ET EuroCup XIV Invites and Groups announced

image: ecxiv_logoClanBase ET is proud to announce the sixteen clans invited to play in Enemy Territory EuroCup XIV. The decision on which sixteen teams to pick was extremely tough, made even harder by the lack on qualifier matches this season. After careful consideration, and taking many factors, including recent results, player reputation, clan reputation and past results into account we made our decision and with no further preamble, I give you the teams invited to ET EC XIV:

Europe aMenti
Finland Abnormal Monkeys
Europe cdap - Team pi
Poland Fear Factory X-Fi
Europe HighBot
Finland incomplete
Europe Morrigu #GamersNation
Finland #Murso SFX
Poland The Netrunners
Sweden Noll8
Germany one4one eSports
Germany Team Helix
Europe uQ.Gaming
Belgium vib
Sweden zeroPoint! Gaming

For more information, including the groups and the schedule head over to
Seems alright to me. I do wonder why Idle is in the EuroCup, urtier and night are Div 3 at best. :P

edit: shit.
haha owned :D
Never seen Abnormal Monkeys play!
And they get in because of there names/history? gg
maybe because they field the old EC winners (mystic, Jauhis and Xpaz (maybe more to come, who knows)) + more skilled old-EC players?
i think that the only team which ever stood a chance to beat idle in 6on6 deserves a shot...
cdap? zeropoint?
in 5on5 you just miss the lesser skilled player you play with in 6on6 :P
Unless you talk about Night.
5on5 doesnt count, playing rambo-mixed-5on5 doesnt deserve any honour
Warst du nicht einst der Verfechter von 5on5? :)
He was in the beginning, damn traitor.
a-monkeys never played in last 2 months
and you know this... how?

edit: and our privchannel was created 8th october btw.
because he is inside thö scene
same as demiurge last year, wouldnt worry about it mate you will get your chance next time.
im all coool mate ;)
I was just wondering thats all hehe =] xx
Qla6 should be there :<
looks fine
to bad there's no dutch team :)
gl to all teams this season again
what dose Morrigu and Incomplete do there?never seen them getting good results
Incomplete is ownage team, they deserve a spot;)
Incomplete won ET-Cup and a one-day cup, got to the semi's of a another one-cup. Morrigu got second in the ET-Cup that Incomplete won and also won a one-day cup. Both teams deserve the spot.

The only ones that don't ( really ) deserve the spot are Murso, Abnormal Monkeys ( both nice lineups but no previous results, and wasn't that what EC was about? ) and uQ.Gaming ( are they still alive? ).
those 1day cups were 1day mixes, i would hardly call it serious cups.
well, this list actually is not based on recent results. i can understand why abnormal monkeys are in there ( without having played any matches ) but some other teams made me lol.
filmriss is missing!
Every year the same story: Look i played in team-xxx i'm inactive now but who cares i will get an EC invite anywayz.
gL@mQ, pi and aLL teh otherZ!
there are 3 teams of finnland , that should be a Eurocup, its a joke...
where is an austrian team?

there are 3 austiran players in zP and thats enough :)
omg this team is better than some of this teams mentioned above , thats making me meditative.
like ? and why didnt they proof it ?
that suxx0r team is crossfight top bracket for example.
Can I suggest teams play more ladder games next time btw? It's a good idea, really.
there's a shitload of nice cups nowadays. why should anyone prefer a rather inactive ladder ( that's what it is nowadays - can't be compared to what it was once ) to one of these?
if u have to play 3 games in one night u dont have enough time.
do you really have to ? anyway i think o2 should have been invited instead of murso :)
didnt see them in official
crossfire competition
wasnt enough ?
results UQ and Abnormal Monkeys ?
totaly lier :L
uQ - aMenti 4:2
uR 4:2 uQ :P
Murso - uR 4:0 :P
sub > murso 3 TIMES yet they don't get in - interesting system
Qlasics vs sFx - 4:0
Qlasics vs vib - 4:2
Qlasics vs NETR - 4:2
Qlasics vs Finest 4:2
ET-CUP #18 3-rd place
.The upcoming cup will be a fight between the clans which aren't really sure about participating in the upcoming EuroCup yet.
so o2 are able to win a map to helix? o2 won with NETR and vib in one day. could happen that o2 had good day and/or other teams could have worse day. also, o2 lost to highbot same day. and NETR are lately for 5on5 PGA

