ET-Cup #18 announced

image: u93

I'm proud to announce the 18th edition of the ET-Cup! This will be a special edition, short before the OC/EC signups are about to close. The upcoming cup will be a fight between the clans which aren't really sure about participating in the upcoming EuroCup yet. With this cup, the CB admins can also check the teams who signed up to the cup, if they are good enough or not.

We chose 16 teams out of the 18 signups. Because we think Europe cdap - pi and Germany one4one showed there skill already in previous matches and are better than most of the other signups, we chose to drop them out and let the other teams show there skill towards the final.

The groups are:

¬ Group A

Belgium violence is bad
Sweden overdose-gaming
Spain aurea.clan

¬ Group B

Europe illusion!
Finland Incomplete!
Poland Logitech UVM
Czech Republic team infrag

¬ Group C

Finland sFx murso
Estonia Qla6 -
Austria Ultima Ratio
United Kingdom sublime

¬ Group D

Sweden noll8
Croatia elite
Europe Morrigu
Europe dfiance gaming

¬ Maplist


¬ Config

ClanBase 6v6 (Newest)

¬ Dates & Times

Groupmatch 1: Tuesday 14 November - 20:00 CET
Groupmatch 2: Tuesday 14 November - 21:30 CET
Groupmatch 3: Wednesday 15 November - 20:00 CET
Quarter Final: Wednesday 15 November - 21:30 CET
Half Final: Thursday 16 November - 20:00 CET
Final: Thursday 16 November - 21:30 CET

¬ Maps per Round

Groupmatch 1: radar / frostbite
Groupmatch 2: supply / adlernest
Groupmatch 3: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4
Quarter Final: radar / adlernest
Half Final: supply / frostbite
Final: sw_goldrush_te / braundorf_b4

¬ Matches

Groupmatch 1: Team A vs Team B - Team C vs Team D
Groupmatch 2: Team A vs Team C - Team B vs Team D
Groupmatch 3: Team A vs Team D - Team B vs Team C

The first 2 teams of the groups will pass to the playoff phase. It is NOT possible to reschedule any of the matches, all dates/times are forced.

Decide the side (allies/axis) with a cointoss before the start of the match. Decider will be chosen with elimination, winner of a cointoss starts eliminating, loser of the cointoss can pick the side (allies/axis) to start.

There will be 2 matches per round broadcasted on ETTV, you can find more info on about the teams and lineups.

The full grid will be up tomorrow, you can expect a newspost here!

IRC: #ET-Cup
nice post ;)
good luck and have fun @ all teams!
sad to see cheaters like razz being allowed in cups
what about fost who quit before the LAN and now started again
didnt he quited after NC?
He said he'd go, but dropped out last minute.
sad to see some whiner who doesnt realize that it was just rivatuner and a bit to hard to ban rivatuner such long and the real hacker can play all the time
'just rivatuner'

what's your point

he only removes foliage, for me that's the same than see people true walls

it's an unfair advantage that he had over other players by using external programs which is seen as cheating

cheats are cheats and it's indeed sad that they can't / don't do anything about all those cheaters in ET
And he's served his ban...

Rivatuner is nothing like seeing through walls.
i think razz shouldn't even have gotten banned since we could easily check if he was rivatuning during his offi's with the pb ss ( his offi's which he had to play after he got busted, before some retard whines :( )
u can't say that he served his ban since he was actually never banned from ET

he had a good laugh with the clanbase ban
He was banned from CB, WL & ESL - with all the matches he played in defaulted :o)
being practicly clanless for ( dunno, 8 months? ) , and not playing any serious clanwar during that time is hard enough
end of story <o/
and how u know so sure that he didn't play any 'serious' clanwars?
cuz he is a really good friend of vegi, and hey,, vegi is in my clan <o/
that explains a lot

'let's defend our clan friends'
that has nothing to do with this question since me and razz dislike eachother alot
nice changing the subject when you get bashed though

ps : the only reason i'm defending razz here is because some utter retards like you have given him a really hard time for a minor mistake
if u start tweaking ur graphics and use an external program for a crosshair while u know it's not allowed is not a minor mistake is it

he definately knew what was gonna happen when he got caught using that so it's his own fault and since i like this game i want it to be fair and that's why they should be harder against any kind of cheaters from aimbot to rivatuner

now i am the bad guy cause i want to play ' clean ' game
no, you are the bad guy because you were/are so hard on a kid who tried to have some fun tweaking his graphix

and as i said above, it could easily have been checked each upcoming game with pb ss's so he couldn't use it anymore
i thought u 2 were friends! ;(
ban raziel 2 he hacked with rivatuner

comon get real we got enough hacker with real hacks(aimbot/wallhack) and we dont ban them so why we should ban someone that used rivatuner?
nice thinking

so if they can't catch all sporters who use doping they should catch none

u are a really smart boy
idd i am

why should we punish someone for drinking coffee if we dont bust someone 4 taking steroids???

thats the same like we baning razz 4 riva and not the hackers 4 wh and aimbot :)
do u actually know what rivatuner is? and what u can do with it?
ooh noes he reduce the mipmap details so he can see through bushes and stuff :D i know how it works and at least i would prefer to play with such a low mipmap details :P

btw i see sometimes through walls :o (16bit ftw) ban me?
never trust a lier even if he speaks the truth...thats what i use to say to all "unban-themes" - u´ll never have a "fair" punishment, so people/leagues/admins should punish as hard as possible (imo forever, but it seems impossible to realize that)
yes we all know, thats why he got punished: 8 months of ban, ban served, he is now free; end of file
razz is a wanker :o)
full schedule can be found on the cuppage (section: Schedule)
a/b death group
gl all teams
no dtekt ? thought vib/overdose would have done enough already (at least vib)

edit:know about dtekt know ;>
yeah vib has lost enough not to get in EC ^^ ?
vib are anything but consistent.
you sir, keep saying what i think <o>
dtekt is dead..
gl all teams :p
good luck morrigu, uR, incomplete and overdose.
Why does idle & zp & amenti & uq never compete at cups like this? gl to all participants
actually i don't know why uQ and amenti aren't attending or weren't asked to play but idle, zP and pi don't need to prove that they are skilled enough to play EC.
because they can prove their skill in IPS
I'm talking about present, but yes, I'm wrong :-)
uQ-chaoz said: nothx, amenti: no reply idle: urtier said he`ll give me the reply but never recivied something and zP is playing 5v5 => for pgalan...
Thanks for clearing that up, gl with your cup
gl Finland Murso <3
gl morrigu
nice teams :D

gl to all of them
gl all
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