6on6 NationsCup 2014: Captains Announced

At the time that this post is being written, we’ve received 44 applications from 20 different countries.

After nearly a week for community members to apply as captain, and some time for the admin crew to reflect on the potential captains, we are pleased to announce the 6on6 NationsCup 2014 captains!

image: 2gtnrsg

Our reasoning for selecting the captains we did can be found by clicking on the name of the specific captain you’re curious about.

AustraliaAustralia - MiDAS was the only candidate to apply.
AustriaAustria - DonMatthias has been captain for several years.
BelgiumBelgium -
CanadaCanada - Tomun has experience managing teams successfully, and has received several votes from the Canadian community, while his opponent, embarrassed, received none.
ChileChile -
Czech RepublicCzech Republic - Support for Malfoy among the Czech community has proved to be huge: we received more messages in support of Malfoy, from top Czech players, than every candidate from most nations combined. In addition, he's proved himself in the past to be a solid team manager and we trust that he'll do a great job.
EstoniaEstonia - sCope has been captain for several years.
FinlandFinland - Finland was a tough decision for us, with two very strong candidates in twidi and Swanidius. We decided, however, to go with twidi for one main reason: twidi has always been active among the highskilled community, and has proven himself to be both a mature and logical player who reacts in a way expected from captains. More than that, we've received several PMs in support of twidi, while we've received none for any other candidate from Finland.
FranceFrance - yokoo was the only candidate to apply.
GermanyGermany - We received many PMs from skilled Germans in support of Oxy, while we only received one supporting stray.
HungaryHungary - sebi has proved himself to be a reliable captain for the last several years and is possibly the only one who can bring back old Hungarians.
IcelandIceland - phyZiC and rNz will be co-captains.
NetherlandsNetherlands - Timbolina has proved his ability to manage a team countless times and is certainly the most active of the candidates who applied for the Netherlands.
PolandPoland - fanatic is the only one of the candidates who applied that has both the ability to run a team and connections to many skilled Polish players.
PortugalPortugal - setuper is the most active candidate that applied to become captain of Portugal and has proved his ability run a team countless times.
RomaniaRomania - Stary was the only candidate to apply. And proved his ability to field a lineup in 2013.
SwedenSweden - tornis and olpen are both good candidates, but we decided to go with the trusted in this case and go with tornis, who's been captain of Sweden for many years and proved his ability to consistently field a team among such a small community.
SwitzerlandSwitzerland - Aquila was the only candidate to apply.
United KingdomUnited Kingdom -
United States of AmericaUSA - vein was the only candidate for the captain of Team USA that we feel would be reliable and mature enough to manage the team.

Notes to the captains:

• Can all captains please idle #LIKEABOSS when possible, and can be recognised via +av
• Captains must issue their lineup by Sunday, April 20th
• All your players must have CGAC! You can download it here!
• You still can add players troughout the tournament, but they have to be added before the game starts.

Info about Sign-ups is coming soon!


Lineups finalised: Sunday, April 20th
Brackets published: Monday, April 21th

Start 1st Matchweek: Monday, April 28th
More specific info about the matchweek dates is coming soon!

Additional information:

• The tournament will use a double-elimination bracket, which will be released on Monday, April 21th. Seeds will be done by consulting neutral members of the community who are knowledgeable, after lineups are released.
• Any questions should be directed to United States of AmericaForeigner or BelgiumChilAx on irc at #LIKEABOSS.

Good luck!


Belgium ChilAx
United States of America Foreigner


Announcement post
Seeking showmatch participants
Kamz xD bronze medal shining worked like a charm

gl to all but romania
testi & robert, Click on his name for the reason.
Yeah, i saw already! Was more suprised that he signed up:)
I don't care for your reason, I remember the way he applied xD
nice :)
gl to all nations :)
we've received several PMs in support of...
We received many PMs from skilled....

