Quakewars receives unprecedented preview

Today my copy of PCZone magazine arrived through the letterbox, its usual 3 days ahead of the shop delivery dates. Removing the plastic packaging and cardboard support I had a good look at the cover, noting with interest their month's chosen subject: Enemy Territory - Quakewars.

"The shooter that obliterates Battlefield!" yelled the banner, and quickly flicking to page 50 I saw what can only be described as a mammoth preview. PCZone is a magazine notorious for its hardline review and refusal to be swayed by industry pressure, delivering definitive and above all honest depictions of the games they play. To hear "quake zero with Wolf ET style gameplay" is very reassuring. Anyway, I of course scanned all the pages, you can read each of them in high-resolution by clicking on the thumbnails below.

It looks like no relation to Et only the name...
It looks like quake, the gameplay is ET based
i not even looks like good old q3 :(
the gameplay is battlefield base, ET doesnt have giant tanks and other vehicles. (yeah tank on grush, but that cant be compared). those kind of strange things make it lose the ET feel. Imo ET is cool also because everyone has the same smg, not someone got a better weapon then someone else.
The class based, objective orientated gameplay.
BF:QW is like ET 6v6 but then with 3 people flying around with panzerfausts that prolly give 4 times as much damage. That aint no ET anymore :D
hmm, in that case you could also compare it to CoD and BF and maybe even CSS
You can compare those aspects, yeah.
Its not like BF2 at all!

BF2 is all about camping around flags and a scattered battlefield, no real frontlines. Quake Wars has a concentrated frontline which shifts during the match. It also has a great solo assignment system so even de biggest noob knows what to do in a match and be helpfull for the team.

Quake Wars will set a new standard for teambased FPS.

I played it at Game Convention and am in close contact with the devs. This game will rock!!

You registered for this comment? And you are in close contact with the devs?

Hallo Arnout
Do i look like Arnout?? :)

No i registered because i read lots of bullshit and couldn't resist replying.

Just noticed you have regged at quake-wars.eu, welcome :)

looks like someone is hiding a time machine all to his self Mr January 2007!!
big thanks! :))

but where is page 51?
it was just a picture
System requirements seem very high :|
runs on a q4 pc
Well wasn't that one of the big issues why Q4 didnt become very popular?
That was a year ago, tech moves on quite a lot in a year. A "Q4 PC" is now an average gaming rig, rather than really high end, imo.
Ok that is true. But does that mean that a lot of people own those now 'standard gaming' computers? A game like rtcw most people could run by use of tweaks. If this is not the case with et:qw a lot of people will not buy it,therefore you will/may get a small community and the rest tells itself imo ...
No - it's because q4 is shit.
In the article they mention that the game runs quite well on a PC which can handle Q4, now my Pentium IV @ 2.6 ghz can run Quake 4 (with an occasional fps lag pike)
and you have what kind of hardware? :)
Nothing special. 128 mb ATi Radeon 9600 video card and 1 gb ram :>
I have 9600 as well, 512 mb ram, but no way i get more than 30 fps.
Perhaps the RAM is the bottleneck. And then there is the case of the processor.
hoi et:qw
Why is this game in an ET-topic? And don't tell me this is a sequel of ET, because it isn't.
1. - there isnt a qw topic
2. - the name is still 'et'
1. than make it in a general topic
2. any person that has served in the military can tell you that 'enemy territory' is a general term used in the fields. Just like 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory', this game is called 'Enemy Territory: Quake Wars'. Absolutely no clear connection, besides containing the same words.
please show me this general topic you preach about
it's not my fault this site hasn't got a General Topic.
If I want to put a birthmessage in the newspaper, but they don't have a page for that, should I put it on the page that tells me who passed away this week?
There are a few simmularities in W:ET and ET:QW:
- Same developer
- Developers want the game to be a bit like W:ET..
+ I won't say the gameplay will be a lot like W:ET but I think it well be.