gl in oc premiere, win it and you have direct invite to ec next season (rly soon)

no offence, your clan is very skilled, but pls... cb admins are always right
we won vib twice and netrunners
sfx two times

so it's all about luck

Admins have always right but they are making only mistakes.
sry didnt post [sarcasm] tag about admins.
dont forget 3-rd place in CB summercup 2006 ! :<
acutually indu, its about reputation and kissing ass :)
and obviously neither you or we are good enough at that, so we have some things that we need to improve :)
kissing amdins ass... 1)not gay 2). They dont even know how to use an toilet paper.
and HK ofc i am angry and bad luser. 2 times ec fucked up for me by the admins.
could you please stop whining?
you can post as many results as you want, you can insult as many people as you want
you arent invited - now shut up.
we never played an offi vs o2?!?! ¬¬
make the ladder system playable and force teams accept challenges maybe?

I like it when I put in 30 challenges (for longer than 2 weeks time) and max 2 get accepted, spoils the fun of playing in ladder

it's the same in every ladder (3on3 as well as 6on6)
gl all clans
good luck everyone :)
gl @ oc overdose

gl to morrigu, o8, amenti and pi
some teams shouldnt be in there :x, n1 at arranging thingys :'<
make malta proud Maltatox ! :)

gl pi
you really should've taken o2, atleast they have some results compared to some clans..

btw, that /invite shoutcast downloadable somewhere?
Monkeys out and o2 in
mystic xpaz and jauhis out?
imo o2 should be in, and murso had good ladder result (that's why they are in?)

otherwise looks fine to me
ye they won of me for there first place in CB 5v5

EC worthy imo ;>
hei hei hei, joku roti nyt sentää MURSO :DDDDDDDDDD
nice shots
is this serious?
reputation > skill
I think we will see a nice EC gl to all teams =)
everyone whines at a-monkeys.

you whined at zP as well. but they showed what they are made of when they started to play officials (PGA Q). im sure a-monkeys will go the same way.
First 5on5, then this, CB likes to get flamed?
Gl RauZKi @ EC !
people whining about morrigu being in: shut up

1st place at GamersNation cup
1st place at some lame 1 day cup with us
2nd place at ET cup (with much clans participating in EC atm)
being a stable clan for over 2 years already
used to play under name SPRD with almost the same lineup

so they didnt really show anything special.. yeah right
+ another good point, mize @ cb ban
but you cheaT!:<

love you really
MORRWHAT? errm.. sry
gl to gifty, perfo and abnormal monkeys <3
gl nollåtta <3
gl all

everyone talking about who they beat in the list
"the list" can't be changed..
or can it (A)

will be a nice EC
Easy for Finland Finland

Gl all!
wheres overdose - gaming? :<
riddla, this season is ur chance, gl ! :P
wow, u discovered the screenshot button. also knew how to paste the picture to paint. :ooo
pls you are not funny, nor nice. pls go sleep and give me a break.

i used paint to paste and The GIMP to edit the picture. I used TotalCommander to upload on my ftp, and I already used [img] before
why use 2 editing programs if the compressing will be the same as paint's jpg compress?
Print Screen and then paste to paint. Save as 1.jpg. Then close and open GIMP (I dont like paint and editiing in it, so i use GIMP to that.
I dont see any editing besides cropping.
so you see editing: cropping (whatever that means)
Helix will pwn to all
Missing infrag btw :(
GL FinlandAbnormal Monkeys
great name ;d
asslickers role has already taken, soz. find your own bitches fanboy!
lolled @ murso lost 5 offis to sublime and lost to o2 2 times 4-0 EC worthy lolz!
being 1st in 5on5 ladder HAHA even wrong format!
repesin lettuh <3
ahah you arent neither da highest fragger on EFTERLYST.. why you re in EC?
i havent played in pub for 3 days so i have no clue what ur after
maybe u keep some kind of book of ur achievements "4.6.2006 had more frags than lettu in efterlyst" maybe i should just be quiet because i got owned so hard by u sorry.
nice friends list to bad no one has you in ther list
Sweden zeroPointsingroupstage
Poland NETLimiters

Europe uQ.Gaming
Europe Morocco

Europe cdap - fi
Europe aMenti
(if they train)
Europe one4one
Belgium violenceisbad

