PGA Teams Confirmed

image: 1pga_27

Tonight, the final team for this weekends PGA 2500 € Enemy Territory LAN was determined. Logitech UVM took a win over Pr3ds to join the already qualified two European teams that came through the Crossfire PGA Qualifiers, and five other Polish qualifiers.

The ET action will begin from 10:00 CET live from Poznan. With teams being split into two groups of three, with the top two teams progressing into a double elimination bracket.

Confirmed teams:

zeroPoint gaming]
Austria Darky
Austria Potter
Austria rapture
Germany butchji
Germany hatred

cdap pi]
Netherlands kris
Germany snoop
Hungary fobje
Hungary logic
Poland nrs

Poland kot
Poland buzka
Poland oic
Poland chester
Poland rio

Fear Factory]
Poland krisek
Poland r1co`
Poland S4rna
Poland wiesiek
Poland Wrobel

Poland B4nd|t
Poland dialer
Poland doktor
Poland Krein
Poland lock

Poland Robol
Poland znajda
Poland nightkiller
Poland wodzian
Poland R4Gn4k

- Qualifiers Grid
GL!! zP ftw
Looking forward to meeting you at PGA :)
I won't be there ^^
I wont be there ^^
gl cdap

<3 perfo & kris & tox & etc... :D
no perfo nugget & unix???

rly unexpected!!
perfo is 15 and he has school, and i dont think parents would let him go to poland in the middle of school what u think?
yeah, missing 1 day would kill you...
He has to travel there and travel back.
Others can beam themselves?
was he supposed to walk there? actually there are planes and shit aswell, going @thursday and coming @ sunday night or max. monday... that means max 2 days of missing from school...
Which he misses to play a game, as a parent I wouldnt let him go either!
Wesbo as a parent, shit what would the world come to?
When I wrote that, I thought the same... Does "as a parent" imply I'm a parent? Because I'm most definitely not.. Maybe I shouldve written "if I were his parent" :O!
so why did they signed up for the lan?
dunno, that seems like parents don't like even care about their kid ?
gifty was in USA and he s about same age i think..
maybe he has different parents
Dunno how that goes in your country but here in NL we have a lot of different parents, some kids can do 1 but may not do 2, others cant do 1 but may do 2 for example, so i would blame his parents instead of perfo
Actually I think it's a proven fact, that all you Dutchies have the same parents...and they are siblings ;].
im 1/3th belgium, 1/3th german and 1/3th dutch, so nah my parents are not like that. maybe my dad is but my parents are divorced so i dont care :P
You got to have quite some struggles inside you :P.
So if your kid was a perspective basketball player and has a tournament abroad you wouldn't let him to play if he missed a day in school. Hrm.... right. To me it's pretty clear that it's always the same ppl who "can't" go to LANs they qualified for.. and I personally know exactly what that means. (for dumb ppl: h4x kkthxbye!)
we'll see that on cpc ;)
imho its a difference between basketball and e-sport

my parents wont see esport as a sport and i guess many other 2 :P
stop being retarded :<
Well most of the parents arent really proud of their kids if they are like pr01337h4x0rz in a game and do not understand that is pretty much the same as for example a basketball tournament.
sorry your point is wrong. e-sport != sport for many parents (including mine xD)
Local basketball team parent knows, random people on the internet.

so true r3vers , perfo 's just a weenie
u cant handle that pi is owning u up every time we play u, but i can understand that and dont think its such a big deal..
learn english , then reply
image: hahavilanertms0

Clear case of self-ownage
i dont think it would kill him, i think parents wouldnt allow him anyway
U r such a moron. U cant understand that some parents wouldn't let their 15-year old child go to Poland with people they do not know. Maybe, but just maybe, his parents aren't really into gaming and don't even know what he means by saying " Hi mom, I wanna go to Poland on my own to play some game, which you don't know, versus some guys you don't know in another country in a place we don't know. Ill be missing some days in school and need money for it, thanks!"