Wouldnt it be allowed to post Battlefield 1942. Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142 in a regular Battlefield topic
so if the game is made by the same developpers, the games are related to eachother, no matter what? Hmm...interesting.
If you can not see the connection between W:ET and QW:ET than you, sir, need some more brain cells. Just cause the gameplay may or may not resemble, doesn't mean there is no relation between the two games.
Wow, people start cursing when they lack at giving good arguments.
Go stewie, jij zal het nog ver schoppen in je leven!
This discussion isn't about "there aren't connections between the 2 games", this discussion is about "is ET:QW directly related to W:ET, and therefor ETQW is a sequel of ET, and therefor this topic must be placed under "news:ET" ?.
I'm not denying that there are no resemblances.
So please: read before you say anything.
In your light, your comment can be compared to mine. So we will go equally far in life then. Unfortunately I do not lack reasoning, you do. Just because the gameplay may or may not be the same, doesn't mean this isn't related to ET. When ET is in the name, and the same kind of classes are there, there is a direct relation. Enough reason to put it where foonr put it.
oh for god sake.
Is it SO hard to see that W:ET is about Germans fighting against Americans, and that ETQW is based on the QUAKE story "humans against stroggs"? Is it really that hard?
Is it so hard to see the word "Quake" in "Enemy Territory: Quake Wars"?
And yes, there are some similar things between these two games, but that doesn't make ETQW a sequel of it. In COD you can use an MP-40, just like in ET, and in both games you are playing as a team against a team, but should we put all the COD news in the ET section as well?
Goddamn you are ignorant and whiney. Go focus your anger on something else.
Ik zit al tig keer mijn visie uit te leggen, en het enige dat ik terug krijg als antwoord is "je mist hersencellen", en "je bent eigenwijs". Wanneer ga je stampvoeten?
Je eigen standpunten motiveren is te lastig voor je?
Dat jij alleen maar kunt reageren door te zeggen dat ik geen argumenten aanbreng, is een dooddoener. En het feit dat jij mijn argumenten niet ziet, draagt alleen maar bij aan mijn opmerking dat jij meer grijze hersencellen nodig hebt.
Haha, nu maak je je alleen maar belachelijk :P
Ik zie je argumenten wel hoor, en ik weerleg ze zelfs.
Of heb je daar over heen gelezen, en alleen "je zult het ver schoppen" gelezen? Het is sneu dat je het wel normaal vindt om tegen iemand te zeggen dat hij meer hersencellen moet halen, maar dat je gelijk begint te janken als ik een suggestieve opmerking maak.
Dus eerst zeg je dat het enige dat je terug krijgt is "je mist grijze hersencellen" en "je bent eigenwijs" (iets dat ik niet gezegd hebt, zoek ignorant nog maar even op) en nu zie je mijn argumenten wel, maar heb je ze al weerlegt?

Wie maakt zich nu belachelijk?
Wie zegt dat ik het woord 'eigenwijs' heb afgeleid door het door jouw eerder genoemde 'ignorant'?
En van dat tweede snap ik helemaal geen ene grafkanker. Tuurlijk heb ik ze gezien. Als ik ze niet had gezien had ik geen weerleggend antwoord gegeven. Of bedoelde je dat niet?

Maar ik sta hier m'n tijd te verdoen aan iemand die zijn gelijk probeert te halen over een door hem zelf aangesneden onderwerp, dan het oorspronkelijk begonnen discussie, namelijk "behoort een spel als ETQW in een ET rubriek te staan?".

Voor de rest heb ik niks meer aan waarde toe te voegen, totdat je mij een goed argument geeft waarom jij denkt dat ETQW als een vervolg op ET mag worden beschouwd. Is dat te veel gevraagd, of ga je nu weer schreeuwen dat ik het allemaal niet snap?
Schrijf ik mijn berichten soms in het Spaans?
Jij schreef eerder:

"Ik zit al tig keer mijn visie uit te leggen, en het enige dat ik terug krijg als antwoord is "je mist hersencellen", en "je bent eigenwijs". "

M.a.w. ik geef argumenten. Daarna zeg je dat je mijn argumenten hebt weerlegd. Wat begrijp je niet? Grappig gegeven is dat jij op mij reageert door te zeggen dat ik scheld. Vervolgens reageer jij opdezelfde manier, en gebruik je hier het woord grafkanker.

