6on6 NationsCup 2014 #LIKEABOSS : Announced

I'm pleased to announce the 6on6 NationsCup 2014 hosted by Belgium LIKE A BOSS.

image: 2gtnrsg

6on6 NationsCup 2014

Format: 6on6
Admins: United States of America Foreigner & Belgium ChilAx

• adlernest
• bremen_b3
• frostbite
• radar
• supply
• sw_goldrush_te

When will this begin?

Captain applications open: Monday, March 24th Apply here
Captain applications closed: Wednesday, April 2nd
Captain announcements: Friday, April 4th

Lineups finalised: Sunday, April 20th
Brackets published: Monday, April 21th

Start 1st Matchweek: Monday, April 28th

Who will be the Captain?

• Captains will be decided by the cup admins after an application process.
• Captains MUST be dependable and proactive in scheduling their matches and organizing their teams. Please do not apply if you will not meet all responsibilities of being a captain.
For who's interested to apply for being captain, you can do it here. And make sure you contact us @ CF after you applied!
To play or captain a nation, you must be from it or living in it.

Although rules will be announced later, you can expect them to closely model the CG ET Season 1 rules.
This cup will be run through CG & CGAC will be used
Admins & a few others will discus for the seedings

Contact us @ CF:

Belgium ChilAx
United States of America Foreigner
• Captains will be decided by the cup admins after an application process.
Yeah, we give people the chance (1week) to apply for captain. After that Foreigner and I (and maybe others) will decide who's the best for his nation.
Yeah, this is because there's not a good way to verify who's voting and to make sure they're voting for the captain of the nation they're from - and in the end, it always came down to admin decision anyway.
where can i see who apply'd for each nation?
We will be posting all applications to the public when captains are announced, but if you're interested right now, you can view them here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArpTTM2RmgZCdEUwQnRPS25VV1Z5bHFjS0NUVFY2cVE&usp=sharing
thanks, need to know who wants to be ger captain because if it's only stray i need to apply too :p
consider it done
gr8t, but since it's admins choice u got only 10% to win against stray
The fact that it's the decision of admins doesn't mean we don't ask for community input. I've talked to two skilled Germans and am aware of the situation with Germany stray :)

skilled germans :D:D
gl brooooooo! :D but u know that u aint got a chance vs me and all my fans! i would be very sad if I'm not the one whos getting captain in this awesome, active, nowadays skilled game! So admins THINK TWICE!
Would be nice if this would be a succes. Hopefully looking forward to some great matches.
gl with it
Huge GL, but "LIKE A BOSS" NC is pretty weird.

Also captains should be selected by voting.
Have to agree with bobika, a voting system would be better.

isnt there a way to do this in cybergamer? ;/
Ohurcool said they have a LOT of cups going on at the moment, so they dont have enough time for CG I guess...
'This cup will be run through CG&CGAC will be used'


They could create a poll or something there, but not sure if that is possible. :/
Ah crap, Im sick at the moment and didnt read it whole...
We're trying to get it on CG (and it will!) and voting system is unfair tbh. We're not looking at the popularity. Just who's most perfect(connection with good players, good with organizing the matches, etc)
you got a point there, fair enough. gl !
You will get shit loads of hate for that. Especially NL/BEL community because I think, that you will pick someone who you know.

Also GL finding someone (not or least) retarded from Poland :D
QuoteYou will get shit loads of hate for that. Especially NL/BEL community because I think, that you will pick someone who you know.

Ye i know, i'm prepared for those shit loads. But you have to know that we'll not decide on that part. I'll not favor someone!

QuoteAlso GL finding someone (not or least) retarded from Poland :D

That's your opinion
Well no captain for team UK then :D!
Well, Razz? :D
Quote good with organizing the matches, etc)

& it's: Hosted by LIKE A BOSS :)

And votings are unfair anyway.
What the fuck? How is it unfair?
look my reply on Constan
as I explained above there isn't really a good way to verify who's voting, and in the end it always came down to admin decision anyway. last NC, there was a controversy because it was released that several captains were picked by CB despite having fewer votes than some of their opponents.
Just let vote people who are registered before this date. (before the NC was announced) so you will get enough legitimate votes.
Just to clarify, the only nation whose captain had fewer votes than his opponent(s) was Romania for two simple reasons:

1. Our good friend unforgiven had a bit of a personal vendetta against Stary (who ended up as captain) and therefore created multiple fake accounts to vote for everyone else multiple times. These votes were of course nullified.

2. The captain who had more votes than Stary was a player named Wussie who had publicly stated that if selected as captain his sole intention was to make sure that Romania did NOT participate in NC. We weren't exactly fond of him after that, so Stary was chosen instead.

Every other captain either had the same number of votes as his opponent(s) or more, but, yeah, the final decision was always made by us anyway.
that's why we'll decide it on our own.
Well could you tell me publicly how it was with Czech captain? :P
I don't really remember and can't check obviously since ClanBase is gone, but I believe t4Mj was first selected as captain (and received the most votes as well) then gave his spot to Green_Clon instead.
inb4 unforgiven comeback lol
Yeah, I agree about the name and would've been awesome if this could've been hosted by CG/CF admin crew, but obviously they currently have their hands full with the spring tournaments. That being said, I'm obviously wishing that it'll be a successful tournament so best of luck to the organizers.

