European config incoming!

image: global
Today we would like to present the new European Enemy Territory configs, which will be adopted by most major Enemy Territory leagues, cups and events. This does unfortunately not include ClanBase, as we were not able to reach an agreement at this point.
As a reaction to the public outcry for an universal config, Netherlands Frop, the league admins and other dedicated people set out to create the config pack you see before you today.

The following cups have agreed to use the new configs in their upcoming or running events:
- Crossfight
- #ET-Cup
- #1day-cup

Find all information about the new config at
Download the config right here.
niiiiiiiiiice ;D
setl team_maxMg42s 0
setl team_maxMines 5

whats the difference in "laming/no skilling" ?

at least you can see an MG-42 when it's shooting at you, but often you cannot see the rifle nades coming.. how lame/NOOBY!!
The commands you listed don't control the rifle nade ;f
MGs dont use charge, and riflenades are heaps harder to use than Prone, Right click, Hold mouse 1 on sight.
cg_autoaction 0 plz
We can put a poll up at the next update.
First poll should be:

Which config do you prefer
A. Clanbase Config
B. European Config
No it should be:
Kick DoneX from CB crew?
A. Yes
B. No
20 A's from #clan.mvk

Nice. But I wonder what is the point that prevented any agreement with CB.
really nice
nice work.. congrats... cb don't want? why? :s
who cares why? you cant help it
4on4 cfg missing
What sort of features should a 4v4 have then? Less mines or a slightly altered 3v3 config?
Just keep it this way, as long as there is no 4v4 competition a 4v4 config isnt needed. Good work btw, two thumbs up for you!
That means you don't want a 7v7 XP enabled config with unlimited soldiers and 10 mines either? :p
American style... year 2004 :)
making config lets you control the style the game is played by whole world. imagine, that in some time someone will work out that 4on4 may be great idea. if you make cfg now, later it will be pioneer for this format
imo 3on3 options with some additions.

i know 4on4 is not played at any league, but its played very often as funwars / trainings etc. what more, your cfg is not from a single league, but it is European, general, so you could make 4on4 cfg too.
We'll take it up as an option for the next update. And who knows, maybe by that time some league will have added 4v4.
i want heavy weapons too
let the whine begin untill CB adopts it aswell :xDDD
get maxpackets 40-100 back :o

i whined at them for so long about it

shame I cant use my hidden adlernest roof spawn points anymore :P
IMO: You should release mapscripts with the configs.

This will mean less confusion.
The checks are based on the standard ET Pro mapscripts that are included in the ET Pro release. All other mapscripts are present in the .pk3s of the maps.
Aiaiai instead of forcing people to use some of Mortis' bugfixes. But still using mapscripthashes is the way forward.
It's something we considered, but there weren't any bugfixes at the moment for the more popular maps. We can always include them in a next update if needed.
For those who still want the SD2 music :)

map supplydepot2
// script fixed by Mortis
mapscripthash "e18f45aed551163256373a6ea2f2bce9cabcb651"
I doubt 'certified' will show up when you add this manually to the configs. Thus, it might be smarter to see if we can include it in the next update if needed.
never was going to add it myself since it breaks the signature (which is a hash itself). but you could add it to the next release together with b_realhead 3 ;)
I was being slightly sarcastic, but yeah, we might add it the next time around. Then again we'd like to avoid the hassle of incorporating custom mapscripts in the release.
If you construct your zips like this:


and tell people to unzip in the etpro dir, I think it won't be a problem. Just include a large enough DONOTREADME.txt which says they need the scripts. If a server admin can't manage that, he's not worthy :).
can any of you give any justification for 60 maxpackets?
madscientist has already proven that you can send more packets with 40 than 60, so why not 40? His article seems to have disappeared though.
Doesn't that mean that for instance humM3L wouldn't be able to use vent even with IN 40 100?
I'm getting packets confused with data (I think), I'll try and find madscientist/etpros work.

An error has occured:
» No such column.

It depends on the fps:
A player with 76 fps and maxpackets 60 will send less (~38.5 packets/s) than another player with 125 fps and maxpackets 40 (~41.7 packets/s).
So say that humM3L gets 76 FPS on his Russian™ computer he's actually sending less than 40 packets? Funny, sounds like a lot of superstition is involved with maxpackets.