Finland Incomplete

Poland FearFactory ( :-( )
Finland Murso

Germany Shell Helix
Europe a-Monkeys

Europe Rewhined
Sweden Noll8

no offence to any clan, just predictions of noob med- :p
hahaha, NetLimiters...agree with that :)
everything true, except 141. they will win the group or second ;)
ye that and _and_ noll8 will win there grup ;)
oh, true! :D g0 blaze! <3
amenti invited? rofl pls !
ofc they shouldnt :p
gl one4one show them what you can do!
o ryl ;)

10 POUNDS NOW PLZ!!!!!!! =]
Imo there should be a qualifer matches beetwin

Europe Morrigu -Estonia o2

Finland Murso sFx - Croatia elite

Sweden noll8 or Finlandincomplete - Swedenoverdose

Nothing personal against any clan or smth, just that every good clan deserve a chance to get a spot @ EC.
incomplete doesnt have to prove anything
agree with skills there should have been qualifiers for those "doubtable" teams....
we played that in ET-cup already which is pre-EC cup as always.... what about teams like a-monkeys which never played any offi?
well, they have 4 players that were the only challange for (Xpaz Jahuis Saintt and mystic) I think those names have earned their right to get a spot @ EC.
if raziel came back with some oldschoolers, he would get in EC without playing any offi as well?
dont try to pervert what I said, I didn't say that if any pro old schooler whould come back he should get EC invite right away (even tho it's like that these days) , I just said that the last challange for idle were parodia, and a-monkeys have 4 players of that team, I think they earned the right to be at EC and that this is a good reason enough to get an EC spot.

p.s and yeh tiggeri +torspo are also ex EC players.. :p
I'm not saying a-monkeys is a bad clan or anything... imo, they might even win the EC

what I'm saying is that they didn't earn their position in any way. They got famous players and it's "not so long time ago" that parodia played last time. But anyway even a team with so famous players should show their skills before the election. Imo o2 played really well and would be much more EC worthy because of their achievements in this season.

ET skills are increasing allthetime. Ppl become better aimers everyday. Just watch old demos of those "oldschool" pro's. They are max medskillers nowadays. They can't track etc (only mystic did).... so u can't base everything on their achievements in year 1 and 2
haha fanboy
not really.

that's just the truth, u can't help it...
prolly mystic sux nowadays compared to the improved skills of other players, but that doesn't despise the fact that he played with relatively low sens and was able to track already back then.
you made me lol, now shut up
can u tell me what was the funny part?

and don't reply on me if u don't have anything better to say. I don't even know u
You forgot me and torspo from demiurge!!
To many of the teams whining bc of not getting an invite (but not any in particular):

Why do you really have to play EC? OK you beated some of the clans in praccs and maybe even officials but can you say that you are better then 50% of them? Because for many of the clans EC is just playing 2-3 games then the group stage is over and the best clans continue to the playoffs while you got nothing else to do but wait for the next season.

Why rush it? Whats so terrible with instead playing OC div. 1 and having a big chanse of winning the whole fucking division?!

Look at previous EC's. Most of the worst teams play like two games, gets owned in both then drop the cup and folds the clan. Compare this to the different OC div1- winners we've had. Most have been good stable clans and thats not really a coincidence in my book.
as lotix said i think most of you are only whining @ EC but play 3 games in a season will make you really sad trust him!

tbh i think EC is done for EC players so there re always the same names and it s quitely correct cause:

#high experience & skill
#surely coverage

is that CB needs for EC, basing on previous seasons (murso = sfx & abmonk = parodia + finnish ex-demi) for insurances a good season. clan like 141, HB, incomplete, vib & morriqu are the "rookies" and should proof how many good they are, but they deserved cause basing their rosters on aged & well known players and collected several good achievements in the scene.

tbh o2 should replace uQ (i think they re inactive!)
Lotix you just made a VERY good point.
Some people are attentionwhores, that is why they want to play EC, but they only make themselves look like complete retards IMO :)
agreed 100% :)
I agree on this, we(aD) played in OC div1 last season although we won in pracs 80% of EC teams.

Yes I know aD played an EC quali, but the lineup was totally different (eg. excluding me and sanda). And we were just as happy with OC.