Captains shouldn't be chosen purely based on votes, because for example POLIISI-KOIRA would've most likely been the captain of Finland last season if the selection was based on voting alone. CB's system where people voted for captains, but admins did the final selection, was a really good system.
Nice! hope it's working out :)
can you remove the "like a boss" it sounds retarded
There will be some other newspost coming next week(s).. This is just the first one (ye with the name who's hosting it)
Weren't you the guys who just allowed a team playing with 3 cheaters? I guess the whole community would prefer to wait for a Crossfire or CG Admin hosting this or even ESL. ET has his little comeback so I guess it's on the way (maybe after the 3on3 NC or something)

This won't work out well I guess
I'm not sure what team/cup you're talking about, but:

1.) No cheaters were ever reported to me in any cup I was involved in, so you can only blame yourself if you didn't report suspected cheaters. Every player in the cup I was associated with actively plays on CG ladders/leagues and the matches were all played on ETTV.

2.) This cup is running CGAC (and obviously will have well-respected players, not teams full of randoms).

3.) CG admins will never be running a nationscup, as United States of America ohurcool has stated many times.
nub long time no see
yup, same to you, pretty as always tho :P
:D still in the army?
yuppppp, forever! and I do play LoL still, you?
Why do you play that shit game Adriaan :<
Because it has 10 new games every minute & I cant always play so its easy to be able to play when I have time.
Noskill unicorn puke :x
Give me that skype nick or email adress from that finnish girl called minna :D
No has. All died with msn :D
you can still log in :P
I actually can't. Too much hassle.
I've been playing CS:GO! LoL is ghey :3
come back to ET!:D
Haha Giftedje

still not afraid?
Where did I say "never"? :P All I meant is that we don't currently have any plans for a NC, and if we did end up organizing something like we had at ClanBase, it wouldn't happen any time soon due to a) several cups already running & b) summer coming soon and the FIFA World Cup along with it.

Anyway, good luck with your cup - you will definitely need it.
I'm quite certain that you said somewhere you won't be running one, but I suppose that's a moot point.


Guess you should know who have been busted many times. He also got reported in that irc channel ;)

And to the rest: "Ok"
My team faced that lineup on CG last week. If you think they're cheating, make timestamps and send them to CG admins. You're complaining that I allowed cheaters to play, and giving me a matchlink without specifying even the player you think was cheating.
Don't know if they were, they're just people who were banned for cheating e.g.

anyway gl with the cup
nice one guys gl !
QuoteBrackets published: Wednesday, April 30th

1st Matchweek: Begin-Middle May

If the first match week won't be finished until mid May, when are the finals going to be played? August?

I can't see the tournament working out if you don't schedule it so that it ends before summer holidays etc. start and most players won't be available to play
Maybe a mid-season break is an option? just a suggestion
Poland szcureck told me that the CG finals likely won't be played until mid-May, and it's my opinion that the conflicts of summer can be avoided better than a game being forced while some team has a CG match.

I know the time isn't ideal, but in 2014, I can't imagine ET being taken that seriously - it's some fun games with your friends. There really is no better time for it IMO until next year, with the fall cups coming shortly after summer.
We'll make that it ends before summertime! We're talking about it.. I'll publish the brackets a bit earlier.. Just because the holidays etc.. But i think it'll start first week of May. And there will be no group stage (normally)..
United States of America Foreigner for Team USA captain
United States of America detdet for Team USA captain.
He's captaining Team China
Then it's up to you.
"Captains will be decided by the cup admins after an application process." :DDDDDD

There should be made a quali for the best 6o6 team for each country, like in 3o3. atleast best six players will be representing their country, not best 6 friends of the captain. I'm rly tired of watching fanatic's low+ aiming skills with his buddies in "NC" again.
We dont have time to get qualifiers.. And its not of getting the best aimers of your nation. But best aimers + getting a stable team together :)!
im not following u. u just denied urself saying its not about aimers and then saying it is about aimers in some sense .and if u dont have time for quali then dont even try make NC.
i have time. But the community not :) and this is the only way to make NC possible in 2014 ;)
so "NC" wont be seeing best pl players atm like me and upload. poor NC :(
You can contact the captain if we announce them :)
you might be half decent in 3on3 but sadly you're worthless in 6on6 :)
u got it all backwards my friend
i might be the best 3o3 player atm and one of the best player in 6o6* :)
The issue with this is gathering even two teams of 6 players that are worthy to represent their nation is a difficult task. In Poland, perhaps it's possible, but in United States of America, for example, there aren't more than 8 or 9 players who are near skilled enough to play at that level.
I bet here would be the same situation like in 3o3. there were like 5 countries fighting in qualis. rest was already made because of lack of players or interest. but ur buddy saying u dont have time for it. well what can i say...
Is there anywhere we can see signups or captains who have signed up?
i doubt that you will have enough " decent " team to play this ... 8 to 12 max
ET's activity has decreased all around, but that doesn't mean cups should no longer be run!
did i say that ? u misunderstanding me, i just said that i doubt that u can have enough team nothing else about the cup can be played or not
How do you think you will prevent smurfing?
by choosing someone other than United States of America TheEnd as captain.

e: serious answer, CGAC. Hopefully I'm not wrong in my assumption that it will help us identify players?
You wont have access to anything that would help you identify players.
if it's on CG , it's easy to identify players ? -
It's also easy for people to share accounts and you would be none the wiser.
As was the case with Team USA using Canada anim last year.

