CoD4 in the pipeline

CoD3 may not have even been out that long but already the Call of Duty franchise is back in the works and the fourth installment will be for us lovely PC gamers! Posted by ampednews and read by R3dhelix the article suggests:

QuoteAccording to our source, Call of Duty 4 will be developed by Infinity Ward, the developer behind the first and second installments. The three-way deal established between Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and Activision states that Infinity Ward will develop all even numbered titles while Treyarch develops the odd numbered games, such as Call of Duty 3. Treyarch did develop Call of Duty 2: Big Red One as well, however.

As aforementioned, Call of Duty 4 is said to step away from the war torn locales of World War II, instead focusing on the battlefields of present day. It is unknown if it will take the same path as Electronic Arts’ Battlefield franchise, placing the spotlight on the Middle East.

You can read the full article Here
Wow, they've taken milking to the next level. :o
This isnt the RTCW2 news I was hoping it wud be
QuoteThe source compared Call of Duty 4’s technical achievements to other games saying that while most shooters have two or three critical points on the head, Call of Duty 4 has 16, saying that you can shoot the side of an opponent’s helmet to make it spin on their head, or knock the helmet clean off. Supposedly you will even be able to shoot an enemy’s ear off.

Wow this will benefit the online gameplay so much! cant waittttttttttt.
its more like "look what the engine can do" and at least like by the most of recent productions a feature 4 the majority not 4 the eSport community :)
so when somone is loosing his ears so he cant hear shit anymore? not perfos game then :( <3
lol'd, good one :D
Sounds good

and WW2 action is what made CoD, if they try and take it into the shitty eastern conflicts of present day it'll suck balls just like all the other games that use that type of scenario
The general idea behind BF2 for instance is actually quite nice, it's just a pity it's full of bugs (yes, EA) and doesn't really work that well for compos.
They wanna make CS2 for the multiplayer. (modern day settings, CS gameplay, hmmm)
after the mess they made with cod 2 (the community had to go on strike to get a patch!) i will not be buying it unless its made by someone other then infinitywards.
activision fault not if tbh
Didn't they go "on strike" to get Punkbuster implemented, not a patch? ... or am I thinking of a different game?
true, but a patch was needed to implement pb, so everyone blamed activision
UNEXPECTED? Not really.
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