Would you be able to do the math for packets 40-60-80-100 and FPS 43-76-100-125? Or explain me how to do it and i'll chuck it in a table.
Just did this with OpenOffice: (.ods) (.xls <- Excel)

Should be correct. Just enter the maxpackets value in the grey box.
Thanks! :D
Windows File Associations

.ods - file unknown o0

How to open it? xD
Download openoffice...
sry i still use Microsoft Office 2oo3 :p
What Nellie said or download the .xls file for Excel...
Its kinda sad to see you working on an European config, medling with maxpackets and dont knowing anything about it :'(
It's kind of sad that you're not realizing I didn't meddle with the maxpackets, but that it has been used in the ESL/CF configs for months.
Dont take it to serious, you are doing a great job. Its just funny you didnt knew about the fps/mp relation. (k)
We did, we just didn't have a table like that at the time and madscientist's article was nowhere to be found. Thanks again to wipeout for finding it in Google's cache.


THEN FPS/3 or FPS/4 or FPS/5 ...
until FPS/x is smaller then or equals MP

also check out

If you cant run ET + ventrilo, its just because you still use a stoneage ISP. Hi2u Humm3lite1337
well i had the same prob, 40 was fine but with 60 ping spiked whenever a few ppl were talking on vent
mute ur teammates
haha nice fucking joke
Trade cl_maxpackets IN 40 100 for rate EQ 25000?
its not a market or sth :)
You do know what rate does?
Partially. But I didn't dive into it (yet) as I wanted to focus on the differences the leagues had (and they all had something like RATE IN 15000 25000, so I skipped it for the time being).

Please query me in IRC. :)
there is none. it does not prevent sb from warping, lagging etc.
everything > 30 does not do anything. except change your VISUAL ping.
rate 25000 packets 100 !!! :)
If I remember correctly, b_realhead should be set to 3 when b_extendedprone is 1.

Since every league had that setting, I didn't even look at it. But you are right, definitely something we have to include in the next update. Thanks!

// b_realHead - when enabled, the head hitbox is where the head is drawn on
// the client, instead of at the top-center of the body hitbox.
// Additional values can be added for debugging, although g_smoothClients
// should be 0 for the debug lines to match up properly:
// 1 - enable real head hitbox
// 2 - enable real body hitbox while proning (height only; for use with b_extendedprone)
// 256 - Show headbox every server frame
// 512 - Show prone box every server frame
// 1024 - Show body hitbox every server frame
// default: 0 valid values: 0, 1, 3, ...

// b_extendedprone - when enabled, the stand->prone animation will go through
// a crouch animation first, lengthening the time of the prone animation.
// This does not make people going prone easier to hit without b_realHead 3,
// so be sure to use that too.
// default: 0 valid values: 0, 1
Credits should go to the people who realised enough was enough and wanted to unite the organisations, people like Frop, Chosen and Foonr (i know there are more, but i dont know your names, I am sorry) should really be happy that they've achieved something and solved one of the problems within ET at the moment.

Good Job all!
ofc it would be better if cb was onboard with this as well but its not to be. But 2 6v6 configs is a hell of alot better than 6/7 thats for sure.
4 tbh :p

nice that the major legues agreed on same config
ye, GET Liga was too lazy to do an own, so we said:


war das wirklich so?
So due to 2 ambiguous commands it's not a global config? As Jerry said, "Show me the proof" - why 60+? Why not give way on the mg?

Guess it was the 3 fps difference that proved the real stumbling block.
Actually something as trivial as cg_autoaction was a problem as well. Even though I wanted to discuss more important cvars one of the conversations always got back to autaction. -.-
Then why not give way? Or compromise with a practice & war config - that might still be 2 configs but at least everyone's using the same basic settings.
Again, after CB dropped out there wasn't a need to change it.
Quote# sp_delivery2 (new)

* set g_userTimeLimit 15
* g_useralliedrespawntime 20
* g_useraxisrespawntime 30

here comes the ownage map
n1, 40/100 packets so everyone is able to play properly.
Thank god clanbase doesn't adopt this whiner-cfg :/
I disagree with several things in the config, but its good to only have 2. :-)
i would really like to see a poll for maxpackets limits.
You dont leave such a decision up to people who have the slightest idea about what their talking.
the ones who decided dont seem to know either.
Thats their fault.
and a lots of players prob
Yay, (almost) global config.

ps. big LOL at netsettingwhiners.
it's not a problem if you aren't on comms, but when you are on vent it eats a lot of bandwith, and combined with a crap conn it makes it very shit
It does? Havent really noticed.
and combined with a crap conn
if someone got such a bad connection he should use ts instead of ventrilo :)
or use teamchat.
haha could be best solution :D
same shit

and having a crap conn isn't rare, only thing you need is 1 bad DSLAM and few bad wires (having in mind you are on ADSL or ADSL2, tho cable can be even worse, but it also can be way better) whilst T1 and T3 don't suffer from those problems
That damned Zapatero.
No surprise from clanbase then...
Buy connections and new pc's... and stop whining. ;)
the thing is that most of the guys with bad connection cant get any faster one and second of all forcing maxpackets high doesnt reduce laggin at all
if they could get better connection and computer is it justified to get them because of one config change?
Well done, good initiative.