Guys this wasnt supposed to be voting!

propaganda... propaganda everywhere!!!!!!!!!111

GL FinlandJuuti ;)
the Captain choice is not based on the PM's only.
wasnt my point!
gg fanam8 & vein will carry :D
thanks and gl to all!

p.s. kto avi do repry to poprosze o pm. rozpatrze kazda(!) propozycje!
gl mate :P keep it clean
avi huehuehue
gl timbo;)
Fuck me, Hype and Tornis STILL NC captains, crazy.

On a side not (not sure how much the scene has changed), how many times do Tornis and co have to fail at the group stages before sweden finally choose a new captain for an nc?
Sweden did pretty good last year,

( a few forfeit wins but won vs germany )
sweden has NEVER in all the years failed the group stage. one year we gave our qualification spot to portugal, even though we had already qualified for the finals.
we didnt get any apply for a Slovenia captain. But new nations are still welcome!
We do not have enough players for 6on6 anyway, maybe we could get players for 3on3 but hardly. Im not really active, i would come back for 3on3 nations cup tho but I dont believe anyone is up for it.
thought that there are ~8 active Slovenia players
thanks for the confidence, looking forward to do my best!
Gl all the captains and nations!
ahahah vein getttem son!

and kamz wtf are you doing you dirty brown goblin
He's back for the lowest NC ever, so he may actually win it :D
thank god malfoy has won it :D

PS: bring it home rNz<3
Timbolina obviously does loads for this game, but surely aphesia would have been a better choice purely based on the fact he would be able to come up with a stronger lineup?
Was hard decision. But we asked several people about aphesia-timbolina. Timbolina is surely the best option. Timbolina proofed also that he's a beast in managing. I'm sure he'll get a good LU (activity + experience).
who did ya ask?
I've received some PM's from the netherlands (but we didn't even ask that) but all of them were positive about timbolina etc. I'm sure we made the best decision.
PMs from kapot?
Haha, he's not the only one. But doesn't matter.
you didn't ask me about timbo + aphesia. :P if you had, I'd have said aphesia.
oh, it was you about that other nations.
But i've asked enough to confirm to pick timbolina
I'm sure timbolina will put together a great lineup maybe even bring back xperia & co ? anyway we'll see
I hope he gets some good skillers back, but anybody apart from xperia would be great.
lampje saken xperia squid and you name 2 more
maybe tekoa :D he showed some signs of activity

edit: or jallla + joshua
meh, need some active players if they wanna win something , for 1 time. + xperia fucked up last 2 NC's for NL because of his ego.
A base of squid, lightning, aphesia & lampje would fit best.
Active players u say?

I think you mad coz twidi
why should he be mad about that?
Based on TAG noshowing its first match, wildcarding the second, and dropping out of the cup at the third, I don't trust him.
You do realize you actually need 6 players to be able to play, do you? Just because TAG was not able to field 6 players does not mean aphesia himself is at fault. In fact, he has been pretty reliable and active for a long time (he plays almost daily).
That only adds to my point. It wasnt a matter of his team not showing up, he didnt even have six eligible players on the roster. Yet I never saw him make a post on Crossfire looking for players. And I get the feeling that they only wanted to play with people they already knew, but when sign up for a cup, it's expected from me at least that you do what it takes to field players. He didnt answer me several times on irc about the match my team had against him, despite being online, and the first time he answered me was the day of the match.

Defend it however you want, the bottom line is that when faced with two choices timbolina and aphesia, it's not such a difficult choice.
Ye he's active, so i hope he's in teamNL(100% he will ) he can lead team NL ingame, but managing is timbolina better! and i'm sure they should get the same players.
aphesia is not leading TAG. TAG is Lightnings team... kinda unfair choice tbh
I messaged aphesia at the start of the cup and asked who TAG's captain was. He told me that he was.

