Warleagues Season VII ready to kick off

image: banner_big

After a signup time of 3 weeks, Warleagues Season VII Signups are now CLOSED. We have received a total of 160 signups that will be processed this week.

The groups will be announced before Friday and the first matches will take place next week.
I would like to remind the players that it is not allowed to play matches of the league whilst no GUID is entered. More information on entering the GUID can be found here.

We are currently working together with Crossfire & ESL to create a global config. When that config is finished, all Warleagues Season VII matches should be played on it. Untill that moment, wars have to be played on the Season 7 Config.
More information about the global config and the exact date of change to that config for WL matches, will be posted here.

All clans are expected to know all the rules (but most important are the game specific rules); not knowing them is no valid excuse for not following them.

Good luck to all the participating teams,

the Warleagues ET staff
Edit: Need banner!!!!!!11
hi Yancho
gl eXim !
nice stuff
nice, good luck for everyone :)
Quote We are currently working together with Crossfire & ESL to create a global config

so CB isnt able to work together with other leagues?
stop flame plz !!!

no flamez - reading between the lines ;D
no secret that CB is loosing more and more reputation - but thats the prize for beeing special...
yeah i guess they know it already and we should stop flaming (reading between the lines) coz they did rly much and i hope they do it in the future 2.

and maybe if we dont stop flame they getting bored and wont do anything 4 ET anymore :)

just my 2 €Cent :)
gj, just dont want the return of reactor ;<
the power of wl, already 14 comments! wl>cb
160 - 3 weeks
150 - 3 days

cb > wl ;P
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