However, I will stop trying to make you understand since you are just such a arrogant little kid
maybe in Estonia parents care less about their kids like in many other Europe countries :)
why signed up if you aren t neither able to field "the" lineup that qualified, replacing with mercs or backups? or atleast why didnt played qualify matches with this lineup?
the point imo is that you defeated a team that surely fields @ lan (using their qualify lineup) with an online-only lineup. does it seem right?
lan event organizations should will not allow it anymore or just write few rules about.
maybe he didnt ask coz he wasnt sure that they qualify?

i wont say that he didnt trust in himself and his team but idle was unbeaten 4 such a long time etc. pp. !!!

btw i wouldnt ask my parents before when i am playing qualifier 4 a lan when i am not sure that i am get a spot .
well you should be able to read, perfo is only 1 of the lineup, and i m not whining @ him but @ system of lan qualify. isn t really right for people that would attend with a lan capable team, beeing raped from noshowing players and then see them play @ lan with a different lineup. is like if you play an official against a clan that borrow mercs as skilled as possible only this time.

then i can answer to your reply with:

possibility becames probability then becames real and possible. you should know also if there is a low range of possibility you must consider.

when Estonia parents see the United States of Americamoney, the Estoniachild won, they change their mines minds xD
if parents are really caring about you they tend to think what you actually like, and then make the final decision. not my problem that you have retarded parents or you're a retard.
Or maybe your parents just dont give a fuck, maybe some big negro rapes you and your like 1000 miles from home, krullenbolletje
if parents aren't trusting me, am i'm worth anything then? or they can just keep perfos in rubber balloons ( everything can happen, mkay? ) or smth, but i heard he prefers latex...
moron, arrogant kid, retarded...

nice arguments aeqz, i guess you could fit in "dumbass" somewhere?
U seem to have missed my point. I gave enough good arguments but r3vers is just the kind of guy to talk shit.. Anyway, I'm not gonna fight on xfire again, its useless
no perfo sux :/
no gifty sux even more :(
where you see gifty?
cant see him in lineup...
oh didnt even check lineups :D
As far as I know gifty won't be there

WTF? no perfo?

Gifty is missing :<

gl tho !
Finally someone not retarded enough to put a Sweden @ zP
nightkiller and wodzian <3333
too bad we can't meet irl :(
zP for the win !
perfo and gifty are cheaters
gogogo zeropoint, die össis machens schon und natürlich der rest vom team!!!!
who ever expected those "newschool highskilled" players to attend on an offline tournament?
so you are saying that all "newschool highskilled" players are cheating? :D
Yer, we where right about butchji & kris - cheating slags.
but maybe they are not "newschool"!?
The difference is that they went to a major LAN and prooved themselves, whereas perfo can't come because his parents don't let him! :(((

Sad story. A kid deprived of his passion/addiction. Ya, rly.
It took them a good few months, right through last seasons EC people where adamant butchji hacked.

perfo's plenty time.
lal iko.. teb se pa da ;---)
vsi so sumljivci teli.. :)
pa wem.. se zmer so bli 16- .. brezveze ti zgubljat tle cas k z mularijo lahk ze sam ves kko je :S
perfo will come to CPC 2, ill laugh @ you all then nP :)
i will laught at you cauz your so ugly
u need to qualify first. HF with viol though :)
how come you are not going to pga? mongolians dont get visums?
im just speechless.. I think u r THE most immature person i have ever seen

ps: u dont need a visum for Poland
I always thought that people of age > 18 are mature, but seems you and your friends didnt quite get through puberty yet.
really mature reply from you

i'm looking forward to seeing you at some LAN and playing similar as online but i doubt you will ever go to a LAN..

p.s. i'm only 13 yrs old so i can act childish!! ;))
CPC2 is in Enschede so no doubt I will go there to pwn.

gl NETRunners, I root for you! :-)
Great to see on crossfire how suddenly a journal about the PGA teams ends up about parents? Somehow my dad said he'd come with me to see what it was like, that's the only reason I can get there, gl hf all teams cya there.
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