With so few skilled players, I'm hopeful that it would be pointed out by the community if there was an issue. We may not have the ability to check IPs ourselves, but I'm sure we could ask a CG admin to check.
I suggest coming up with a solution better than relying on the community or CG to admin your cup otherwise you'll have more smurfing than you did in your NA cup.
The point I'm making here is that there have always been players smurfing. The amount of times that anim alone has done it and not been caught (2006, 2007, I've heard 2012 from a reputable source, and 3 matches in 2013) proves that. I've also heard of several other Americans that have played for Canada and were never caught, so I'm obviously not 100% confident that we're going to be successful. There isn't a fool-proof way of doing it that I, or apparently any other admin in recent ET history has found. That doesn't mean we shouldn't run the cup.

And I wouldn't call requesting IPs from CG admins in the case that an issue does arise relying on them to admin my tournament. Several members of the community knew about the situation with anim last year before CB admins released it to be public - possibly before they were even aware of it. That doesn't mean the admins were doing a bad job, that means it's a difficult task to make sure every player in a cup as large as this is indeed who they say they are.

If you have anything useful to add, rather than flaming me for no reason, I'm open to any suggestions! I notice the lack of flame towards Netherlands timbolina's 3on3 WC using the same method, so my thinking is that this is more of a personal attack, in which case, fuck off.
Save the history lesson, I also play this video game. There is absolutely zero hostility in my reply, but I want to make one thing clear: under no circumstances will a CG admin give you IP addresses of anybody participating in your -- or any other third party cup. That is privileged information that the folks at CG were kind enough to trust us with despite having no reason to do so and we will not give them a reason to regret their decision.

Next time I see timbolina I will inform him he is also doing a bad job, if that makes you feel any better.
A CG admin won't tell us if there's evidence of smurfing?
Quoteunder no circumstances will a CG admin give you IP addresses
I'm missing the point. Is that supposed to me no, you won't let us know if there's evidence of smurfing, or saying that you just won't provide us with IP addresses? If it's the latter, then this is a pointless discussion, and of it's the former then I obviously need to rethink our method.
Quote by Foreigner...requesting IPs from CG admins...

Quote by embarrassed...under no circumstances will a CG admin give you IP addresses...

Come to us on a case-by-case basis when you think there is an issue, sure. Ask for IP addresses, no.
Why won't you guys support this cup?
Holy fuck, are you illiterate?
Well, I may be.
But surly you didn't answer the question anywhere.
If you guys would back this idea up, it would benefit us all.
Surely someone like you can agree with thisobvious statement.
Not sure how I could be more clear:

QuoteCome to us on a case-by-case basis when you think there is an issue, sure. Ask for IP addresses, no.
I didn't tell you that you can request IP's from CG admins. Only have them confirm the person who they say they are is incorrect.
*random flame*
No one forced you to play in our cup.
Good luck with it :-) Its fun to see that some are acctually giving some effort in this game!
Thanks! I hope to see Sweden participating :)
well see :) If its in the middle of the summer it can be hard.
good idea gl with and hf all
but the captains should be voted by the community
gl GiZmOoO :D

whatever you do or chose as captain, there will always be some flamers, just ignore these faggets
We are prepared to get all the flame on us, dont worry! :D
+ 164835138438435416838133548971351384
Rofl at stray applying for germany again haha
stray for RIFLE IN GERMANY!!!!!
shut the fuck up Phil
Good luck
Good luck nice idea!
Chile won't play this shit cup,
And why is this a 'shit' cup?
cool effort!

mida vittu estonia
mida vittu!
gl promien, arnoldi, uploldy etc your time to shine - 2k14 random Like a boss NC
lock's 2nd NC gold incoming?
you seem to be upset?
oh it's a teamviewer lowbie again
You still seem to be upset?
What's the matter? Soon you're back playing with us again.
you should be happy!
Upset? Upset because of a 1 year old CF user, that's fanboying me on every step, somebody who doesn't have any clue what is he talking about? :D pls man stop embarrasing yourself already :D

Also I play 1 game per approximately 3 months, why would I ever play with you? sorry for letting you down but I don't plan to play with you ever and sadly you will never be able to reach the level that is near to mine to even get a chance to meet me on the battlefield.
Not so hard to get your 'level of skill' :D
Yet I haven't met you in either EC Grand Final or NC Grand Final.
Gl Chilax :)
thx captain Netherlands xD
Good luck guys!
Poorly timed probably, mid may starts for tournaments aren't a good idea - especially in a World Cup year, the WC starts June 12th ends July 13th - most gaming scenes will shutdown in europe because of it as he match times are at peak times (18CET-24CET start times.

