sFx to take over Finnish ET

image: sfxbanner

Finland sFx Sextet

Finland Iratou - Ex: sFx Skit-Evil, Angeldust
Finland zta - Ex: Defix, Angeldust
Finland Slyfox - Ex: sFx Skit-Evil, Angeldust
Finland Redcross - Ex: Roistot, Team-Finland
Finland Sereg - Ex: Radiance, Euthanasia
Finland Nubiks - Ex: Das, Euthanasia
Finland jDoe - Ex: Engine, Demiurge

Name Derivation:
A Sextet is a formation containing exactly six members. It is commonly associated with musical groups, but can be applied to any situation where six similar or related objects are considered a single unit.

The sFx management team would like to welcome its 3rd and final ET squad to the organisation, Finland sFx Sextet. Despite many assuming we are taking over the finnish ET scene thats not the case =) The squad will initially compete in Opencup being placed in Division 3 [lol] but we are hoping to get this changed. The team has already had some impressive results in practice beating many Premier league sides and drawing against some Eurocup squads.

England eVo
Quote Initially sFx had no intention to add a 3rd squad to the organisation however when i was contacted by Finland Iratou i put the wheels in motion to make sure this could happen. As with the other 2 sFx squads i know some of these players from their time in Finland sFx Skit Evil and they have always represented sFx impeccably and that is why i had no hesitation in bringing them into the organisation.The players have always been very loyal to sFx during their SKIT EVIL days and so i will always be loyal to them and support them in whatever way i can. Please join me in wishing this squad well.

Finland Iratou
QuoteI wanted to have a finnish clan that can compete with most of the top clans, and so far it seems like that goal can be achieved.Finland Iratou,zta,Jdoe and Faisst where first and then two solid spammers from euthanasia (Nubiks as field op and Sereg as rifle) joined to complete the group. After some days of play slyfox was added from the merc position to the lineup. Jdoe and faisst have hard time to play as often as needed so one was still missing.
Finland Vauhti visited briefly but decided not to play on this level anymore. So back on the hunt for one last active player.
We heard some rumours about one legendary eurocup player who wanted to get back to action so Finland Redcross was asked to play, and after two days of getting to know us Redcross decides to join. The lineup complete we approaced England eVo whom we knew well from our Finland SKIT EVIL days and spoke to him regarding the team, its ambitions etc. Quickly we came to an agreement and sFx Sextet was complete.


In other news to any CSS or COD2 players Europe sFx is actively recruiting high skill, stable teams in these games. Msg sFx`eVo with your squad details, history etc.
omg Redcross legend back!!!
redcross > u
who's going to stop this sFx monopoly?
senseless Esports
sirkus multigayming
Nice eVo and iratou ! <3 suomipallos!
told you sFx needed more squads, suprising.

Anyways gl to Sereg & Nubiks
Great news but there's a long road ahead!
Wish you guys the best!
get that cookie!
go redcross!
hmm its kinda interesting to see how redcross plays nowadays
thx cheasy
respect that big S pls
uuh noboksiini nyt olet fame :)
2 weeks :>
gL SlyFox. :o)
wtf doet die sFx dat al die teams hun willen joinen ;o
top class support
ass kissing:D
gl.. i hope its +2 weeks =)
n1 GL redcross!
omg redcross!!! i'm your biggest fan <3<3 gl imo, and get theeta back to the scene
Wrong!! I'm the biggest Redcross fan!! :>
sry cheaSy
GL commando & iratou 8)
We need more teams consisting of people from the same country (seriously)
not high tbh
and where was it claimed that they were?
Please reform roistot Redcross :< Thx in advance :)
GL iratou and the rest
the "omg the 2.6 etpatch sux so fucking hard we lag on it, join my channel and support me" redcross?
redcross , our hero :D good luck
need eesteri to come back, best player to watch imo
image: 95_841165506281

must be a joke
the loading time on this picture is a joke.. get a decent host
they are 7

>< sextet
Gl Sextet & sFx..
were the hell is that pic loading from. Mars ?
think its loading at 1byte / minute
LoL. After five and a half minutes of patiently waiting for something incredible ist finaly loaded :o . GG stupid picture
1byte speed indeed ;)
QuoteA Sextet is a formation containing exactly six members.
last time i checked this game was currently 6v6?
it doesnt say anything about 6on6 formation more about how many people there are in the line-up imo
WoW thats great thx 4 sharing HERO <3
btw jij hebt vast geld verloren op cdap vs 141 ;) n00b
I`ve never heard of any of this dudes, except Redcross...
gl Redcross!
Redcross can still play with pronedelay ?
redcross :OOO
redcross :OOO
if redcross gonna play active he might get theeta back too... i hope this works out for redcross gl all
nice to see all the redcross fans lol

but when i used to play roistot or dsky, it wasn't just 1 player making a difference, but their immense crossfire and teamwork.

gl th0
niet jaloers worden :D

gogo BuLL
jaloers? waar haal je die gedachte vandaan? en op wie?
je moet niet alles zo serieus nemen ;)
o rly, i thought redcross was playing alone in DSky, now tell me there's no santa and i will cry. :<
There's no santa.
i only know Iratou... others sounds oldskoolers
GL Nubiks
Redcross :)
2 weeks!
zeta gl mate!
Hehe you can't live without ET ! =D nice try hehe :)
wb redcross
gl guys o//
gl iratou
gl sereg and nubiks <3
Looks like a nice team, plus Redcross is a great player.

Bring back Juhan too!
juhan was a cock just like torspo is now ;x
what is the point of that picture?
Belgian ISPs sux, that's the point :D
me @ pwningmode?!? -,-
yea, cool picture, but you mmf guys kicked us ot of server cuz you got so owned. Before making any nonsense again plz get skilled you fagz.
you must be pro then ...
No, their just mid skilled with big egos.
so with a good ego you can win from sfx? thxs 4 your advice
<3 Redcross
holy shit.. redcross, mystic, potter, darky
all back in action
dude im getting nostalgic =)
i want Dignitas back! <3 darkie
+ raveneye (he plays with kkp @ oc div. 2) =)
he did last season in oc premier with kkp as well
stfu random nuub and cheater asshole
maybe theyre not good on grush :o
+rapture jaDe
and yea some ppl are coming back :D
sow many returns... where ffs is RaZiel ?:>
Can i get gunslingers back :( ? Anyway gl, nice to see oltimers return!
gl guys :)
GL Nubiks <3
We need Finland SFX.Incomplete!
redcross oldschool hero !
All these Redcrossfans :O

I was more of kotkis and Theeta fan :P
Juhan was the shit tbh
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