Anyways playing in EC doesn't make one any special imo, and no one plays it for the money prices (I hope)

Finally this is just a game which is supposed to be fun for everyone no matter on what level one is playing
and that's why you used or maybe still use maxpackets changer script, to make this game a bit more fun!
do u have probs at home or why _teh ängst_?

at least u aren't making the game any fortune with your whine, try to behave kkthx
Lotix.. u must be the only swedish guy with a brain.

I admire you..

well written!
wtf? since when have you seen the light? :-)

well said.
kinda sucks not even having 1 outsider team and going for the known names once again even though last year you said you wouldnt do that. Sublime/o2/quashpain deserves mursos place without a doubt imo
must be first time I agree with mr evan :)
I'm an ettv viewer and I say overdose > vib!

By the way, to all those who are saying "gl overdose @ oc", when they subscribed they chose "eurocup only". So no opencup for them I suppose :(
gl to all the internet only players and caught hackers who arent banned!

i do feel there should be some qualifiers...
HuMm3L @ EC = joke or lowest season ever seen!

by H4nS <3
humm3l has already played in EC XII
and he was player of the match!
This EC looks stronger than expected !

As above, surprised not to see o2 though - don't think morrigu are worthy. You can't use mercs in EC :)~

quash pain didn't get an invite 'cos they had no xfire news, sorry Ireland sol :<
yeah also illusion i think!
gl to all.

esp. mQ and 141
Good luck to highbot. They can raise their game for the important cups.
Long as they play rtcw maps :>
They've only got one! :o
where is a well known clan "weedy's homies"????
A-Monkeys so we gonna have Mystic PWNAGE YEEEEEEEEEEEEHA :P
Morrigu is there for their 2nd place at invite-etcup where they played with half team of cdappi , they shouldnt be there imo

Qlasics o2 rly desevered it.. playing together since summer with almost same lineup, making REALLY good results...huge mistake by cbamins =/ hope they can fix it...

btw nice decision about dont take overdose >:o)

the rest of the teams are ok , maybe retro.. but oc 1st division need nice teams too ^^
Just for your information.

Do you know that there was only 1 merc allowed, which means that we played with 5(!) from our line up so the cdap/mQ mix is bullshit.
The reason why we used a merc is that gyzr is working on monday/thursday and it's not possible to reschedule matches (look at the match vs sublime if anyone knows the story)
We hope that we can schedule matches in EC, so we can play with our normal line up and show what we got.
mQ with tekoa and half of cdap pi yes... mQ without tekoa and half of cdap pi... no
Nice teams, good choices!
Not based on their cheaters accusations, can someone tell me why overdose isn't in EC ?

Have fun VIB, Amenti & Morrigu
I heard there were better clans denied for EC than OverDose :>
There is not much honor in winning OpenCup division one, ET-CUP > OpenCup division one already

I hope you see.. to be a successful team and to get proper support you need to be at the top, which is the EuroCup in ET. (Well maybe ESL > CB after all and the IPS will replace EuroCup as most popular european cup) Winning OpenCup Premier is not much to be proud of, while already beating one clan in EuroCup is an achievement on it's own.

Also, this isn't just about not being in the OpenCup, this is about being unfair! IF your team faced four EC invted teams and already beat three out of them, don't you think that rings a bell? One of the only clans with a close to stable lineup since June this year, qualified for a place in the crossfight, 3rd place ET-HotCup, third place ET-CUP #18, a team which has achieved much more than some teams in this EC have done, a team which has proven not be a two weeks clan, a team which holds three national players, how could ClanBase deny such a team which has been working so hard for this EC invite?
That are some n1 achievements
If you consider who had to be beaten to get those I would indeed call them nice.
What "top" teams?
NetRunners, violence is bad, Murso for example (EC clans)
winning oc premier does however gurantee you a invite for the next euroup, so think about that.
if the team survives the time between it :-)
last 2 have ;D
Who cares, if the team was in this EuroCup they would get an invite for next one as well, I wonder how many CB admins are from poland / belgium / finland because their own teams were at stake here.
o2 and sub should stop whining...
o2 should be there
why stop. Cause results doesnt matter any more ?
lol @ indu.. remember vgs got a ban for 2 fakes in summer cup (with MHZ clan) last year, and we weren t warned and neither been able to play OC any division.