e: regardless, I can't see why picking Netherlands timbolina will be an issue. aphesia will likely be in his lineup, from the talks I've had with him, and he's obviously one of the most reliable players in this game when it comes to managing.
I guess everyone knows that actually. I guess he was the person who signed the team for that cup. Blaming him only for one cup? ... What ever :D guess timbo will also do his job
I don't have any other experience with aphesia, and as ChilAx has said, it wasn't based only on this cup. Everyone we talked to said that timbolina would be the best captain.
hopefully we don't see any 3on3 heroes in timbolina's lineup then, that's the only thing I'm unsure about.
I never said picking Timbolina was a bad choice - only time will tell. But the reasoning presented to broad public is partly wrong/inaccurate (activity - coincidentally I am idling in separate channels with both of them, and aphesia is more active one without a doubt).
Your point was not exactly fair either (and you said it yourself, that you don't any other experience with him) - as I said, you need 6 players - you can have 7 men lineup before the cup starts, but if 3-4 of them drop out just as it starts, there is so much you can do. Aphesia is co-captain of TAG with Light for a long time, if I am not mistakin this was the first, maybe second, time TAG actually didn't finish a long-time league (and there were a lot of players dropping out last season as well). And that is quite impressive considering the in-and-out flow of players in TAG.

So once again - I don't think that Timbo is gonna be a bad captain, but maybe it will be for the best if captain focuses solely on managing and not playing (I assume he won't put himself in the lineup :) ).
Indeed - only time will tell. Hopefully it turns out well!
tomun racist captain please remove
Mad because French.

e: Fix your CGAC!
i will try reinstall this sunday, maybe the update fixed it
I will campaign with equality next year. #embarrassed 2015: he loves French people.
you also need to include that you love black people if you want rito's vote
Whoa whoa whoa, let's not get ahead of ourselves now...
u two are cunts :D
I recall at least one you mentionning you hated french canadians.
This campain is a lie.
Nope, perhaps I called you a dirty grenouille but that doesn't mean I hate all of you.
You got my vote for learning a french word.
turkey would have won
QuotexAeee was the only candidate to apply.

Amazing :o

Quotefanatic is the only one of the candidates who applied that has both the ability to run a team and connections to many skilled Polish players.

I giggled :D
I'm sure if xAeee didnt apply, that buzzer would do it. He just don't have the time to manage belgium this year.

+ xAeee will be a good captain
and where are you? giggled so hard :D
To low for this.
I need a 'skillboost' to participate in this, or your 'skills'.
you should've applied :(
You didn't talk to razz :(

i mean i'm much more experienced and so used to this position :Oo

U guys might make me quit my life :/

E: still avi to carry the team as madfragger, contact only possible via my manager scatman_! U can find him at the german eps in cs:go
and 90% of the former Team Germany members refuse to play under you again.
O'rly? :( im pretty sure 90% of the former lineup cant even play :D

AND u guys are telling bullshit! Kevji kiwi fireball gross scatman wodka blade and flop didnt say any bullshit! And u know im right! My apply was a big troll and im pretty sure u did the right job with picking oxy! He is the only skilled german left whos able to field a lineup which can take abit out of the cup! Even if u had picked me i would not have accepted that pick and thats what i told everyone :)! I did a bad job last year managing the games and praccs! And thats what would happen again this year! I wish you gl with the cup and a big GL to Oxy!

But still its a big shame you guys are lieing around here and saying bullshit and thats what shouldn't happen if u guys wanna have a good success with the cup! Don't even react to trolls or what ever, that just makes u more unrespectable!
Well... Seems we obviously did the right job!

& thx
u did! but u still show at some points that u don't know the community with their trolls and so on! i wasnt active at this game/site for more than a year so how could my apply be serious, even if u read my apply u should see that im trolling but well bad behaviour from me tho! BUT THATS CF AND ET!
But you're the man whos coming back for the NC's and get a strong lu.
stray could have gotten back most of the germans yes even if people dont like his behaviour :P
I guess im the best option to get strong players back for this NC but the point is that even if they wanna play they had so big changes in their life that they dont even CAN play.

for example krest and blade! I'm not so sure about krest but if I'm right he/s started/starting his career at the army and cant play actively cuz of this!
Blade for example finished his formation last year and has some weeks where he can't even be home. and that sometimes over months and so...
could continue this list with others but cba to do that now!

The only possible lineup which could archieve something imo is: gross kevji kiwi stownage/wodka/silent and maybe oxy! OFC this lu is far away from the lineups germany had before but still it's enough nowadays to get a good result with!