En als jij eigenwijs niet van ignorant hebt gehaald, vraag ik me toch af van welk Engels woord jij dat dan wel hebt gedaan.

Dus zucht jij nu maar even lekker, een lees even alles opnieuw. En dan laat je het lekker met rust.
als ik zeg dat ik er geen grafkanker van snap, beschouw jij dat als een scheldwoord op jouw persoon? Ik zal dan voortaan op mijn woorden letten, anders beschadig ik Uw dunne huidje.

Anyway, laten we nog 1maal teruglopen wat er is gebeurd:
post @ 18:14: daarin beweert U dat wanneer de woorden ET in de naam van de spel bevinden, en wanneer beide spellen een klassensysteem bevatten, dat er uit kan worden gegaan van een relatie tussen W:ET en ETQW.
post @ 18:23: daarin zeg ik dat het feit dat U zegt dat spellen een relatie met elkaar hebben wanneer ze de zelfde woorden bevatten, vals is. Als uitleg zeg ik dat ETQW verwijst naar Quake, en dat het spel ook nog eens een ander verhaallijn volgt.
Verder probeer ik aan hand van een voorbeeld te zeggen dat twee spellen wel overeenkomsten kunnen bevatten, maar dat dat niet per se hoeft te betekenen dat die twee spellen direct een relatie (lees: sequel) hebben (behalve dan dat ETQW de klassen van ET heeft overgenomen).
post @ 18:25: ik ben onwetend en ik wijn (in dat laatste heeft U gelijk btw:P)

Dus waar is de discussie nu onderbroken? Niet bij mij.
Ik zei toch nergens dat ik het een persoonlijk aanval vond? Ik constateer alleen dat u scheld. En in uw eerste post, beschuldigt u ervan mensen die niet met argumenten kunnen komen schelden gaan. Ik probeer alleen de ironie aan te tonen:)

Niet `een klassen systeem` maar eenzelfde. In de post van 17:23, probeer je een punt te maken, door te lullen over een woord. Maar het gaan niet om 'een' woord, maar om de trademark en alles dat eromheen zit. Ik neem aan de je dat begrijpt? Dat het niet om de definitie van het woord Enemy Territory ging. Iig bij mij niet. Maar de discussie ging daarna niet meer over of het nu wel of niet bij ET hoorde, en dat geeft ook niet.

Ik vond het een gezellige discussie :)
lol at you guys, a simple comment expanded into 2 pages of dutch whine :)
Jij bent diegene die zich belachelijk maakt, niet Stewie.
so you also whine at Battlefield 2142 and Battefield 2 that they are placed in same group as Battlefield 1942? As you say, they tell the different story, eventhough its the same system and gameplay!

Oh yes and lets put Battlefield 2142 in section of Earth 2140 - its alsmost the same fabule and time!

and mr understand this: the sequel doesnt need to resemble the previous game. if it does, its like CoD:UO (dunno the word: 'dodatek' in polish :p). it need to be changed and it is:

- different time/world
- added some bf-features like tanks, planes, etc.

but there are still:

- gameplay
- teams
- classes
- objective! (and i mean OBJECTIVE, not plant-and-boom or kill-them-all)
- developer
- developer's will to et:qw being et's sequel ('Enemy Territory' addition is obvious signal)
CONCLUSION: it is et's sequel

then we come here: who cares if it is in cod or et section? why you use filters the hell? :p

why you whine, you wont change it

and then we come to same opinion: et:qw SUX HARD!!!!!!!! :p
yea you are right. When I wrote that comment I was thinking about Battlefield 1942 and 2142 as well.
However, these two games kept their name, namely "Battlefield". So Battlefield stays Battlefield. But the difference between W:ET and ET:QW is that the first one contains the word "Wolfenstein", from the Wolfenstein series. And ETQW contains the word "Quake", from the Quake series.
A second point, is that the developpers said in an interview that the game is kind of a 'presequel' of the Quake series. However, they would use the class system of ET. That's great ofcourse. That shows that people appreciate a game like ET. But what the developpers did not say, was that this game itself was based on the ET story. That's an important statement right there.