this is CB agree or leave!
cause it makes you look like a foooool

image: fool
like i give shit what you think about me ?
look to mirror next time if you say something like that

and dio compare vgs with pimps or o2 is wrong.
We playd by the rules
np: Frankie Goes To Hollywood - RELAX
ban THIS CUNT!!!! stupid ott image... DELETE! resize you tit, fucked up this news post .... wp[/u]

eDIT: Nice shoes....
it's true, whining doesn't help much anymore, but still they have right to say what they think. CB really did wrong not to let o2 in
in your opinion
in opinion of EC player
and? Hes a player not an admin
and I'm not allowed to say my opinion?

is this a dictatorship or what :D
thats not what i'm saying, its no offence spirea but they had to make a decision somehow
yes, and I'm criticizing against it. I don't expect them to change it, I'm just showing respect to o2
I know all, should be interesting indeed. (insider skillz)
Well guys, howevery you think about it - I personally believe this will be a really interesting Eurocup. I tried to figure out if there is any "easy" group but to be honest - I didnt find one.
I bet this EC will be much more intense then the last one you saw - and maybe the OC will be as interesting as the EC this year cause of all the potential that we might have in div1.
true mate xD
gl clown & tox !
hm strange that o2 wasnt invited. rofl.

P.S. wasnt morrigu inactive for quite a long time?
mQ out o2 in
uQ lol? those guys get literally raped by mid+ teams, but o'well it's still uQ- for old times and parodias sake!

Murso FTW!!

thnx adacore for this good work on invites, you must be a smart guy.
Registered: 23 November 2006
Member For: 0 days


the internet is cool! i can flame people and nobody will know who i am as long as i use my cool fakeaccounts!!11
QuoteMurso FTW!!

We've got a hint mr.holmes
well combined, watson. no go on and check out those mysterious footprints
I entered his email on google and i found this

Member of idle
[email protected]
Siim Salu
Estonia, EU
Gaming Rig:

Favorite Civilization:
Clan/Gaming History:

Is our mysterious suspect an idle player?
Edit: I just read his other comment and it could be an o2 player aswell
rofl, if u dont know who rei is than mabye u guys shoulnd not flame so much. Like omg.

And gambit, us shoulnt be so stupid, he is playing whit that same nick in his team.

Rofl, what a bunch of wierdos.
Favorite Civilization:

cant be real !!!
even more info's:
Real Name: Marko Hint
E-mail: markoh10 at mail dot ee
Age: 22 ( 7 May 1984 )
Location: Estonia
Gender: Male
Function: Member
Registered: 7 July 2005
Member For: 1 year, 4 months and 17 days

compare this to:

Real Name: siim
E-mail: godhandfemto at hotmail dot com
Age: 23 ( 6 March 1983 )
Location: Earth
Gender: Male
Function: Member
Registered: 23 November 2006
Member For: 0 days

And we have our man.
Indu was whining aswell some comments above this one and makes the same grammatical errors
OMG?? are you retarded?? maybe u should check cb-s player list.

HINT: rei is in team-violence and indu isnt O_o.

he must be a hacker. and on Yawn, wtf, two different guys, omgomg, tr000 xiiter.
Sorry i don't follw the 6th league scene
ye, but that doesnt mean that u shud be a retard, does it?


Oh, and he was in instagods, when they won fourth place@ premier, wow, a 6th league indeed.
Quoteye, but that doesnt mean that u shud be a retard, does it?

hahaa thanks mate u made my day :D
even if rei was some faker, I can't see any similarities in this comparison :)
ok you got me there, i do not live in ET world and i don't know newest developments on skills of uQ and other questionable invites, so my judgement is affected solely on my own gaming experience. fact is that they(uQ) got raped by us(violence) noobs who had been together for 2 weeks and played mixed style taxless game. they must have been inactive to do so bad.
there's no point in flaming now thats true, we can only hope they will improve their performance so upcoming Ec wouldn't be joke in general.

and yes i played Age of Empires 3 for clan idle and my favorite civ was french, eso nick dzm.
highest rank was 41 in 1v1 supremacy ladder with 150 000 signups and around 40 000 active users.
achievement that isn't easy to beat.

got the complete picture now dr. cheasy? so what do your analysis say?