Best of luck though, but you will be competing with the biggest competition in the world so viewership and participation will likely be hurt a lot.
We just want a NC in 2014. There were still a few people who asked why there was no NC coming in the next weeks/months. So... Here it is! The 6on6 ET NationsCup 2014!

Thanx! & we all know that ET is not the game with every match 500+ viewers :) We just want that the community have some fun in playing ET / Watching ET matches!
He means the actual ET players will prefer watching World Cup rather than play in your NationsCup.
Not trying to be rude or anything, but just cause there wasn't any NC 6on6 cup planned or currently in process, doesnt mean u have to rush and making something not even close to worthy NC. There are so many cups going on, with WC 3on3, CF cup, CG 3on3 and 6on6 cups that at general players are getting to the limit of spare time for all those games, not to mention motivation for majority of players will soon drop down, or simply wont have time to maintain having time for all those games anymore, as lets face it, players have to practise with their own teams, good weather is coming up, final exams are coming soon, most of players will rather focus on that, not to mention World Cup is approaching as well.

Having no NC until this time, is not something to be worried, there's still over half year left and can be done anytime from september onwards, when the actual rythm of players gets somehow back to normal phase, of starting school, weather tends to get lousy and so on.

Good luck on it tho, if u still tend to procceed with it.
you will likely not have a lot of players sign up either due to the world cup, or at least face big delays as well. anyone who starts a cup that doesnt finish before june 12th will face big problems.
Nice, good initiative. NC is always nice.
But I think you guys should have waited until at least September.
this. the timing of CF NC 2008 was really nice, and had been the first time NC was held around ~Autumn time for years after CB stopped doing two annual NC seasons. signup stage and whatnot at the end of August to the first week of September and then groups etc beginning, that would be great.
Close, it was actually basically over Summer, ended before Autumn hit :D but ET moar active back then
true an NC in summer wouldn't be possible now considering the most skilled players are much older and plenty of them avoid playing in summer now for obvious reasons. but the cup I was talking about: "signup stage and whatnot at the end of August to the first week of September and then groups etc beginning, that would be great." would work out just fine imo! september is a good month to play for a lot of people but cups don't start at that time anymore, which they should. :D
I agree, CF NC was very nice.
Col wont be participating , not enough active players atm, would be better by the end of the year imo..
there are only a few players from switzerland having ET on their hd. NC in autumn would be a good idea.
my german teacher was from switzerland. can i play for ch?
meinetwegen gerne!
Does that mean you won't be fielding a lineup, or you will still attempt to?
i pmed several players but it doesnt look that promising
Buzzer where y'at :(
avi for Hungary

EDiT: Don't do it. This has to be the least serious NC I've ever seen in ET's history. Feels like a one day cup announcement. I know you want to do good for the community, but this won't be your turn. Invest more time into planning it, make questionnaires with the community about the rules / methods / times concerning the cup, and last but not least get a proper logo.
Sebi, this is not the last Newspost of NC :) its just the announcement, look at previous NC announcements ,, there is nothing more than this newspost. More info coming soon! With rules/methods/times//captains/lineups
And as team USA goes from first to worst under foreigner's rule, the true undefeated USA team that should play this year shall sit back COUNTIN THESE BANJAMINS
I don't intend to be captain of Team USA. There are quite a few people who could be a good captain for Team USA, and I don't intend to be one of them. Also Team UK would've held you in spawn.
by your rule i meant your great ability to analyze who's actually good and then pick a worthy captain. i guarantee you won't pick an actual good player. one of your butt buddies shall do.
So what you're saying is that I won't pick you/TheEnd/joker because you're all retarded and have no ability whatsoever to manage a team? Yes. United States of America detdet or United States of America Ceres would be good captains, though, and I'm not particularly good friends with either of them.
detdet? has he even played in any high level matches? no. nice guy, but just facts.

ceres? lol, i'd be pretty surprised if he would even accept the job if you begged him to do it. With the people who are playing in usa now, he knows it's a waste of time.

basically, unless you combine usa and canada and allow us to play together, you might as well not even bother with canada or usa being in the tournament.

ceres, end, joker, anim, kardon, monkey, bdmatt would be the only team even worth putting in the tournament. otherwise, total waste of time on everyone's side.
You do know that detdet is sandbag? I mean, he's never played EC, but he's carried you in plenty of matches back in DNA and some 3on3s, in addition to playing more matches against skilled players than you have recently.

Ceres probably wouldn't take the job even though the same lineup as last year, with detdet in for anim, could be used. and monkey would never play with half of the people on that lineup anyway. Combining Team USA with Team Canada is completely out of the question. This is a nationscup, where you're supposed to play for your nation - not continent.
carried me? fuck. me and anim taught him how to 3v3 back in 08-09. wtf is DNA? a team? ugh you're oblivious. ofc he's played more matches than me recently, i haven't played a scrim, match, or pub since august when i tried the game out a few times to test my new computer. just like ceres said, we come back for one month of the year to decimate idiots.

sandbag became a good 3v3 teammate but was never up to the level of NC 6v6. And it's not the continent you fucktard, it's only two countries out of 23 in NA. So how bout instead of having two shit teams that will go nowhere you let us have one good team that can put up some good matches and get some viewers.