I also have to agree that the difference between games have become vaguely. I mean: Doom3 and Quake4 do look a like. Even in graphics. And the same thing goes for all the WWII games.
It's a shame game-developpers can't come up with something new.

Anyway, I'm getting off-topic now. Thanks for your comment. Finally somebody who actually uses motivation and examples to proove his point, instead of crying.
OH FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!! I MEAN COME ON !!!! YOU ARE ARGUING OVER WHAT CATEGORY A NEWS POST SHOULD BE IN??????????????????????????????????????????????

you are right, it is pathetic. But it wasn't my attention to spend 10 posts at this topic. I'm polite enough to answer somebody elses question.
Now don't forget that Battlefield 2142 is just a quickly made stand alone mod for Battlefield 2. I think Battlefield 2142 is just made out of concern when EA heared that ID and Splashdamage were making a game which might actually be better than Battlefield 2, so they had to make a quick related ripoff of quakewars, with more advanced technology and in the future, but still in a Battlefield 2 style gameplay.

This is easely conciderable to be true because EA really doesn't want to lose players choosing for ET:QW

I have played Battlefield 2142 for a while and i can conclude that it really sux and really gets boring after playing it for a while, and also made just for the purpose which i stated above.

EA Games : Fuck Up Everything.............
ok, look:

bf2142 has bf in the title and yet it's not the same "setting" as bf1942. bf2142 is the sequel to bf1942.

total anhhilation: kingdoms has tain the title and a completely different setting than the original ta. ta:k is ta's sequel.

etqw has et in the name and a completely different setting than et. etqw is et's sequel.
ok, but why does it use the word Quake in his name AND use the storyline of Quake? :P
"Is it SO hard to see that W:ET is about Germans fighting against Americans"

Wrong, it's axis vs allies. :<
pls read whole comment. he gave you 3 comibned points, which you cant look at one by one but as a collective.

and you know it
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory? I never heard of that game mate.

Maybe you don't see a connection, but the creators of both games certanly do otherwise they wouldnt keep saying it. Besides, the only thing about gameplay you know about ET:QW is what you read in articles so there is no way you can say there is absolutely no connection besides the name.
seeing a connection is the same as being related to eachother?
I see a connection between CS and COD: 5v5, trying to blow things up, or eliminating the other team.
Is COD a sequel of CS?
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory >.<
oh noes, without the 'Return to Castle'? Damn, I'm such a noob :<
Those damn broken filters :x
lets all walk around in et:qw and enjoy the fantastic view or u can have dragraces with the tanks :O
i dont want a game that looks like q4
but who gives a fuck :(
BF:Quakewars, that is what they should call it.

I can already see a config coming out within weeks removing all heavy weapons and verhicles.

My burning question is what they have done to accommodate the real ET players, because the only thing left is fueldump style maps and the classes each with their individual assignments.

At the moment, I feel almost afraid of buying this game. RtCW was a superb game, ET mediocre, only God and SD know how BF:QW will be.
I'm sorry but the difference between the themes between ET and ET:QW would be smaller than the ammount of bugs BF games have compared to ET:QW
That comparison does not make any sense :D

You are comparing the differences of themes between the games ET and ET:QW, with the amount of bugs in BF compared to ET:QW.

Themes (ET, ET:QW) = Bugs(BF, ET:QW)?

I dont fully understand what you are saying, but we don't know yet what kind of bugs ET:QW has. So it will be hard to compare the amount of bugs yet.

But, the gameplay is definitely much more Battlefield like. Running for 30 secs with no action or getting owned by a huge overpowered gun or bomb, slow objective type gameplay. Rounds will last for much more time looking at the size of the maps (comparing it to fueldump which is very much alike Valley)... All ingredients of BF.

