Mystic's return

image: eurocup What does ClanBase got for us on monday? They got two great EuroCup games coming up. We are starting with Sweden noll8 vs Finland sFx-Monkeys and later on there will be Finland sFx-Murso vs Poland Fear-Factory. This will be a great evening with two great games.

The first game will be between noll8 and sFx-Monkeys. The artists formerly known as Abnormal Monkeys (now sFx) are set to light up the EuroCup stage tonight with an all scandinavian battle against former RTCW legends noll8. Tonights match is the first of a brilliant ET double header and will see the return of half of the EuroCup winning Parodia side sat next to some of Finlands greatest talents.

The talk of the town has been all about the return of mystic and fans of the flying finn wont be disapointed as tonight. After not showing up he's back in all his glory tonight, but more there are far greater things at stake tonight. Tonight's game is one on paper sFx-Monkeys are favourites to win, but with this being their first look at competitive action and combined with the random element of Adlernest the match is a crucial test against a well practiced noll8 unit.

Group D may well be this years group of death meaning every win and every map win is crucial to the outcome of the season and with it both sides will be looking to inflict as much damage prior to matches against high flying Germany Highbot(<<) and Germany Team-Helix. Look to adlernest in round one of the matches this season to potentially being a pivitol moment in the entire season should the group be as close as expected.

[img|left][/img] image: am
Sweden noll8 versus sFx-Monkeys Finland
Time 21.00 CET
Admin Netherlands bullvox
Sweden noll8: Blaze, Eddie, Gjerry, Kris, Keran and Sexyhot
Finland sFx-Monkeys: Tiigeri, Jauhis, Xpaz, et1, Mystic and Torspo
[img|left][/img] image: adlernestsk9

Here are two short interviews with
:: o8`Blaze]
What do you think about the game against a-monkeys?
A-Monkeys is a strong team with great players. But we are well prepared and i am confident that we can beat them. Well anyway i think it will be a great game to watch xD

Some of your players are playing in the NC too. Is this a problem for the team?
Well it happend a couple of times that we lost a "potential praccing hour" here and there. But it have not been a major problem

Who is the player you fear the most in A-monkeys?
I would have to say Tiigeri he is so handsome that he might seduce me in the middle of the match xD

Group D is considered as the group of death by the community do you think the same about it
Well to be honest i dont. I would say group B is the hardest to pass. But i think the groups are very well made, nice worke admins xD

Whats the team you fear the most in your group?
I believe we stand a solid chance against every team in our group. By the way what is this F.E.A.R? that doesnt exist in noll8 xD

:: sFx-Monkeys|Jauhis]
What do you think about the game against noll8?
I don't know much about o8, but they have eddie so they have to be good! I hope that it'll be an exciting and tight match though we are still a little rusty.

Noone from your team is playing in the NC besides Tiigeri thats backup for Team Finland is that an advantage for you guys compared to some other teams that got some players playing in the NC?
Nah i don't think so. I think that most of the guys who play EC put their own team first and play NC matches only when they have time. Of course sometimes they won't be able to prac if their NC team has official but i don't see it being a big advantage to us.

The whole community is expecting that you guys can give a good fight against idle. Do you got the feeling after the weeks (tell me im wrong if it are days/months) your praccing again that you can give idle a good fight?
Actually we haven't played that much because saintt is playing too much WoW :( and we had to recruit Et1. Also when we were just getting used to 5on5, they changed it back (i like 6on6 more). Of course i think we can play tight games with idle, but first we'll have to concentrate on the group phase.

The group your in in considered as the group of death. Do you got the feeling to that your in the group of death?
Not really. I haven't followed the scene that much lately, so i don't know much about the new teams. We'll just go match by match forward and try to improve.

Who do you fear the most from noll8?
Eddie of course! His 4-man rifle kills in the past have convinced me :).

Whats the team you fear the most in your group?
Someone asked me the same question earlier and it's kinda hard to answer that one, because i don't know much about rewind and o8. Helix is a pretty good team though from what i've seen, but we'll just try to concentrate on one match at time.

The idea of a "comeback" was that made because of the change from ClanBase to 5v5?
No, though it was easier to find players at first because we wanted to be finnish only. We just thought with Xpaz that it would be cool to play some again and this is the outcome.

A lot of people are wondering about it. Did Raveneye never had the motivation to come back again?
No he didn't, he's busy with Q4 :/.

What are the goals for this team? Are they going for EC and CPC2 only or will it be for a longer time?
The first goal is definently EC, after that i'm not sure of. I can't say much about CPC2 except that i wish we'll get a team there.

Sweden rat : I think my former teammates in o8 will have a tough time vs sFx-Monkeys, even if o8 has a lot of potential and induvidual skill we always had a bit of problems in the teamplay department, and with roster changes and i doubt thats changed in 1 week with this new lineup but who knows, will be a good game tho thats for sure, ppl think sFx-Monkeys is all mystic but their entire team is pure quality i for one is very impressed with torspo, tiigeri is one of the best rifles no doubt, xpaz jauhis we all know are very good, and et1 is a bit unknown but is a solid medic from old #stfu? squad, i hold sFx-Monkeys as the #1 challenger for idle this season.

Netherlands Joop : Though I've never seen sFx-Monkeys play I'm sure they will take it with 4-0 since they got half parodia and a few other great players and I don't think noll8 will have any chance against them.