Still I would offer my help to Oxy if he needs some to contact some and try the best to motivate them!
Nice man! Ye, contact Oxy maybe. or Oxy will contact you(but i'm not sure if he knows that you'll help him for contacts or smth) but i know Oxy can do it on his own.

And ye, also talked to Kresti,, he's at the army atm. He was leaving at begin april.
unless you can convince butchji to step down from his new position as self-declared indie movie critic, get kresti kicked out of the army and have blade tied to his chair, I don't think there will be any need, but thanks nonetheless.

Your suggested lineup isn't too far off from what stownage and I had in mind.
callvote pick mental F1 "yes" F2 "no" :D good luck mate!
or maybe take active guys? why taking players who barely played a game in months?
Cuz they are still far better than any active german left here ? :o no offense but thats sadly true and all active germans left never played on a good level so hope u underdtand that
oh i didnt know that Team Germany must win every match and need highskillers like Scatman in the Team.

thats fucking bullshit... take some active Germans like s1LENT, Stownage, Kenji or even gr0ss...

maybe we should ask Löw to bring back Oli Kahn and co just for the Worldcup cause our Roster can't barely win a match without getting 10 goals h3h3
Your analogy is pointless. If there were an active community, with decent players left, and plenty of options for me to pick from, maybe, it might just fit, but in ET's current state? No.
A NationsCup is supposed to be prestige, isn't it? Field your nation's best possible roster in order to compete against other nations, isn't that the sole purpose to begin with, what point would it serve to play with your B or in this case even C team? :)

We all saw how well it worked for finland, last season. Taking active players over the available, skilled players, swani ended up taking players, while the likes of twidi, iron and lepari were willing to play. They ended up in the worst placement in all NCs, since... ever? Active doesn't equal good, or skilled.

I have 7 players already, this doesn't mean, given my core lineup, that players like butchji, blade or kresti wouldn't be a perfect fit. They simply excel at what others don't, there's no arguing that, so why get in a hissy fit when their names are being mentioned?

for me its like this: pick the best Roster from the active Players pool.. not from some players who only play NC and dont even care for this game anymore.. so they can get 4-5 matches...

but nvm... you should get biqq, hatred and co aswell..
Iron at least wasn't available. Otherwise I would've never landed the rifle spot.

Also it doesn't help we didn't practice at all, we only played officials. I am quite sure Swani/vokki/crittie played 3s or something like that but we didn't practice single time during NC excluding warm-up games. I might come out as a desperate to explain myself but it is just harsh truth that if you don't practice at all you're not gonna beat top teams. Before NC we did practice and we didn't drop any games with actual line-up. I am positive we would've been top-4 for sure basing this how we managed to cling against Germany or Estonia with absolutely zero practice.
The part with scatman and highskilled made me giggle :p

Ur flame is useless! Wait untill the new lu gets announced :) start flaming then! ;) btw the part about taking the most active players makes no sense.. or ur just too brainfucked to understand sport/esport! Can come back to the part about löw here.. what does it it bring him to get the 6 most active soccer dudes if they aint got no plan or even talent/skill for the Skillgroup he needs them? Start using ur brain but players like kenji or so have never played on a level like the top5 of nc's so imo hes useless...
why is the part about picking the active guys useless or make no sense?

what sport? esport? et? please...
what is your point??

I'm sure oxy will pick a good LU :) btw i just say something, but stownage oxy s1lent ... are active (kevji since a week too) .. So whats your point kitty
well i pointed out that stownage, s1lent etc. are active :)

my point is that i dont wanna see blade, kresti or even butchji in the lu just for the nc.
90% want them in the LU, everyone want the oldschoolers back
FINALLY SOMEONE who accept the ET 2014 scene! nice :D

But after 3 wars or something they have their skill back so... i dont see the problem.
u wont see them :) so start enjoying the nc now !

and if u had been reading all my messages here u should clearly see that the guys u mentioned as inactive cant play anyways... and players u like to see will be at the list so lean back and wait until everything is announced!
It would be actually nice to see butchji playing again and these names which you mention before can easily get back to thier shape after a week.