ET = Fast dynamic gameplay, 12 people running around (not 12 verhicles), instant action (within a few seconds you are shooting at your enemy), objectives can be captured within a few minutes. Ow and alot less spam than those new weapons, trucks and planes can do in ET:QW.
I was thinking along the lines of 6v6 infantry only compos, with smaller custom maps.
I am thinking of making some kind of ruleset/config within weeks after the release removing all that bs and make ET:QW a real ET multiplayer game fit for competitive gaming. :)

Global config ftw ;)
I'd expect we need a ET:QW Pro first to actually be able to make the game fit for compos. Given the size of the maps, we'd also need some coders to either downsize the maps or create custom ones. Your estimate of "within weeks" just seems a bit too optimistic. ;)
Who says they have to accommodate ET players? If you like ET then play ET... ET:QW is a DIFFERENT game.
Did we mention it needs to accommodate ET players? We're just brainstorming on what could be modified to make this game interesting and/or feasible for competition.
Cash: "My burning question is what they have done to accommodate the real ET players"
Yep, you're absolutely right. I missed that, I hope Cash can forgive me that I didn't read his post that carefully. :p
is that now why you want to be my buddy? :D
How else can I make up for it? I'm all out of flowers and chocolates... :p
Just because it has vehicles doesn't mean it is like BF. My impression is the splashdamage guys are far more fond of TF* and Tribes than BF* games.

Will it be just like ET ? Of course not. Developing something that was no more than a re-skinned ET would be completely stupid. Trying to turn it into ET after the fact would stupid. 6v6 SMG battles isn't the only possible way for a game to be good :/
The game doesn't need to resemble to ET or RTCW. It's not meant as that either. RTCW² is in the making remember, now that will most likely resemble to ET/RTCW.
Then you also don't want a game that looks like Quake 4.

A few months ago some guy compared Quake 3 and Quake 4 both at high resolution, max detail, the whole bunch. Quake 3 looked even nicer, best part was that was running on 125 fps. The same quality for Quake 4 and his vid card had trouble pushing out 40.

While taste is a subjective matter, and I like lighter "worlds", I truly cannot care about graphics if they remain the same as my current tweaked ET and RtCW.

I want great games, the excitement and all-decisve moments for glory with my clan from the RtCW days (and sporadically in ET). I have a hard time seeing that in BF:QW.
playin games for the graphics is like watchin porn for the storyline !
i would +++++ you for that if xfire had a comment rating system :D
You got my vote for quote of the year :)!
prefer to wait for rtcw2 than buy this bf wnb
This is ridiculous, everyone is shouting "Wait for RtCW 2 ET:QW will be shit!" note these are all ET players. Well I have some news for you, RtCW2 isn't going to be ET2. RtCW and ET are DIFFERENT games!!!! The panzer can take our your whole team, bullets come at you a hell of alot faster. People strafe around you at the speed of light, this isn't ET. In my eyes, it's better, in some ETPlayers eyes it's worse. But the fact of the matter is, we aren't getting an ET2 we're getting ET:QW and RtCW2. Play them, or don't play them. Personally I will try them both... Don't knock it before you've tried it I say.
you figured it out yourself or did someone help you?
We had a whole team working on it.
But from the looks of that post, you're expecting RtCW2 to be the "panzer can take our your whole team, bullets come at you a hell of alot faster, people strafe around you at the speed of light" style. I think that's only marginally more likely than ET:QW being identical to ET in style.

I do agree though - I'm going to get both and try them. No point making any judgement until then.
I'd say there is a pretty good chance the new wolf game (which has not been officially called "RTCW2") will be nothing at all like RTCW. There certainly isn't any public information to indicate one way or the other.

Who knows, maybe it will be a top down shooter like the original!
Will it run in a VT100 terminal?
thx for uploading the review <3
Very expensive magazine :x
is it legal to scan and show public a part of a magazine which is to buy? :p
"quake zero with Wolf ET style gameplay"
but with a random aimskill like cs
Can't wait for this game :C
And buck fush all those who says that ET:QW sux, but haven't seen anything more than few videos and pictures. I'm not that big fan of futuristic games like BF2142 (and partly ET:QW) but i will definately try ET:QW just because SD is promising the feel and some gameplay moments from ET. And if I won't like the whole game in general or will be dissapointed by seeing nothing that reminds of ET, I will not go like "WTF OMFGIGLASH QW SUXOREH YEH YE HE!!!!!1111one" or maybe I will.. can't say that without seeing the game omg!