cheasy, sorry about grammatical probs, i really had no idea we have a linguist here. soz
violence for eurocup imo !
Quoteso my judgement is affected solely on my own gaming experience. fact is that they(uQ) got raped by us(violence) noobs who had been together for 2 weeks and played mixed style taxless game

actually it isnt fake account, i just registered inspired by some of those teams invited to Ec that ive raped with mid+ mixes. its just an insult to teams like o2, who work hard to get there, but instead of them some inactive noobs are taken just because they have name of some legendary team. aint right tbh
inactive noobs such as?
cdap pi, never seen them playing or participated a lan in poland
okay, plus they also have this online only player perfo. should be banned, obvious wallhacker.
WHREE is dichekehedamix!!?
too high, we need to play GlobalCup.
Worldcup Perfo, aap!
sorry Rafiki :D maar wie is hier nu de aap? :-)
Van mij weet iedereen dat, dat van jou moet nog bewezen worden!
a-monkeys he means about inactive
i just registered inspired by some of those teams invited to Ec that ive raped with mid+ mixes.

screenshot or it didnt happen !!
whats uQ doing there?
Great question !
where the hell is o2?
Group B = group of death.

Go vib !
Agree,and it would be like that if there were EC Qualis.
Agree for o2,mQ should be out... doubt for qP
LoL,exists for 2 years? But inactive for 1.5year.
yes but the core of the team (joop, wesbo, gyzr, brot (mize)) plays together for well 5 months now with maybe 1 month of inactivity
joop uQ-gaming
brot dtekt
gyzr komedia

mize is cheater anyway? u caught him
And what clan did they all play for before? Oh ye Morrigu/SPRD =)

I dont want to argue here....i'm talking about now,I dont care what u did before and with who did u play before...I can say I play with matias auron and csafi for 1.5 year also...Its not the point.The thing is, o2 deserved it more than u. End of discussion.
In the end we were given the spot and not o2 =)
what are the lineups from each team ? :O)
Everytime same whine. Team a should be in, team b should not be in, team c is shit :(

These "not so certain to be in" -teams would not have what it takes to win ec anyway, so just be happy to compete in oc with the possibility to win!
you are absolutely right Tiigeri, but the only thing people are whining about is that why was team a chosen over team b, whilst both of the teams wouldn't have the chance to win? AND when its clear to everyone that team b was better than team a (that can be seen form, lets say, recent cups). OR why did teams with no results get the invite? These are the questions and usually people want answers to their questions, because if not that, it would seem unfair to them. Saying "it was a real hard decision, don't blame CB" isn't a valid answer in my mind. But I do say this "everyone has a right to their opinion and discussing the invites will only make CB work better in the future and help them to evolve.
People value those non-sense cups too much. For example with demiurge we played one official before ec, a tie against some med-skill team in cb ladder.

I know it's hard to prove yourself I guess, but I'v never seen a very good team to be left out from the EC, so I guess cb is doing just fine job.

If there was serious €€€€ involved, there would be a significant qualification system to make sure which of those not-the-very-top-teams has deserved their spot in ec.
true true... but it still makes the teams left out feel kinda dissapointed knowing that they could also play as good as some teams there or even better.
i remember some underscore guys whining at you (demiurge) guys being given a direct invite for ec :D
If there was serious €€€€ involved, there would be a significant qualification system to make sure which of those not-the-very-top-teams has deserved their spot in ec.
not to mention any countries in particular Poland. but that money is almost a paycheck in some countries
the EC money are pocket money evan for poles.
We left KiH out this season, and that, according to the roster, would've been a very good team.
"Clanbase is proud to annouce"

That's in liek every cb post ;}
your point is?
What's yours?
my point is your posting useless comments ya dumbass.. whats yours
And you are posting usefull comments? Here's a usefull one:

Can't say the same
5on5 is the future
lol true, it is much more fUNieR!
who can i join
this slovenian boy is good and nice take him somone! xD

(talk to frozzen)
is alexL still in team-swe :O?
hahahaha yeeeeee right xD
v bar lohk joinas !
bar ti je fotr
join team slovenia or play oc!
gl FF and NETR!
gl inVert !
long journal :o
GL morrigu <3
o2 deserved the place in EC , they did VERY hard work compared other that just got their names.
overdose > noll8 ...............................
online or @ lan?
naaaah only @ lan cause o8 cheats xD
GL to all
especially Abnormal Monkeys <3 <3 <3
GL to all finns!! (and to Guardian)
ET is Finland fin[n]ished!
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