It really surprises me that ClanBase doesn't to use this config too, you'd think they'd try to get to community back on their side after the whole 5on5 fiasco. It just reinforces my belief that their moving back to 6on6 "for the community" was utter bullshit. If it's true that they refused to participate in this config due to a personal feud with ESL, it's pathetic, way to let petty arguments affect the ET community. Two fuckups in a row, I wonder what's next.

For what it's worth, does anyone (aside from CB staff) actually support DoneX in his role at ClanBase?
force maxpackets IN 76 100
yeah make the config even worse
cmon, he is rich - he lives in Germany, he got superhiper PC and he doesnt care about others at all.

EDIT: Oh and he is high
Let people play with settings they want (mp settings). All those whiners about 60mp are just so lowskilled and being owned by those with worse conn&PC that they cry i want changes.
What's wrong in this cfg:
b_helmetprotection 0
autoaction forced to 7
no mg

These changes are especially stupid considering that the reason we don't have a unified cfg is because you insisted on these settings over the ones used by clanbase. Of course you could say that we don't have a unified config because clanbase insisted on their settings, except that clanbase settings are neither irrational acceptance of whiner-ignorance (maxpackets) or random changes that have no reason in terms of gameplay (helmetprotection)
I think it's especially stupid to make that many assumptions. If you think we went into this demanding CB to adopt these cvars, you're very wrong indeed.

Random bold for the w(h)in(e)!
What I have understood is that you contacted clanbase and tried to get them involved in a really unified config. And they refused; I believe that they would have accepted if you agreed to use a config (almost) identical to the one they use, right? I mean, you could just say "we'll all use clanbase cfg" and you would have the unified config that you desired. So if we don't have a unified config is because you refuse to use clanbase settings, and clanbase refuses to use your settings. It's almost a tautology, really.
is this donex fake account ?
It could be, considering he applies 'tautology' to something that is clearly not a tautology.
We considered all configs equal when we started out. What you're saying is that everybody should've adopted the CB configs, no questions asked. That, unfortunately, sounds like a perfect world we're definitely not living in.
I'm just saying: if you are the ones who made the (in my opinion stupid) changes, you shouldn't blame clanbase for not having a unified config. The two parts didn't find an agreement, that's all.
Who said we blamed CB? And like FlyingDJ said, we've been playing with those settings for months now. It wasn't something we came up with in the spur of the moment.
Foonr for example blames clanbase for not having a global config, and many others (who support your config) do the same, more or less explicitly. "You" was referred to those people
You're talking about personal opinions here. The consensus in the 'group' was to remain open minded, that's why you don't see any flaming in this post.
Fair enough :)
What's wrong with removing helmetprotection? Why should the medic remain so overpowered.
Imagine a situation where some players of the defending team have to hold a position and can't selfkill: even if they have medics and keep healing themselves, they can't recover their lost helmets. helmetprotection is something that prevents medics from healing themselves to "really full health" : removing helmetprotection gives an additional advantage to selfhealing medics in comparison to the other classes who selfkill more frequently, and gives an additional advantage to the defending team.
Which is a good reason for its removal...
Exactly. That and if you get 3 HS in a row, you deserve the kill. :p
Why? Do medics need to be more overpowered? Does the defending team need an additional advantage? Of course this change could have the effect of having players selfkill less frequently, which may or may not be a good thing. Honestly I think 10 hp is too small to make a noticeable difference, what really irritates me is the pointlessness of the change.
Anyone got an idiots guide to the world for decade?:)

It'll have no effect on self killing, and 10hp makes a world of difference.
Ok let's calm down. In a previous post I said that removing helmetprotection (i.e. b_helmetprotection 0, i.e. the change that esl does and clanbase doesn't) will give an advantage to the medics in the defending team. I gave full argumentation to that. In the next post, you agreed with me and said that that would be a good thing. Am I missing something? Please, I'm sure it will take you just 2 minutes to explain
It'll give no advantage to anybody - that's the point.
Ehm, my friend we play stopwatch mode, any change will not give any advantage to anybody, even giving players in the attacking team 300 hp will not "give anybody an advantage". However this change will make medics in the defending team a little stronger compared to the other classes, because they are tipically the class that most of the time has no helmet. That's all. If you want you can make a poll asking if helmetprotection makes the gameplay better, worse or has no effect, that could be interesting :P the current poll is old anyways

It makes the medic weaker...
The class that usually has no helmet is the defending medic.