Logic. Not hard.
How many of those 23 nations in NA play ET, aside from Canada? Mexico Sevenup and the Colombians, none of which have ever played at a high level? There are certainly none that you would consider good enough to be playing for Team USA, so for all intents and purposes, we can consider that to be team NA.

What's the justification in letting USA and Canada compete in the same team for NC though? There are countries that literally cannot field 6 players, and they're not able to use players from other countries. The reason is because you want six good players, and while you have every reason to want the best lineup possible, that is not justification for allowing a Canadian to play on Team USA. How about bape, the one who was originally in the Team USA newspost and was available for those matches? How about the real ppE (who was online all the time during last year's Team USA)? Or alea, Tupac, and godfather, who all played at least one match with Team USA?

The bottom line is that there is no justification for Team USA being allowed the use of anim, or any other player that has no connections to the United States, and it will not be allowed in my cup.
good luck kid. it's pretty easy to see you're going to crumble. you're weak, get money, get laid, and learn to be a man. i feel bad for you.
thanks for the good luck! :)
Quoteme and anim taught him how to 3v3 back in 08-09.

u wot m8?
scuse me nigga, 1v1 awp_india
you didn't really face any strong opponents in the last NC so it's not really fair to call the team undefeated. if you'd beaten one of the top tier teams like NL/PL/DE/UK then it would have been impressive but even then, all of the matches you did play and win were played with anim smurfing. I know you're trolling but still. :D
He's not even trolling :s
so all of a sudden estonia or sweden aren't top tier anymore. ok. we might not have been #1 last season, but we were undefeated with the ping disadvantages (and i hope you don't think it's an advantage).
considering antilag and the fact that you've all played on that ping for 10 years when neccessary (quite often, no?) I wouldn't say it's the biggest possible disadvantage. it's crazy for europeans who've all played on 48-100 ping max for the last 10 years, but NA players know how to play with that ping after so long.

also: Estonia with sCope & MCLEOd don't qualify as a top nation, imo. especially that they didn't have Night playing. Sweden are also pretty weak when playing without nuggan (which they did against you) + using newbje who hasn't played in a team for like 5 years? then let's not forget lelle, who played in that same match, has little to no ET experience and has pretty much only played RtCW for as long as I can remember.

then there's Weslann, someone that new to topscene doesn't really have much to offer besides some random aim moments. both nations you beat would've never beaten another top nation without their strongest available lineups. :P (which you didn't face, and you faced every nation with anim. you don't really qualify as "USA" when using a foreigner).

tl;dr - I've seen some good wins by USA over the years and that doesn't include the ones where they used a merc, or where they beat weak NC squads.
Just because we've had to play handicapped since forever doesn't make it any less of a handicap. Consider a blind person. Will they be less handicapped blind 10 years from now?
Terrible analogy, a person who has been blind for 10 years is way more functional than somebody who is newly blind.

... NC matches were usually played on neutral servers anyway.
That's exactly my point. The person adapts yes, but that doesn't change the fact that THAT NIGGA BLIND STILL
I hope you are not serious. Edit: I can safely assume you are an idiot if you are being serious with that post.
why's that? do you feel it's ok to play with one of the most experienced and active canadian players, in team USA? he's got pretty good experience in the highskilled EU scene too so it's not like you used some random guy who's just a good aimer.

if you're talking about my ping paragraph: apologies as I'm probably wrong (can't relate much to it) but with antilag I've seen some NA players hitting the same as on low ping (eg. rockstar).
Really? Where should I begin.

"Estonia with sCope & MCLEOd don't qualify as a top nation"

Seriously? You really had to say that? Does USA with a fully inactive players qualify as a top nation or something? Do you even understand that ever since like 2008, team USA consists of players that get together for NC and then don't touch ET for another year. How can you even think that comparing fully inactive players to players that play hours long daily is a good idea? Not only that, but you present those fully inactive players as players with tons of playtime, experience and god knows what. The only ones with experience on team USA would be me, anim, and bdmatt. Not to mention, that experience is from like 2006-2008 as well. It doesn't even matter in 2013+ especially when you quit every year and come back for NC to play for a month.

"Sweden are also pretty weak when playing without nuggan (which they did against you) + using newbje who hasn't played in a team for like 5 years? then let's not forget lelle, who played in that same match, has little to no ET experience and has pretty much only played RtCW for as long as I can remember."

Same answer as above. You start making excuses how they play with bad players, bla bla. They lost to TUPAC. Then wanted the match to be replayed so they can win. Used someone that is NOT allowed to play. Yes, so did we but they had to get rid of their smurf as well. That didn't matter to the retarded admin but that's a different story. And again, you made some random excuses for sweden because their players are inexperienced? Who on team USA do you consider experienced? Inactives End, Kardon, Joker, TUPAC, godfather (yes, he does have experience from 2007)? Or the other fully inactive players Ceres and bdmatt? Understand that we are talking about people that haven't touched the game for a year and come back for NC then disappear again. How can you even think comparing them (us) to people that play (played at the time) 7+ hours a day is even close to smart? It's easy when you apply your logic to only one of both sides, I know. Please don't ever do that stupid shit again.