Personally, I'm waiting ET:QW more than RtCW 2 as ET:QW will be primary developed for PC gamers, for those who likes ET gameplay (which is a bit slower than for RtCW, but still), not like RtCW2 for console owners. That is just so sad that the ever best FPS MP game gets such a destiny (and why do I have a feeling that RtCW will be almost as CS:S but a bit faster?). :C

And yes, thanx for scanning the magazine, foonr :)
err, how is saying the game is bad based on little evidence any worse than saying that the game is good based on the same?
From the looks of that preview, I think it's possible but unlikely that ET:QW will work well in 6v6 format without major alterations.

I would guess that it would probably require the removal of a significant number of the special vehicles and weapons to enable a retention of anything like the same style, but I'll withhold judgement until I've actually played it.

The passage in the second to last paragraph about the gameplay indoors being similar to W:ET makes me think it's definitely not impossible that ET:QW could be great, though.
heard its been tested.. by clans in 6v6 already and works v.well - vehiceles removed via server cvar and quakewars tv integrated
Because of the focused frontlines it plays VERY well in 6vs6 mode.

And you can not complete a map without footsoldiers.

Has there been ANY news about when it will be published?
Not since the preview movie that said "2006". They did say it's been delayed, but no new date.
looking forward to play a demo...saying the game is just like bf is the same bullshit as expecting rtcw 2 to be a sequel of rtcw and W:ET featuring the exactly same gameplay.
biggest , unrealistical shit ever
yeah, people should stick to realisic games, like Enemy Territory! ¬_¬
yeah man I also hate games that are not realistic and were u die after one shot in ur head :D
Command and Conquer Tiberian Wars > ET Quake Wars
Looks good to me, wish you faggots would actually try giving the game a go before you brush it off as battlefield shit first though :)
WW II Theme > Future Shit
| this MAN for president!
I'd like to point out for the record that vehicle deployment can be controlled by mappers, and I seem to remember some mention of cvar controlled vehicle deployment. Scripters like myslef will be wasting no time mastering the new scripting and tweaking the maps to utter fragging perfection.

And to all the doubters, I promise that this game will be some serious ownage...
Why wont you?
IT'S GONNA FKING ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol, i see a lot of comments based on nothing at all.

I played the game in an early alpha version and i can tell you it's beyond great. Even in that stage it was even better then BF2.

The only comparisasion to BF series is the big (outside) open spaces. The only comparisasion to Quake is the story line.

This game is Enemy Territory 2 in all aspects

It is by far not ET2 in all aspects.

Exhibit A. The vehicles

I rest my case.

btw, i do think this game will rock.
So Stewie the fact that there are vehicles in it means that it is not an Evolved Enemy Territory?

W:ET had vehicles as well although they were scripted. In ETQW you can control them but the essence of the ET gameplay remains...OBJECTIVES :)
An Evolved Enemy Territory is not Enemy Territory 2 in all aspects. In my opinion it would be just better graphics (that can evolve) but gameplay stays the same. Much like COD and COD2. Wether or not the gameplay remains the same, is yet to be seen.
does it have pronedelay?
XP save!
If you played the game already in alpha stadium can you tell something more about the 'vehicles'. Will they have a big impact on gameplay or not? In bf footsoldiers are not that important and that makes it imo not very fun ...
You can not win a round without footsoldiers. Eventualy you have to do the old fashion soldier thing and get out of your little tank to get to the objectives. Vehicles are also not that strong so they can be destroyed by footsoldiers also.

Balancing is the highest priority of Splash Damage. I am very confident that this will be the best balanced game ever.

Now I am curious and eager to see a demo ;)
you dont know anything about bf if you say footsoldiers are not important. Only 3 out of 8 drive a vehicle all the time rest have to cap flags and more importantly keep the vehciles alive.
Where did i say that footsoldiers are not important in BF2?

I played BF2 a lot but it will never ever beat the ET gameplay as found in both W:ET and ET:QW and hopefully also in RTCW2 bit that's developed by Raven.
I want meds healing themselves like in jaymod or shrubmod or smthg...
bf für arme
Given enough tweaking options the community will make it look like Quake 1.
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