Removing helmet protection gives a 10 hp disadvantage to all players who have the helmet.

This means that the defending medic tipically gets a 10 hp advantage over the other classes.

I can't explain it better than this, sorry, blame my lacking english.
Yet again (and again, and again) this was already changed months ago.
And I said exactly the same thing, and other people complained, and nobody cared.
Doesn't make a difference.
n1, finally :)
Why is everyone whining about maxpackets and stuff like mg or even helmetprotection? Everyone played with these settings for ages and it was nice. If you can impossibly play with maxpackets 60 what have you done during the last few months?
It seems people need to be reminded that they were actually using those settings.
this config is shit ! need maxpackets 30 back !
Slovenian 56k6 ISPs will not be taken into consideration!
good config..more whine for the laggers!
It's not like "the one who makes the changes first gets to decide for everyone": you should look at the changes, and judge if they improve the game enough to be worth using. In my opinion they make the game worse, but that wasn't my point (I don't think my opinion is so imortant heh :P); my point was: don't blame clanbase for not having a unified config, if you are the ones who made the changes (and these changes suck :P)
sad but true these days...
Not very constructive... :(
Good work guys :)
No problem. Sorry we had to add pb_sv_cvar perfo_headset EQ 0. :p

Thanks to senji for pointing out the error.
hehe well I will cope with that :P
nice work

clanbase, join up please
yes, those without a mouse :|
Change packets to 40 IN 100 Out for people like Humm3l.

And add the MG again.

But it looks nice! Great job.
rly, those people should try a low rate for example to be able to play. If u have 128 ISDN, youll be able to play with the lowest netsettings.

While people try to get a description for why we use maxpackets 60 atleast, you should wonder why those people with ping problems are unable to play with 60 instead of 40. Their problem is based somewhere else.

MG is overpowered in many situations especially not so skilled teams have problems with. When u use heavyweaponrestriction to limit arty which just stops you for some seconds (mins at all), such a weapon doesn't fit in aswell.
QuoteMG is overpowered

But its basicly limited to places where you can shoot at your opponent from mid-long range AND where you are positioned higher AND you cannot get side/backraped. Most maps only have one such point.

SD2 has one at the first stage. Adler too. Frostbite doesnt realy have any good mg spots, neither does oasis. Grush has two such spots under and on top of the bridge.

Anyway, mgs are always at the same positions. In my experience its just bad teamplay and bad comms that lead to raping 6man twice in a row on grush. Any team with the slightest bit of skill will just attack the mg with two persons at a time and the mg always loses. Besides, she cant move. Once you know where she is, you just have to adapt your tactics. Theres a huge difference between mortar and mg. MG definitly has a counter, whereas mortar is realy overpowerd as you cannot decently counter her. Killing a shemale at the other side of the map is kinda difficult, maybe Chaplja could kill her with his rifle hax.
so now /maxfps 43 is alloved ?
Latviaclown base ?
force cl_packetdup 1
Quotecommand "pb_sv_md5tool l 2.60 v NOT_FOUND"

you can remove that, eth has anti md5 check ;P
injection failed!
forcecvar cl_maxpackets IN 60 100

to quote reyal in here
GG choosing whine above logic

so for the final time
QuoteAs long as a player sends >=20 packets they should be perfectly smooth and hittable, because the server only updates player positions 20 times per second anyway (= snaps). When they don't, b_antiwarp will help keep things smooth.
just use the CB config
I've read most of Reya1p post on maxpackets. If a whole community whines about netlamers, polish beeing harder to hit then say yermans, its bound to have some truth in it. Just saying it is not possible, saying we are all wrong isnt going to fix this problem. Just like with prone theres something wrong. I dont realy care if the guys at Bani said it one thousand times 'Prone is kk', it doesnt realy solve the problem.

