Tea & Crumpets Squad UK

image: TEAMUK1

At long last the UK can announce its ET squad for this up coming NC, with a few new faces joining in the lineup and the return of a few old faces too. Also this is the first time 2 players of the squad of 8 will first see there names in the lineup after yesterday night trial. Ste and I would like to welcome Meez and Hentai we are sure they well be a vital part of our squad, gratz guys!


United Kingdom Ste (c) (cdap.oddjob)
United Kingdom Marvel (cdap.oddjob)
United Kingdom Ngotie (cdap.oddjob)
United Kingdom Adzz (idle)
United Kingdom Sheep (one4one)
United Kingdom Fazz (dtekt)
United Kingdom Meez (ec4)
United Kingdom Hentai (ec4)

:D gl all
Tea time sucks donkey balls
gl Sheep !! <3

Finally no baggiez =]
woo i'm in!
gL@aLL <3
nice lp, gl
gl sheep

no kamz? :p
too many WoW players :(
Looks like a nice team to me.
good luck adam!
oh and good luck to syk sqzz and mztik ofcourse :o)
good team if sheep stays @ backup =)

gl sof lads!
Love you too!
what does that mean? I dont love you, I dont hate you. I just think that theres better players in that lineup than you! GL SHEEP!
Thanks chmpp!
GL Guys, do us proud :)
nice lineup . gl
Some of the nation teams made me giggle, like this one
not bad,gl adzz & ste :)
voo your on crack!
why didn't u trial :<
not gd enuf
gl all :>
GL UK won't pwn us again! I hope :)).
you have to qualify first ;)
seems pretty weak compared to last years tbh, sqzz/razz/syk/mtzik etc etc etc..

but gl anyways :)
gl with ur team uK
Good luck.
gl !

i miss mztik/sqzzo/evanpwnageadmin tho
i didnt play that great at the trials :( hentai deserves his spot in the team
you play pretty bad all the time
and you are ?
rather be fairly unknown than be famous for being shite, big-egoed and a wank ref.
ahahahah XD
how unexpected.
gl meez and hentai <3
gl fazz and hentai
@ skillz

squizz n syk (bar a one off) didnt play last year :P

razz , well u know...

mztik we miss.
use reply button ;)
it looks sexier with @!
gl ma homies!
wut about rAzZ?
banned fo sho
nice lineup
GL guys, much love to all the uk players but most to ste marvel and nGotie backbone of the UK squad!!!!!

DO us proud lads!!!!!!!!!!!!
the real truth why i am not in the uk team is because Ste didnt want to ruin his nice news post with

United Kingdom evan (cless)

honest truth :(
get a grip of yourself man
true :\
no razz no GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gl meez and henteye <333333333333333333333333
no baggies :'(
fazz :D:D:D:D:D
ehh wtf
where is baggiez?
Gl meez, hentai, fazz and sheep.
nice to see u guys in the uk lineup=)
no United Kingdomkamz no win

anyway gL United Kingdom :D
GL guys!
gl, sh33p, hentaii & fazz

yay, no kamz
mztik : o ?
gl fazz <3
good luck guys :)
Good luck all oddjob guys!
wasnt oddjob the lil asian guy from golden eye?
u shouldn't ask me, no idea
yeah and in the n64 game it was the best char coz he was to little to getting hits @ usual headshotheight

i would call it custom model !!! ban plz :D
hahahah genau das warso geil :DDDD golden eye aufm n64 >>>>> all
nur aiming war seltsam :)

aber aztec hat geowd :D
never die geilste map ( ich weiß den namen nicht mehr ) war diese mit den vielen gängen die blau und rot geleuchtet haben
wo oben in so nem raum die minen lagen
war das nicht die welche im SP diese Radarstation in Russia sein sollte?
GL RAHUL you're cool
G to the L.
Hope Meeez and Hentai get a chance in the team, if only for the fact that Meeez has a superior grasp of punctuation, grammar and spelling compared to the stalwarts of the team.
Go Meez!! <3 you
Hmm I thought already said GL, but I guess I didnt :)! GL hentai, meez, fazz & sheep =)
good LU .
Where's razz?
He's still banned, and won't be unbanned in time for NC.
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