"considering antilag and the fact that you've all played on that ping for 10 years when neccessary (quite often, no?) I wouldn't say it's the biggest possible disadvantage. it's crazy for europeans who've all played on 48-100 ping max for the last 10 years, but NA players know how to play with that ping after so long."

You are just an idiot when talking about antilag and pings. Again, you are making a comparison as if people from NA play this game on a daily basis and compete. This is not League of Legends. We don't play. Period. Even if we did, even if we played everyday, 148+ ping (some people ping 200+) is not something you get used to. Are you retarded or something? You don't actually know that we did a few scrims vs European teams (that claimed what you are claiming) on NA servers and after holding them in spawn for a few minutes they would disconnect because OMG I PLAY THIS GAME 10 HOURS A DAY BUT THIS LAGS TOO MUCH.
Don't you ever try to say that you can get used to a higher ping. You can play with it because you have no other options (Like Chileans ) but you don't get used to shit.

"do you feel it's ok to play with one of the most experienced and active canadian players, in team USA?"

To be completely honest, I really don't care. Neither does anyone from team USA. Anim has played for USA tons of times like USA players, including me, have played for Canada. Btw, other teams have smurfed as well, GER and FRA come to mind. They were just never caught. So, don't give me all the crap about omg you shouldn't have other players playing for your nation. Please, look at how zerender played for whoever he wanted and whenever he wanted or fireball, or maybe hummel. At least we had balls and did it consistently. Do you really think End will go out of his way to find a 6th player, that nobody knows, to play with us when we have no community nor enough players? We played to have fun and beat some teams because everyone we beat was so furious after all the shit talking they did before the matches. Especially the baddies from sweden. Losing to TUPAC when they practiced 6+ hours on average daily, oh god.

Oh, almost forgot. Kardon is correct. We are/were undefeated. It's a simple definition. Look it up.

Reply if you want to but you better think about what you have to say. Don't give me any of that ping advantage crap.
I think the point is that while you aren't claiming USA to be a top nation, kARDON was. USA did very well with the circumstances of our community, but the matches you guys won aren't evidence that USA was the #1 team in this game. Also, I highly doubt anyone plays this for more than a few hours per day. Certainly not skilled players and teams.

Edit: I totally agree about the ping though. I've seen demos where American mixes with lows and some decent players are beating euro mixes full of highskillers. Excel vs mamut and 8bits is more proof of that.
Kardon is saying we were/are undefeated which is correct. His last reply is" we might not have been #1 last season, but we were undefeated with the ping disadvantages (and i hope you don't think it's an advantage)."
"so all of a sudden estonia or sweden aren't top tier anymore. ok. we might not have been #1 last season, but we were undefeated with the ping disadvantages (and i hope you don't think it's an advantage)."

i think you honestly have a tumor
QuoteHow can you even think that comparing fully inactive players to players that play hours long daily is a good idea?

because there aren't actually that many people who play as much as you're claiming? do you seriously think the ET scene in europe was crazy active in 2013?

QuoteSame answer as above. You start making excuses how they play with bad players, bla bla. They lost to TUPAC.

exactly..? that's pretty much what I said, they were weak.

QuoteHow can you even think comparing them (us) to people that play (played at the time) 7+ hours a day is even close to smart?

the fact that you even believe the Swedish NC team played ET actively is a joke in itself. I mean I know you feel the need to insult people when in a discussion such as this, but you could at least be serious with the minor details.

QuotePlease, look at how zerender played for whoever he wanted and whenever he wanted or fireball, or maybe hummel. At least we had balls and did it consistently.

zerender and humM3L only ever played for Russia. never (even in the CF NC & WC 2007) did they play for Germany. Fireball was also never allowed to represent Turkey as he played for Germany first. as for other nations smurfing, I know some did do it, I can't see how that justifies anything? you speak of my flawed logic when you seem to be facing your own here.

Quote You don't actually know that we did a few scrims vs European teams (that claimed what you are claiming) on NA servers and after holding them in spawn for a few minutes they would disconnect

yes, precisely, you pretty much just proved the point that people who've little to no experience playing with high ping will get raped in comparison to those who've had to play with high ping for years.

QuoteEspecially the baddies from sweden. Losing to TUPAC when they practiced 6+ hours on average daily, oh god.

once again this is just pure bitterness, I've already agreed that they were weak but there's just no chance they practiced even close to daily.

QuoteDon't give me any of that ping advantage crap.

I didn't say it's an advantage, at all. not even once.

*ps* it's so strange to me that I managed to reply to kardon, with no hostility nor flame received and from you in a totally normal informative discussion (truly, I'm actually interested because I didn't involve myself in the arguments in 2013) you managed to call me an idiot/retard/stupid consistently throughout the whole thing. before you do say it, I'm not biased against USA so at least make the attempt to not take my comment as a 1v1 valhalla challenge.
I am calling you an idiot because you are commenting on things you know nothing about. Not only that, you continue to believe yourself and that everything you say is correct.

Do I think the scene was active? I was there... I could see what teams were always on and playing. I am not throwing numbers out there for no reason.

As for the discussion of players playing for other countries. Lol, I guess you weren't there and you don't know. Simple as that. I mentioned those players for a reason. I'll leave it there.