His points about "played on a high level" is also bullshit imo, I also played ec and at lan, I wasn't a prick and backstabbed a team where I had fun for a better one. I guess I could also play on the level of the actual germany lineup but no one asked me and I am also not flaming. I know your fact about the "new faces" (your friend for example), but it's a high risk for a captain to do so.

When I played the first time at ec it was also a high pressure, I guess the pressure playing in nc must be even higher.

Just enjoy watching and see the same lineup like every year. NC nowadays is mostly the same lineups, cause they're used to play together, no matter if someone could even get replaced ;)
you played NC? i guess i missed that :P
Nop, ec as I said :o
hm i should read carefully
I never mentioned any names and I'm not going to because stirring up drama is pointless, but I can guarantee that everything I've said is true.
My number might be a bit off - but the point I was making is completely accurate. Most of Team Germany refuses to play with you again. Don't you remember Team Sweden vs Team Germany, where you were repeatedly kicked from the server by your own team? They don't want you.

I received a single PM from someone who supported you, and many from that list you named are against you being captain. And as you've already said you didn't really want to be captain, I'm going to leave the discussion at that.
my list is safe and thats what i know an am pretty sure about it :) a big shame about u telling such a bullshit!
"to play with u again" - I never played a single NC match ;)

u can be happy to have chillax at your side whos much more professional and thats what u need as the admins but ur just showing your inexperience!
Good luck Germany Oxy :) deserved.
Good luck Poland fanatic !

I miss the times when Spain Spain could field a strong lineup, or any lineup at all.

Haven't been around for a while, are there any upcoming offline events?
gl finland! i guess swanidius wanted to be captain but too low gg
Timbo! There is a hope for Team NL :P

RIP UK indeed x)
Gl all teams <3 greetz from italy olololol
Israel, India, Colombia, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Norway??
I dont know where they are. But i haven't seen 1 apply from those nations.
Quote• Australia -
MiDAS was the only candidate to apply

the only possible way to Midas to ever win something
"tornis and olpen are both good candidates,"

I wrote casek's application XD Im not even trolling, he doesnt play ET anymore! Get it?
quite pathetic really
lot of " ... was the only candidate for .... "
where's croatia lolz
it's not too late to add Croatia if you think you can field 6 and want to be their captain
go danl, go
CHAPTER 1045 03/04/2014:

Glorious day for the ET NA community my son Foreigner finally paved my way to become the ultimate supreme captain of team Canada it was really easy to dethrone anim muhauhauhuha

- Signed Tomun a very proud father

This made me lirl. I heard Tomun when I was reading it.
Hope Kamz isn't trolling. Still potential for a pretty strong UK lineup
He's not trolling. I spoke with him, and he was serious. But about the LU, i can't tell you anything. Most of the old UK lu doesnt wanna play this year i think. :(
Why do u still have casek there?
We're busy with that part (chile)
Not really, it's going to be the worst lineup ever :_)

No one good is willing to play with Kamz
lord have a mercy
Kamz comeback omg omg
bullshit, huhuhu
good, Portugal for Pocal Portugal
gl to all old and new captains

<3 kamz
lol kamz captain.

i say this every year: Lowest NC ever.
Oh well, goodbye UK NC champions 2 years running
get on irc u prick #queens.et
what are you saying? Kamz bad captain? :x
get on irc u silly slap head cunt #et.uk
GL yokoo !!!! Fais nous un bon résultat ! Kiss
yo frere <3
i was the captain of chile for like 3 years in a row, but noone ask me if i wanted to be the captain this year... i'm not even playing ET, lol.
i told them that already :|
brb installing et
Avi every sunday to lead Team ger ingame
Ps: only because i like gr0ss and his awesome teamplay

Cheers OXID/PDEG ingameleader
Chile captain is coming so we'll be playing for sure
That's good news! I'm waiting for a PM of someone who want to be a captain for Chile .

Edit: We've a new Chile captain.
RIP Kamz.

He had a good run as captain, it lasted a spectacular 6 days.

Maybe next year buddy
Well UK was undefeated under him in 2k14. Give him some credit.
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