Spain dr3am : i dont want to understimate noll8, but i think sFx-Monkeys is the team who is going to take this game, maybe a bit overrated team since mystic came back, but everyone knows where the most of the sFx-Monkeys line-up played before. So 4-0 win for sFx-Monkeys.

Germany ohzor4 : Well, o8 vs sFx-Monkeys will be a 4:2 for o8. Noone can deny, that amonkeys avarage aim is outstanding, nevertheless i saw a big lack of teamplay during the last pracc we played vs them. On the other hand there is o8, a team playing together for some months. Teamplay > Aim, so this will be a 4:2 for o8.

England Sheep : sFx-Monkeys have a lot to prove, lots of people will be hoping for a "parodia-like" performance and i think the players have enoguh experience to deliver under those circumstances... 4-0 for sFx-Monkeys... i just feel they are stronger individually and as a team

United Kingdom Ste : I expect a nice game between no||8 and a-monkeys. I can see the game being pretty close at the start but when a-monkeys find there feet they will come out of the game 4-0 winners due to the experience of there players.

The other game will be between Finland sFx-Murso and Poland Fear-Factory. They are playing in group C with Estonia and Finland Incomplete. This is not the first game of this group did play against Incomplete. did take the win. In this group is the clear number one for everyone so this game is important. The clan thats losing this game is having a small chance to go to the playoffs. Winning is a must for both teams and im expecting a close game with hopefully some great moments.

[img|left][/img] image: ff
Finland sFx-Murso versus Fear-Factory Poland
Time 21.00 CET
Admin Belgium Bartichello
Finland sFx-Murso: Twidi, lettu, Hessu, Cadein, Mikza and Rauzki
Poland Fear Factory: Wiesiek, S4rna, r1co, krisek, Wrobel and Thoro or z3ro
[img|left][/img] image: adlernestsk9

Statemente from both teams

Finland sFx`m|twidi
QuoteI expect a tight game against FF. We've been preparing well for this game and I think that we got our chances to win it. About FF's current shape I'm not sure, but atleast on PGA they did a great job. Let's see who'll manage to turn this game out for their advantage.

Poland FF|Thoro
QuoteRecently we were playing 5v5 only because we had PGA, so we’re not on our best playing the 6v6 games. We’re making new tactics and trying a new playing style with a new player. So we’re not on our normal level at the moment. However We will fight hard to take the win tomorrow. Murso is a clan with good and skilled players. It will be a tight and exciting match thats for sure.

Sweden rat : FF vs murso: murso is a good team, with quality players from the old sFxEVIL squad but i doubt they will stand a chance against FF whos got a great mixture of good aimers and spammers, murso will haveto win lotto adlernest and force a decider in my opinion, because i cant see how they will beat this experianced polish side on sw_gr.

Germany bigmassa : In this group idle is clear No 1 so all this gonna be a little final game to the begin. Both clans have to win to get a good chance for the second spot. So expect a nice and close game imo, where i see FF a bit better. They are performing quite good for some time now and will win it after a decider i guess. So 4-2 win for FF.

Netherlands aeq : As for FF - Murso. If FF can play the way they have played at the PGA I think they have a fair chance, but murso is not a clan to be underestimated, they have some good players. So this will be a closer game, but i think it will be 4-2 for FF.

Germany ohzor4 : FearFactory will take this one. The team consists for a long time and contains the best players of poland. Murso suprised many people during the last weeks, so there might be a little chance that they will suprise again, but i guess, FF is too experienced to give murso any chance.

United Kingdom Ste : Both FF and murso have very strong lineups, however I feel that FF has the experience and teamplay to carry them forward over this obstacle. I think the game will be close and edgy, but with a victory to the FF lads with a predictive score 4-2.

Thanks to Team Modus Operandi for the map images.
thx to tosspot to let me use a part of his old newpost.
keran versus mystic. Let's see who'll be superior.
mystic will camp him out
keran better aimer i think
great newspost, good luck sFx.. both teams :D
it is ze "xD" blaze
4-0 FF
4-0 a-monkeys
FF vs Murso i dunno ...
4-0 FF but GL murso
great post but lol @ the title
had to do smtg;p
bullvox from post to post is getting better
Very nice post.
<3 voxjeuh
Nice post, gl hf blaze mega mate !

And ofc best of luck to my polish loverboys <3
3 of 4 answers were with 'xD'

its a book, not article :p statue for this man pls
Lol I was convinced that raveneye was playing in murso under the name rauzki >_<
Finland mystic !!! xDDDDDD
keran 4:0 bash
very nice coverage, need more like this.

2 thumbs up
nice read bull keep going

these newsposts let the site looking like there is content and not only spam
nice arcor webspace bullvox...
o8 4:0 a-monkeys

FF 4:0 murso

jajaja da hilft auch kein glueck mehr, wenn du das schon wieder alles vorher weisst
not even a interview with mystic :[
Ste is from UK:
Quote by ste Ste : I expect a nice game between no||8 and a-monkeys. I can see the game being pretty close at the start but when a-monkeys find there feet they will come out of the game 4-0 winners due to the experience of there players.

There? Their!

gL to o8| and why is this named mystics return? he won't be as good as he was, or will he?
4-0 mystic wins...
4-0 noll8
4-0 FF

but GL to everyone
gl Finland murso !
dude bullvox people will start thinking we are friends or somthing :p
hf juuso
4-2 to a-monkeys

Hope it's close.
mystic just made my day
4-0 to mystic

image: 79cc

I'm your favorite ET-buddy-friend <3
Easy bash for mystic!
izi bash
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