As for the ping comment... wow, I don't want to call you an idiot again. That would be too much.

Generally, I rarely post on here. However, I have to do it when I read complete and utter bullshit. You CAN post whatever you want to but that doesn't mean that you HAVE to do it. If you don't know, then just leave it be and don't try to push your dumb thoughts onto others.

People getting used to high ping... wow.
QuoteNot only that, you continue to believe yourself and that everything you say is correct.

right, and then you continue to say "I am not throwing numbers out there for no reason." - you said the swedish team were individually as active as 7h+ per day. :D you also said they practiced 6h a day together, it's just a joke and an attempt to insult people who undoubtedly didn't play that much at all.

also: zerender and humM3L were never allowed to play for Germany. if you're hell bent on proving me wrong, provide me with a game link where they actually played. then and only then will you know you're right, because I remember zerender clearly saying the rules forbid him to play for the team.

in regards to ping, I won't even bother because you'll never let up on that even in the slightest. "can't get used to high ping" - ok. :D
Like I already said, you are an idiot.
when I was living in germany I played with 50 ping compared to the 200 ping I usually get in colombia, tbh same fucking shit. I have also played with 250 ping when my isp was shit and even 300 waaay back then when my isp was total garbage.
I have played with every ping in this game, and I can say that people who whine about ping is really sad, just an excuse they use when they suck or get owned. You only get to feel a real difference/disadvantage when the ping goes above 260 imo, and that is not because you hit less but because you cant run as fast as you do with 50, 100, 150 , 200 or 250 or it "feels" that way, it feels like you go a lot slower and the bullets chase you behind walls..so that is a thing.
Anything over 260 is a disadvantage in my opinion, but even so you can get used to it and be decent (for example those japanese players "back then" and some australian players as well).

Whining over a 148 ping is really sad, that ping is the fucking same as playing with 48 ping in ET (if stable! ) I also find really sad when I go to an european server rape some european players and they start calling us unhit....get head and etc whine, then we invite them to play the same scrim in an american server , same result then they start whining that they cant hit shit and they lag, hahaha well the ping whine in this community/game is really sad and I had to say it. Also the usa vs swe discussion is also retarded, they used a non-american player thats the end of it.
yeah, we get used to it. but that's like getting used to having one leg. YOU STILL HAVE ONE FUCKING LEG. i truly don't understand what's so hard to grasp about that concept
that's all I said. I didn't say you get so used to it that it doesn't exist (or that it becomes easy), but you still get used to it. that doesn't mean suddenly the ping doesn't matter at all or that it's no longer a disadvantage.
ok. in that case then i nominate your comments about ping for the award of most pointless comment.
the issue here is how it was interpreted, if Ceres maybe just read it he wouldn't have got so pissed at nothing.

Quoteconsidering antilag and the fact that you've all played on that ping for 10 years when neccessary (quite often, no?) I wouldn't say it's the biggest possible disadvantage.

all I was trying to say is that NA players find it easier to play on high ping than EU players do because of having to play on high ping servers for so long. my point wasn't pointless, you guys were just expecting it to mean "high ping isn't a problem" when that's not what I wrote at all. :D
i would say you be dumbdumb and that it is the biggest possible disadvantage. i mean, if it's not that important, just practice a little on NA servers and then we'll have a 6v6. np.
I don't get what you guys are trying to imply, over and over again. Europeans have played on NA servers, in both ET and RtCW without antilag, the outcome is always the same. Ping is a disadvantage, surely, but not something game breaking, not in ET. You get used to it, people that are actually good at the game, still do well, people that aren't, don't. It changes nothing, period. While it may be harder with a bit of a delay, it also presents plenty of advantages for the higher ping bearer just as much, argue as you will, but hitboxes and antilag can work massively in your favor. You guys are trying to argue that if you were to play on NA servers, with the euros having 150 ping you'd automatically turn into a top5 or better team, reality is, you'd still be placed at the exact same spot you're at now. There are, apart from a very minor few exceptions, no good players in NA. Those that are, do well on EU and have done well in the past.
I tried to read all, but almost passed out so ill just comment on this.

I play with NA players alot even tho im Finnish, its not even hard to get used to higher ping, for me atleast, while i played on NA servers with them. my normal ping has been 98 for like the past 10years. BUT it is indeed very hard to stay focused while some retard (read: ipod) is bouncing around happy for his 48ping moving like he has a fucking tornado up his ass while its 5am and im at 200ping spotting him later. But yeah, usually played with that ping during night/early morning so i dont know if that makes my brain work like 200ping too
you play with 200 or 148?
200 usually, 148 is piece of cake since I sometimes get 120 or 140 in EU servers too when laggy :D
98 IS NOT 148 or 200+. Not to mention, I am talking about competitive play here.
he said his ping is 98 normally, meaning on EU servers (like plenty of Finns & Estonians) and that on US servers he has to get used to 200 ping.
what artstar said

