIn a war there are many moments for compassion and tender action. There are many moments for ruthless action. What is often called ruthless may in many circumstances be only clarity, seeing clearly what there is to be done and doing it, directly, quickly, awake. Snatix is bad tho, so phase might still have a chance.

Good luck!

I can only agree with esSe's quote.
Been stacking popcorn for 2 months just for this
omg you still alive? <3
OFC! I don't play ET anymore but i come to CF everyday :D haven't been posting anything though xD
Spamming hate and cups. The usual deal <3 also enjoying csgo
ahahahaha xD same old same old i see... but now your beloved CB is dead! <insert troll face>
Well they dragged the idiot part of admin crew to CG so it's all fine
Whats CG? :o
CyberGamer, go read some news man :D
Oh fuck it, missed this part xD
Well it seems alright, although i only spoke to ohurcool about cb competitions and he was cool ofc!

Atleast the belgium pedobear isn't around anymore :D
Well if he was around aswell then I would be giving up all hope. Luckily just one retarded asslicker left atm and putting some hopes in possible future ESL crew
You misspelled grease from my hair
Dunno what you stoners enjoy, but popcorn sounds like way better viewer snack than grease from hair.
How is phase French with no French player in their lu?
so french team can actually win ec for once
hahaalbatar de parisien
drkje team leader founder is french
So i guess this will be easy bash? Gl cherry
filus might win ec omgomg :o!
Ye, ET must be really going downhill :D
Anyway, was sooo close last season, but no cigar, no way I am gonna let another one slip through my fingers :)
You'll have to beat the legendary esSe a second time tho. Not going to be easy!
who's esSe and why is he legendary? :D
xD it's offensive because you're serious
xD it's funny because it's true
filuS EC winner gg!
not quite there yet, this is still just WB final :)
Ye i also think that filus will bring it on...we belive u filus ;)
Ohh...yes filus pls 1 thjng more...can u tell me the IP of the server u guys gona do the match?
As ViKO said on the GamesTV match page, the IP for the ETTV server will appear under "Broadcasted by" 15 minutes before match time on Sunday.
well...next year i should see if i can get into some clan also play this cup and matches...btw i got also huge skill but a low computer...so next year i'll become a new....one so may get a new player in :D
ClanBase? change the name to CyberGamer EU with all
It is/was a ClanBase cup and doesn't really have anything to do with CG except for the fact that it's run by the same admins. New cups will be coming soon anyway!
Guys hold et on how long you can...infac isa great game and was allways...im watching for players here in my town and anywhere i can to keep it...cups are goin but how long we dono.
Is this the last chance for Finland Swan to win the CB EC? I would prac hard.

14:55 Wake up, Open PC
15-20 3on3's
20-21 Break
21-23 prac with turbot (if players don't show up then kick them)
23-00 Break
00-03 3000hp duels with stamina on (valhalla)
03-04 Break
04-05 Think of new taxs and fly around the maps
05-07 trickjumping
07:00 sleep

You've just described Snatix' typical day.image: Kappa
Oh yea probably.
u just jelly
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