Besides, lately he has been saying they will maybe add features wich disallow the changing of FPS/MP in game, so why would they do that as all they have been doing over the past years is denying there's a problem with fps/mp?
Exactly! The first to make such a comment. \o
You Sir, are kinky!
Yes Sir, I am. And damn proud of it, I might add!
I wanted to bug you with the following list. I'm no longer idling teh qnet so I'll just post it here :P I can image you guys having more contacts with Reya1p. The following things I suggested in a journal some time ago:

-fix fps/spread.
Spread is depended on the FPS you are running.
-fix fps/recoil.
same as with spread
-add demosave functions
preferably the way CB uses to save demos. Would be very nice for all the people uploading demos :)
clanA_vs_clanB_pov_gametype_map (or something like that, its been a while since i was an admin).
-add an ammo notice when playing fieldops. You would then see how many ammo your teammates still have. (OSP had this, tnx to urtier)
-fix netlaming by restricting changing FPS/MP ingame (tnx to swine)

Some of these problems, questions are known by the ETpro team. I suggest you keep whining, till they all have been changed. I'm sure none of these things realy change ET's gameplay, only fix or enhance it.

The reason why you should limit fps IN 40-125 is that it would make aimspread somewhat more equal for all players. A player running 125hz on USB and 166FPS will get 24% less aimspread. If you limit FPS to 125 the only way to get a lowered aimspread would be to use ps/2 @ 100 wich would give you a 20% lower aimspread. Fortunatly most mice sold today are USB mice. When plugging in USB into your PS/2 port you will get an unstable polling rate. Only 'real' ps2 mice give good polling rates on a ps/2 port.

Enough whien, im off for another game of Starcraft :P
A lot of that stuff is psychology. Polish simpely are told to be hard to hit so they are. Even the server where you play is important. Don't tell me you don't warp if you play on an american server with packets 100., which brings me to my second point, it also depends on the pings. And there is no proof that higher packets decrease pings.

Contrary even. I noticed that when i play with less packets, my ping decreases. Which means that a few miliseconds are taken off from my reaction time, so i hit first and the opponent starts rolling because he gets hit. I am 'unhittable' in that case.

And then even, if theres some truth in it, there is simpely no possible way you can go around the logic that the server updates your positions 20 times a second. That means 5 packets for each update, so most of the information is ignored. Essentials are sent with 40 to. It would become a problem if you made your maxpackets below 20

and also, 'prone is kk' won't solve the the prone problem, but forcecvar cl_maxpackets IN 60 100 won't solve netlame whine
Actually nothing Overdrive mentioned is psychology, as he didn't touch cl_maxpackets in that post. Spread and recoil are both on the to-do list of the ET Pro team and they did confirm that com_maxfps IN 43 125 would make the spread more equal for all players.
cg_autoaction 0
cg_autoaction 0
cg_autoaction 0
cg_autoaction 0
just use the CB config
stop making new configs KK nabs omfg we don't need 9999999999 configs
i hope this is irony if not HAHA retard
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omg im your buddy now. im going to jump from a roof. bb
Just in case you were suffering from a lack of oxygen, this config pack will at least replace the configs from ESL, CF, WL, ET-Cup, 1day-cup and GET-LIGA.
now we have 1 you retard
clanbase doesnt count anymore
Lets all join the anti-CB gang. No wait, i finaly get it. This is some yerman macho thing? :P
stop playing CB ladders then...
ok, that's good.. i think
Stop whining @ CB publicly Fly. I usualy defend Spaindonex, but that's because I know he will eventualy change course. This doesnt mean he will take the same route cf/ESL has Germanychosen, but he will follow your United Kingdomgeneralz direction. Besides, having 2 configs isnt that bad after all. We can still use a little bit of competition between Tourney organizers.

Imho CB will follow the EuropeEuropean config somewhat, but keeping a few minor things unchanged. For example MG. As seen in the poll on xfire, most (newer players) dont want MG removed. I can imagine a CB config using all the stuff from european config, but keeping MG. So you would end up with a more high skilled oriented European config, and a more general oriented config used by CB. (ex: they never liked increasing MP restrictions very much, as it would hurt players from countries like malta or hummelville)

And even if he were totaly unreasonable, theres no reason for the leading figures of ET to flame CB after all the good things they gave us.

*edit* i somehow felt like i need some flagz
Stop being so reasoned.

Spacktard !
I can live with two configs. Can you???
Medics healing themselves sucks change plz !!!
I don't think that players in the attacking team stay alive on average more than players on the defending team, quite the opposite I think.
The players that selfkill or die at every attack (i.e. every 20 or 40 seconds, depending on the distance of the objective) are those in the attacking team; several players of the defending team, instead, will try to stay always alive: think about those who defend the cp in supply; or those who stay at the old mg area in goldrush bank defence; or those who defend the cp in radar, or the last radio defence in adlernest, or the control defence in braundorf, or the cp and radio defence in frostbite, just to mention the currently played maps. Those are the players that stay most of the time with no helmet, those are the only ones advantaged by the removal of helmetprotection.
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