and while at that hour its not very serious gaming for me, it is more serious to rest of the people playing in day time with good pings so I gotta try to keep up with them.
I think you are talking about a public play. If that's the case, that's a whole different kind of animal.
yeah, except you aren't playing against the best players in the world. HURP FUCKING DURP.
oh pls
ipod > dignitas
I play with 350+ ping all the time (being from Australia) and am certain you can get used to it. It sucks bad but you do get used to it.
I doubted for a moment but I asked people I was on TS with at the time and even in RTCW (no antilag) we all agreed that we pretty much got used to playing mixes on the NA servers a bit over a year ago..
Last couple of RtCW cups having to play 350 on OSP is just impossible lol! Need a shrub cup where we can actually aim :D
yeah well in rtcw I think the max ping I reached was like 200 but that was on some crazy far away server. since there's no antilag there it's much harder to get used to. :<
I've played against your best players when they pinged 350+. They didn't get used to shit but you are telling me you got used to it? What teams do you play for? Link me to some matches please.
Did they tell you that did they? I'm sure they did get used to it, most of them even call it an advantage which is just stupid. I haven't played as much high ping on ET but from what I have (even on pub) you learn to adapt to it mate, fact. On RtCW I played a good 5-6 years with 250-300 ping ONLY, as the only servers were NA. And yes RtCW is the same shit.

Link you to some matches? I can do but what does that prove?
you and your entire country is shit. hope a giant kangaroo eats your family.
A yank calling Australia shit, haaaaha.
i'm sorry. how many world wars have you won?
LMFAO that's it that's the whole thread right there i cant stop laughing
when top teams got dominated by me anim and phyzic in the infamous ETProLeague tournament which was hosted on NA servers we fucking decimated losing only to the players of fintastic 5 at the time. we fucking wrecked everyone (besides them, they were quite good lol)

I guess you meant these? those are some nice wins indeed but again you're exaggerating with these words like DECIMATED. these were like 2nd tier 3on3 teams in 2008/2009, neither of them would've even been near the top of the 3o3 scene (which was pretty active at the time). dispo were like a B team to wings (nuggan, jonas & co), who were actually a top 3o3 team. no doubt you did get some nice wins but this dominated stuff is just inaccurate.
also quite strong since the PHA players were added (KareN etc). but I think they're really inconsistent and I don't know what causes that. :D
atmosphere :P
+1 and no snatix = no win :D
ceres best rifle NA apparently :( time to leave this game
Do you have something you want to say to me?
nothing agaisnt u brotha ur number 1 people say so its fine I will go forward with it :P
Didn't think so. Grow some balls.
"If this will be needed to prevent azpliqueta from playing under >> tag, then yes." xd
oh gosh, this must be fanam8 and his low+ aiming skills
why don't you apply?
Upload (medic reviver)
wassabi (polish eujen)
Arnold (agressive medic)
promen (field ops junky shoots everywhere no need to be brained)
Silent (medic reviver/agressive according to the situation)
random 6th rifle

only silent worthy for 6on6, rest should be playing 3on3
with this lineup we would beat fanatic's buddies without any problems but like i heard admins dont have time for qualis and none of these guys including me would have chance to get a captain spot so no need to apply even.
you guys should do that showmatch for NC, team fanatic vs team sw1ruz
Nice game I guess
especially now when almost nobody from our lineups from last 2 ncs plays this game anymore. they wouldn't even have stood a chance against us while we actually did prac.
fanam8 scared :/
ahaha twidi nice idea
fanam8 scared :/
Quotenone of these guys including me would have chance to get a captain spot so no need to apply even.

why?? few comments above I read that you are the best pl player, why wouldn't they take you as captain?? I thought you guys are the best, aren't you??

oh wait all of you are fucking randoms that can't even be compared with anyone from "my buddies" (except s1LENT dunno why he's even there with those 4 mongols)
those randoms won vs ur buddies lately 3 times in a row and i heard they were so upset that they even hired a therapist to get rid of depression.
get azpiliqueta as rifler.. oh wait :DDDD

or just me xD
ill ask him but dunno. lately he hasnt given any sign of life...
fail... but wish you luck anyway
In fairness, its getting a pretty huge response and signups considering how "dead" this game is
you're welcome
avi cpt team poland
much fatness country guys doing so much drama :$$$
..<!>.. ET IS ALIVE ..<!>..
avi 4 germany #cAshy
scow too :'D
i hope ur being sarcastic with that application.
is there even any danes left in this game?
ITT: Americans that cannot converse without insulting each other.
You're saying this as if it only happens to the Americans
I bet you make terrible poutines.
rather that than not being able to live together and having world wars start over not getting into art school like over in europe.

Murica <3
ill fuking rekt u i swear on me mums life
Avi as Capitan Team Poland.
You can apply here and send a PM on cf to United States of America Foreigner or me.
avi as Captain Poland Poland !
Damn, Americans are so passionate about Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.
I know, right?!
who the fuck is cashy and why does he want to play in team ger? lol
I will coach GER (not play). 2ez4us
u can actually do it I guess, since I see u playing some 6v6's on Sunday with Forward? And this cup is Sundays only :--)
It's not sundays only :) but....
Ohurcool is still a virgin.
If Vein benches every active player in USA including himself and starts bots they will do better because they fucking suck.
Undefeated Undisputed Team USA back to back world war champs.
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